blob: 3026940a10bae93ee4d63a3992cfde5af79ae36e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! The broker daemon that supports Trichecus from within the Chrome OS guest machine.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::env;
use std::fmt::{self, Debug, Display};
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::thread::spawn;
use std::time::Duration;
use dbus::arg::OwnedFd;
use dbus::blocking::LocalConnection;
use dbus::tree::{self, Interface, MTFn};
use sys_util::{error, info, syslog};
use libchromeos::vsock::VMADDR_PORT_ANY;
use libsirenia::communication::{read_message, write_message};
use libsirenia::transport::{
self, ClientTransport, IPClientTransport, Transport, TransportRead, TransportType,
TransportWrite, VsockClientTransport, DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT,
use sirenia::build_info::BUILD_TIMESTAMP;
use sirenia::cli::initialize_common_arguments;
use sirenia::communication::{AppInfo, Request, Response};
use sirenia::server::{org_chromium_mana_teeinterface_server, OrgChromiumManaTEEInterface};
pub enum Error {
/// Failed to start D-Bus connection.
/// Error registering D-Bus connection
/// Error processing a D-Bus message.
/// Failed to start up the syslog.
/// Failed to connect to the socket
impl Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
use self::Error::*;
match self {
ConnectionRequest(e) => write!(f, "failed to open D-Bus connection: {}", e),
DbusRegister(e) => write!(f, "failed to register D-Bus handler: {}", e),
ProcessMessage(e) => write!(f, "failed to process the D-Bus message: {}", e),
SysLog(e) => write!(f, "failed to start up the syslog: {}", e),
TransportConnection(e) => write!(f, "failed to connect to socket: {}", e),
/// The result of an operation in this crate.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, Error>;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default, Debug)]
struct TData;
impl tree::DataType for TData {
type Tree = ();
type ObjectPath = Rc<DugongDevice>;
type Property = ();
type Interface = ();
type Method = ();
type Signal = ();
// TODO: May need to add more state at some point.
struct DugongDevice {
w: RefCell<Box<dyn TransportWrite>>,
transport_type: TransportType,
impl OrgChromiumManaTEEInterface for DugongDevice {
fn start_teeapplication(
app_id: &str,
) -> std::result::Result<(i32, (OwnedFd, OwnedFd)), tree::MethodErr> {
info!("Got request to start up: {}", app_id);
let fds = request_start_tee_app(self, app_id);
match fds {
Ok(fds) => Ok((0, fds)),
Err(e) => Err(tree::MethodErr::failed(&e)),
fn request_start_tee_app(device: &DugongDevice, app_id: &str) -> Result<(OwnedFd, OwnedFd)> {
// TODO: Need to bind to the new port to prevent other processes from using
// it, but need to add the option to bind to an ephemeral port in vsock
let app_info = AppInfo {
app_id: String::from(app_id),
port_number: 0, // TODO: Will use this later
match write_message(&mut *device.w.borrow_mut(), Request::StartSession(app_info)) {
Ok(()) => (),
Err(e) => error!("Error writing: {}", e),
let mut transport = open_connection(&device.transport_type, None);
match transport.connect() {
Ok(Transport { r, w, id: _ }) => unsafe {
// This is safe because into_raw_fd transfers the ownership to OwnedFd.
Ok((OwnedFd::new(r.into_raw_fd()), OwnedFd::new(w.into_raw_fd())))
Err(err) => Err(Error::TransportConnection(err)),
pub fn start_dbus_handler(w: Box<dyn TransportWrite>, transport_type: TransportType) -> Result<()> {
let c = LocalConnection::new_system().map_err(Error::ConnectionRequest)?;
false, /*allow_replacement*/
false, /*replace_existing*/
false, /*do_not_queue*/
let f = tree::Factory::new_fn();
let interface: Interface<MTFn<TData>, TData> =
org_chromium_mana_teeinterface_server(&f, (), |m| {
let a: &Rc<DugongDevice> = m.path.get_data();
let b: &DugongDevice = &a;
let tree = f.tree(()).add(
Rc::new(DugongDevice {
w: RefCell::new(w),
info!("Finished dbus setup, starting handler.");
loop {
fn main() -> Result<()> {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let config = initialize_common_arguments(&args[1..]).unwrap();
let transport_type = config.connection_type;
if let Err(e) = syslog::init() {
eprintln!("failed to initialize syslog: {}", e);
return Err(e).map_err(Error::SysLog);
info!("Starting dugong: {}", BUILD_TIMESTAMP);
info!("Opening connection to trichechus");
let mut transport = open_connection(&transport_type, Some(DEFAULT_CLIENT_PORT));
if let Ok(Transport { r, w, id: _ }) = transport.connect() {
info!("Starting rpc");
start_rpc(transport_type, r, w);
} else {
error!("transport connect failed");
// TODO: If it gets here is something screwed up?
fn open_connection(connection_type: &TransportType, port: Option<u32>) -> Box<dyn ClientTransport> {
match connection_type {
TransportType::IpConnection(url) => {
Box::new(IPClientTransport::new(&url, port.unwrap_or(0) as u16).unwrap())
TransportType::VsockConnection(url) => {
Box::new(VsockClientTransport::new(&url, port.unwrap_or(VMADDR_PORT_ANY)).unwrap())
_ => panic!("unexpected connection type"),
fn start_rpc(transport_type: TransportType, r: Box<dyn TransportRead>, w: Box<dyn TransportWrite>) {
info!("Opening connection to trichechus");
// Right now just send the message to start up the shell and print and log
// responses from trichechus
let logger_child = spawn(move || {
info!("starting logger");
let dbus_child = spawn(move || {
info!("starting dbus handler");
start_dbus_handler(w, transport_type).unwrap();
// TODO: What happens if these joins finish? These should be running
// forever. How do we recover?
fn start_logger(mut r: Box<dyn TransportRead>) {
loop {
let message = read_message(&mut r).unwrap();
match message {
Response::LogInfo(s) => {
info!("{}", s);
println!("{}", s);
Response::LogError(s) => {
error!("{}", s);
println!("{}", s);