blob: 4eaee365050324511cf45e91e6482ea839e3efaa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm_tools/concierge/arc_vm.h"
#include <utility>
#include <arc/network/guest_events.h>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/sys_info.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include "vm_tools/common/constants.h"
#include "vm_tools/concierge/tap_device_builder.h"
#include "vm_tools/concierge/vm_util.h"
using std::string;
namespace vm_tools {
namespace concierge {
namespace {
// Name of the control socket used for controlling crosvm.
constexpr char kCrosvmSocket[] = "arcvm.sock";
// Path to the wayland socket.
constexpr char kWaylandSocket[] = "/run/chrome/wayland-0";
// How long to wait before timing out on child process exits.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kChildExitTimeout = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10);
// Offset in a subnet of the gateway/host.
constexpr size_t kHostAddressOffset = 0;
// Offset in a subnet of the client/guest.
constexpr size_t kGuestAddressOffset = 1;
// The CPU cgroup where all the ARCVM's crosvm processes should belong to.
constexpr char kArcvmCpuCgroup[] = "/sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/vms/arc";
// Returns the maximum number of logical CPU cores crosvm can use.
// TODO(yusukes): Move the logic to Chromium. See b/139752657#comment3
int NumberOfProcessorsAvailable() {
#if defined(__x86_64__)
long res = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN); // NOLINT(runtime/int)
CHECK_NE(-1L, res);
return static_cast<int>(res);
return base::SysInfo::NumberOfProcessors();
} // namespace
ArcVm::ArcVm(arc_networkd::MacAddress mac_addr,
std::unique_ptr<arc_networkd::Subnet> subnet,
uint32_t vsock_cid,
std::unique_ptr<SeneschalServerProxy> seneschal_server_proxy,
base::FilePath runtime_dir,
ArcVmFeatures features)
: mac_addr_(std::move(mac_addr)),
features_(features) {
// Take ownership of the runtime directory.
ArcVm::~ArcVm() {
std::unique_ptr<ArcVm> ArcVm::Create(
base::FilePath kernel,
base::FilePath rootfs,
base::FilePath fstab,
std::vector<ArcVm::Disk> disks,
arc_networkd::MacAddress mac_addr,
std::unique_ptr<arc_networkd::Subnet> subnet,
uint32_t vsock_cid,
std::unique_ptr<SeneschalServerProxy> seneschal_server_proxy,
base::FilePath runtime_dir,
ArcVmFeatures features,
std::vector<string> params) {
auto vm = base::WrapUnique(new ArcVm(
std::move(mac_addr), std::move(subnet), vsock_cid,
std::move(seneschal_server_proxy), std::move(runtime_dir), features));
if (!vm->Start(std::move(kernel), std::move(rootfs), std::move(fstab),
std::move(disks), std::move(params))) {
return vm;
std::string ArcVm::GetVmSocketPath() const {
return runtime_dir_.GetPath().Append(kCrosvmSocket).value();
bool ArcVm::Start(base::FilePath kernel,
base::FilePath rootfs,
base::FilePath fstab,
std::vector<ArcVm::Disk> disks,
std::vector<string> params) {
// Set up the tap device.
base::ScopedFD tap_fd =
BuildTapDevice(mac_addr_, GatewayAddress(), Netmask(), true /*vnet_hdr*/);
if (!tap_fd.is_valid()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to build and configure TAP device";
return false;
// Build up the process arguments.
// clang-format off
std::vector<string> args = {
kCrosvmBin, "run",
"--cpus", std::to_string(NumberOfProcessorsAvailable()),
"--mem", GetVmMemoryMiB(),
"--disk", rootfs.value(),
"--tap-fd", std::to_string(tap_fd.get()),
"--cid", std::to_string(vsock_cid_),
"--socket", GetVmSocketPath(),
"--wayland-sock", kWaylandSocket,
"--serial", "type=syslog,num=1",
"--syslog-tag", base::StringPrintf("ARCVM(%u)", vsock_cid_),
"--android-fstab", fstab.value(),
"--params", base::JoinString(params, " "),
// clang-format on
if (features_.gpu)
// Add any extra disks.
for (const auto& disk : disks) {
if (disk.writable) {
} else {
// Finally list the path to the kernel.
// Put everything into the brillo::ProcessImpl.
for (string& arg : args) {
// Change the process group before exec so that crosvm sending SIGKILL to the
// whole process group doesn't kill us as well. The function also changes the
// cpu cgroup for ARCVM's crosvm processes.
&SetUpCrosvmProcess, base::FilePath(kArcvmCpuCgroup).Append("tasks")));
if (!process_.Start()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to start VM process";
return false;
// Notify arc-networkd that ARCVM is up.
if (!arc_networkd::NotifyArcVmStart(vsock_cid_)) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to notify networking services";
// TODO(yusukes|cmtm): Create a stub for talking to Android init inside the
// VM.
return true;
bool ArcVm::Shutdown() {
// Notify arc-networkd that ARCVM is down.
if (!arc_networkd::NotifyArcVmStop()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to notify networking services";
// Do a sanity check here to make sure the process is still around. It may
// have crashed and we don't want to be waiting around for an RPC response
// that's never going to come. kill with a signal value of 0 is explicitly
// documented as a way to check for the existence of a process.
if (!CheckProcessExists( {
// The process is already gone.
return true;
// TODO(yusukes|cmtm): Send SIGTERM to Android init so it gracefully shuts
// down the OS.
// Try to shut it down via the crosvm socket.
RunCrosvmCommand("stop", GetVmSocketPath());
// We can't actually trust the exit codes that crosvm gives us so just see if
// it exited.
if (WaitForChild(, kChildExitTimeout)) {
return true;
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to stop VM " << vsock_cid_ << " via crosvm socket";
// Kill the process with SIGTERM.
if (process_.Kill(SIGTERM, kChildExitTimeout.InSeconds())) {
return true;
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to kill VM " << vsock_cid_ << " with SIGTERM";
// Kill it with fire.
if (process_.Kill(SIGKILL, kChildExitTimeout.InSeconds())) {
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to kill VM " << vsock_cid_ << " with SIGKILL";
return false;
bool ArcVm::AttachUsbDevice(uint8_t bus,
uint8_t addr,
uint16_t vid,
uint16_t pid,
int fd,
UsbControlResponse* response) {
return vm_tools::concierge::AttachUsbDevice(GetVmSocketPath(), bus, addr, vid,
pid, fd, response);
bool ArcVm::DetachUsbDevice(uint8_t port, UsbControlResponse* response) {
return vm_tools::concierge::DetachUsbDevice(GetVmSocketPath(), port,
bool ArcVm::ListUsbDevice(std::vector<UsbDevice>* devices) {
return vm_tools::concierge::ListUsbDevice(GetVmSocketPath(), devices);
void ArcVm::HandleSuspendImminent() {
RunCrosvmCommand("suspend", GetVmSocketPath());
void ArcVm::HandleSuspendDone() {
RunCrosvmCommand("resume", GetVmSocketPath());
// static
bool ArcVm::SetVmCpuRestriction(CpuRestrictionState cpu_restriction_state) {
int cpu_shares = 1024;
switch (cpu_restriction_state) {
cpu_shares = 64;
return UpdateCpuShares(base::FilePath(kArcvmCpuCgroup), cpu_shares);
uint32_t ArcVm::GatewayAddress() const {
return subnet_->AddressAtOffset(kHostAddressOffset);
uint32_t ArcVm::IPv4Address() const {
return subnet_->AddressAtOffset(kGuestAddressOffset);
uint32_t ArcVm::Netmask() const {
return subnet_->Netmask();
VmInterface::Info ArcVm::GetInfo() {
VmInterface::Info info = {
.ipv4_address = IPv4Address(),
.pid = pid(),
.cid = cid(),
.seneschal_server_handle = seneschal_server_handle(),
.status = VmInterface::Status::RUNNING,
return info;
bool ArcVm::GetVmEnterpriseReportingInfo(
GetVmEnterpriseReportingInfoResponse* response) {
response->set_failure_reason("Not implemented");
return false;
} // namespace concierge
} // namespace vm_tools