blob: ce0f9dd40f644bdc4c4d60187a5746d24aa94280 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/files/file_descriptor_watcher_posix.h>
#include <base/files/scoped_file.h>
#include <base/macros.h>
#include <wayland-server.h>
#include "notification-shell-unstable-v1-client-protocol.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "vm_tools/notificationd/notification_shell_interface.h"
namespace vm_tools {
namespace notificationd {
// Handles notification shell protocol as Wayland client.
class NotificationShellClient {
// Creates and returns a NotificationShellClient. The |interface| is required
// to outlive this NotificationShellClient. Returns nullptr if the the client
// failed to be initialized and be connected to the compositor for any reason.
static std::unique_ptr<NotificationShellClient> Create(
const std::string& display_name,
const std::string& virtwl_device,
NotificationShellInterface* interface,
base::OnceClosure quit_closure);
~NotificationShellClient() = default;
// Sends create_notification request to Wayland server which this client
// is connected to. Returns true on success. Arguments for this method must be
// synchronized with the notification shell spec in
// vm_tools/notificationd/protocol/notification-shell-unstable-v1.xml.
bool CreateNotification(const std::string& title,
const std::string& message,
const std::string& display_source,
const std::string& notification_key,
const std::vector<std::string>& buttons);
// Sends a close notification request from the notification interface
// associated with a given notification key. Returns true on success.
bool CloseNotification(const std::string& notification_key);
struct WlEventLoopDeleter {
void operator()(wl_event_loop* loop) { wl_event_loop_destroy(loop); }
using WlEventLoop = std::unique_ptr<wl_event_loop, WlEventLoopDeleter>;
struct WlDisplayDeleter {
void operator()(wl_display* display) { wl_display_disconnect(display); }
using WlDisplay = std::unique_ptr<wl_display, WlDisplayDeleter>;
struct NotificationShellProxyDeleter {
void operator()(zcr_notification_shell_v1* proxy) {
// zcr_notification_shell_v1_destroy method is automatically generated by
// wayland-scanner according to the
// vm_tools/notificationd/protocol/notification-shell-unstable-v1.xml.
using NotificationShellProxy =
std::unique_ptr<zcr_notification_shell_v1, NotificationShellProxyDeleter>;
// Handles notification_shell_notification interface.
class NotificationClient {
NotificationClient(zcr_notification_shell_notification_v1* proxy,
const std::string& notification_key,
NotificationShellClient* shell_client);
NotificationClient(const NotificationClient&) = delete;
NotificationClient& operator=(const NotificationClient&) = delete;
// Sends a close notification request to Wayland server which this client
// is connected to.
void Close();
struct NotificationProxyDeleter {
void operator()(zcr_notification_shell_notification_v1* proxy) {
// zcr_notification_shell_notification_v1_destroy method is
// automatically generated by wayland-scanner according to the
// vm_tools/notificationd/protocol/notification-shell-unstable-v1.xml.
using NotificationProxy =
// Handles closed events. Called from the wrapper
// (HandleNotificationClosedEventCallback), which is compatible with
// wayland-client library's callback signature.
void HandleNotificationClosedEvent(bool by_user);
// Handles clicked events. Called from the wrapper
// (HandleNotificationClickedEventCallback), which is compatible with
// wayland-client library's callback signature.
void HandleNotificationClickedEvent(int32_t button_index);
// Wrapper for wayland event handlers. Called from wayland-client library.
static void HandleNotificationClosedEventCallback(
void* data,
zcr_notification_shell_notification_v1* notification_proxy,
uint32_t by_user);
static void HandleNotificationClickedEventCallback(
void* data,
zcr_notification_shell_notification_v1* notification_proxy,
int32_t button_index);
const zcr_notification_shell_notification_v1_listener
notification_listener_ = {HandleNotificationClosedEventCallback,
// Wayland proxy for notification interface.
NotificationProxy proxy_;
// Notification key associated with this client.
const std::string notification_key_;
NotificationShellClient* shell_client_; // Not owned.
NotificationShellClient(NotificationShellInterface* interface,
base::OnceClosure quit_closure);
NotificationShellClient(const NotificationShellClient&) = delete;
NotificationShellClient& operator=(const NotificationShellClient&) = delete;
// Initializes the Wayland client. Returns true on success.
bool Init(const char* display_name, const char* virtwl_device);
// Requests the server to emit sync event and blocks until receiving the event
// while handling event loop.
void WaitForSync();
// Called when |event_loop_fd_| becomes readable.
void OnEventReadable();
// Handles notification closed event.
void HandleNotificationClosedEvent(const std::string& notification_key,
bool by_user);
// Handles notification closed event.
void HandleNotificationClickedEvent(const std::string& notification_key,
int32_t button_index);
// Handles registry event. Called from event handler for wayland-client
// library. Called from the wrapper (HandleRegistryCallback), which is
// compatible with wayland-client library's callback signature.
void HandleRegistry(wl_registry* registry,
int32_t id,
const char* interface,
uint32_t version);
// Handles events for display. Returns the number of dispatched events on
// success or -1 on failure. Called from the wrapper (HandleEventCallback),
// which is compatible with wayland-client library's callback signature.
int HandleEvent(uint32_t mask);
// Handles virtwl socket events. Called from the wrapper
// (HandleVirtwlSocketEventCallback), which is compatible with wayland-client
// library's callback signature.
void HandleVirtwlSocketEvent();
// Handles virtwl context events. Called from the wrapper
// (HandleVirtwlCtxEventCallback), which is compatible with wayland-client
// library's callback signature.
void HandleVirtwlCtxEvent();
// Wrapper for wayland event handlers. Called from wayland-client library.
static int HandleEventCallback(int fd, uint32_t mask, void* data);
static void HandleRegistryCallback(void* data,
wl_registry* registry,
uint32_t id,
const char* interface,
uint32_t version);
static int HandleVirtwlSocketEventCallback(int fd, uint32_t mask, void* data);
static int HandleVirtwlCtxEventCallback(int fd, uint32_t mask, void* data);
const wl_registry_listener registry_listener_ = {HandleRegistryCallback,
// Event loop for handling Wayland event callbacks.
WlEventLoop event_loop_;
// File discriptor of the wayland event loop.
base::ScopedFD event_loop_fd_;
std::unique_ptr<base::FileDescriptorWatcher::Controller> watcher_;
// File discriptor of the socket connected to the Wayland display. Handles
// socket events from Wayland display by observing this.
base::ScopedFD virtwl_socket_fd_;
// File discriptor of the context of Wayland connection created by virtwl.
base::ScopedFD virtwl_ctx_fd_;
// Wayland display for the host.
WlDisplay display_;
// Wayland proxy for notification shell interface.
NotificationShellProxy proxy_;
NotificationShellInterface* const interface_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<NotificationClient>>
base::OnceClosure quit_closure_;
} // namespace notificationd
} // namespace vm_tools