blob: b9025dc17b1797a769ac289c997672c51a9f72c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "foomatic_shell/process_launcher.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
#include <base/bind.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <brillo/process/process.h>
namespace foomatic_shell {
namespace {
// Helper structure holding a pointer to brillo::Process or PID of process.
struct Subprocess {
explicit Subprocess(pid_t pid) : script_pid(pid) {}
explicit Subprocess(std::unique_ptr<brillo::Process> process)
: command_process(std::move(process)) {}
// Exactly one of these two fields is set.
std::unique_ptr<brillo::Process> command_process;
pid_t script_pid = -1;
// The position of the executed fragment of the input script.
std::string::const_iterator position;
// This function is called before calling exec(...) in forked process.
// |vars| contains environment variables to set. In case of an error, the
// function returns false and prints an error message to stderr.
bool PreExecSettings(const std::map<std::string, std::string>& vars) {
// Set environment variables.
for (const auto& name_value : vars) {
if (setenv(name_value.first.c_str(), name_value.second.c_str(), 1)) {
perror("setenv(...) failed");
return false;
// Set soft/hard limit for CPU usage (60 sec / 66 sec).
const rlimit cpu_limit = {60, 66};
if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, &cpu_limit)) {
perror("setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU,...) failed");
return false;
// Set soft/hard limit for memory (256 MB / 288 MB).
const rlimit mem_limit = {256 * 1024 * 1024, 288 * 1024 * 1024};
if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA, &mem_limit)) {
perror("setrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA,...) failed");
return false;
return true;
// Prints to the stderr an error message. |source| is a source of the script
// that failed. |position| points to the part of |source| where the error
// occurred. |msg| is an error message. Neither dot nor end-of-line is expected
// at the end of |msg|. If |use_errno| is set the function adds to |msg| a
// string ": " followed by the error message reported by errno.
void PrintMessage(const std::string& source,
std::string::const_iterator position,
std::string msg,
bool use_errno = false) {
if (use_errno) {
msg += ": ";
msg += strerror(errno);
const std::string out = CreateErrorLog(source, position, msg);
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", out.c_str());
} // namespace
// Creates a new process executing the given |command|. |input_fd| and
// |output_fd| are input/output descriptors for the new process. The function
// returns nullptr when error occurs and the process cannot be started.
std::unique_ptr<brillo::Process> ProcessLauncher::StartProcess(
const Command& command, int input_fd, int output_fd) {
// Saves to a map all environment variables to set.
std::map<std::string, std::string> vars;
for (const auto& assignment : command.variables_with_values)
vars[assignment.variable.value] = Value(assignment.new_value);
// Creates and runs the process.
std::unique_ptr<brillo::Process> process(new brillo::ProcessImpl());
for (const StringAtom& param : command.parameters)
if (input_fd >= 0)
process->BindFd(input_fd, 0);
if (output_fd >= 0)
process->BindFd(output_fd, 1);
process->SetPreExecCallback(base::Bind(&PreExecSettings, vars));
if (!process->Start()) {
PrintMessage(source_, Position(command), "brillo::Process::Start() failed");
return nullptr;
if (verbose_)
fprintf(stderr, "PROCESS %s STARTED\n", command.application.value.c_str());
return process;
// This function forks a new process and executes |script| in it. |input_fd| and
// |output_fd| are standard input/output streams for the new process. |open_fds|
// is a set with currently open file descriptors; it may contain a special value
// -1 (incorrect descriptor). This set is used to determine which file
// descriptors must be closed in the forked (child) process. The function
// returns PID of the forked process or -1 in case on an error.
pid_t ProcessLauncher::StartSubshell(const Script& script,
int input_fd,
int output_fd,
std::set<int> open_fds) {
// Remove descriptors that must stay open.
open_fds.erase(0); // stdin
open_fds.erase(1); // stdout
open_fds.erase(2); // stderr
// Incorrect descriptors use -1, we have to remove this value.
pid_t pid = fork();
if (pid == 0) {
// Inside the child process.
// Close all unused file descriptors.
for (int fd : open_fds) {
if (close(fd) != 0)
perror("close(fd) failed");
// Run |script| and exit.
const int exit_code = RunScript(script, input_fd, output_fd);
// Inside the parent process.
if (pid < 0) {
PrintMessage(source_, Position(script), "fork() failed", true);
return (pid_t)-1;
if (verbose_)
fprintf(stderr, "SUBSHELL STARTED\n");
return pid;
// The function runs given |pipeline|. |input_fd| and |output_fd| are
// input/output descriptors for the whole pipeline. In case of an error the
// method returns kShellError. Otherwise, the method returns exit code
// returned by the last command in the pipeline.
int ProcessLauncher::RunPipeline(const Pipeline& pipeline,
int input_fd,
int output_fd) {
if (verbose_)
fprintf(stderr, "EXECUTE PIPELINE\n");
// List of processes created within this pipeline.
std::list<Subprocess> processes;
// Iterate over the pipeline and create corresponding processes.
int next_fd_in = input_fd;
for (size_t iSegment = 0; iSegment < pipeline.segments.size(); ++iSegment) {
auto& pipe_segment = pipeline.segments[iSegment];
// Create a pipe connecting the current segment with the next one.
const int fd_in = next_fd_in;
int fd_out;
if (iSegment == pipeline.segments.size() - 1) {
// It is the last segment. Instead of creating a new pipe, we just set
// the output file descriptor to |output_fd|.
next_fd_in = -1;
fd_out = output_fd;
} else {
// Create a new pipe connecting this segment with the next one.
int fd[2];
if (pipe(fd) != 0) {
PrintMessage(source_, Position(pipe_segment), "pipe(...) failed",
true /* use_errno */);
return kShellError;
next_fd_in = fd[0];
fd_out = fd[1];
// Create a process corresponding to the current segment.
if (pipe_segment.command) {
// The current segment is a simple command.
auto process = StartProcess(*pipe_segment.command, fd_in, fd_out);
if (process != nullptr) {
// Success. Save the new process.
} else {
// Failure. Break the pipeline.
return kShellError;
} else {
// The current segment is a subshell.
const std::set<int> open_fds = {input_fd, output_fd, next_fd_in};
pid_t pid = StartSubshell(*pipe_segment.script, fd_in, fd_out, open_fds);
if (pid != (pid_t)-1) {
// Success. Save the new process.
} else {
// Failure. Break the pipeline.
return kShellError;
processes.back().position = Position(pipe_segment);
// Close file descriptors.
if (fd_in != input_fd) {
if (close(fd_in) != 0)
perror("close(fd_in) failed");
if (fd_out != output_fd) {
if (close(fd_out) != 0)
perror("close(fd_out) failed");
// Wait for all the processes to finish.
int exit_code = 0;
for (Subprocess& sp : processes) {
if (sp.command_process) {
exit_code = sp.command_process->Wait();
// (|exit_code| == kShellError) means that brillo::Process failed during
// initialization of the child process.
if (exit_code == kShellError) {
PrintMessage(source_, sp.position, "Process failed");
return kShellError;
} else {
if (waitpid(sp.script_pid, &exit_code, 0) == (pid_t)-1) {
PrintMessage(source_, sp.position, "waitpid(...) failed",
true /* use_errno */);
return kShellError;
// (|exit_code| == kShellError) means that the subshell failed.
if (exit_code == kShellError)
return kShellError;
// We ignore the exit_code different than kShellError, because the Linux
// shell behaves this way. The exit code from the last pipeline segment is
// reported as the exit code for the whole pipeline.
if (verbose_)
return exit_code;
int ProcessLauncher::RunScript(const Script& script,
int input_fd,
int output_fd) {
for (auto& pipeline : script.pipelines) {
// Try to execute the given |pipeline|.
const int exit_code = RunPipeline(pipeline, input_fd, output_fd);
// We stop execution on the first failing pipeline.
if (exit_code != 0)
return exit_code;
return 0;
} // namespace foomatic_shell