blob: 1e3318711421bc003d714446cc581e58c15e9d7b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Intel Corporation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <limits.h>
#include <v4l2_device.h>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "ICamera.h"
#include "iutils/Errors.h"
#include "iutils/Utils.h"
#include "CameraTypes.h"
#include "Parameters.h"
#include "AiqInitData.h"
#include "MediaControl.h"
#include "IGraphConfig.h"
#include "FaceBase.h"
namespace icamera {
#define RESOLUTION_1_3MP_WIDTH 1280
#define RESOLUTION_1080P_WIDTH 1920
#define RESOLUTION_1080P_HEIGHT 1080
#define RESOLUTION_720P_WIDTH 1280
#define RESOLUTION_720P_HEIGHT 720
#define MAX_BUFFER_COUNT (10)
/* Max number of the RAW buffer number is 32.
* Max number size of the pipeline depth is 6.
* Max setting count should be larger than raw buffer number + pipeline depth.
#define CAMERA_CACHE_DIR "/var/cache/camera/"
#define CAMERA_DEFAULT_CFG_PATH "/etc/camera/"
#define CAMERA_GRAPH_DESCRIPTOR_FILE "gcss/graph_descriptor.xml"
class GraphConfigNodes;
class PlatformData {
//Prevent to create multiple instances
class StaticCfg {
StaticCfg() {
~StaticCfg() {}; // not release resource by design
* Camera feature info that is specific to camera id
class CameraInfo {
CameraInfo() :
std::vector <MediaCtlConf> mMediaCtlConfs;
std::string sensorName;
std::string sensorDescription;
std::string mLensName;
int mLensHwType;
int mAutoSwitchType;
bool mLtmEnabled;
int mSensorExposureNum;
int mSensorExposureType;
int mSensorGainType;
int mLensCloseCode;
bool mEnableAIQ;
bool mSkipFrameV4L2Error;
int mCITMaxMargin;
camera_yuv_color_range_mode_t mYuvColorRangeMode;
unsigned int mInitialSkipFrame;
unsigned int mMaxRawDataNum;
bool mTopBottomReverse;
bool mPsysContinueStats;
int mMaxRequestsInflight;
unsigned int mPreferredBufQSize;
unsigned int mPipeSwitchDelayFrame;
int mDigitalGainLag;
int mExposureLag;
int mAnalogGainLag;
int mLtmGainLag;
bool mEnableLtmThread;
bool mEnableLtmDefog;
int mMaxSensorDigitalGain;
SensorDgType mSensorDgType;
std::string mCustomAicLibraryName;
std::string mCustom3ALibraryName;
std::vector <camera_resolution_t> mSupportedISysSizes; // ascending order request
std::vector <int> mSupportedISysFormat;
int mISysFourcc; // the isys output format
int mISysRawFormat; // the isys raw format if scale enabled
std::vector <int> mPSysFormat; // the psys output format
std::vector <TuningConfig> mSupportedTuningConfig;
std::vector <LardTagConfig> mLardTagsConfig;
std::vector <ConfigMode> mConfigModesForAuto;
bool mUseCrlModule;
int mFacing;
int mOrientation;
bool mUseSensorDigitalGain;
bool mUseIspDigitalGain;
bool mNeedPreRegisterBuffers;
bool mFrameSyncCheckEnabled;
bool mEnableAiqd;
MediaCtlConf *mCurrentMcConf;
std::map<int, stream_array_t> mStreamToMcMap;
Parameters mCapability;
std::string mGraphSettingsFile;
GraphSettingType mGraphSettingsType;
std::vector <MultiExpRange> mMultiExpRanges;
std::vector <uint32_t> mSupportedIspControlFeatures;
int mDVSType;
bool mISYSCompression;
bool mPSACompression;
bool mOFSCompression;
bool mFaceAeEnabled;
int mFaceEngineRunningInterval;
int mFaceEngineRunningIntervalNoFace;
int mFaceEngineRunningSync;
unsigned int mMaxFaceDetectionNumber;
bool mPsysAlignWithSof;
bool mPsysBundleWithAic;
bool mSwProcessingAlignWithIsp;
/* key: camera_test_pattern_mode_t, value: sensor test pattern mode */
std::unordered_map<int32_t, int32_t> mTestPatternMap;
// This is for binding stream id to ConfigMode, since the stream id from kernel list of
// a PG might be incorrect. To be removed after stream id mismatch issue fixed.
std::map<int, int> mConfigModeToStreamId;
std::vector<UserToPslOutputMap> mOutputMap;
int mMaxNvmDataSize;
std::string mNvmDirectory;
/* key: camera module name, value: aiqb name */
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> mCameraModuleToAiqbMap;
/* key: camera module name, value: camera module info */
std::unordered_map<std::string, CameraMetadata> mCameraModuleInfoMap;
std::vector<IGraphType::ScalerInfo> mScalerInfo;
int mVideoStreamNum;
int mTnrExtraFrameNum;
std::vector<CameraInfo> mCameras;
std::vector<PolicyConfig> mPolicyConfig;
CommonConfig mCommonConfig;
StaticCfg mStaticCfg;
std::vector<AiqInitData*> mAiqInitData;
* Get access to the platform singleton.
* Note: this is implemented in PlatformFactory.cpp
static PlatformData* sInstance;
static Mutex sLock;
static PlatformData* getInstance();
* Parse graph descriptor and settings from configuration files.
void parseGraphFromXmlFile();
* Release GraphConfigNodes in StaticCfg::CameraInfo
void releaseGraphConfigNodes();
* Get MediaCtlConf via MC ID.
static MediaCtlConf* getMcConfByMcId(const StaticCfg::CameraInfo& cameraInfo, int mcId);
* Get MediaCtlConf via stream config.
static MediaCtlConf* getMcConfByStream(const StaticCfg::CameraInfo& cameraInfo,
const stream_t& stream);
* Get MediaCtlConf via ConfigMode.
static MediaCtlConf* getMcConfByConfigMode(const StaticCfg::CameraInfo& cameraInfo,
const stream_t& stream, ConfigMode mode);
* Check if video node is enabled via camera Id and video node type.
static bool isVideoNodeEnabled(int cameraId, VideoNodeType type);
* releaseInstance
* This function must be called when the hal is destroyed.
static void releaseInstance();
* init PlatformData
* \return OK if init PlatformData successfully, otherwise return ERROR.
static int init();
* get the camera numbers
* \return int: the camera numbers
static int numberOfCameras();
* get the camera number in xml
* \return int: the camera numbers in xml
static int getXmlCameraNumber();
* get the sensor name
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return char*: the sensor name string.
static const char* getSensorName(int cameraId);
* get the sensor description
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return const char*: the sensor descrition string.
static const char* getSensorDescription(int cameraId);
* get the Lens name
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return char*: the lens name string.
static const char* getLensName(int cameraId);
* get the Lens HW type
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return int: the Lens HW type
static int getLensHwType(int cameraId);
* get the DVS type
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return int: the DVS type
static int getDVSType(int cameraId);
* get the ISYS compression flag
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if ISYS compression is enabled
static bool getISYSCompression(int cameraId);
* get the PSA compression flag
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if PSA compression is enabled
static bool getPSACompression(int cameraId);
* get the OFS compression flag
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if OFS compression is enabled
static bool getOFSCompression(int cameraId);
* get the max coarse integration time margin
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return int: the value of max coarse integration time margin.
static int getCITMaxMargin(int cameraId);
* Check AIQ is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if AIQ is enabled or not.
static bool isEnableAIQ(int cameraId);
* Check if sensor digital gain is used or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if sensor gain is used or not.
static bool isUsingSensorDigitalGain(int cameraId);
* Check if using isp digital gain or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if using isp gain or not.
static bool isUsingIspDigitalGain(int cameraId);
* Check if need to pre-register buffers or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if pre-register buffers or not.
static bool isNeedToPreRegisterBuffer(int cameraId);
* Get auto switch type
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of auto switch type
static int getAutoSwitchType(int cameraId);
* Check Defog(LTM) is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if Defog is enabled or not.
static bool isEnableDefog(int cameraId);
* Check Frame Sync is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if Frame Sync is enabled or not.
static bool isEnableFrameSyncCheck(int cameraId);
* Get exposure number
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param multiExposure: true or false
* \return the value of exposure number according to different cases
static int getExposureNum(int cameraId, bool multiExposure);
* Check LTM is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if LTM is enabled or not.
static bool isLtmEnabled(int cameraId);
* Get sensor exposure type
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of sensor exposure type
static int getSensorExposureType(int cameraId);
* Get sensor gain type
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of sensor gain type
static int getSensorGainType(int cameraId);
* Get sensor's initial skip frame number
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of initial skip frame number
static unsigned int getInitialSkipFrame(int cameraId);
* Get max raw data number
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of max raw data number
static unsigned int getMaxRawDataNum(int cameraId);
* Get sensor's top bottom filed reverse option
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of top bottom filed reverse value
static bool getTopBottomReverse(int cameraId);
* Check if Psys continuous stats is needed or not.
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if it is needed
static bool isPsysContinueStats(int cameraId);
* Get preferred buffer queue size
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of preferred buffer queue size
static unsigned int getPreferredBufQSize(int cameraId);
* Get pipe switch delay frame
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of delay frame
static unsigned int getPipeSwitchDelayFrame(int cameraId);
* Get Ltm Gain lag
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of LTM gain lag
static int getLtmGainLag(int cameraId);
* Check ltm thread is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if ltm thread is enabled or not.
static bool isEnableLtmThread(int cameraId);
* Check face detection is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if face detection is enabled or not.
static bool isFaceAeEnabled(int cameraId);
* get face engine's running interval
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the face engine running interval value.
static int faceEngineRunningInterval(int cameraId);
* get face engine's running interval when face is not found
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the face engine running interval value when face is not found.
static int faceEngineRunningIntervalNoFace(int cameraId);
* Check face detection runs synchronously or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if face detection runs synchronously or not.
static bool isFaceEngineSyncRunning(int cameraId);
* get the max number of face detection
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the max number of face detection.
static unsigned int getMaxFaceDetectionNumber(int cameraId);
* get dvs supported status
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true: dvs supported; false: dvs not supported.
static bool isDvsSupported(int cameraId);
* Check psys align with sof is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if psys align with sof is enabled or not.
static bool psysAlignWithSof(int cameraId);
* Check running psys bundle with aic is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if running psys bundle with aic is enabled or not.
static bool psysBundleWithAic(int cameraId);
* Check software processing align with isp is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if software processing align with isp is enabled or not.
static bool swProcessingAlignWithIsp(int cameraId);
* Get the max digital gain of sensor
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of max digital gain
static int getMaxSensorDigitalGain(int cameraId);
* Get sensor digital gain type
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the sensor digital gain type
static SensorDgType sensorDigitalGainType(int cameraId);
* Get sensor's digital gain lag
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of digital gain lag
static int getDigitalGainLag(int cameraId);
* Get sensor's exposure lag
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of exposure lag
static int getExposureLag(int cameraId);
* Get sensor's analog gain lag
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of analog gain lag
static int getAnalogGainLag(int cameraId);
* Get the executor policy config.
* \param[in] graphId: the graph id
* \return PolicyConfig* object if found, otherwise return nullptr.
static PolicyConfig* getExecutorPolicyConfig(int graphId);
* According to stream info to select MC
* this function will compare the format/resolutions/interlace to find the MediaCtlConf
* and then store it into cameraInfo.
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param stream: the stream info
* \param mode: the stream operation mode
static void selectMcConf(int cameraId, stream_t stream, ConfigMode mode, int mcId);
* to get the current MediaCtlConf
* after the media controller has been analyzed, the media controller information will be stored in the mMediaCtlConfs.
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return MediaCtlConf*, if it doens't find one, this function will return nullptr.
static MediaCtlConf *getMediaCtlConf(int cameraId);
* \brief Fill camera info and capability according to given camera id
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param[out] camera_info_t info
* \return 0 if succeed, other value indicates failed.
static int getCameraInfo(int cameraId, camera_info_t& info);
* \brief Check if the camera_features feature is supported
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param[in] camera_features feature
* \return true if supported, otherwise return false.
static bool isFeatureSupported(int cameraId, camera_features feature);
* \brief Check if the given stream config is supported
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param[in] stream_t conf
* \return true if supported, otherwise return false.
static bool isSupportedStream(int cameraId, const stream_t& conf);
* get the isys supported size list
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param sizes: the function will fill the isys supported size list to the sizes
static void getSupportedISysSizes(int cameraId, std::vector <camera_resolution_t>& resolutions);
* get the isys supported format list
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param formats: the function will fill the isys supported format list to the formats
* \return true if success, return false if it fails.
static bool getSupportedISysFormats(int cameraId, std::vector <int>& formats);
* Format for the ISYS output
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the format for the isys output
static int getISysFormat(int cameraId);
* Set ISYS output format
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param format: the isys output format
static void selectISysFormat(int cameraId, int format);
* If ISYS supported format.
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
static bool isISysSupportedFormat(int cameraId, int format);
* if the resolution is supported by Isys
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param resolution: the requested resolution
* \return true if the resolution is supported by isys, otherwise false
static bool isISysSupportedResolution(int cameraId, camera_resolution_t resolution);
* Check if the frame needs to be skipped when STR2MMIO error occurs
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return if corrupted frame needs to be skipped or not.
static bool isSkipFrameOnSTR2MMIOErr(int cameraId);
* Format for the ISYS RAW output
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the RAW format if isys scale enabled
static int getISysRawFormat(int cameraId);
* Get the config of the ISYS output per port
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the config of the ISYS output for the given port.
static stream_t getISysOutputByPort(int cameraId, Port port);
* get the format by device name
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param devName: device name
* \format: return param for format
* \return the status
static int getFormatByDevName(int cameraId, const std::string& devName, McFormat& format);
* get the video node name
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param videoNodeType: value of enum VideoNodeType
* \param videoNodeName: return param for the video node name
* \return the status
static int getVideoNodeNameByType(int cameraId, VideoNodeType videoNodeType,
std::string& videoNodeName);
* get the hardware device name
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param videoNodeType: value of enum VideoNodeType
* \param devName: return param for the device name
* \return the status
static int getDevNameByType(int cameraId, VideoNodeType videoNodeType, std::string& devName);
* Check if ISYS is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if ISYS is enabled, otherwise return false
static bool isIsysEnabled(int cameraId);
static int calculateFrameParams(int cameraId, SensorFrameParams& sensorFrameParams);
* Get the optmized resolutions that supported by input system
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param width: The width of the request frame
* \param height: The height of the request frame
* \param field: The field of the request frame
* \return camera_resolution_t: The optimized resolution that used to configure the ISYS.
static camera_resolution_t getISysBestResolution(int cameraId, int width, int height, int field);
* to get if it support the format
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param format:the format will be checked if the psys supports.
* \return true or false for the psys could be used or not.
static bool usePsys(int cameraId, int format);
* to get supported psys dag config
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param configs: the function will fill supported psys dag config list to the configs
static void getSupportedTuningConfig(int cameraId, std::vector <TuningConfig> &configs);
* to get the ConfigMode by operation Mode
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param operationMode: the operation mode
* \param configModes: the function will fill available ConfigMode for this operation mode
* \return OK if get ConfigMode, otherwise return INVALID_OPERATION
static int getConfigModesByOperationMode(int cameraId, uint32_t operationMode,
std::vector <ConfigMode> &configModes);
* to get the TuningMode by Config Mode
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param configMode: type of ConfigMode (except auto)
* \param tuningMode: return related TuningMode
* \return OK if get TuningMode, otherwise return INVALID_OPERATION
static int getTuningModeByConfigMode(int cameraId, ConfigMode configMode, TuningMode& tuningMode);
* to get tuning config by ConfigMode
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param mode: ConfigMode
* \param config: return related TuningConfig
* \return OK if get TuningConfig, otherwise return INVALID_OPERATION
static int getTuningConfigByConfigMode(int cameraId, ConfigMode mode, TuningConfig &config);
* Get stream id by the given configMode
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param configMode: ConfigMode
* \return the stream id if succeeds, otherwise return -1.
static int getStreamIdByConfigMode(int cameraId, ConfigMode configMode);
* Get the max requests number in flight
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the max requests number in flight
static int getMaxRequestsInflight(int cameraId);
* get yuv color range mode
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the correponding camera_yuv_color_range_mode_t.
static camera_yuv_color_range_mode_t getYuvColorRangeMode(int cameraId);
* Get aiqd
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param tuningMode: mode
* \return ia_binary_data
static ia_binary_data* getAiqd(int cameraId, TuningMode mode);
* Save aiqd
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param tuningMode: mode
* \param ia_binary_data: data
static void saveAiqd(int cameraId, TuningMode tuningMode, const ia_binary_data& data);
* Get cpf and cmc
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param ispData: isp data in cpf
* \param aiqData: aiq data in cpf
* \param otherData: other data in cpf
* \param cmcHandle: cmc handle
* \param mode: tuning mode
* \param cmcData: cmd data
* \return OK if it is successful.
static int getCpfAndCmc(int cameraId,
ia_binary_data* ispData,
ia_binary_data* aiqData,
ia_binary_data* otherData,
uintptr_t* cmcHandle,
TuningMode mode = TUNING_MODE_VIDEO,
ia_cmc_t** cmcData = nullptr);
* If dynamic graph config enabled
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if use graphConfig file.
static bool getGraphConfigNodes(int cameraId);
* to get the type of graph settings
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the graph settings type: COUPLED or DISPERSED.
static GraphSettingType getGraphSettingsType(int cameraId);
* if ISYS CSI Back End capture enabled
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if the current sensor is CSI Back End capture or not
static bool isCSIBackEndCapture(int cameraId);
* if ISYS CSI Front End capture enabled
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if the current sensor is CSI Front End capture or not
static bool isCSIFrontEndCapture(int cameraId);
* if AIQD enabled
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if AIQD is enabled or not
static bool isAiqdEnabled(int cameraId);
* if image from tpg
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if frame is from tpg or not
static bool isTPGReceiver(int cameraId);
static int getSupportAeExposureTimeRange(int cameraId, camera_scene_mode_t sceneMode,
camera_range_t& etRange);
static int getSupportAeGainRange(int cameraId, camera_scene_mode_t sceneMode,
camera_range_t& gainRange);
* if CrlModule is used
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if CrlModule driver is used, otherwise return false
static bool isUsingCrlModule(int cameraId);
* to get the MultiExpRange of CameraInfo
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the MultiExpRange for current camera id.
static std::vector<MultiExpRange> getMultiExpRanges(int cameraId);
* Get the psl output resolution
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param width: The width of user requirement
* \param height: The height of user requirement
* \return the psl output resolution if provides it in xml file, otherwise return nullptr.
static camera_resolution_t *getPslOutputForRotation(int width, int height, int cameraId);
* Check if test pattern is supported or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if mTestPatternMap is defined, otherwise return false.
static bool isTestPatternSupported(int cameraId);
* get sensor test pattern
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param mode: camera_test_pattern_mode_t
* \return corresponding sensor test pattern if provided in xml file, otherwise return -1.
static int32_t getSensorTestPattern(int cameraId, int32_t mode);
* Get the nvm
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return ia_binary_data
static ia_binary_data* getNvm(int cameraId);
* Get sensor active array size
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return the value of camera_coordinate_system_t.
static camera_coordinate_system_t getActivePixelArray(int cameraId);
* Get camera cfg path from environment variable
* \param void
* \return the value of camera cfg path.
static std::string getCameraCfgPath();
* Get camera graph descriptor file path
* \param void
* \return the value of camera graph descriptor file path.
static std::string getGraphDescFilePath();
* Get camera graph setting file path.
* \param void
* \return the value of camera graph setting file path.
static std::string getGraphSettingFilePath();
* Get sensor value for the digital gain.
* Since the calculation formula may be different between sensors,
* so we need to get this value based on sensor digital gain type.
* For imx274, the magnification = 2^x (x is the register value).
* Need to specify the sensorDgType, maxSensorDg and useIspDigitalGain in xml.
static int getSensorDigitalGain(int cameraId, float realDigitalGain);
* Get the isp gain
* Separate real digital to sensorDg and ispDg, and the ispDg >= 1
static float getIspDigitalGain(int cameraId, float realDigitalGain);
* \brief Save Makernote by ia_mkn_trg mode
* \param[in] cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param[in] camera_makernote_mode_t: MAKERNOTE_MODE_JPEG is corresponding
* to ia_mkn_trg_section_1 for Normal Jpeg capture;
* MAKERNOTE_MODE_RAW is corresponding to ia_mkn_trg_section_2
* for Raw image capture.
* \param[in] int64_t sequence: the sequence in latest AiqResult
* \return OK if get Makernote successfully, otherwise return ERROR.
static int saveMakernoteData(int cameraId, camera_makernote_mode_t makernoteMode,
int64_t sequence);
* \brief Get ia_mkn (Makernote) handle.
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
static ia_mkn *getMknHandle(int cameraId);
* \brief Update Makernote timestamp.
* \param[in] cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param[in] sequence: the sequence in frame buffer;
* \param[in] timestamp: the frame timestamp corresponding sequence
static void updateMakernoteTimeStamp(int cameraId, int64_t sequence, uint64_t timestamp);
* \brief acquire Makernote data.
* \param[in] cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param[in] sequence: acquire MakerNote per timestamp
* \param[out] param: Makernote data will be saved in Parameters as metadata.
static void acquireMakernoteData(int cameraId, uint64_t timestamp, Parameters *param);
* Get the scaler info
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param streamId: hal stream id
* \param sclscalerWidth and scalerHeight : return related scaler info
* \return OK.
static int getScalerInfo(int cameraId, int32_t streamId,
float *scalerWidth, float *scalerHeight);
* Set the scaler info
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \param scalerInfo related IGraphType::ScalerInfo
static void setScalerInfo(int cameraId, std::vector<IGraphType::ScalerInfo> scalerInfo);
* Check gpu tnr is enabled or not
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return true if tnr is enabled.
static bool isGpuTnrEnabled();
* get the video stream number supported
* \param cameraId: [0, MAX_CAMERA_NUMBER - 1]
* \return HAL video stream number.
static int getVideoStreamNum(int cameraId);
* Check should connect gpu algo or not
* should connect gpu algo service if any gpu algorithm is used
* \return true if should connect gpu algo.
static bool isUsingGpuAlgo();
* Check if still stream tnr is prior to video tnr
static bool isStillTnrPrior();
* Check if update tnr7us params every frame
static bool isTnrParamForceUpdate();
* the extra frame count for still stream
static int getTnrExtraFrameCount(int cameraId);
} /* namespace icamera */