blob: 09c3171f6ea24ca0394e93112469916133c5949c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <base/callback.h>
#include <base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <brillo/message_loops/message_loop.h>
#include "portier/neighbor_cache.h"
#include "portier/proxy_interface.h"
#include "portier/status.h"
namespace portier {
class NeighborDiscoveryProxy {
static std::unique_ptr<NeighborDiscoveryProxy> Create(
bool nested_mode = false);
// The destructor will release all interfaces, release all groups,
// and cancel all tasks associated to it.
// Proxy interfaces.
Status ManagerInterface(const std::string& if_name);
Status ReleaseInterface(const std::string& if_name);
bool IsManagingInterface(const std::string& if_name) const;
// Proxy groups.
Status CreateProxyGroup(const std::string& pg_name);
Status ReleaseProxyGroup(const std::string& pg_name);
bool HasProxyGroup(const std::string& pg_name) const;
// Membership.
Status AddToGroup(const std::string& if_name,
const std::string& pg_name,
bool as_upstream = false);
Status RemoveFromGroup(const std::string& if_name);
Status SetAsUpstream(const std::string& if_name);
Status UnsetUpstream(const std::string& pg_name);
bool IsNested() const { return nested_mode_; }
void SetNestedMode(bool nested_mode) { nested_mode_ = nested_mode; }
NeighborCache* GetNeighborCache() { return &neighbor_cache_; }
ProxyGroupManager* GetProxyGroupManager() { return &group_manager_; }
explicit NeighborDiscoveryProxy(bool nested_mode)
: nested_mode_(nested_mode) {}
// Returns a pointer to the interface of the given |if_name|. If the
// interface does not exists, then a nullptr is returned.
std::shared_ptr<ProxyInterface> GetInterface(
const std::string& if_name) const;
// Marks the given |proxy_if| as having a loop and schedules a task
// to call `LoopTimeOut() which clears the interface loop mark
// after a set amount of time. The TaskId of loop clearing task is
// stored in |loop_tasks_| and must be removed should the interface
// be removed or cleard of its loop mark elsewhere.
// See `LoopTimeOut()' for details.
void HandleLoopDetection(std::shared_ptr<ProxyInterface> proxy_if);
// Callbacks.
// Main proxy logic.
void HandleNeighborDiscoverPacket(std::string if_name);
void HandleIPv6Packet(std::string if_name);
// Clears the loop mark on an interface specified by the given
// |if_name|. This method is intended to be called only from a
// scheduled task callback.
// No action is take if:
// 1 - The interface no longer exists,
// 2 - The interface does not have a group,
// 3 - The interface's group name does not match |pg_name|, or
// 4 - There is no task Id found for the given |if_name|.
// Note:
// Because of case 2 and 3, it is the responsibility of this class
// to cancel task should the interface be removed from a group and
// readded or reactivated by some manual means. Failure to do so
// might cause a loop flag to be cleared prematurely.
void LoopTimeOut(std::string if_name, std::string pg_name);
// A special flag to indicate that the daemon is nested and can expect
// to receive proxied RA requests.
bool nested_mode_;
NeighborCache neighbor_cache_;
ProxyGroupManager group_manager_;
// Maps file descripters to their associated watching task. Used
// for removing the FD from the watch pool when closed.
std::map<int32_t, std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller>>
// Maps interface names to their task which handles the loop-timeout.
// If a loop is detected on a downstream interface, then the
// interface is marked as potentially having a loop. A callback
// is then scheduled to clear that flag after 1 hour. Tracking
// the task ID allows that task to be cleared should the interface
// be released.
std::map<std::string, brillo::MessageLoop::TaskId> loop_tasks_;
// List of all managed proxy interfaces.
std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ProxyInterface>> proxy_ifs_;
} // namespace portier