blob: edd9631a48f97cccd745d6c4e66c6f32b77edc1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "attestation/server/key_store.h"
#include <string>
#include <base/callback_forward.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <chaps/pkcs11/cryptoki.h>
#include <chaps/token_manager_client.h>
namespace attestation {
// This class uses a PKCS #11 token as storage for key data. The key data is
// stored in data objects with the following attributes:
// CKA_LABEL - A key name.
// CKA_VALUE - Binary key data (opaque to this class and the PKCS #11 token).
// CKA_APPLICATION - A constant value associated with this class.
// CKA_TOKEN - True
// There is no barrier between the objects created by this class and any other
// objects residing in the same token. In practice, this means that any
// component with access to the PKCS #11 token also has access to read or delete
// key data.
class Pkcs11KeyStore : public KeyStore {
// Does not take ownership of pointers.
explicit Pkcs11KeyStore(chaps::TokenManagerClient* token_manager);
Pkcs11KeyStore(const Pkcs11KeyStore&) = delete;
Pkcs11KeyStore& operator=(const Pkcs11KeyStore&) = delete;
~Pkcs11KeyStore() override;
// KeyStore interface.
bool Read(const std::string& username,
const std::string& key_name,
std::string* key_data) override;
bool Write(const std::string& username,
const std::string& key_name,
const std::string& key_data) override;
bool Delete(const std::string& username,
const std::string& key_name) override;
bool DeleteByPrefix(const std::string& username,
const std::string& key_prefix) override;
bool Register(const std::string& username,
const std::string& label,
KeyType key_type,
KeyUsage key_usage,
const std::string& private_key_blob,
const std::string& public_key_der,
const std::string& certificate) override;
bool RegisterCertificate(const std::string& username,
const std::string& certificate) override;
using EnumObjectsCallback = base::Callback<bool(
const std::string& key_name, CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_handle)>;
// Searches for a PKCS #11 object for a given key name. If one exists, the
// object handle is returned, otherwise CK_INVALID_HANDLE is returned.
const std::string& key_name);
// Gets a slot for the given |username| if |is_user_specific| or the system
// slot otherwise. Returns false if no appropriate slot is found.
bool GetUserSlot(const std::string& username, CK_SLOT_ID_PTR slot);
// Enumerates all PKCS #11 objects associated with keys. The |callback| is
// called once for each object.
bool EnumObjects(CK_SESSION_HANDLE session_handle,
const EnumObjectsCallback& callback);
// Looks up the key name for the given |object_handle| which is associated
// with a key. Returns true on success.
bool GetKeyName(CK_SESSION_HANDLE session_handle,
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_handle,
std::string* key_name);
// An EnumObjectsCallback for use with DeleteByPrefix. Destroys the key
// object identified by |object_handle| if |key_name| matches |key_prefix|.
// Returns true on success.
bool DeleteIfMatchesPrefix(CK_SESSION_HANDLE session_handle,
const std::string& key_prefix,
const std::string& key_name,
CK_OBJECT_HANDLE object_handle);
// Extracts the |subject|, |issuer|, and |serial_number| information from an
// X.509 |certificate|. Returns false if the value cannot be determined.
bool GetCertificateFields(const std::string& certificate,
std::string* subject,
std::string* issuer,
std::string* serial_number);
// Returns true iff the given certificate already exists in the token.
bool DoesCertificateExist(CK_SESSION_HANDLE session_handle,
const std::string& certificate);
chaps::TokenManagerClient* token_manager_;
} // namespace attestation