blob: 46b63e22da3abe2b9d8b497a6de384ae11556a94 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 MediaTek Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <mtkcam/utils/metastore/IMetadataProvider.h>
#include <mtkcam/pipeline/utils/streambuf/StreamBuffers.h>
#include <mtkcam/pipeline/utils/streaminfo/MetaStreamInfo.h>
#include <mtkcam/def/common.h>
#include "Cam3ImageStreamInfo.h"
#include "AppStreamBuffers.h"
namespace NSCam {
namespace v3 {
* An interface of App stream manager.
class VISIBILITY_PUBLIC IAppStreamManager {
// Definitions.
public: //// Definitions.
typedef Cam3ImageStreamInfo AppImageStreamInfo;
typedef NSCam::v3::Utils::MetaStreamInfo AppMetaStreamInfo;
typedef NSCam::v3::AppImageStreamBuffer AppImageStreamBuffer;
typedef NSCam::v3::AppMetaStreamBuffer AppMetaStreamBuffer;
// Definitions.
public: //// Definitions.
struct Request {
* Assigned by App Stream Manager (during createRequest).
* @param frame number.
MUINT32 frameNo;
* @param input image stream buffers.
std::map<StreamId_T, std::shared_ptr<AppImageStreamBuffer>>
* @param output image stream buffers.
std::map<StreamId_T, std::shared_ptr<AppImageStreamBuffer>>
* @param input meta stream buffers.
std::map<StreamId_T, std::shared_ptr<IMetaStreamBuffer>> vInputMetaBuffers;
* Assigned out of App Stream Manager.
* @param output meta stream buffers.
* Note that the number of output meta streams equals to the number of
* partial meta result callbacks.
std::map<StreamId_T, std::shared_ptr<IMetaStreamBuffer>> vOutputMetaBuffers;
struct ConfigAppStreams {
* @param image streams.
std::map<StreamId_T, std::shared_ptr<IImageStreamInfo>> vImageStreams;
* @param stream min frame duration.
std::map<StreamId_T, MINT64> vMinFrameDuration;
* @param stream stall frame duration.
std::map<StreamId_T, MINT64> vStallFrameDuration;
* @param meta streams.
std::map<StreamId_T, std::shared_ptr<IMetaStreamInfo>> vMetaStreams;
* Update a given result frame.
struct UpdateResultParams {
* @param[in] the frame number to update.
uint32_t frameNo = 0;
* @param[in] user id.
* In fact, it is pipeline node id from the viewpoint of pipeline
* implementation, but the pipeline users have no such knowledge.
intptr_t userId = 0;
* @param[in] hasLastPartial: contain last partial metadata in result
* partial metadata vector.
bool hasLastPartial = false;
* @param[in] result partial metadata to update.
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IMetaStreamBuffer>> resultMeta;
// Interfaces.
public: //// Operations.
* Create an instance.
static std::shared_ptr<IAppStreamManager> create(
MINT32 openId,
camera3_callback_ops const* callback_ops,
std::shared_ptr<IMetadataProvider> pMetadataProvider,
MBOOL isDumpOutputInfo = false);
* Destroy the instance.
virtual MVOID destroy() = 0;
* Configure streams.
* @param[in] stream_list
* @return
* 0 indicates success; otherwise failure.
virtual MERROR configureStreams(
camera3_stream_configuration_t* stream_list) = 0;
* Query configured streams.
* This call is valid only after streams are configured.
* @param[out] rStreams: contains all configured streams.
* @return
* 0 indicates success; otherwise failure.
virtual MERROR queryConfiguredStreams(ConfigAppStreams* rStreams) const = 0;
* Create a request based-on camera3_capture_request.
* This call is valid only after streams are configured.
* @param[in] request: a given camera3_capture_request.
* @param[out] rRequest: a newly-created request.
* @return
* 0 indicates success; otherwise failure.
virtual MERROR createRequest(camera3_capture_request_t* request,
Request* rRequest) = 0;
* Register a request, which is created from createRequest.
* This call is valid only after streams are configured.
* @param[in] rRequest: a request to register.
* @return
* 0 indicates success; otherwise failure.
virtual MERROR registerRequest(Request const& rRequest) = 0;
* Update a given result frame.
* @param[in] frameNo: the frame number to update.
* @param[in] resultMeta: result partial metadata to update.
* @param[in] hasLastPartial: contain last partial metadata in result partial
* metadata vector.
virtual MVOID updateResult(
MUINT32 const frameNo,
MINTPTR const userId,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IMetaStreamBuffer>> resultMeta,
bool hasLastPartial) = 0;
* Wait until all the registered requests have finished returning.
* @param[in] timeout
virtual MERROR waitUntilDrained(int64_t const timeout) = 0;
virtual MERROR queryOldestRequestNumber(MUINT32* /*ReqNo*/) { return OK; }
virtual ~IAppStreamManager() {}
}; // namespace v3
}; // namespace NSCam