blob: c61d07bbd06a66ad883778755db1d510984dc1f4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Intel Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
extern "C" {
#include <ia_css_psys_program_group_manifest.h>
#include <ia_css_psys_terminal_manifest.h>
#include <ia_css_program_group_data.h>
#include <ia_css_program_group_param.h>
#include <ia_css_psys_process_group.h>
#include <ia_css_psys_terminal.h>
#include <ia_css_terminal_types.h>
#include <ia_css_terminal_manifest_types.h>
#include <ia_css_psysapi_fw_version.h>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include "modules/sandboxing/client/IntelPGParam.h"
#include "modules/algowrapper/IntelPGParam.h"
#include "IspParamAdaptor.h"
#include "ShareReferBufferPool.h"
#include "BufferQueue.h"
#include "PGUtils.h"
#include "modules/ia_cipr/include/Buffer.h"
#include "modules/ia_cipr/include/Context.h"
#include "modules/ia_cipr/include/Event.h"
#include "modules/ia_cipr/include/Command.h"
namespace icamera {
typedef std::map<ia_uid, FrameInfo> TerminalFrameInfoMap;
typedef std::map<ia_uid, std::shared_ptr<CameraBuffer>> CameraBufferMap;
* \class PGCommon
* \brief This is a version PG implementation which is used to config and run PG.
* The call sequence as follows:
* 1. setShareReferPool() && init();
* 2. setInputInfo();setOutputInfo();
* 3. setDisabledTerminals();
* 4. prepare():
* configTerminalFormat();
* calcFragmentCount();
* handlePGParams();
* setKernelBitMap();
* setTerminalParams();
* allocatePGBuffer();
* setPGAndPrepareProgram();
* configureFragmentDesc();
* 5. loop frame: iterate():
* encodeTerminals();
* handleCmd();
* handleEvent();
* decode();
* 6. deInit();
class PGCommon {
static int getFrameSize(int format, int width, int height,
bool needAlignedHeight = false, bool needExtraSize = true, bool needCompression = false);
PGCommon(int pgId, const std::string& pgName, ia_uid terminalBaseUid = 0);
virtual ~PGCommon();
void setShareReferPool(std::shared_ptr<ShareReferBufferPool> referPool) { mShareReferPool = referPool; }
* allocate memory for some variables.
int init();
* recycle memory.
void deInit();
* set the input buffers info for terminals.
* use ia_fourcc
virtual void setInputInfo(const TerminalFrameInfoMap& inputInfos);
* set the output buffers info for terminals.
* use ia_fourcc
virtual void setOutputInfo(const TerminalFrameInfoMap& outputInfos);
* set the disabled terminals. Called before prepare()
virtual void setDisabledTerminals(const std::vector<ia_uid>& disabledTerminals);
* set routing bitmap. Called before prepare()
virtual void setRoutingBitmap(const void* rbm, uint32_t bytes);
* config the data terminals, init, config and prepare p2p, create process group.
virtual int prepare(IspParamAdaptor* adaptor, int streamId = -1);
* run p2p to encode the params terminals, execute the PG and run p2p to decode the statistic terminals.
virtual int iterate(CameraBufferMap &inBufs, CameraBufferMap &outBufs,
ia_binary_data *statistics, const ia_binary_data *ipuParameters);
const char* getName() { return mName.c_str(); }
int getCapability();
int getManifest(int pgId);
// PG parameters intialization, for prepare()
virtual int configTerminalFormat();
int initParamAdapt();
virtual int calcFragmentCount(int overlap = FRAGMENT_OVERLAP);
int handlePGParams(const ia_css_frame_format_type* frameFormatTypes);
int setKernelBitMap();
virtual int setTerminalParams(const ia_css_frame_format_type* frameFormatTypes);
virtual int configureFragmentDesc();
int configureTerminalFragmentDesc(int termIdx, const ia_p2p_fragment_desc* srcDesc);
ia_css_process_group_t* createPG(CIPR::Buffer** pgBuffer);
int createCommands();
int createCommand(CIPR::Buffer* pg, CIPR::Command** cmd, CIPR::Buffer** extBuffer, int bufCount);
void destoryCommands();
int preparePayloadBuffers();
int allocateTnrDataBuffers();
int allocateTnrSimBuffers();
// For iteration
virtual int prepareTerminalBuffers(const ia_binary_data *ipuParameters,
const CameraBufferMap& inBufs,
const CameraBufferMap& outBufs,
long sequence);
int executePG();
int startPPG();
int stopPPG();
int handleCmd(CIPR::Command** cmd, CIPR::PSysCommandConfig* cmdCfg);
void postTerminalBuffersDone(long sequence);
// Memory helper
CIPR::Buffer* createDMACiprBuffer(int size, int fd, bool flush = false);
CIPR::Buffer* createUserPtrCiprBuffer(int size, void* ptr = nullptr, bool flush = false);
void* getCiprBufferPtr(CIPR::Buffer* buffer);
CIPR::Buffer* registerUserBuffer(int size, void* ptr, bool flush = false);
CIPR::Buffer* registerUserBuffer(int size, int fd, bool flush = false);
int getCiprBufferSize(CIPR::Buffer* buffer);
void dumpTerminalPyldAndDesc(int pgId, long sequence, ia_css_process_group_t* pgGroup);
enum PPGCommandType {
struct CiprBufferMapping {
CiprBufferMapping() {}
void* userPtr = nullptr;
int userFd = -1;
CIPR::Buffer* baseCiprBuf = nullptr;
CIPR::Buffer* ciprBuf = nullptr;
static const int kEventTimeout = 8000;
CIPR::Context* mCtx = nullptr;
CIPR::Buffer* mManifestBuffer = nullptr;
CIPR::Buffer* mPGParamsBuffer = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<IntelPGParam> mPGParamAdapt;
int mPGId;
std::string mName; // For debug
ia_uid mTerminalBaseUid;
int32_t mStreamId;
int mPGCount;
ia_p2p_platform_t mPlatform;
int mProgramCount;
int mTerminalCount;
int mManifestSize;
ia_css_kernel_bitmap_t mKernelBitmap;
std::unique_ptr<ia_css_rbm_t> mRoutingBitmap;
int mFragmentCount;
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> mPgTerminals; // save terminal num in PG for each terminal
std::unique_ptr<ia_css_frame_format_type[]> mFrameFormatType;
std::vector<int> mDisableDataTermials;
ia_binary_data __attribute__ ((aligned (PG_PAGE_SIZE))) mParamPayload[IPU_MAX_TERMINAL_COUNT];
CIPR::Buffer* mPGBuffer = nullptr;
ia_css_process_group_t* mProcessGroup;
CIPR::Command* mCmd = nullptr;
CIPR::Buffer* mCmdExtBuffer = nullptr;
bool mPPG;
bool mPPGStarted;
CIPR::Buffer* mPPGBuffer = nullptr;
ia_css_process_group_t* mPPGProcessGroup;
CIPR::Command* mPPGCmd[PPG_CMD_TYPE_COUNT] = {nullptr, };
CIPR::Buffer* mPPGCmdExtBuffer[PPG_CMD_TYPE_COUNT] = {nullptr, };
uint64_t mToken;
CIPR::PSysCommandConfig mCmdCfg;
CIPR::Event* mEvent = nullptr;
CIPR::Buffer** mTerminalBuffers;;
std::map<int, FrameInfo> mTerminalFrameInfos; // valid for data terminals only
int mInputMainTerminal;
int mOutputMainTerminal;
std::vector<CiprBufferMapping> mBuffers;
TerminalPair mTnrTerminalPair;
std::vector<uint8_t*> mTnrDataBuffers;
std::shared_ptr<ShareReferBufferPool> mShareReferPool;
int64_t mShareReferIds[IPU_MAX_TERMINAL_COUNT]; // 0 is invalid id
std::vector<TerminalPair> mDvsTerminalPairs;
std::vector<TerminalPair> mTnrSimTerminalPairs;
} //namespace icamera