blob: 67201624aaa1aea154d90c6a89d54bd34609c8c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "attestation/server/certificate_queue.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
namespace attestation {
namespace {
// The URL query style separator used to concat username and the key label.
constexpr char kNameLabelSeparator[] = "?key_label=";
// Compares all the field other than |aca_type|, |username|, and |key_label| of
// |request1| and |request2|; returns |false| if any mismatch.
bool HaveConsistentConfigs(const GetCertificateRequest& request1,
const GetCertificateRequest& request2) {
DCHECK_EQ(request1.username(), request2.username());
DCHECK_EQ(request1.aca_type(), request2.aca_type());
DCHECK_EQ(request1.key_label(), request2.key_label());
return request1.certificate_profile() == request2.certificate_profile() &&
request1.request_origin() == request2.request_origin() &&
request1.key_type() == request2.key_type();
} // namespace
CertificateQueue::CertificateQueue(size_t alias_limit)
: alias_limit_(alias_limit) {}
CertificateQueue::PushResult CertificateQueue::Push(
const std::shared_ptr<AttestationFlowData>& data) {
auto& aliases = table_[data];
if (aliases.size() == alias_limit_) {
return PushResult::kAliasLimit;
// Checks the consistency of the cert requests.
if (!aliases.empty() &&
data->get_certificate_request())) {
return PushResult::kInconsistentConfig;
return PushResult::kSuccess;
bool CertificateQueue::HasAnyAlias(
const std::shared_ptr<AttestationFlowData>& data) const {
auto iter = table_.find(data);
return iter != table_.end();
const std::shared_ptr<AttestationFlowData>& data) {
auto iter = table_.find(data);
if (iter == table_.end()) {
return {};
// Swaps out the aliases and erases the entry.
auto aliases = std::move(iter->second);
return aliases;
size_t CertificateQueue::DataHash::operator()(
const std::shared_ptr<AttestationFlowData>& data) const {
// By design, we don't hash |aca_type|.
return std::hash<std::string>()(data->username() + kNameLabelSeparator +
bool CertificateQueue::DataEqual::operator()(
const std::shared_ptr<AttestationFlowData>& data1,
const std::shared_ptr<AttestationFlowData>& data2) const {
return data1->aca_type() == data2->aca_type() &&
data1->username() == data2->username() &&
data1->key_label() == data2->key_label();
} // namespace attestation