blob: b5c895ef21163f159470d8f36cd8b47167afc646 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <linux/filter.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <shill/net/byte_string.h>
#include <shill/net/ip_address.h>
#include "portier/ll_address.h"
#include "portier/network_socket.h"
#include "portier/status.h"
namespace portier {
struct IPv6EtherHeader {
// Ethernet fields.
LLAddress destination_ll_address;
LLAddress source_ll_address;
// IPv6 fields.
// - |ip6_header_flow| contain the values of the IP version, Traffic Class
// and Flow Label from the first 4 oclets of the IPv6 packet. The
// information is store as is in network byte order. This information
// is intended to be passed to another EtherSocket when sending a proxied
// packet. Use of Traffic Class and Flow Label depend on the network
// and not providing them on proxied packets may result in routing issues
// or network firewall actions.
uint32_t ip6_header_flow;
// - |next_header| the next header field of the IPv6 packet which describes
// the payload type. This may specify a Hop-By-Hop option, in which case
// further processing on the payload may be required by the node.
uint8_t next_header;
uint8_t hop_limit;
shill::IPAddress source_address;
shill::IPAddress destination_address;
IPv6EtherHeader() : ip6_header_flow(0), next_header(0), hop_limit(0) {}
// A wrapper around a raw ethernet socket for ethernet frames containing
// IPv6 packets.
class EtherSocket : public NetworkSocket {
static std::unique_ptr<EtherSocket> Create(const std::string& if_name);
~EtherSocket() override;
// Socket options.
// Attach a BPF to the socket. This will effect only incoming
// packets. Passing nullptr will detach the current filter.
Status AttachFilter(const struct sock_fprog* sock_filter_prog);
// Enabled or disable multicast mode for socket. If enabled, the socket
// will receive all L2 multicast and broadcast ethernet frames that are
// detected on the network link.
// Note: Possible that multicast packets are discarded even if this option
// is enabled if the provided BPF rejects them.
Status SetAllMulticastMode(bool enabled);
// Enabled or disable promiscuous mode for the socket. Should enable
// receiving all ethernet packets on the same link. Not all link-layer
// networks support promiscuous mode (such as WiFi) and some L2 switches
// may not forward unicast packets to all interfaces.
// Note: Possible that packets are discarded even if this option is
// enabled if the provided BPF rejects them.
Status SetPromiscuousMode(bool enabled);
// Receive an ether frame.
// The received frame will be partily parsed to extract the certain fields
// from the frame. Both parameters are optional outputs.
// - |header_fields| will contain all the value extracted from the
// Ethernet and IPv6 header fields.
// - |payload| the payload of the IPv6 packet. Depending on
// the value of |header_fields.next_header|, additional processing of
// the payload may be required.
Status ReceiveIPv6Packet(IPv6EtherHeader* header_fields,
shill::ByteString* payload);
// Discard a received, queued ether frame.
Status DiscardPacket();
// Send an ether frame.
// - |header_fields| should contain all the values required for
// sending an ethernet frame. No validation is done on the fields
// other than ensuring the correct type of link-layer addresses and
// correct family of IP addresses.
// - |payload| the payload of the IPv6 packet.
Status SendIPv6Packet(const IPv6EtherHeader& header_fields,
const shill::ByteString& payload);
explicit EtherSocket(const std::string& if_name);
Status Init() override;
} // namespace portier