blob: ac14941573d34f86444a6d58e271c0f66a5d4678 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "crash-reporter/arc_collector.h"
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <ctime>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <utility>
#include <base/files/file.h>
#include <base/files/file_util.h>
#include <base/logging.h>
#include <base/posix/eintr_wrapper.h>
#include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
#include <base/strings/stringize_macros.h>
#include <brillo/key_value_store.h>
#include <brillo/process.h>
using base::File;
using base::FilePath;
using base::ReadFileToString;
namespace {
const FilePath kContainerPidFile("/run/arc/");
const FilePath kArcRootPrefix("/opt/google/containers/android/rootfs/root");
const FilePath kArcBuildProp("system/build.prop"); // Relative to ARC root.
const char kCoreCollectorPath[] = "/usr/bin/core_collector";
const char kChromePath[] = "/opt/google/chrome/chrome";
const char kArcProduct[] = "ChromeOS_ARC";
const char kArcVersionField[] = "arc_version";
// Keys for crash log headers.
const char kActivityKey[] = "Activity";
const char kBuildKey[] = "Build";
const char kPackageKey[] = "Package";
const char kProcessKey[] = "Process";
const size_t kBufferSize = 4096;
inline bool IsAppProcess(const std::string &name) {
return name == "app_process32" || name == "app_process64";
bool ReadCrashLogFromStdin(std::stringstream *stream);
bool HasExceptionInfo(const std::string &type);
bool GetChromeVersion(std::string *version);
bool GetArcVersion(std::string *version);
} // namespace
: ArcCollector(ContextPtr(new ArcContext(this))) {
ArcCollector::ArcCollector(ContextPtr context)
: UserCollectorBase("ARC"),
context_(std::move(context)) {
bool ArcCollector::IsArcProcess(pid_t pid) const {
pid_t arc_pid;
if (!context_->GetArcPid(&arc_pid)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get PID of ARC container";
return false;
std::string arc_ns;
if (!context_->GetPidNamespace(arc_pid, &arc_ns)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get PID namespace of ARC container";
return false;
std::string ns;
if (!context_->GetPidNamespace(pid, &ns)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get PID namespace of process";
return false;
return ns == arc_ns;
bool ArcCollector::HandleJavaCrash(const std::string &type) {
std::string reason;
const bool should_dump = UserCollectorBase::ShouldDump(
is_feedback_allowed_function_(), IsDeveloperImage(), &reason);
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Received " << type << " notification";
if (!should_dump) {
LogCrash(message.str(), reason);
return true;
std::stringstream stream;
if (!ReadCrashLogFromStdin(&stream)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read crash log";
return false;
CrashLogHeaderMap map;
std::string exception_info;
if (!ParseCrashLog(type, &stream, &map, &exception_info)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to parse crash log";
return false;
const auto exec = GetCrashLogHeader(map, kProcessKey);
message << " for " << exec;
LogCrash(message.str(), reason);
bool out_of_capacity = false;
if (!CreateReportForJavaCrash(type, map, exception_info,
stream.str(), &out_of_capacity)) {
if (!out_of_capacity)
EnqueueCollectionErrorLog(0, kErrorSystemIssue, exec);
return false;
return true;
bool ArcCollector::IsArcRunning() {
return base::PathExists(kContainerPidFile);
bool ArcCollector::ArcContext::GetArcPid(pid_t *pid) const {
std::string buf;
return ReadFileToString(kContainerPidFile, &buf) && base::StringToInt(
base::StringPiece(buf.begin(), buf.end() - 1), pid); // Trim EOL.
bool ArcCollector::ArcContext::GetPidNamespace(pid_t pid,
std::string *ns) const {
const FilePath path =
// The /proc/[pid]/ns/pid file is a special symlink that resolves to a string
// containing the inode number of the PID namespace, e.g. "pid:[4026531838]".
FilePath target;
if (!collector_->GetSymlinkTarget(path, &target))
return false;
*ns = target.value();
return true;
bool ArcCollector::ArcContext::GetExeBaseName(pid_t pid,
std::string *exe) const {
return collector_->CrashCollector::GetExecutableBaseNameFromPid(pid, exe);
bool ArcCollector::ArcContext::GetCommand(pid_t pid,
std::string *command) const {
const FilePath path = collector_->GetProcessPath(pid).Append("cmdline");
// The /proc/[pid]/cmdline file contains the command line separated and
// terminated by a null byte, e.g. "command\0arg\0arg\0". The file is
// empty if the process is a zombie.
if (!ReadFileToString(path, command))
return false;
const auto pos = command->find('\0');
if (pos == std::string::npos)
return false;
command->erase(pos); // Discard command-line arguments.
return true;
bool ArcCollector::GetExecutableBaseNameFromPid(pid_t pid,
std::string *base_name) {
if (!context_->GetExeBaseName(pid, base_name))
return false;
// The runtime for non-native ARC apps overwrites its command line with the
// package name of the app, so use that instead.
if (IsArcProcess(pid) && IsAppProcess(*base_name)) {
if (!context_->GetCommand(pid, base_name))
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get package name";
return true;
bool ArcCollector::ShouldDump(pid_t pid,
uid_t uid,
const std::string &exec,
std::string *reason) {
if (!IsArcProcess(pid)) {
*reason = "ignoring - crash origin is not ARC";
return false;
// TODO(domlaskowski): Convert between UID namespaces.
if (uid >= kSystemUserEnd) {
*reason = "ignoring - not a system process";
return false;
return UserCollectorBase::ShouldDump(
is_feedback_allowed_function_(), IsDeveloperImage(), reason);
UserCollectorBase::ErrorType ArcCollector::ConvertCoreToMinidump(
pid_t pid,
const base::FilePath &container_dir,
const base::FilePath &core_path,
const base::FilePath &minidump_path) {
// TODO(domlaskowski): Dispatch to core_collector{32,64}.
#if __WORDSIZE == 64
LOG(ERROR) << kCoreCollectorPath << "{32,64} not implemented";
return kErrorUnsupported32BitCoreFile;
brillo::ProcessImpl core_collector;
core_collector.AddArg("--minidump=" + minidump_path.value());
core_collector.AddArg("--coredump=" + core_path.value());
core_collector.AddArg("--proc=" + container_dir.value());
core_collector.AddArg("--prefix=" + kArcRootPrefix.value());
const int exit_code = core_collector.Run();
if (exit_code == EX_OK) {
AddArcMetaData("native_crash", true);
return kErrorNone;
LOG(ERROR) << kCoreCollectorPath << " failed with exit code " << exit_code;
switch (exit_code) {
return kErrorInvalidCoreFile;
return kErrorCore2MinidumpConversion;
return base::PathExists(core_path) ? kErrorSystemIssue :
void ArcCollector::AddArcMetaData(const std::string &type,
bool add_arc_version) {
AddCrashMetaUploadData("prod", kArcProduct);
AddCrashMetaUploadData("type", type);
std::string version;
if (GetChromeVersion(&version))
AddCrashMetaUploadData("chrome_version", version);
if (add_arc_version && GetArcVersion(&version))
AddCrashMetaUploadData(kArcVersionField, version);
std::string ArcCollector::GetCrashLogHeader(const CrashLogHeaderMap &map,
const char *key) {
const auto it = map.find(key);
return it == map.end() ? "unknown" : it->second;
bool ArcCollector::ParseCrashLog(const std::string &type,
std::stringstream *stream,
CrashLogHeaderMap *map,
std::string *exception_info) {
std::string line;
// The last header is followed by an empty line.
while (std::getline(*stream, line) && !line.empty()) {
const auto end = line.find(':');
if (end != std::string::npos) {
const auto begin = line.find_first_not_of(' ', end + 1);
if (begin != std::string::npos) {
map->emplace(line.substr(0, end), line.substr(begin));
// Ignore malformed headers. The report is still created, but the associated
// metadata fields are set to "unknown".
LOG(WARNING) << "Header has unexpected format: " << line;
if (stream->fail())
return false;
if (HasExceptionInfo(type)) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << stream->rdbuf();
*exception_info = out.str();
return true;
bool ArcCollector::CreateReportForJavaCrash(const std::string &type,
const CrashLogHeaderMap &map,
const std::string &exception_info,
const std::string &log,
bool *out_of_capacity) {
FilePath crash_dir;
if (!GetCreatedCrashDirectoryByEuid(geteuid(), &crash_dir, out_of_capacity)) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to create or find crash directory";
return false;
const auto process = GetCrashLogHeader(map, kProcessKey);
const auto basename = FormatDumpBasename(process, std::time(nullptr), 0);
const FilePath log_path = GetCrashPath(crash_dir, basename, "log");
const int size = static_cast<int>(log.size());
if (WriteNewFile(log_path, log.c_str(), size) != size) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write log";
return false;
AddArcMetaData(type, false);
AddCrashMetaUploadData(kArcVersionField, GetCrashLogHeader(map, kBuildKey));
if (exception_info.empty()) {
// Use the activity, package or process as the signature.
std::string sig;
if (map.count(kActivityKey)) {
sig = GetCrashLogHeader(map, kActivityKey);
} else if (map.count(kPackageKey)) {
sig = GetCrashLogHeader(map, kPackageKey);
} else {
sig = process;
AddCrashMetaData("sig", sig);
} else {
const FilePath info_path = GetCrashPath(crash_dir, basename, "info");
const int size = static_cast<int>(exception_info.size());
if (WriteNewFile(info_path, exception_info.c_str(), size) != size) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write exception info";
return false;
AddCrashMetaUploadText("exception_info", info_path.value());
const FilePath meta_path = GetCrashPath(crash_dir, basename, "meta");
WriteCrashMetaData(meta_path, process, log_path.value());
return true;
namespace {
bool ReadCrashLogFromStdin(std::stringstream *stream) {
char buffer[kBufferSize];
while (true) {
const int count = src.ReadAtCurrentPosNoBestEffort(buffer, kBufferSize);
if (count < 0)
return false;
if (count == 0)
return stream->tellp() > 0; // Crash log should not be empty.
stream->write(buffer, count);
bool HasExceptionInfo(const std::string &type) {
static std::unordered_set<std::string> types = {
return types.count(type);
bool GetChromeVersion(std::string *version) {
brillo::ProcessImpl chrome;
chrome.RedirectUsingPipe(STDOUT_FILENO, false);
if (chrome.Start()) {
const int out = chrome.GetPipe(STDOUT_FILENO);
char buffer[kBufferSize];
while (true) {
const ssize_t count = HANDLE_EINTR(read(out, buffer, kBufferSize));
if (count < 0)
if (count == 0) {
if (chrome.Wait() != EX_OK || version->empty())
version->pop_back(); // Discard EOL.
return true;
version->append(buffer, count);
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get Chrome version";
return false;
bool GetArcVersion(std::string *version) {
brillo::KeyValueStore store;
if (store.Load(kArcRootPrefix.Append(kArcBuildProp)) &&
store.GetString("", version))
return true;
LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to get ARC version";
return false;
} // namespace