blob: d65df45b454bd4fd5ffb4f5280a441ec01b7ecd1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 MediaTek Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <mtkcam/def/common.h>
#include <mtkcam/drv/IHalSensor.h>
#include <mtkcam/utils/metadata/hal/mtk_platform_metadata_tag.h>
//// MTKCAM3
#include <mtkcam/3rdparty/common/scenario_mgr.h>
#include <mtkcam/3rdparty/plugin/PipelinePlugin.h>
#include <mtkcam/3rdparty/plugin/PipelinePluginType.h>
#include <mtkcam/feature/hdrDetection/Defs.h>
#include <mtkcam/pipeline/policy/IFeatureSettingPolicy.h>
#include <impl/ScenarioControl.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace NSCam {
namespace v3 {
namespace pipeline {
namespace policy {
namespace featuresetting {
struct DefaultConfigParams {
* Default(first request) config parameters
* The parameters related to keep the first request params is shown as below.
* Keep the defaul config for Feature Setting Policy
* Use the default config if features don't use dedicated config.
bool bInit = false;
* The default sensor setting
std::vector<uint32_t> sensorMode;
struct ParsedStrategyInfo {
// strategy info for common (per-frames info)
uint32_t customHint = 0;
// strategy info for capture feature
bool isZslModeOn = false;
bool isZslFlowOn = false;
bool isFlashOn = false;
bool isCShot = false;
uint32_t exposureTime = 0;
uint32_t realIso = 0;
// strategy info for streaming feature (almost per-frames)
// TODO(MTK): reserve
enum SwitchModeStatus {
eSwitchMode_HighLightMode, // for high light environment to use high speed
// sensor mode
eSwitchMode_LowLightLvMode, // for low light environment to use binning
// sensor mode
struct VhdrInfo {
// vhdr debug mode
MBOOL bVhdrDebugMode;
// first config
MBOOL bFirstConfig;
// is do capture
MBOOL bIsDoCapture;
// dummy frame count
MINT32 DummyCount;
// Last frame vhdr mode
MINT32 cfgVhdrMode;
// config app hdrMode
HDRMode lastAppHdrMode;
// current app hdrMode
HDRMode curAppHdrMode;
// UI app hdrMode
HDRMode UiAppHdrMode;
// Iso switch mode
SwitchModeStatus IsoSwitchModeStatus;
: bVhdrDebugMode(MFALSE),
IsoSwitchModeStatus(eSwitchMode_HighLightMode) {}
class FeatureSettingPolicy : public IFeatureSettingPolicy {
// for Raw domain key feature (SW 4Cell, etc)
typedef NSCam::NSPipelinePlugin::RawPlugin RawPlugin;
typedef NSCam::NSPipelinePlugin::RawPlugin::IProvider::Ptr Raw_ProviderPtr;
typedef NSCam::NSPipelinePlugin::RawPlugin::IInterface::Ptr Raw_InterfacePtr;
typedef NSCam::NSPipelinePlugin::RawPlugin::Selection Raw_Selection;
// for Yuv domain key feature
typedef NSCam::NSPipelinePlugin::YuvPlugin YuvPlugin;
typedef NSCam::NSPipelinePlugin::YuvPlugin::IProvider::Ptr Yuv_ProviderPtr;
typedef NSCam::NSPipelinePlugin::YuvPlugin::IInterface::Ptr Yuv_InterfacePtr;
typedef NSCam::NSPipelinePlugin::YuvPlugin::Selection Yuv_Selection;
// Data Members.
class MFPPluginWrapper;
using MFPPluginWrapperPtr = std::shared_ptr<MFPPluginWrapper>;
class RawPluginWrapper;
using RawPluginWrapperPtr = std::shared_ptr<RawPluginWrapper>;
class YuvPluginWrapper;
using YuvPluginWrapperPtr = std::shared_ptr<YuvPluginWrapper>;
CreationParams mPolicyParams;
// Key feature plug-in interfaces and provider
// MultiFrame:
MFPPluginWrapperPtr mMFPPluginWrapperPtr;
// Raw plugin: (for 4Cell key feature)
RawPluginWrapperPtr mRawPluginWrapperPtr;
// Yuv plugin: (for 4Cell key feature)
YuvPluginWrapperPtr mYuvPluginWrapperPtr;
// default config
DefaultConfigParams mDefaultConfig;
// feature configure input data
ConfigurationInputParams mConfigInputParams;
// feature configure output data
ConfigurationOutputParams mConfigOutputParams;
// property for debug
MINT32 mbDebug;
MINT64 mForcedKeyFeatures = -1;
MINT64 mForcedFeatureCombination = -1;
// for Vhdr
VhdrInfo mVhdrInfo;
// Operations.
// Interfaces.
// IFeatureSettingPolicy Interfaces.
auto evaluateConfiguration(ConfigurationOutputParams* out,
ConfigurationInputParams const* in)
-> int override;
auto evaluateRequest(RequestOutputParams* out, RequestInputParams const* in)
-> int override;
// FeatureSettingPolicy Interfaces.
// Evaluate Feature Configuration Interfaces:
virtual auto evaluateCaptureConfiguration(ConfigurationOutputParams* out,
ConfigurationInputParams const* in)
-> bool;
virtual auto evaluateStreamConfiguration(ConfigurationOutputParams* out,
ConfigurationInputParams const* in)
-> bool;
// Evaluate Feature Setting Interfaces:
virtual auto evaluateStreamSetting(RequestOutputParams* out,
ParsedStrategyInfo const& parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in,
bool enabledP2Capture) -> bool;
virtual auto evaluateCaptureSetting(RequestOutputParams* out,
ParsedStrategyInfo const& parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
// for capture strategy
virtual auto querySelectionStrategyInfo(
NSPipelinePlugin::StrategyInfo* strategyInfo,
uint32_t sensorIndex,
ParsedStrategyInfo const& parsedInfo,
RequestOutputParams const* out,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto updateDualCamRequestOutputParams(
RequestOutputParams* out,
NSPipelinePlugin::MetadataPtr pOutMetaApp_Additional,
NSPipelinePlugin::MetadataPtr pOutMetaHal_Additional,
uint32_t mainCamP1Dma,
uint32_t sub1CamP1Dma,
MINT64 featureCombination) -> bool;
virtual auto updateVhdrDummyFrames(RequestOutputParams* out,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto isNeedIsoReconfig(HDRMode* apphdrMode, uint32_t recodingMode)
-> bool;
virtual auto updateRequestInfo(
RequestOutputParams* out,
uint32_t sensorIndex,
NSPipelinePlugin::RequestInfo const& requestInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in __unused) -> bool;
virtual auto strategySingleRawPlugin(
MINT64 combinedKeyFeature, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
MINT64 featureCombination, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
MINT64* foundFeature, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
RequestOutputParams* out,
ParsedStrategyInfo const& parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto strategySingleYuvPlugin(
MINT64 combinedKeyFeature, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
MINT64 featureCombination, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
MINT64* foundFeature, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
RequestOutputParams* out,
ParsedStrategyInfo const& parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto strategyNormalSingleCapture(
MINT64 combinedKeyFeature, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
MINT64 featureCombination, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
RequestOutputParams* out,
ParsedStrategyInfo const& parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto dumpRequestOutputParams(RequestOutputParams* out,
bool forcedEnable) -> bool;
virtual auto updatePluginSelection(bool isFeatureTrigger) -> bool;
virtual auto updateCaptureDummyFrames(
MINT64 combinedKeyFeature, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
RequestOutputParams* out,
const ParsedStrategyInfo& parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> void;
virtual auto strategyCaptureFeature(
MINT64 combinedKeyFeature, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
MINT64 featureCombination, /*eFeatureIndexMtk and eFeatureIndexCustomer*/
RequestOutputParams* out,
ParsedStrategyInfo const& parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto evaluateReconfiguration(RequestOutputParams* out,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto updateRequestResultParams(
std::shared_ptr<RequestResultParams>* requestParams,
NSPipelinePlugin::MetadataPtr pOutMetaApp_Additional,
NSPipelinePlugin::MetadataPtr pOutMetaHal_Additional,
uint32_t needP1Dma,
uint32_t sensorIndex,
MINT64 featureCombination = 0,
MINT32 requestIndex = 0,
MINT32 requestCount = 0) -> bool;
virtual auto updateStreamData(RequestOutputParams* out,
ParsedStrategyInfo const& parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto collectParsedStrategyInfo(ParsedStrategyInfo* parsedInfo,
RequestInputParams const* in) -> bool;
virtual auto getCaptureP1DmaConfig(uint32_t* needP1Dma,
RequestInputParams const* in,
uint32_t sensorIndex) -> bool;
// FeatureSettingPolicy Interfaces.
explicit FeatureSettingPolicy(CreationParams const& params);
}; // namespace featuresetting
}; // namespace policy
}; // namespace pipeline
}; // namespace v3
}; // namespace NSCam