blob: 4c815a5019644bd2542ad6fbd1108f18b2641906 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/environment.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/strings/string_piece.h>
#include <base/values.h>
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace arc {
// A class that holds configuration variables for arc-setup.
class Config {
Config(const base::FilePath& config_json,
std::unique_ptr<base::Environment> config_env);
Config(const Config&) = delete;
Config& operator=(const Config&) = delete;
// Finds a string config with |name| first in JSON and stores it in |out| if
// found. If the |name| is not in JSON, does the same search against the
// environment variables. Returns true if found.
bool GetString(base::StringPiece name, std::string* out) const;
// Finds an integer config with |name| in JSON and stores it in |out| if
// found. If the |name| is not in JSON, does the same search against the
// environment variables. Returns true if an integer entry in JSON or
// an integer-compatible string in env (e.g. "123", "-123") is found.
bool GetInt(base::StringPiece name, int* out) const;
// Finds a boolean config with |name| in JSON and stores it in |out| if
// found. If the |name| is not in JSON, does the same search against the
// environment variables. Returns true if a boolean entry in JSON or
// a boolean-compatible string in env (e.g. "1", "0", "false") is found.
bool GetBool(base::StringPiece name, bool* out) const;
// These functions do the same as above, but aborts when |name| is not found.
std::string GetStringOrDie(base::StringPiece name) const;
int GetIntOrDie(base::StringPiece name) const;
bool GetBoolOrDie(base::StringPiece name) const;
bool ParseJsonFile(const base::FilePath& config_json);
base::Value* FindConfig(base::StringPiece name) const;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<base::Value>> json_;
std::unique_ptr<base::Environment> env_;
} // namespace arc