blob: 9132dc62e55aab1da0f2deb4533ed9d9945abdb7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
description "Authpolicy daemon"
author ""
# The service is started by Chrome via UpstartClient::StartAuthPolicyService().
stop on stopping ui
pre-start script
# Create a folder on encstateful where krb5_machine.keytab and config.dat are
# going to live. The group x access is required by the authpolicyd-exec user
# to access the keytab. config.dat is a private file of authpolicyd. All other
# files are written to /tmp which is created fresh for each authpolicyd
# invocation. (see -t option).
mkdir -m 0710 -p "${AUTHPOLICY_LIB_DIR}"
chown -R authpolicyd:authpolicyd "${AUTHPOLICY_LIB_DIR}"
# Create a folder in /run where the flags default level is stored. Files in
# /run are wiped on reboot, so that logging is reset on reboot and not
# permanently persisted for privacy and security reasons.
mkdir -m 0700 -p "${AUTHPOLICY_RUN_DIR}"
chown -R authpolicyd:authpolicyd "${AUTHPOLICY_RUN_DIR}"
end script
# Minijail actually forks off the desired process.
expect fork
# -i makes sure minijail0 exits right away and won't block upstart.
# -p creates PID namespace (process won't see any other processes).
# -l creates IPC namespace (isolates System V IPC objects/POSIX message queues).
# -r remounts /proc read-only (prevents any messing with it).
# -v enters new mount namespace, allows to change mounts inside jail.
# -t creates new, empty tmp directory (technically, mounts tmpfs).
# -n prevents that execve gains privileges, required for seccomp filters.
# -c 180 sets the CAP_SETPCAP and CAP_SETUID capabilities to drop capabilities
# from the bounding set resp. to change user (we switch to authpolicyd-exec
# internally when running Samba code or parsing data).
# -P creates a pivot_root at the target folder.
# -b /,/ mounts dev/root read-only.
# -b /run,/run and -b /var,/var mount read-only, required for D-Bus.
# -b /dev,/dev and -b /sys,/sys are required for net ads join to work.
# -b /var/lib/authpolicyd,/tmp/var_lib_authpolicyd,1 mounts read-write to store
# authpolicyd state.
# -b /var/lib/metrics,/var/lib/metrics,1 mounts read-write to store UMA metrics.
# -u authpolicyd changes user.
# -g authpolicyd changes group.
# -e is not specified because the service needs to connect to an AD server to
# join a domain, authenticate users and fetch user and device policies.
exec minijail0 -i -p -l -r -v -t -n -c 180 -P /tmp/authpolicyd_chroot -b /,/ \
-b /dev,/dev -b /sys,/sys -b /run,/run -b /var,/var \
-b /run/authpolicyd,/run/authpolicyd,1 \
-b /var/lib/authpolicyd,/var/lib/authpolicyd,1 \
-b /var/lib/metrics,/var/lib/metrics,1 \
-u authpolicyd -g authpolicyd \
# - Run without exec
# - Remove -t (so test code can read files form there), and add -b /tmp,/tmp,1
# Wait for daemon to claim its D-Bus name before transitioning to started.
post-start exec minijail0 -u authpolicyd -g authpolicyd /usr/bin/gdbus \
wait --system --timeout 15 org.chromium.AuthPolicy