blob: b98007df757a428b8a4bbcac224a249f81cbbdd3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 MediaTek Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <hardware/camera3.h>
#include <mtkcam/pipeline/stream/IStreamInfo.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
namespace NSCam {
namespace v3 {
* camera3 image stream info.
class Cam3ImageStreamInfo : public IImageStreamInfo {
// Implementations.
public: //// Definitions.
typedef Cam3ImageStreamInfo ThisT;
protected: //// Data Members.
mpCamera3Stream; // camera3_stream::usage: usage for buffer allocator.
std::string mStreamName;
StreamId_T mStreamId;
MUINT32 mStreamType;
MUINT mUsageForConsumer; // usage for buffer consumer.
MINT mImgFormat; // image format in reality.
MINT mImgFormatToAlloc; // image format for buffer allocation.
// It must equal to camera3_stream::format.
MSize mImgSize; // image size, in pixels.
// It must equal to width and height
// in camera3_strea
BufPlanes_t mvbufPlanes;
MUINT32 mTransform;
MUINT32 mDataSpace;
// Interface.
public: //// Instantiation.
* @param[in] pCamera3Stream: pointer to a camera3_stream, where
* all fields except priv are specified.
Cam3ImageStreamInfo(camera3_stream* pCamera3Stream,
char const* streamName,
StreamId_T streamId,
MUINT usageForConsumer,
MUINT usageForAllocator,
MINT imgFormatToAlloc,
MINT imgFormatInFact,
BufPlanes_t const& bufPlanes,
size_t maxBufNum = 1,
MUINT32 transform = 0,
MUINT32 dataSpace = 0);
virtual ~Cam3ImageStreamInfo() {}
public: //// Attributes.
static std::shared_ptr<ThisT> cast(camera3_stream* stream);
static std::shared_ptr<ThisT const> cast(camera3_stream const* stream);
virtual camera3_stream* get_camera3_stream() const;
* image format to alloc.
* @remark It must equal to camera3_stream::format.
virtual MINT getImgFormatToAlloc() const;
// IImageStreamInfo Interface.
public: //// Attributes.
* Usage for buffer consumer.
virtual MUINT64 getUsageForConsumer() const;
* Usage for buffer allocator.
* @remark It must equal to camera3_stream::usage.
virtual MUINT64 getUsageForAllocator() const;
virtual MINT getImgFormat() const;
virtual MSize getImgSize() const;
virtual BufPlanes_t const& getBufPlanes() const;
virtual MUINT32 getTransform() const;
virtual MERROR setTransform(MUINT32 transform);
virtual MUINT32 getDataSpace() const;
* Get Image seucre/normal memory type
virtual MBOOL getSecureInfo() const { return true; }
// IStreamInfo Interface.
public: //// Attributes.
virtual char const* getStreamName() const;
virtual StreamId_T getStreamId() const;
virtual MUINT32 getStreamType() const;
virtual size_t getMaxBufNum() const;
virtual MVOID setMaxBufNum(size_t count);
virtual size_t getMinInitBufNum() const;
virtual std::string toString() const;
}; // namespace v3
}; // namespace NSCam