blob: e35ad30342e093254710140f73ac53fc2b95711c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 MediaTek Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <mtkcam/utils/imgbuf/IImageBuffer.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <mtkcam/utils/debug/debug.h>
#include <mtkcam/utils/std/common.h>
#include <mtkcam/utils/std/Log.h>
#include <mtkcam/utils/std/LogTool.h>
#include <mtkcam/utils/std/Trace.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace NSCam {
namespace NSImageBufferHeap {
* Image Buffer Heap (Base).
class BaseImageBufferHeap
: public virtual IImageBufferHeap,
public std::enable_shared_from_this<BaseImageBufferHeap> {
// IImageBufferHeap Interface.
public: //// Reference Counting.
virtual MVOID incStrong(MVOID const* id) const {}
virtual MVOID decStrong(MVOID const* id) const {}
virtual MINT32 getStrongCount() const {
return 0; /*return RefBase::getStrongCount(); */
public: //// Image Attributes.
virtual MINT getImgFormat() const { return mImgFormat; }
virtual MSize const& getImgSize() const { return mImgSize; }
virtual size_t getImgBitsPerPixel() const;
virtual size_t getPlaneBitsPerPixel(size_t index) const;
virtual size_t getPlaneCount() const { return mPlaneCount; }
virtual size_t getBitstreamSize() const { return mBitstreamSize; }
virtual MBOOL setBitstreamSize(size_t const bitstreamsize);
virtual void setColorArrangement(MINT32 const colorArrangement);
virtual MINT32 getColorArrangement() const { return mColorArrangement; }
virtual MBOOL setImgDesc(ImageDescId id, MINT64 value, MBOOL overwrite);
virtual MBOOL getImgDesc(ImageDescId id, MINT64* value) const;
virtual MBOOL updateImgInfo(MSize const& imgSize,
MINT const imgFormat,
size_t const sizeInBytes[3],
size_t const rowStrideInBytes[3],
size_t const bufPlaneSize);
public: //// Buffer Attributes.
virtual MBOOL getLogCond() const { return mEnableLog; }
virtual char const* getMagicName() const { return impGetMagicName(); }
virtual MINT32 getHeapID(size_t index) const;
virtual size_t getHeapIDCount() const;
virtual MINTPTR getBufPA(size_t index) const;
virtual MINTPTR getBufVA(size_t index) const;
virtual size_t getBufSizeInBytes(size_t index) const;
virtual size_t getBufStridesInBytes(size_t index) const;
virtual off_t getBufOffsetInBytes(size_t index) const;
* Buffer customized size, which means caller specified the buffer size he
* wants of the given plane. Caller usually gives this value because he wants
* vertical padding of image. This method returns 0 if caller didn't specify
* the customized buffer size of the given plane.
virtual size_t getBufCustomSizeInBytes(size_t /*index*/) const { return 0; }
virtual void* getHWBuffer() { return NULL; }
virtual buffer_handle_t getBufferHandle() const { return nullptr; }
public: //// Buffer Operations.
virtual MBOOL lockBuf(char const* szCallerName, MINT usage);
virtual MBOOL unlockBuf(char const* szCallerName);
virtual MBOOL syncCache(eCacheCtrl const ctrl);
// IImageBuffer Operations.
public: ////
* Create an IImageBuffer instance with its ROI equal to the image full
* resolution of this heap.
virtual std::shared_ptr<IImageBuffer> createImageBuffer(
ImgBufCreator* pCreator = NULL);
* This call is legal only if the heap format is blob.
* From the given blob heap, create an IImageBuffer instance with a specified
* offset and size, and its format equal to blob.
virtual std::shared_ptr<IImageBuffer> createImageBuffer_FromBlobHeap(
size_t offsetInBytes, size_t sizeInBytes);
* This call is legal only if the heap format is blob.
* From the given blob heap, create an IImageBuffer instance with a specified
* offset, image format, image size in pixels, and buffer strides in pixels.
virtual std::shared_ptr<IImageBuffer> createImageBuffer_FromBlobHeap(
size_t offsetInBytes,
MINT32 imgFormat,
MSize const& imgSize,
size_t const bufStridesInBytes[3]);
* Create an IImageBuffer instance indicating the left-side or right-side
* buffer within a side-by-side image.
* Left side if isRightSide = 0; otherwise right side.
virtual std::shared_ptr<IImageBuffer> createImageBuffer_SideBySide(
MBOOL isRightSide);
virtual std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IImageBuffer> >
createImageBuffers_FromBlobHeap(const ImageBufferInfo& info,
const char* callerName);
// Definitions.
protected: //// Heap Info.
struct HeapInfo {
MINT32 heapID; // heap ID
HeapInfo() : heapID(-1) {}
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<HeapInfo> > HeapInfoVect_t;
public: //// Buffer Info.
struct BufInfo {
MINTPTR pa; // (plane) physical address
MINTPTR va; // (plane) virtual address
size_t stridesInBytes; // (plane) strides in bytes
size_t sizeInBytes; // (plane) size in bytes
off_t offsetInBytes; // (plane) offset in bytes
BufInfo(MINTPTR _pa = 0,
MINTPTR _va = 0,
size_t _stridesInBytes = 0,
size_t _sizeInBytes = 0,
off_t _offsetInBytes = 0)
: pa(_pa),
offsetInBytes(_offsetInBytes) {}
typedef std::vector<std::shared_ptr<BufInfo> > BufInfoVect_t;
public: //// Buffer Lock Info.
struct BufLockInfo {
std::string mUser;
pid_t mTid;
struct timespec mTimestamp;
// Template-Method Pattern. Subclass must implement them.
protected: ////
* Return a pointer to a null-terminated string to indicate a magic name of
* buffer type.
virtual char const* impGetMagicName() const = 0;
* This call is valid after calling impLockBuf();
* invalid after impUnlockBuf().
virtual HeapInfoVect_t const& impGetHeapInfo() const = 0;
* onCreate() must be invoked by a subclass when its instance is created to
* inform this base class of a creating event.
* The call impInit(), implemented by a subclass, will be invoked by this
* base class during onCreate() for initialization.
* As to buffer information (i.e. BufInfoVect_t), buffer strides in pixels
* and buffer size in bytes of each plane as well as the vector size MUST be
* legal, at least, after impInit() return success.
* onLastStrongRef() will be invoked to indicate the last one reference to
* this instance before it is freed.
* The call impUninit(), implemented by a subclass, will be invoked by this
* base class during onLastStrongRef() for uninitialization.
virtual MBOOL impInit(BufInfoVect_t const& rvBufInfo) = 0;
virtual MBOOL impUninit() = 0;
virtual MBOOL impReconfig(BufInfoVect_t const& rvBufInfo) = 0;
public: ////
* As to buffer information (i.e. BufInfoVect_t), buffer strides in bytes
* and buffer size in bytes of each plane as well as the vector size MUST be
* always legal.
* After calling impLockBuf() successfully, the heap information from
* impGetHeapInfo() must be legal; virtual address and physical address of
* each plane must be legal if any SW usage and any HW usage are specified,
* respectively.
virtual MBOOL impLockBuf(char const* szCallerName,
MINT usage,
BufInfoVect_t const& rvBufInfo) = 0;
virtual MBOOL impUnlockBuf(char const* szCallerName,
MINT usage,
BufInfoVect_t const& rvBufInfo) = 0;
protected: ////
* The call impPrintLocked(), implemented by a subclass, will be invoked by
* this base class during printLocked().
virtual std::string impPrintLocked() const { return std::string(""); }
// Helper Functions.
protected: //// Helper Functions.
virtual MBOOL helpCheckBufStrides(size_t const planeIndex,
size_t const planeBufStridesInBytes) const;
virtual size_t helpQueryBufSizeInBytes(
size_t const planeIndex, size_t const planeStridesInBytes) const;
// Implementations.
private: //// Called inside lock.
virtual MBOOL initLocked();
virtual MBOOL uninitLocked();
virtual MBOOL lockBufLocked(char const* szCallerName, MINT usage);
virtual MBOOL unlockBufLocked(char const* szCallerName);
virtual void dummy(std::shared_ptr<BaseImageBufferHeap> p);
// Instantiation.
public: //// Destructor/Constructors.
* Disallowed to directly delete a raw pointer.
virtual ~BaseImageBufferHeap();
explicit BaseImageBufferHeap(char const* szCallerName);
protected: //// Callback (LastStrongRef@RefBase)
virtual void onFirstRef();
virtual void onLastStrongRef(const void* id);
protected: //// Callback (Create)
MBOOL onCreate(std::shared_ptr<BaseImageBufferHeap> heap,
MSize const& imgSize,
MINT const imgFormat = eImgFmt_BLOB,
size_t const bitstreamSize = 0,
MBOOL const enableLog = MTRUE);
virtual MBOOL onCreate(MSize const& imgSize,
MINT const imgFormat = eImgFmt_BLOB,
size_t const bitstreamSize = 0,
MBOOL const enableLog = MTRUE);
// Data Members.
private: //// Heap Info.
std::map<MINT32, MINTPTR> mBufMap;
mutable std::mutex mInitMtx;
mutable std::mutex mLockMtx;
MINT32 volatile mLockCount;
MINT32 mLockUsage;
std::list<BufLockInfo> mLockInfoList;
BufInfoVect_t mvBufInfo;
private: //// Image Attributes.
MSize mImgSize;
MINT mImgFormat;
size_t mPlaneCount;
size_t mBitstreamSize; // in bytes
MINT32 mColorArrangement;
MBOOL mEnableLog;
struct timespec mCreationTimestamp;
size_t mCreationTimeCost = 0;
std::string mCallerName;
ImgBufCreator* mCreator;
struct ImageDescItem {
MBOOL isValid;
MINT64 value;
ImageDescItem() : isValid(MFALSE), value(0) {}
// Because we only have few IDs currently. Use a simple array will be more
// economical and efficient than a complicated data structure, e.g.
// KeyedVector<> or std::map<>
ImageDescItem mImageDesc[kImageDescIdMax];
}; // namespace NSImageBufferHeap
}; // namespace NSCam