blob: 211d387082e3e597dec5157da18d23836f7d627e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "hammerd/update_fw.h"
#include "hammerd/vb21_struct.h"
#include <fmap.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/memory/free_deleter.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/string_util.h>
#include <base/strings/stringprintf.h>
#include <base/threading/platform_thread.h>
#include <base/time/time.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
namespace hammerd {
constexpr unsigned int kTransferTimeoutMs = 5000;
const char* ToString(UpdateExtraCommand subcommand) {
switch (subcommand) {
case UpdateExtraCommand::kImmediateReset:
return "ImmediateReset";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kJumpToRW:
return "JumpToRW";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kStayInRO:
return "StayInRO";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kUnlockRW:
return "UnlockRW";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kUnlockRollback:
return "UnlockRollback";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kInjectEntropy:
return "InjectEntropy";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kPairChallenge:
return "PairChallenge";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kTouchpadInfo:
return "TouchpadInfo";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kConsoleReadInit:
return "ConsoleReadInit";
case UpdateExtraCommand::kConsoleReadNext:
return "ConsoleReadNext";
const char* ToString(SectionName name) {
switch (name) {
case SectionName::RO:
return "RO";
case SectionName::RW:
return "RW";
SectionName OtherSection(SectionName name) {
switch (name) {
case SectionName::RO:
return SectionName::RW;
case SectionName::RW:
return SectionName::RO;
return SectionName::Invalid;
SectionInfo::SectionInfo(SectionName name)
: SectionInfo(name, 0, 0, "", 0, 1) {}
SectionInfo::SectionInfo(SectionName name,
uint32_t offset,
uint32_t size,
const char* version_str,
int32_t rollback,
int32_t key_version)
: name(name),
key_version(key_version) {
if (strlen(version_str) >= sizeof(version)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "The version name is larger than the reserved size. "
<< "Discard the extra part.";
// Note that strncpy will always write a trailing '\0' *unless*
// strlen(version_str) >= sizeof(version). Hence, we unconditionally
// guarantee that the last byte of `version` is always '\0'.
strncpy(version, version_str, sizeof(version));
version[sizeof(version) - 1] = '\0';
bool operator==(const SectionInfo& lhs, const SectionInfo& rhs) {
return == && lhs.offset == rhs.offset &&
lhs.size == rhs.size &&
strncmp(lhs.version, rhs.version, sizeof(lhs.version)) == 0 &&
lhs.rollback == rhs.rollback && lhs.key_version == rhs.key_version;
bool operator!=(const SectionInfo& lhs, const SectionInfo& rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
FirmwareUpdater::FirmwareUpdater(std::unique_ptr<UsbEndpointInterface> endpoint)
: FirmwareUpdater(std::move(endpoint), std::make_unique<Fmap>()) {}
FirmwareUpdater::FirmwareUpdater(std::unique_ptr<UsbEndpointInterface> endpoint,
std::unique_ptr<FmapInterface> fmap)
: endpoint_(std::move(endpoint)),
sections_() {}
bool FirmwareUpdater::UsbSysfsExists() {
return endpoint_->UsbSysfsExists();
UsbConnectStatus FirmwareUpdater::ConnectUsb() {
return endpoint_->Connect();
UsbConnectStatus FirmwareUpdater::TryConnectUsb() {
constexpr unsigned int kFlushTimeoutMs = 10;
constexpr unsigned int kTimeoutMs = 1000;
constexpr unsigned int kIntervalMs = 100;
LOG(INFO) << "Trying to connect to USB endpoint.";
auto start_time = base::Time::Now();
int64_t duration = 0;
while (true) {
UsbConnectStatus ret = endpoint_->Connect();
// Short-circuit if we have a strange device, since a retry will make
// no difference.
if (ret == UsbConnectStatus::kInvalidDevice) {
return ret;
if (ret == UsbConnectStatus::kSuccess) {
// Flush data from the EC's "out" buffer. There may be leftover data
// in this buffer from a previous failure.
const size_t buf_len = endpoint_->GetChunkLength();
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> buf(new uint8_t[buf_len]);
while (endpoint_->Receive(buf.get(), buf_len, true, kFlushTimeoutMs) >
0) {
LOG(INFO) << "Flushing data...";
// If we can't properly parse the section version string, the device
// is considered invalid.
return FetchVersion() ? ret : UsbConnectStatus::kInvalidDevice;
duration = (base::Time::Now() - start_time).InMilliseconds();
if (duration > kTimeoutMs) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to connect USB endpoint.";
return UsbConnectStatus::kUsbPathEmpty;
bool FirmwareUpdater::FetchVersion() {
// Grab and parse the configuration string from USB endpoint.
version_ = endpoint_->GetConfigurationString();
if (version_.empty()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Empty version from configuration string descriptor.";
return false;
// In newer EC builds, the version is prefixed by either "RO:" or "RW:".
// Remove the first three characters if this is the case. Require at least
// one character after removing the prefix.
if (version_.length() > 3 && version_[2] == ':') {
version_ = version_.erase(0, 3);
LOG(INFO) << "Current section version: " << version_;
return true;
void FirmwareUpdater::CloseUsb() {
bool FmapAreaOutOfBounds(const struct fmap_area* area, size_t len) {
size_t start = area->offset;
size_t end = area->offset + area->size;
if (end < start || end > len) {
LOG(ERROR) << "FMAP area " << area->name << " beyond ec_image size.";
return true;
return false;
bool FirmwareUpdater::LoadEcImage(const std::string& ec_image) {
uint8_t* image_ptr =
const_cast<uint8_t*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
size_t len = ec_image.size();
int64_t offset = fmap_->Find(image_ptr, len);
if (offset < 0) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot find FMAP in ec_image.";
return false;
fmap* fmap = reinterpret_cast<struct fmap*>(image_ptr + offset);
size_t fmap_end = offset + sizeof(*fmap);
if (fmap_end < offset || fmap_end > len) {
LOG(ERROR) << "FMAP beyond ec_image size.";
return false;
if (fmap->size != len) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Mismatch between FMAP size and ec_image size.";
return false;
size_t area_size = sizeof(fmap_area) * fmap->nareas;
if (fmap_end + area_size < fmap_end || fmap_end + area_size > len) {
LOG(ERROR) << "FMAP areas beyond ec_image size.";
return false;
for (auto& section : sections_) {
const char* fmap_name;
const char* fmap_fwid_name;
const char* fmap_rollback_name = nullptr;
const char* fmap_key_name = nullptr;
if ( == SectionName::RO) {
fmap_name = "EC_RO";
fmap_fwid_name = "RO_FRID";
} else if ( == SectionName::RW) {
fmap_name = "EC_RW";
fmap_fwid_name = "RW_FWID";
fmap_rollback_name = "RW_RBVER";
// Key version comes from key RO (RW signature does not
// contain the key version.
fmap_key_name = "KEY_RO";
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid section name";
return false;
const fmap_area* fmaparea = fmap_->FindArea(fmap, fmap_name);
if (!fmaparea) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot find FMAP area: " << fmap_name;
return false;
if (FmapAreaOutOfBounds(fmaparea, len))
return false;
section.offset = fmaparea->offset;
section.size = fmaparea->size;
fmaparea = fmap_->FindArea(fmap, fmap_fwid_name);
if (!fmaparea) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot find FMAP area: " << fmap_fwid_name;
return false;
if (FmapAreaOutOfBounds(fmaparea, len))
return false;
if (fmaparea->size != sizeof(section.version)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid fwid size\n";
return false;
memcpy(section.version, image_ptr + fmaparea->offset, fmaparea->size);
if (fmap_rollback_name &&
(fmaparea = fmap_->FindArea(fmap, fmap_rollback_name))) {
if (FmapAreaOutOfBounds(fmaparea, len))
return false;
if (fmaparea->size != sizeof(section.rollback)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid section rollback size\n";
return false;
section.rollback =
*(reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(image_ptr + fmaparea->offset));
} else {
section.rollback = -1;
if (fmap_key_name && (fmaparea = fmap_->FindArea(fmap, fmap_key_name))) {
if (FmapAreaOutOfBounds(fmaparea, len))
return false;
auto key = reinterpret_cast<const vb21_packed_key*>(image_ptr +
if (fmaparea->size < sizeof(struct vb21_packed_key)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid vb21_packed_key size\n";
return false;
section.key_version = key->key_version;
} else {
section.key_version = -1;
ec_image_ = ec_image;
LOG(INFO) << "### On-disk Firmware Update ###";
for (const auto& section : sections_) {
LOG(INFO) << base::StringPrintf(
" %s: offset=0x%08x/0x%08x version=%s rollback=%d key_version=%d",
ToString(, section.offset, section.size, section.version,
section.rollback, section.key_version);
return true;
bool FirmwareUpdater::LoadTouchpadImage(const std::string& touchpad_image) {
touchpad_image_ = touchpad_image;
return true;
SectionName FirmwareUpdater::CurrentSection() const {
for (const auto& section : sections_) {
if (targ_.offset == section.offset) {
return OtherSection(;
return SectionName::Invalid;
bool FirmwareUpdater::ValidKey() const {
SectionInfo local_section = sections_[static_cast<int>(SectionName::RW)];
LOG(INFO) << "ValidKey: key_version [EC] " << targ_.key_version << " vs. "
<< local_section.key_version << " [update]";
return targ_.key_version == local_section.key_version;
int FirmwareUpdater::CompareRollback() const {
SectionInfo local_section = sections_[static_cast<int>(SectionName::RW)];
LOG(INFO) << "CompareRollback: rollback [EC] " << targ_.min_rollback
<< " vs. " << local_section.rollback << " [update]";
if (local_section.rollback > targ_.min_rollback)
return 1;
if (local_section.rollback < targ_.min_rollback)
return -1;
return 0;
bool FirmwareUpdater::VersionMismatch(SectionName section_name) const {
// section_name refers to the section about which we are inquiring.
// local_section refers to the particular section of the local firmware file.
// CurrentSection() refers to the currently-running section.
// targ_ header only provides information about the non-running section,
// so the way we detect the version string depends on CurrentSection().
SectionInfo local_section = sections_[static_cast<int>(section_name)];
const char* rw_version =
CurrentSection() == SectionName::RW ? version_.c_str() : targ_.version;
const char* ro_version =
CurrentSection() == SectionName::RO ? version_.c_str() : targ_.version;
const char* version =
section_name == SectionName::RW ? rw_version : ro_version;
LOG(INFO) << "VersionMismatch: version [EC] " << version << " vs. "
<< local_section.version << " [update]";
return strncmp(version, local_section.version,
sizeof(local_section.version)) != 0;
bool FirmwareUpdater::IsSectionLocked(SectionName section_name) const {
uint32_t mask;
if (section_name == SectionName::RO) {
mask = static_cast<uint32_t>(EcFlashProtect::kRONow);
} else if (section_name == SectionName::RW) {
mask = static_cast<uint32_t>(EcFlashProtect::kRWNow);
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported section for IsSectionLocked: "
<< ToString(section_name);
return false;
return (targ_.flash_protection & mask) != 0;
// In this definition of "critical", either of the following must be true:
// - Rollback number has increased; or
// - Branch tag of RW section is different (defined as "v1.1" in
// version string "basename_v1.1.1234-1234abcde").
bool FirmwareUpdater::IsCritical() const {
const std::string new_version{
const std::string current_version = GetSectionVersion(SectionName::RW);
const std::string branch_tag = new_version.substr(0, new_version.rfind("."));
const bool same_branch_tag = base::StartsWith(current_version, branch_tag,
return !same_branch_tag || CompareRollback() > 0;
bool FirmwareUpdater::UnlockRW() {
return SendSubcommand(UpdateExtraCommand::kUnlockRW);
bool FirmwareUpdater::IsRollbackLocked() const {
uint32_t mask = static_cast<uint32_t>(EcFlashProtect::kRollbackNow);
return (targ_.flash_protection & mask) != 0;
bool FirmwareUpdater::UnlockRollback() {
return SendSubcommand(UpdateExtraCommand::kUnlockRollback);
// Note: It is assumed that when TransferImage is called, hammer EC is in the
// IDLE state. This function takes care of the entire update process, including
// bringing hammer EC back to the IDLE state afterwards.
bool FirmwareUpdater::TransferImage(SectionName section_name) {
const uint8_t* image_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(;
auto section = sections_[static_cast<int>(section_name)];
LOG(INFO) << "Section to be updated: " << ToString(;
if (section.offset + section.size > ec_image_.size()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "EC image length (" << ec_image_.size()
<< ") is smaller than transfer requirements: " << section.offset
<< " + " << section.size;
return false;
return TransferSection(image_ptr + section.offset, section.offset,
section.size, true);
bool FirmwareUpdater::TransferTouchpadFirmware(uint32_t section_addr,
size_t data_len) {
return TransferSection(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, section_addr,
data_len, false);
bool FirmwareUpdater::InjectEntropy() {
uint8_t entropy[kEntropySize];
RAND_bytes(entropy, kEntropySize);
std::string entropy_data(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(entropy),
return InjectEntropyWithPayload(entropy_data);
bool FirmwareUpdater::InjectEntropyWithPayload(const std::string& payload) {
if (payload.size() != kEntropySize) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Entropy size should be " << kEntropySize << " bytes.";
return false;
return SendSubcommandWithPayload(UpdateExtraCommand::kInjectEntropy, payload);
bool FirmwareUpdater::SendSubcommand(UpdateExtraCommand subcommand) {
std::string cmd_body = "";
return SendSubcommandWithPayload(subcommand, cmd_body);
bool FirmwareUpdater::SendSubcommandWithPayload(UpdateExtraCommand subcommand,
const std::string& cmd_body) {
uint8_t response;
return SendSubcommandReceiveResponse(subcommand, cmd_body, &response,
bool FirmwareUpdater::SendSubcommandReceiveResponse(
UpdateExtraCommand subcommand,
const std::string& cmd_body,
void* resp,
size_t resp_size,
bool allow_less) {
LOG(INFO) << ">>> SendSubcommand: " << ToString(subcommand);
uint16_t subcommand_value = static_cast<uint16_t>(subcommand);
size_t usb_msg_size =
sizeof(UpdateFrameHeader) + sizeof(subcommand_value) + cmd_body.size();
std::unique_ptr<UpdateFrameHeader, base::FreeDeleter> ufh(
if (ufh == nullptr) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to allocate " << usb_msg_size << " bytes";
return false;
ufh->block_size = htobe32(usb_msg_size);
ufh->block_base = htobe32(kUpdateExtraCmd);
ufh->block_digest = 0;
uint16_t* frame_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(ufh.get() + 1);
*frame_ptr = htobe16(subcommand_value);
if (cmd_body.size()) {
memcpy(frame_ptr + 1,, cmd_body.size());
if (subcommand == UpdateExtraCommand::kImmediateReset) {
// When sending reset command, we won't get the response. Therefore just
// check the Send action is successful.
int sent = endpoint_->Send(ufh.get(), usb_msg_size, false, 0);
return (sent == usb_msg_size);
int received =
endpoint_->Transfer(ufh.get(), usb_msg_size, resp, resp_size, allow_less);
// The first byte of the response is the status of the subcommand.
LOG(INFO) << base::StringPrintf("Status of subcommand: %d",
return (received == resp_size);
bool FirmwareUpdater::SendFirstPdu() {
UpdateFrameHeader ufh;
FirstResponsePdu rpdu;
uint32_t return_value;
constexpr unsigned int kMaximumRunCount = 100;
constexpr unsigned int kWaitTimeMs = 10; // Time to wait in between attempts.
// Retry with ~1000ms timeout to wait for EC to calculate RW signature.
for (int run_count = 0; run_count < kMaximumRunCount; ++run_count) {
LOG(INFO) << ">>> SendFirstPdu (attempt " << run_count << ")";
memset(&ufh, 0, sizeof(ufh));
ufh.block_size = htobe32(sizeof(ufh));
if (endpoint_->Send(&ufh, sizeof(ufh)) != sizeof(ufh)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Send first update frame header failed.";
return false;
// We got something. Check for errors in response.
size_t rxed_size = endpoint_->Receive(&rpdu, sizeof(rpdu), true);
const size_t kMinimumResponseSize = 8;
if (rxed_size < kMinimumResponseSize) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected response size: " << rxed_size
<< ". Response content: "
<< base::HexEncode(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&rpdu),
return false;
// Convert endian of the response.
return_value = be32toh(rpdu.return_value);
targ_.header_type = be16toh(rpdu.header_type);
targ_.protocol_version = be16toh(rpdu.protocol_version);
targ_.maximum_pdu_size = be32toh(rpdu.maximum_pdu_size);
targ_.flash_protection = be32toh(rpdu.flash_protection);
targ_.offset = be32toh(rpdu.offset);
memcpy(targ_.version, rpdu.version, sizeof(rpdu.version));
targ_.min_rollback = be32toh(rpdu.min_rollback);
targ_.key_version = be32toh(rpdu.key_version);
LOG(INFO) << "target running protocol version " << targ_.protocol_version
<< " (type " << targ_.header_type << ")";
if (targ_.protocol_version != 6) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported protocol version " << targ_.protocol_version;
return false;
if (targ_.header_type !=
static_cast<int>(FirstResponsePduHeaderType::kCommon)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported header type " << targ_.header_type;
return false;
if (return_value !=
LOG(WARNING) << "EC still calculating RW signature, retrying...";
if (return_value) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Target reporting error " << return_value;
return false;
std::string writable_section = ToString(OtherSection(CurrentSection()));
LOG(INFO) << "### Writable Section: " << writable_section << " ###";
LOG(INFO) << base::StringPrintf(
" Maximum PDU size: %d, Flash protection: %04x, Version: %s, "
"Key version: %d, Minimum rollback: %d, Writeable at offset: 0x%x",
targ_.maximum_pdu_size, targ_.flash_protection, targ_.version,
targ_.key_version, targ_.min_rollback, targ_.offset);
return true;
void FirmwareUpdater::SendDone() {
// Send stop request, ignoring reply.
LOG(INFO) << ">>> SendDone";
uint32_t out = htobe32(kUpdateDoneCmd);
uint8_t unused_received;
endpoint_->Transfer(&out, sizeof(out), &unused_received, 1, false);
bool FirmwareUpdater::TransferSection(const uint8_t* data_ptr,
uint32_t section_addr,
size_t data_len,
bool use_block_skip) {
if (!SendFirstPdu()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to send the first PDU.";
return false;
bool ret = true;
LOG(INFO) << "Sending 0x" << std::hex << data_len << " bytes to 0x"
<< section_addr << std::dec;
while (data_len > 0) {
// prepare the header to prepend to the block.
size_t payload_size = std::min<size_t>(data_len, targ_.maximum_pdu_size);
UpdateFrameHeader ufh;
ufh.block_size = htobe32(payload_size + sizeof(UpdateFrameHeader));
ufh.block_base = htobe32(section_addr);
ufh.block_digest = 0;
LOG(INFO) << "Update frame header: " << std::hex << "0x" << ufh.block_size
<< " "
<< "0x" << ufh.block_base << " "
<< "0x" << ufh.block_digest << std::dec;
if (!TransferBlock(&ufh, data_ptr, payload_size, use_block_skip)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to transfer block, " << data_len << " to go";
ret = false;
data_len -= payload_size;
data_ptr += payload_size;
section_addr += payload_size;
return ret;
bool FirmwareUpdater::CheckEmptyBlock(const uint8_t* transfer_data_ptr,
size_t payload_size) {
for (int i = 0; i < payload_size; i++) {
if (transfer_data_ptr[i] != 0xff)
return false;
return true;
bool FirmwareUpdater::TransferBlock(UpdateFrameHeader* ufh,
const uint8_t* transfer_data_ptr,
size_t payload_size,
bool use_block_skip) {
// The section space must be erased before the update is attempted.
// Thus we can skip blocks entirely composed of 0xff. However, this doesn't
// apply for touchpad update.
if (use_block_skip && CheckEmptyBlock(transfer_data_ptr, payload_size)) {
LOG(INFO) << "Block is all 0xff; skipping.";
return true;
// First send the header.
LOG(INFO) << "Send the block header: "
<< base::HexEncode(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ufh), sizeof(*ufh));
endpoint_->Send(ufh, sizeof(*ufh));
// Now send the block, chunk by chunk.
size_t transfer_size = 0;
while (transfer_size < payload_size) {
int chunk_size = std::min<size_t>(endpoint_->GetChunkLength(),
payload_size - transfer_size);
endpoint_->Send(transfer_data_ptr, chunk_size);
transfer_data_ptr += chunk_size;
transfer_size += chunk_size;
// Now get the reply.
uint32_t reply;
if (endpoint_->Receive(&reply, sizeof(reply), true, kTransferTimeoutMs) ==
-1) {
return false;
reply = *(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&reply));
if (reply) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Error: status " << static_cast<int>(reply);
return false;
return true;
std::string FirmwareUpdater::GetEcImageVersion() const {
return sections_[0].version;
std::string FirmwareUpdater::ReadConsole() {
std::string ret;
constexpr size_t CHUNK_SIZE = 64;
size_t response_size = 1;
char response[CHUNK_SIZE] = {'\0'};
const std::string next_payload = "\1";
bool cmd_ret;
cmd_ret = SendSubcommandReceiveResponse(UpdateExtraCommand::kConsoleReadInit,
"", reinterpret_cast<void*>(response),
if (!cmd_ret) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to init before reading console.";
return ret;
while (true) {
response_size = CHUNK_SIZE;
// Enable allow_less because response size can vary.
cmd_ret = SendSubcommandReceiveResponse(
UpdateExtraCommand::kConsoleReadNext, next_payload,
reinterpret_cast<void*>(response), response_size, true);
if (response[0] == 0)
response[response_size - 1] = '\0';
return ret;
const FirstResponsePdu* FirmwareUpdater::GetFirstResponsePdu() const {
return &targ_;
std::string FirmwareUpdater::GetSectionVersion(SectionName section_name) const {
if (section_name == SectionName::Invalid ||
CurrentSection() == SectionName::Invalid) {
return "Unknown";
if (section_name == CurrentSection()) {
return version_;
return std::string(targ_.version);
} // namespace hammerd