blob: c57e1628572ab6b815292baf986fd79a46027fa2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package dlp;
// Which restriction should be applied by the rule.
enum DlpRuleLevel {
// Should not be used.
// The action will be allowed (overwrites BLOCK).
ALLOW = 1;
// The action won't be allowed.
BLOCK = 2;
message DlpFilesRule {
// Defines where from the file was originated.
// URL patterns according to this format
// ( )
repeated string source_urls = 1;
// Defines where to the file is targeted.
// URL patterns according to this format
// ( )
repeated string destination_urls = 2;
// Restriction level applied to files satisfying the pattern above.
optional DlpRuleLevel level = 3;
message SetDlpFilesPolicyRequest {
// List of rules applied to FILES class in DataLeakPreventionRules policy.
repeated DlpFilesRule rules = 1;
message SetDlpFilesPolicyResponse {
// Error message, empty if no error occurred.
optional string error_message = 1;
message AddFileRequest {
// Path to the downloaded file.
optional string file_path = 1;
// Downloaded file source URL (the URL it was downloaded from).
optional string source_url = 2;
// Downloaded file referrer URL (the URL the download process was initiated
// from).
optional string referrer_url = 3;
message AddFileResponse {
// Error message, empty if no error occurred.
optional string error_message = 1;
message RequestFileAccessRequest {
// Inode number of the file an access to which is requested.
optional uint64 inode = 1;
// Process id for which an access is requested.
optional int32 process_id = 2;
// Destination where the file will be targeted by the process.
optional string destination_url = 3;
message RequestFileAccessResponse {
// Error message, empty if no error occurred.
optional string error_message = 1;
// Whether file access was approved.
optional bool allowed = 2;
message IsRestrictedRequest {
// URL from where the file was downloaded.
optional string source_url = 1;
// URL where the file is going to be uploaded.
optional string destination_url = 2;
message IsRestrictedResponse {
// Whether the operation should be allowed or not.
optional bool restricted = 1;
message IsDlpPolicyMatchedRequest {
// URL from where the file was downloaded.
optional string source_url = 1;
message IsDlpPolicyMatchedResponse {
// Whether a DLP rule exists that might prevent operation on the file.
optional bool restricted = 1;
message FileMetadata {
// File inode number.
optional uint64 inode = 1;
// URL from where the file was downloaded.
optional string source_url = 2;
message GetDisallowedTransfersRequest {
// A list of files to be transferred.
repeated FileMetadata transferred_files = 1;
// URL where the files are going to be transferrxwed.
optional string destination_url = 2;