blob: 38e94d7412d74cbf45020d2d19b04d0f4501b63f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "foomatic_shell/verifier.h"
#include <set>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/no_destructor.h>
namespace foomatic_shell {
namespace {
// A set of allowed environment variables that may be set for executed commands.
const std::set<std::string> AllowedVariables() {
static const base::NoDestructor<std::set<std::string>> variables({"NOPDF"});
return *variables;
bool HasPrefix(const std::string& str, const std::string& prefix) {
if (prefix.size() > str.size())
return false;
return (, prefix.size(), prefix) == 0);
} // namespace
bool Verifier::VerifyScript(Script* script, int recursion_level) {
DCHECK(script != nullptr);
if (recursion_level > 5) {
message_ = "too many recursive subshell invocations";
return false;
for (auto& pipeline : script->pipelines) {
for (auto& segment : pipeline.segments) {
// Save the position of the current segment (in case of an error).
position_ = Position(segment);
// Verify the segment.
bool result = false;
if (segment.command) {
// It is a Command.
result = VerifyCommand(segment.command.get());
} else {
// It is a Script.
result = VerifyScript(segment.script.get(), recursion_level + 1);
if (!result)
return false;
return true;
bool Verifier::VerifyCommand(Command* command) {
DCHECK(command != nullptr);
// Verify variables set for this command.
for (auto& var : command->variables_with_values) {
if (AllowedVariables().count(var.variable.value) == 0) {
message_ = "variable " + var.variable.value + " is not allowed";
return false;
const std::string& cmd = command->application.value;
// The "cat" command is allowed <=> it has no parameters or it has only a
// single parameter "-".
if (cmd == "cat") {
if (command->parameters.empty())
return true;
if (command->parameters.size() == 1 &&
Value(command->parameters.front()) == "-")
return true;
message_ = "cat: disallowed parameter";
return false;
// The "cut" command is always allowed.
if (cmd == "cut")
return true;
// The "date" command is allowed <=> it has no parameters with prefixes "-s"
// or "--set".
if (cmd == "date") {
for (auto& parameter : command->parameters) {
const std::string param = Value(parameter);
if (HasPrefix(param, "-s") || HasPrefix(param, "--set")) {
message_ = "date: disallowed parameter";
return false;
return true;
// The "echo" command is always allowed.
if (cmd == "echo")
return true;
// The "gs" command is verified in separate method.
if (cmd == "gs")
return VerifyGs(command->parameters);
// The "pdftops" command used by foomatic-rip is located at
// /usr/libexec/cups/filter/pdftops, not /usr/bin/pdftops (a default one).
// It takes 5 or 6 parameters.
if (cmd == "pdftops")
return true;
// The "printf" command is always allowed.
if (cmd == "printf")
return true;
// The "sed" command is allowed <=> it has no parameters with prefixes "-i"
// or "--in-place". Moreover, the "--sandbox" parameter is added if not
// already present.
if (cmd == "sed") {
bool sandbox = false;
for (auto& parameter : command->parameters) {
const std::string param = Value(parameter);
if (param == "--sandbox") {
sandbox = true;
if (HasPrefix(param, "-i") || HasPrefix(param, "--in-place")) {
message_ = "sed: disallowed parameter";
return false;
if (!sandbox) {
Token token;
token.type = Token::Type::kNativeString;
token.value = "--sandbox";
token.begin = token.end = command->application.end;
const StringAtom string_atom = {{token}};
return true;
// All other commands are disallowed.
message_ = "disallowed command: " + command->application.value;
return false;
// Parameters “-dSAFER” and “-sOutputFile=-” must be present.
// No other “-sOutputFile=” parameters are allowed.
// Parameters “-dNOSAFER” and “-dALLOWPSTRANSPARENCY” are disallowed.
bool Verifier::VerifyGs(const std::vector<StringAtom>& parameters) {
bool safer = false;
bool output_file = false;
for (auto& parameter : parameters) {
const std::string param = Value(parameter);
if (param == "-dPARANOIDSAFER" || param == "-dSAFER") {
safer = true;
if (param == "-sOutputFile=-") {
output_file = true;
if (HasPrefix(param, "-sOutputFile=") || param == "-dNOSAFER" ||
message_ = "gs: disallowed parameter";
return false;
if (!safer) {
message_ = "gs: the parameter -dSAFER is missing";
return false;
if (!output_file) {
message_ = "gs: the parameter -sOutputFile=- is missing";
return false;
return true;
} // namespace foomatic_shell