blob: 226b7ea20b7d98498874d8f7d367428f7c08970f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "shill/dbus/manager_dbus_adaptor.h"
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "shill/callbacks.h"
#include "shill/dbus/dbus_service_watcher_factory.h"
#include "shill/device.h"
#include "shill/error.h"
#include "shill/geolocation_info.h"
#include "shill/key_value_store.h"
#include "shill/logging.h"
#include "shill/manager.h"
#include "shill/property_store.h"
using base::Unretained;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace shill {
namespace Logging {
static auto kModuleLogScope = ScopeLogger::kDBus;
static string ObjectID(ManagerDBusAdaptor* m) {
return m->GetRpcIdentifier().value();
} // namespace Logging
// static
const char ManagerDBusAdaptor::kPath[] = "/";
const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus>& adaptor_bus,
const scoped_refptr<dbus::Bus> proxy_bus,
Manager* manager)
: org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerAdaptor(this),
DBusAdaptor(adaptor_bus, kPath),
dbus_service_watcher_factory_(DBusServiceWatcherFactory::GetInstance()) {}
ManagerDBusAdaptor::~ManagerDBusAdaptor() {
manager_ = nullptr;
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::RegisterAsync(
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& completion_callback) {
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::EmitBoolChanged(const string& name, bool value) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
SendPropertyChangedSignal(name, brillo::Any(value));
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::EmitUintChanged(const string& name, uint32_t value) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
SendPropertyChangedSignal(name, brillo::Any(value));
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::EmitIntChanged(const string& name, int value) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
SendPropertyChangedSignal(name, brillo::Any(value));
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::EmitStringChanged(const string& name,
const string& value) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
SendPropertyChangedSignal(name, brillo::Any(value));
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::EmitStringsChanged(const string& name,
const vector<string>& value) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
SendPropertyChangedSignal(name, brillo::Any(value));
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::EmitRpcIdentifierChanged(const string& name,
const RpcIdentifier& value) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
SendPropertyChangedSignal(name, brillo::Any(value));
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::EmitRpcIdentifierArrayChanged(
const string& name, const RpcIdentifiers& value) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
SendPropertyChangedSignal(name, brillo::Any(value));
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::GetProperties(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
brillo::VariantDictionary* properties) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
return DBusAdaptor::GetProperties(manager_->store(), properties, error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::SetProperty(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const string& name,
const brillo::Any& value) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
return DBusAdaptor::SetProperty(manager_->mutable_store(), name, value,
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::GetState(brillo::ErrorPtr* /*error*/, string* state) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
*state = manager_->CalculateState(nullptr);
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::CreateProfile(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const string& name,
dbus::ObjectPath* profile_path) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
Error e;
string path;
manager_->CreateProfile(name, &path, &e);
if (e.ToChromeosError(error)) {
return false;
*profile_path = dbus::ObjectPath(path);
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::RemoveProfile(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const string& name) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
Error e;
manager_->RemoveProfile(name, &e);
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::PushProfile(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const string& name,
dbus::ObjectPath* profile_path) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
Error e;
string path;
manager_->PushProfile(name, &path, &e);
if (e.ToChromeosError(error)) {
return false;
*profile_path = dbus::ObjectPath(path);
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::InsertUserProfile(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const string& name,
const string& user_hash,
dbus::ObjectPath* profile_path) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
Error e;
string path;
manager_->InsertUserProfile(name, user_hash, &path, &e);
if (e.ToChromeosError(error)) {
return false;
*profile_path = dbus::ObjectPath(path);
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::PopProfile(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const string& name) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << name;
Error e;
manager_->PopProfile(name, &e);
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::PopAnyProfile(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
Error e;
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::PopAllUserProfiles(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
Error e;
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::RecheckPortal(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
Error e;
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::RequestScan(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const string& technology) { // NOLINT
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << technology;
Error e;
manager_->RequestScan(technology, &e);
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::SetNetworkThrottlingStatus(
DBusMethodResponsePtr<> response,
bool enabled,
uint32_t upload_rate_kbits,
uint32_t download_rate_kbits) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << enabled;
ResultCallback callback = GetMethodReplyCallback(std::move(response));
manager_->SetNetworkThrottlingStatus(callback, enabled, upload_rate_kbits,
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::EnableTechnology(DBusMethodResponsePtr<> response,
const string& technology_name) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << technology_name;
Error e(Error::kOperationInitiated);
ResultCallback callback = GetMethodReplyCallback(std::move(response));
const bool kPersistentSave = true;
manager_->SetEnabledStateForTechnology(technology_name, true, kPersistentSave,
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::DisableTechnology(DBusMethodResponsePtr<> response,
const string& technology_name) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << technology_name;
Error e(Error::kOperationInitiated);
ResultCallback callback = GetMethodReplyCallback(std::move(response));
const bool kPersistentSave = true;
manager_->SetEnabledStateForTechnology(technology_name, false,
kPersistentSave, callback);
// Called, e.g., to get WiFiService handle for a hidden SSID.
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::GetService(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const brillo::VariantDictionary& args,
dbus::ObjectPath* service_path) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
ServiceRefPtr service;
Error e;
KeyValueStore args_store = KeyValueStore::ConvertFromVariantDictionary(args);
service = manager_->GetService(args_store, &e);
if (e.ToChromeosError(error)) {
return false;
*service_path = service->GetRpcIdentifier();
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::ConfigureService(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const brillo::VariantDictionary& args,
dbus::ObjectPath* service_path) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
ServiceRefPtr service;
KeyValueStore args_store = KeyValueStore::ConvertFromVariantDictionary(args);
Error configure_error;
service = manager_->ConfigureService(args_store, &configure_error);
if (configure_error.ToChromeosError(error)) {
return false;
*service_path = service->GetRpcIdentifier();
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::ConfigureServiceForProfile(
brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const dbus::ObjectPath& profile_rpcid,
const brillo::VariantDictionary& args,
dbus::ObjectPath* service_path) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
ServiceRefPtr service;
KeyValueStore args_store = KeyValueStore::ConvertFromVariantDictionary(args);
Error configure_error;
service = manager_->ConfigureServiceForProfile(profile_rpcid.value(),
args_store, &configure_error);
if (configure_error.ToChromeosError(error)) {
return false;
*service_path = service->GetRpcIdentifier();
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::FindMatchingService(
brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const brillo::VariantDictionary& args,
dbus::ObjectPath* service_path) { // NOLINT
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
KeyValueStore args_store = KeyValueStore::ConvertFromVariantDictionary(args);
Error find_error;
ServiceRefPtr service =
manager_->FindMatchingService(args_store, &find_error);
if (find_error.ToChromeosError(error)) {
return false;
*service_path = service->GetRpcIdentifier();
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::GetDebugLevel(brillo::ErrorPtr* /*error*/,
int32_t* level) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
*level = logging::GetMinLogLevel();
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::SetDebugLevel(brillo::ErrorPtr* /*error*/,
int32_t level) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << level;
if (level < logging::LOG_NUM_SEVERITIES) {
// Like VLOG, SLOG uses negative verbose level.
} else {
LOG(WARNING) << "Ignoring attempt to set log level to " << level;
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::GetServiceOrder(brillo::ErrorPtr* /*error*/,
string* order) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
*order = manager_->GetTechnologyOrder();
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::SetServiceOrder(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
const string& order) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << order;
Error e;
manager_->SetTechnologyOrder(order, &e);
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::GetDebugTags(brillo::ErrorPtr* /*error*/,
string* tags) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
*tags = ScopeLogger::GetInstance()->GetEnabledScopeNames();
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::SetDebugTags(brillo::ErrorPtr* /*error*/,
const string& tags) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__ << ": " << tags;
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::ListDebugTags(brillo::ErrorPtr* /*error*/,
string* tags) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
*tags = ScopeLogger::GetInstance()->GetAllScopeNames();
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::GetNetworksForGeolocation(
brillo::ErrorPtr* /*error*/, brillo::VariantDictionary* networks) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
for (const auto& network : manager_->GetNetworksForGeolocation()) {
networks->emplace(network.first, brillo::Any(network.second));
return true;
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::ConnectToBestServices(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
Error e;
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::CreateConnectivityReport(brillo::ErrorPtr* error) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
Error e;
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::ClaimInterface(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
dbus::Message* message,
const string& claimer_name,
const string& interface_name) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
Error e;
// Empty claimer name is used to indicate default claimer.
// TODO(samueltan): update this API or make a new API to use a flag to
// indicate default claimer instead (b/27924738).
string claimer = (claimer_name == "" ? "" : message->GetSender());
manager_->ClaimDevice(claimer, interface_name, &e);
if (e.IsSuccess() && claimer_name != "") {
// Only setup watcher for non-default claimer.
watcher_for_device_claimer_ =
proxy_bus_, claimer,
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
bool ManagerDBusAdaptor::ReleaseInterface(brillo::ErrorPtr* error,
dbus::Message* message,
const string& claimer_name,
const string& interface_name) {
SLOG(this, 2) << __func__;
Error e;
bool claimer_removed;
// Empty claimer name is used to indicate default claimer.
// TODO(samueltan): update this API or make a new API to use a flag to
// indicate default claimer instead (b/27924738).
manager_->ReleaseDevice(claimer_name == "" ? "" : message->GetSender(),
interface_name, &claimer_removed, &e);
if (claimer_removed) {
return !e.ToChromeosError(error);
void ManagerDBusAdaptor::OnDeviceClaimerVanished() {
SLOG(this, 3) << __func__;
} // namespace shill