blob: d612758b8b346adb7a6af48871d7442a79c9ab93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <brillo/errors/error.h>
#include "diagnostics/common/system/debugd_adapter.h"
#include "diagnostics/routines/diag_routine.h"
#include "mojo/cros_healthd_diagnostics.mojom.h"
namespace diagnostics {
// Launches self-test of NVMe for a short time or long period. This routine
// fetches the progress status by parsing message from NVMe log page ID 6.
// Please refer to
// Revision_1.3.pdf, Figure 98 "Device Self-test log" and Figure 99 "Self-test
// Result Data Structure" from
class NvmeSelfTestRoutine final : public DiagnosticRoutine {
static const char kNvmeSelfTestRoutineStarted[];
static const char kNvmeSelfTestRoutineStartError[];
static const char kNvmeSelfTestRoutineAbortionError[];
static const char kNvmeSelfTestRoutineRunning[];
static const char kNvmeSelfTestRoutineGetProgressFailed[];
static const char kNvmeSelfTestRoutineCancelled[];
// The error message captured from NVMe controller.
// Reference: "Figure 99; Get Log Page - self-test Result Data Structure"
// from
// -ratified.pdf.
static const char* const kSelfTestRoutineCompleteLog[];
static const char kSelfTestRoutineCompleteUnknownStatus[];
static const size_t kSelfTestRoutineCompleteLogSize;
static const uint32_t kNvmeLogPageId;
static const uint32_t kNvmeLogDataLength;
static const bool kNvmeLogRawBinary;
enum SelfTestType {
// In NVMe spec, the referred byte(Log Page 6, byte 4, Bit 7:4) indiecates
// the self-test type. 0: reserved; 1: short self-test; 2: long self-test.
kRunShortSelfTest = 1, /* Launch short-time self-test */
kRunLongSelfTest = 2, /* Launch long-time self-test */
NvmeSelfTestRoutine(DebugdAdapter* debugd_adapter,
SelfTestType self_test_type);
NvmeSelfTestRoutine(const NvmeSelfTestRoutine&) = delete;
NvmeSelfTestRoutine& operator=(const NvmeSelfTestRoutine&) = delete;
~NvmeSelfTestRoutine() override;
// DiagnosticRoutine overrides:
void Start() override;
void Resume() override;
void Cancel() override;
void PopulateStatusUpdate(
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::RoutineUpdate* response,
bool include_output) override;
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::DiagnosticRoutineStatusEnum GetStatus()
// Check if an error comes during communication to debugd.
bool CheckDebugdError(brillo::Error* error);
bool CheckSelfTestCompleted(uint8_t progress, uint8_t status) const;
void OnDebugdNvmeSelfTestCancelCallback(const std::string& result,
brillo::Error* error);
void OnDebugdNvmeSelfTestStartCallback(const std::string& result,
brillo::Error* error);
void OnDebugdResultCallback(const std::string& result, brillo::Error* error);
// Update percent_, status_message_, status_ at the same moment in case
// misinformation occurring.
void UpdateStatus(
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::DiagnosticRoutineStatusEnum status,
uint32_t percent,
std::string msg);
// debugd_adapter_ is an unowned pointer and it should outlive this instance.
DebugdAdapter* const debugd_adapter_ = nullptr;
const SelfTestType self_test_type_;
chromeos::cros_healthd::mojom::DiagnosticRoutineStatusEnum status_ =
uint32_t percent_ = 0;
std::string output_;
std::string status_message_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<NvmeSelfTestRoutine> weak_ptr_routine_{this};
} // namespace diagnostics