blob: dc070813948c1a4963c1e09ea634a26a1d79c5e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! A TEE application life-cycle manager.
use std::env;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader};
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::path::Path;
use std::result::Result as StdResult;
use std::string::String;
use std::thread::spawn;
use sirenia::build_info::BUILD_TIMESTAMP;
use sirenia::cli::initialize_common_arguments;
use sirenia::communication::{self, get_app_path, read_message, write_message, Request, Response};
use sirenia::linux::events::EventMultiplexer;
use sirenia::linux::syslog::Syslog;
use sirenia::sandbox::{self, Sandbox};
use sirenia::to_sys_util;
use sirenia::transport::{
IPServerTransport, ServerTransport, Transport, TransportRead, TransportType, TransportWrite,
use sys_util::{self, error, info, pipe, syslog};
pub enum Error {
/// Error initializing the syslog.
/// Error opening a pipe.
/// Error Creating a new sandbox.
/// Error starting up a sandbox.
/// Error getting the path for an app id.
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::Error::*;
match self {
InitSyslog(e) => write!(f, "failed to initialize the syslog: {}", e),
OpenPipe(e) => write!(f, "failed to open pipe: {}", e),
NewSandbox(e) => write!(f, "failed to create new sandbox: {}", e),
RunSandbox(e) => write!(f, "failed to start up sandbox: {}", e),
AppIdPathError(e) => write!(f, "failed to get path for the app id: {}", e),
/// The result of an operation in this crate.
pub type Result<T> = StdResult<T, Error>;
// TODO: Should these be macros? What is the advantage of macros?
fn log_error(w: &mut Box<dyn TransportWrite>, s: String) {
error!("{}", &s);
let err = write_message(w, Response::LogError(format!("Trichechus error: {}", s)));
if let Err(e) = err {
error!("{}", e)
fn log_info(w: &mut Box<dyn TransportWrite>, s: String) {
info!("{}", &s);
let err = write_message(w, Response::LogInfo(format!("Trichechus info: {}", s)));
if let Err(e) = err {
error!("{}", e)
// TODO: Figure out how to clean up TEEs that are no longer in use
// TODO: Figure out rate limiting and prevention against DOS attacks
// TODO: What happens if dugong crashes? How do we want to handle
fn main() -> Result<()> {
if !Syslog::is_syslog_present() {
eprintln!("creating syslog");
let listener = Syslog::new().unwrap();
spawn(move || {
let mut ctx = EventMultiplexer::new().unwrap();
while !ctx.is_empty() {
if let Err(e) = ctx.run_once() {
eprintln!("{}", e);
} else {
eprintln!("syslog exists");
if let Err(e) = syslog::init() {
eprintln!("failed to initialize syslog: {}", e);
return Err(Error::InitSyslog(e));
info!("Starting trichechus: {}", BUILD_TIMESTAMP);
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let config = initialize_common_arguments(&args[1..]).unwrap();
// This is safe because no additional file descriptors have been opened.
let ret = unsafe { to_sys_util::fork() }.unwrap();
if ret != 0 {
// The parent process collects the return codes from the child processes, so they do not
// remain zombies.
while to_sys_util::wait_for_child() {}
println!("Reaper done!");
return Ok(());
// Unblock signals for the process that spawns the children. It might make sense to fork
// again here for each child to avoid them blocking each other.
let mut transport: Box<dyn ServerTransport> = match config.connection_type {
TransportType::IpConnection(url) => Box::new(IPServerTransport::new(&url).unwrap()),
TransportType::VsockConnection(url) => Box::new(VsockServerTransport::new(&url).unwrap()),
_ => panic!("unexpected connection type"),
// Handle parent dugong connection.
info!("Waiting for connection");
if let Ok(Transport {
mut r,
mut w,
id: _,
}) = transport.accept()
log_info(&mut w, "Accepted connection".to_string());
loop {
match read_message(&mut r) {
Ok(message) => handle_message(&mut w, message, &mut transport),
Err(e) => log_error(&mut w, e.to_string()),
// Handles an incoming message from dugong. TODO: Is it fine that this takes
// in a Request, while read_message only guarantees returning something that
// implements the Deserialize trait
fn handle_message(
mut w: &mut Box<dyn TransportWrite>,
message: Request,
mut transport: &mut Box<dyn ServerTransport>,
) {
if let Request::StartSession(app_info) = message {
&mut w,
"Received start session message with app_id: {}",
start_tee_app(&mut w, &app_info.app_id, &mut transport);
// Starts up the TEE application that was requested from Dugong and sends a
// message back to dugong to connect a new socket to communcate with the TEE.
fn start_tee_app(
mut w: &mut Box<dyn TransportWrite>,
process: &str,
transport: &mut Box<dyn ServerTransport>,
) {
if let Err(e) = write_message(&mut w, Response::StartConnection) {
log_error(&mut w, e.to_string());
// TODO: Timeout and retry accept and check port number
let mut tee = transport.accept().unwrap();
// TODO: Eventually will need to spawn this in a separate process, but the
// output of the tee will have to be written somewhere else first, otherwise
// the main trichechus process and the tee process will both have mutable
// borrows of the write end of the tee process.
match start_tee_app_spawn(&mut w, &process, &mut tee.r, &mut tee.w) {
Ok(_) => (),
Err(e) => log_error(w, e.to_string()),
fn start_tee_app_spawn(
mut w: &mut Box<dyn TransportWrite>,
process: &str,
tee_r: &mut Box<dyn TransportRead>,
tee_w: &mut Box<dyn TransportWrite>,
) -> Result<()> {
let (pipe_r, pipe_w) = pipe(false).map_err(Error::OpenPipe)?;
let mut sandbox = Sandbox::new(None).map_err(Error::NewSandbox)?;
let process_path = get_app_path(process).map_err(Error::AppIdPathError)?;
let mut reader = BufReader::new(pipe_r);
log_info(&mut w, "Started shell\n".to_string());
loop {
let mut s = String::new();
let bytes_read = reader.read_line(&mut s).unwrap();
if bytes_read == 0 {
log_info(&mut w, s);
let result = sandbox.wait_for_completion();
if result.is_err() {
log_error(w, format!("Got error code: {:?}", result));