blob: 36157f1d8a5a0417735016405eab0597d49ef6a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <base/optional.h>
#include <base/synchronization/lock.h>
#include <base/threading/thread.h>
#include "tpm_manager/client/tpm_nvram_dbus_proxy.h"
#include "tpm_manager/client/tpm_ownership_dbus_proxy.h"
#include "tpm_manager/client/tpm_ownership_signal_handler.h"
#include "tpm_manager/common/export.h"
namespace tpm_manager {
// A TpmUtility implementation for version-independent functions.
class TPM_MANAGER_EXPORT TpmManagerUtility
: public TpmOwnershipTakenSignalHandler {
using OwnershipCallback = base::RepeatingCallback<void()>;
TpmManagerUtility() = default;
// a constructor which enables injection of mock interfaces.
TpmManagerUtility(tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipInterface* tpm_owner,
tpm_manager::TpmNvramInterface* tpm_nvram);
~TpmManagerUtility() override = default;
// Initializes the worker thread and proxies of |tpm_manager| and returns
// |true| if successful. Returns |false| if we cannot start
// |tpm_manager_thread_| or tpm_manager's interfaces fail to initialize.
// Once returning |true|, the calls of this function afterwards return |true|
// without mutating any data member.
virtual bool Initialize();
// Blocking call of |TpmOwnershipDBusProxy::TakeOwnership|. Returns |true| iff
// the operation succeeds.
virtual bool TakeOwnership();
// Blocking call of |TpmOwnershipDBusProxy::GetTpmStatus|.
// Returns |true| iff the operation succeeds. Once returning |true|,
// |is_enabled| indicates if TPM is enabled, and |is_owned| indicates if TPM
// is owned. |local_data| is the current |LocalData| stored in the
// |tpm_manager| service.
virtual bool GetTpmStatus(bool* is_enabled,
bool* is_owned,
LocalData* local_data);
// Blocking call of |TpmOwnershipDBusProxy::GetVersionInfo|.
// Returns true iff the operation succeeds. On success, various parts of
// version info are stored in the output args respectively.
virtual bool GetVersionInfo(uint32_t* family,
uint64_t* spec_level,
uint32_t* manufacturer,
uint32_t* tpm_model,
uint64_t* firmware_version,
std::string* vendor_specific);
// Blocking call of
// |TpmOwnershipDBusProxy::RemoveOwnerDependency|. Returns |true| iff the
// operation succeeds. |dependency| is the idenitier of the dependency.
virtual bool RemoveOwnerDependency(const std::string& dependency);
// Blocking call of
// |TpmOwnershipDBusProxy::ClearStoredOwnerPassword|. Returns |true| iff the
// operation succeeds.
virtual bool ClearStoredOwnerPassword();
// Blocking call of |TpmOwnershipDBusProxy::GetDictionaryAttackInfo|. Returns
// |true| iff the operation succeeds. Once returning |true|, |counter|,
// |threshold|, |lockout| and |seconds_remaining| will set to the respective
// values of received |GetDictionaryAttackInfoReply|.
virtual bool GetDictionaryAttackInfo(int* counter,
int* threshold,
bool* lockout,
int* seconds_remaining);
// Blocking call of |TpmOwnershipDBusProxy::GetDictionaryAttackInfo|. Returns
// |true| iff the operation succeeds.
virtual bool ResetDictionaryAttackLock();
// Blocking call of |TpmNvramDBusProxy::DefineSpace|. Returns
// |true| iff the operation succeeds. This call sends a request to define
// the nvram at |index|.
virtual bool DefineSpace(uint32_t index,
size_t size,
bool write_define,
bool bind_to_pcr0,
bool firmware_readable);
// Blocking call of |TpmNvramDBusProxy::DestroySpace|. Returns
// |true| iff the operation succeeds. This call sends a request to destroy
// the nvram at |index|.
virtual bool DestroySpace(uint32_t index);
// Blocking call of |TpmNvramDBusProxy::WriteSpace|. Returns
// |true| iff the operation succeeds. This call sends a request to write the
// content of the nvram at |index|. If |use_owner_auth| is set, the request
// tells the service to use owner authorization. Note: currently the arbitrary
// auth value is not supported since we got no use case for now.
virtual bool WriteSpace(uint32_t index,
const std::string& data,
bool use_owner_auth);
// Blocking call of |TpmNvramDBusProxy::ReadSpace|. Returns |true| iff
// the operation succeeds. This call sends a request to read the content of
// the nvram at |index| and stores the output data in |output|. If
// |use_owner_auth| is set, the request tells the service to use owner
// authorization. Note: currently the arbitrary auth value is not supported
// since we got no use case for now.
virtual bool ReadSpace(uint32_t index,
bool use_owner_auth,
std::string* output);
// Blocking call of |TpmNvramDBusProxy::ListSpaces|. Returns
// |true| iff the operation succeeds. This call stores the space id in
// |spaces|.
virtual bool ListSpaces(std::vector<uint32_t>* spaces);
// Blocking call of |TpmNvramDBusProxy::GetSpaceInfo|. Returns
// |true| iff the operation succeeds. This call stores |size|,
// |is_read_locked|, |is_write_locked| information of nvram at |index|.
virtual bool GetSpaceInfo(uint32_t index,
uint32_t* size,
bool* is_read_locked,
bool* is_write_locked);
// Blocking call of |TpmNvramDBusProxy::LockSpace|. Returns
// |true| iff the operation succeeds. This call sends a request to lock
// the nvram at |index|.
virtual bool LockSpace(uint32_t index);
// Gets the current status of the ownership taken signal. Returns |true| iff
// the signal is connected, no matter if it's connected successfully or not.
// |is_successful| indicates if the dbus signal connection is successful or
// not. |has_received| indicates if this instance has received the ownership
// taken signal. Once |has_received| is set as |true|,|local_data| gets
// updated. Any output parameter will be ignored to be set if the value is
// |nullptr|.
virtual bool GetOwnershipTakenSignalStatus(bool* is_successful,
bool* has_received,
LocalData* local_data);
// Add callback which would be trigger after got tpm ownership.
void AddOwnershipCallback(OwnershipCallback ownership_callback);
// Get a singleton of tpm_manager utility. It would return nullptr when
// initialize failed.
// Using singleton would resolve the ownership data race of consumers.
static TpmManagerUtility* GetSingleton();
void OnOwnershipTaken(const OwnershipTakenSignal& signal) override;
void OnSignalConnected(const std::string& interface_name,
const std::string& signal_name,
bool is_successful) override;
// Tpm_manager communication thread class that cleans up after stopping.
class TpmManagerThread : public base::Thread {
explicit TpmManagerThread(TpmManagerUtility* utility)
: base::Thread("tpm_manager_thread"), utility_(utility) {
~TpmManagerThread() override { Stop(); }
void CleanUp() override { utility_->ShutdownTask(); }
TpmManagerUtility* const utility_;
// Initialization operation that must be performed on the tpm_manager
// thread.
void InitializationTask(base::WaitableEvent* completion);
// Shutdown operation that must be performed on the tpm_manager thread.
void ShutdownTask();
// Sends a request to tpm_managerd and waits for a response. The given
// interface |method| will be called and a |reply_proto| will be populated.
// Example usage:
// tpm_manager::GetTpmStatusReply tpm_status;
// SendTpmManagerRequestAndWait(
// base::Bind(&tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipInterface::GetTpmStatus,
// base::Unretained(tpm_owner_),
// tpm_manager::GetTpmStatusRequest()),
// &tpm_status);
template <typename ReplyProtoType, typename MethodType>
void SendTpmManagerRequestAndWait(const MethodType& method,
ReplyProtoType* reply_proto);
// Sends a request to tpm_managerd and waits for a response. And these are
// wraps of SendTpmManagerRequestAndWait.
// Example usage:
// tpm_manager::TakeOwnershipReply reply;
// SendTpmOwnerRequestAndWait(
// &tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipInterface::TakeOwnership,
// tpm_manager::GetTpmStatusRequest(), &reply);
template <typename ReplyProtoType,
typename RequestProtoType,
typename MethodType>
void SendTpmOwnerRequestAndWait(const MethodType& method,
const RequestProtoType& request_proto,
ReplyProtoType* reply_proto);
template <typename ReplyProtoType,
typename RequestProtoType,
typename MethodType>
void SendTpmNvramRequestAndWait(const MethodType& method,
const RequestProtoType& request_proto,
ReplyProtoType* reply_proto);
// |tpm_owner_| and |tpm_nvram_| typically point to |default_tpm_owner_| and
// |default_tpm_nvram_| respectively, created/destroyed on the
// |tpm_manager_thread_|. As such, should not be accessed after that thread
// is stopped/destroyed.
tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipInterface* tpm_owner_{nullptr};
tpm_manager::TpmNvramInterface* tpm_nvram_{nullptr};
// |default_tpm_owner_| and |default_tpm_nvram_| are created and destroyed
// on the |tpm_manager_thread_|, and are not available after the thread is
// stopped/destroyed.
std::unique_ptr<tpm_manager::TpmOwnershipDBusProxy> default_tpm_owner_;
std::unique_ptr<tpm_manager::TpmNvramDBusProxy> default_tpm_nvram_;
// A message loop thread dedicated for asynchronous communication with
// tpm_managerd. Declared last, so that it is destroyed before the
// objects it uses.
TpmManagerThread tpm_manager_thread_{this};
// Data structures for the dbus signal handling.
// |ownership_signal_lock_| is used when the signal-handling data is
// accessed; the mutex is necessary because the user of this class could read
// the signal data.
base::Lock ownership_signal_lock_;
// |ownership_signal_lock_| is used when the signal-handling data is
// accessed; the mutex is necessary because the user of this class could read
// the signal data.
base::Lock ownership_callback_lock_;
// Only uses |is_connected_| to indicate if we can rely on the dbus signal to
// get the local data though it could mean "not connected", "being
// connected". Note that |is_connected_| could also mean the connection has
// been attempted but not successfully. For naming reference, see arguments of
// |brillo::dbus_utils::ConnectToSignal|.
bool is_connected_{false};
// Records if it's a successful signal connection once connected.
bool is_connection_successful_{false};
// |ownership_taken_signal_| stores the data once the ownership
// taken signal is received.
base::Optional<OwnershipTakenSignal> ownership_taken_signal_;
std::vector<OwnershipCallback> ownership_callbacks_;
} // namespace tpm_manager