blob: e5f64ddca933b1644c508d1e2a15db1053856312 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Transforms and validates cros config from source YAML to target JSON"""
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import collections
import copy
import itertools
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import six
import yaml # pylint: disable=import-error
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
this_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
sys.path.insert(0, this_dir)
import configfs
import libcros_schema
CHROMEOS = 'chromeos'
CONFIGS = 'configs'
DEVICES = 'devices'
PRODUCTS = 'products'
SKUS = 'skus'
CONFIG = 'config'
BRAND_ELEMENTS = ['brand-code', 'firmware-signing', 'wallpaper',
# External stylus is allowed for whitelabels
EXTERNAL_STYLUS = 'external'
TEMPLATE_PATTERN = re.compile('{{([^}]*)}}')
MOSYS_OUTPUT_NAME = 'config.c'
def MergeDictionaries(primary, overlay):
"""Merges the overlay dictionary onto the primary dictionary.
If an element doesn't exist, it's added.
If the element is a list, they are appended to each other.
Otherwise, the overlay value takes precedent.
primary: Primary dictionary
overlay: Overlay dictionary
for overlay_key in overlay.keys():
overlay_value = overlay[overlay_key]
if not overlay_key in primary:
primary[overlay_key] = overlay_value
elif isinstance(overlay_value, collections.Mapping):
MergeDictionaries(primary[overlay_key], overlay_value)
elif isinstance(overlay_value, list):
primary[overlay_key] = overlay_value
def ParseArgs(argv):
"""Parse the available arguments.
Invalid arguments or -h cause this function to print a message and exit.
argv: List of string arguments (excluding program name / argv[0])
argparse.Namespace object containing the attributes.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Validates a YAML cros-config and transforms it to JSON')
help='Path to the schema file used to validate the config')
help='Path to the YAML config file that will be validated/transformed')
help='Path to the YAML config file(s) that will be validated/transformed')
help='Output file that will be generated by the transform (system file)')
help='Directory where generated C config code should be placed')
help='Path to generated SquashFS filesystem for use in ChromeOS ConfigFS')
help='Filter build specific elements from the output JSON')
return parser.parse_args(argv)
def _SetTemplateVars(template_input, template_vars):
"""Builds a map of template variables by walking the input recursively.
template_input: A mapping object to be walked.
template_vars: A mapping object built up while walking the template_input.
to_add = {}
for key, val in template_input.items():
if isinstance(val, collections.Mapping):
_SetTemplateVars(val, template_vars)
elif not isinstance(val, list):
to_add[key] = val
# Do this last so all variables from the parent scope win.
def _GetVarTemplateValue(val, template_input, template_vars):
"""Applies the templating scheme to a single value.
val: The single val to evaluate.
template_input: Input that will be updated based on the templating schema.
template_vars: A mapping of all the variables values available.
The variable value with templating applied.
for template_var in TEMPLATE_PATTERN.findall(val):
replace_string = '{{%s}}' % template_var
if template_var not in template_vars:
formatted_vars = json.dumps(template_vars, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
formatted_input = json.dumps(template_input, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
error_vals = (template_var, val, formatted_input, formatted_vars)
raise ValidationError("Referenced template variable '%s' doesn't "
"exist string '%s'.\nInput:\n %s\nVariables:\n%s" %
var_value = template_vars[template_var]
# This is an ugly side effect of templating with primitive values.
# The template is a string, but the target value needs to be int.
# This is sort of a hack for now, but if the problem gets worse, we
# can come up with a more scaleable solution.
# Guessing this problem won't continue though beyond the use of 'sku-id'
# since that tends to be the only strongly typed value due to its use
# for identity detection.
is_int = isinstance(var_value, int)
if is_int:
var_value = str(var_value)
# If the caller only had one value and it was a template variable that
# was an int, assume the caller wanted the string to be an int.
if is_int and val == replace_string:
val = template_vars[template_var]
val = val.replace(replace_string, var_value)
return val
def _ApplyTemplateVars(template_input, template_vars):
"""Evals the input and applies the templating schema using the provided vars.
template_input: Input that will be updated based on the templating schema.
template_vars: A mapping of all the variables values available.
maps = []
lists = []
for key in template_input.keys():
val = template_input[key]
if isinstance(val, collections.Mapping):
elif isinstance(val, list):
index = 0
for list_val in val:
if isinstance(list_val, collections.Mapping):
elif isinstance(list_val, six.string_types):
val[index] = _GetVarTemplateValue(list_val, template_input,
index += 1
elif isinstance(val, six.string_types):
template_input[key] = _GetVarTemplateValue(val, template_input,
# Do this last so all variables from the parent are in scope first.
for value in maps:
_ApplyTemplateVars(value, template_vars)
# Object lists need their variables put in scope on a per list item basis
for value in lists:
list_item_vars = copy.deepcopy(template_vars)
_SetTemplateVars(value, list_item_vars)
while _HasTemplateVariables(list_item_vars):
_ApplyTemplateVars(list_item_vars, list_item_vars)
_ApplyTemplateVars(value, list_item_vars)
def _DeleteTemplateOnlyVars(template_input):
"""Deletes all variables starting with $
template_input: Input that will be updated based on the templating schema.
to_delete = []
for key in template_input.keys():
val = template_input[key]
if isinstance(val, collections.Mapping):
elif isinstance(val, list):
for v in val:
if isinstance(v, collections.Mapping):
elif key.startswith('$'):
for key in to_delete:
del template_input[key]
def _HasTemplateVariables(template_vars):
"""Checks if there are any unevaluated template variables.
template_vars: A mapping of all the variables values available.
True if they are still unevaluated template variables.
for val in template_vars.values():
if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and TEMPLATE_PATTERN.findall(val):
return True
def TransformConfig(config, model_filter_regex=None):
"""Transforms the source config (YAML) to the target system format (JSON)
Applies consistent transforms to covert a source YAML configuration into
JSON output that will be used on the system by cros_config.
config: Config that will be transformed.
model_filter_regex: Only returns configs that match the filter
Resulting JSON output from the transform.
config_yaml = yaml.load(config, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
json_from_yaml = json.dumps(config_yaml, sort_keys=True, indent=2)
json_config = json.loads(json_from_yaml)
configs = []
if DEVICES in json_config[CHROMEOS]:
for device in json_config[CHROMEOS][DEVICES]:
template_vars = {}
for product in device.get(PRODUCTS, [{}]):
for sku in device[SKUS]:
# Template variables scope is config, then device, then product
# This allows shared configs to define defaults using anchors, which
# can then be easily overridden by the product/device scope.
_SetTemplateVars(sku, template_vars)
_SetTemplateVars(device, template_vars)
_SetTemplateVars(product, template_vars)
while _HasTemplateVariables(template_vars):
_ApplyTemplateVars(template_vars, template_vars)
sku_clone = copy.deepcopy(sku)
_ApplyTemplateVars(sku_clone, template_vars)
config = sku_clone[CONFIG]
configs = json_config[CHROMEOS][CONFIGS]
if model_filter_regex:
matcher = re.compile(model_filter_regex)
configs = [
config for config in configs if matcher.match(config['name'])
# Drop everything except for configs since they were just used as shared
# config in the source yaml.
json_config = {
CONFIGS: configs,
return libcros_schema.FormatJson(json_config)
def GenerateMosysCBindings(config):
"""Generates Mosys C struct bindings
Generates C struct bindings that can be used by mosys.
config: Config (transformed) that is the transform basis.
struct_format = """
{.platform_name = "%s",
.firmware_name_match = "%s",
.sku_id = %s,
.customization_id = "%s",
.whitelabel_tag = "%s",
.info = {.brand = "%s",
.model = "%s",
.customization = "%s"}}"""
structs = []
json_config = json.loads(config)
# TODO( remove when customization id gets
# decoupled from mosys.
json_config = _GenerateInferredElements(json_config)
for device_config in json_config[CHROMEOS][CONFIGS]:
identity = device_config['identity']
name = device_config['name']
whitelabel_tag = identity.get('whitelabel-tag', '')
customization_id = identity.get('customization-id', '')
help_content_id = device_config.get('ui', {}).get('help-content-id', '')
brand_code = device_config.get('brand-code', '')
platform_name = identity.get('platform-name', '')
sku_id = identity.get('sku-id', -1)
# At most one of <device_tree_compatible_match> and <smbios-name-match>
# should be set (depends on whether this is for ARM or x86). This is used as
# <firmware_name_match> for mosys.
firmware_name_match = identity.get('device-tree-compatible-match',
identity.get('smbios-name-match', ''))
struct_format % (platform_name,
file_format = """\
#include "lib/cros_config_struct.h"
static struct config_map all_configs[] = {%s
const struct config_map *cros_config_get_config_map(int *num_entries) {
*num_entries = %s;
return &all_configs[0];
return file_format % (',\n'.join(structs), len(structs))
def _GenerateInferredAshFlags(device_config):
"""Generate runtime-packed ash flags into a single device config.
Chrome flags are packed into /ui:serialized-ash-flags in the
resultant runtime-only configuration, as a string of null-terminated
device_config: transformed configuration for a single device.
Config for a single device with /ui:serialized-ash-flags added.
ash_flags = set()
ash_flags |= set(device_config.get('ui', {}).get('extra-ash-flags', []))
help_content_id = device_config.get('ui', {}).get('help-content-id')
if help_content_id:
ash_flags.add('--device-help-content-id=%s' % help_content_id)
if not ash_flags:
return device_config
serialized_ash_flags = ''
for flag in sorted(ash_flags):
serialized_ash_flags += '%s\0' % flag
device_config = copy.deepcopy(device_config)
device_config.setdefault('ui', {})
device_config['ui']['serialized-ash-flags'] = serialized_ash_flags
return device_config
def _GenerateInferredElements(json_config):
"""Generates runtime-only elements.
These are elements which can be inferred from a config containing
build-only elements which only appear at runtime. For example, this
can be used to generate an application-specific representation of an
otherwise abstracted configuration.
json_config: transformed config dictionary to use.
Config dictionary, with inferred elements potentially added.
configs = []
for config in json_config[CHROMEOS][CONFIGS]:
ui_elements = config.get('ui', {})
if 'help-content-id' not in ui_elements:
customization_id = config.get('identity', {}).get('customization-id')
whitelabel_tag = config.get('identity', {}).get('whitelabel-tag')
model_name = config.get('name')
ui_elements['help-content-id'] = (
customization_id or whitelabel_tag or model_name)
config['ui'] = ui_elements
config = _GenerateInferredAshFlags(config)
return {CHROMEOS: {CONFIGS: configs}}
def FilterBuildElements(config, build_only_elements):
"""Removes build only elements from the schema.
Removes build only elements from the schema in preparation for the
platform, and generates any runtime-only inferred elements.
config: Config (transformed) that will be filtered
build_only_elements: List of strings of paths of fields to be filtered
json_config = json.loads(config)
json_config = _GenerateInferredElements(json_config)
for device_config in json_config[CHROMEOS][CONFIGS]:
_FilterBuildElements(device_config, '', build_only_elements)
return libcros_schema.FormatJson(json_config)
def _FilterBuildElements(config, path, build_only_elements):
"""Recursively checks and removes build only elements.
config: Dict that will be checked.
path: Path of elements to filter.
build_only_elements: List of strings of paths of fields to be filtered
to_delete = []
for key in config:
full_path = '%s/%s' % (path, key)
if full_path in build_only_elements:
elif isinstance(config[key], dict):
_FilterBuildElements(config[key], full_path, build_only_elements)
for key in to_delete:
def GetValidSchemaProperties(
schema=os.path.join(this_dir, 'cros_config_schema.yaml')):
"""Returns all valid properties from the given schema
Iterates over the config payload for devices and returns the list of
valid properties that could potentially be returned from
cros_config_host or cros_config
schema: Source schema that contains the properties.
schema_yaml = ReadSchema(schema)
root_path = 'properties/chromeos/properties/configs/items/properties'
schema_node = yaml.load(schema_yaml, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
for element in root_path.split('/'):
schema_node = schema_node[element]
result = {}
_GetValidSchemaProperties(schema_node, [], result)
return result
def _GetValidSchemaProperties(schema_node, path, result):
"""Recursively finds the valid properties for a given node
schema_node: Single node from the schema
path: Running path that a given node maps to
result: Running collection of results
full_path = '/%s' % '/'.join(path)
valid_schema_property_types = {'array', 'boolean', 'integer', 'string'}
for key in schema_node:
new_path = path + [key]
node_type = schema_node[key]['type']
if node_type == 'object':
if 'properties' in schema_node[key]:
schema_node[key]['properties'], new_path, result)
elif node_type in valid_schema_property_types:
all_props = result.get(full_path, [])
result[full_path] = all_props
class ValidationError(Exception):
"""Exception raised for a validation error"""
def _IdentityEq(a, b):
"""Equality function for two identity dictionaries.
a: An identity dictionary.
b: Another identity dictionary.
True if a is semantically equivalent to b with respect to identity
matching, False otherwise.
union_keys = set(a) | set(b)
# The platform-name plays no role in identity matching, so skip it
# when considering equivalency.
# TODO( Move /identity:platform-name to
# /mosys:platform-name so we can skip this.
def _FoldValue(value):
# Values we can get here are integers, strings, or None. Use
# .lower() on strings, do nothing to everything else.
if isinstance(value, str):
# Consider strings of differing case to be equivalent.
return value.lower()
return value
for key in union_keys:
if _FoldValue(a.get(key)) != _FoldValue(b.get(key)):
return False
return True
def _ValidateUniqueIdentities(json_config):
"""Verifies the identity tuple is globally unique within the config.
json_config: JSON config dictionary
for config in json_config['chromeos']['configs']:
if 'identity' not in config and 'name' not in config:
raise ValidationError(
'Missing identity for config: %s' % str(config))
for config_a, config_b in itertools.combinations(
json_config['chromeos']['configs'], 2):
if _IdentityEq(config_a['identity'], config_b['identity']):
raise ValidationError(
'Identities are not unique: %s and %s' % (config_a['identity'],
def _ValidateWhitelabelBrandChangesOnly(json_config):
"""Verifies that whitelabel changes are contained to branding information.
json_config: JSON config dictionary
whitelabels = {}
for config in json_config['chromeos']['configs']:
if 'whitelabel-tag' in config.get('identity', {}):
if 'bobba' in config['name']: # Remove after resolved
name = '%s - %s' % (config['name'], config['identity'].get('sku-id', 0))
config_list = whitelabels.get(name, [])
wl_minus_brand = copy.deepcopy(config)
wl_minus_brand['identity']['whitelabel-tag'] = ''
for brand_element in BRAND_ELEMENTS:
wl_minus_brand[brand_element] = ''
hw_props = wl_minus_brand.get('hardware-properties', None)
if hw_props:
stylus = hw_props.get('stylus-category', 'none')
if stylus == 'none' or stylus == EXTERNAL_STYLUS:
hw_props.pop('stylus-category', None)
# Remove /ui:help-content-id
if 'ui' not in wl_minus_brand:
wl_minus_brand['ui'] = {}
wl_minus_brand['ui']['help-content-id'] = ''
whitelabels[name] = config_list
# whitelabels now contains a map by device name with all whitelabel
# configs that have had their branding data stripped.
for device_name, configs in whitelabels.items():
base_config = configs[0]
for compare_config in configs[1:]:
if base_config != compare_config:
raise ValidationError(
'Whitelabel configs can only change branding attributes '
'or use an external stylus for (%s).\n'
'However, the device %s differs by other attributes.\n'
'Example 1: %s\n'
'Example 2: %s' % (device_name,
', '.join(BRAND_ELEMENTS),
def _ValidateHardwarePropertiesAreValidType(json_config):
"""Checks that all fields under hardware-properties are boolean
Ensures that no key is added to hardware-properties that has a non-boolean
value, because non-boolean values are unsupported by the
hardware-properties codegen.
json_config: JSON config dictionary
for config in json_config['chromeos']['configs']:
hardware_properties = config.get('hardware-properties', None)
if hardware_properties:
for key, value in hardware_properties.items():
if not isinstance(value, (bool, six.string_types)):
raise ValidationError(
('All configs under hardware-properties must be '
'boolean or an enum\n'
"However, key '{}' has value '{}'.").format(key, value))
def _ValidateSingleMosysPlatform(configs):
"""Validate that all /identity:platform-name entries are equivalent.
Mosys is supporting only one platform per unibuild board by
determining the platform at compile-time instead of probing from a
platform list. This means it is not valid for configs to have
differing values for /identity:platform-name on the same board.
configs: The transformed config to be validated.
platform_names = set()
for device in configs['chromeos']['configs']:
platform_name = device.get('identity', {}).get('platform-name')
if platform_name is not None:
if len(platform_names) > 1:
raise ValidationError(
'You may not use multiple mosys platforms on the same board. '
'You are using: %s' % ', '.join(platform_names))
def _ValidateConsistentFingerprintFirmwareROVersion(configs):
"""Validate all /fingerprint:ro-version entries.
A given Chrome OS board can only have a single RO version for a given FPMCU
board. See
http://go/cros-fingerprint-firmware-branching-and-signing#single-ro-per-mcu for details. # pylint: disable=line-too-long
configs: The transformed config to be validated.
expected_ro_version = collections.defaultdict(set)
for device in configs[CHROMEOS][CONFIGS]:
fingerprint = device.get('fingerprint')
if fingerprint is None:
fpmcu = fingerprint.get('board')
ro_version = fingerprint.get('ro-version')
for versions in expected_ro_version.values():
if len(versions) != 1:
raise ValidationError(
'You may not use different fingerprint firmware RO versions on the '
'same board: %s' % expected_ro_version)
def ValidateConfig(config):
"""Validates a transformed cros config for general business rules.
Performs name uniqueness checks and any other validation that can't be
easily performed using the schema.
config: Config (transformed) that will be verified.
json_config = json.loads(config)
def MergeConfigs(configs):
"""Evaluates and merges all config files into a single configuration.
configs: List of source config files that will be transformed/merged.
Final merged JSON result.
json_files = []
for yaml_file in configs:
yaml_with_imports = libcros_schema.ApplyImports(yaml_file)
json_transformed_file = TransformConfig(yaml_with_imports)
result_json = json_files[0]
for overlay_json in json_files[1:]:
for to_merge_config in overlay_json['chromeos']['configs']:
to_merge_identity = to_merge_config.get('identity', {})
to_merge_name = to_merge_config.get('name', '')
matched = False
# Find all existing configs where there is a full/partial identity
# match or name match and merge that config into the source.
# If there are no matches, then append the config.
for source_config in result_json['chromeos']['configs']:
identity_match = False
if to_merge_identity:
source_identity = source_config['identity']
# If we are missing anything from the source identity, copy
# it into to_merge_identity before doing the comparison, as
# missing attributes in the to_merge_identity should be
# treated as matched.
to_merge_identity_extended = to_merge_identity.copy()
for key, value in source_identity.items():
if key not in to_merge_identity_extended:
to_merge_identity_extended[key] = value
identity_match = _IdentityEq(source_identity,
elif to_merge_name:
identity_match = to_merge_name == source_config.get('name', '')
if identity_match:
MergeDictionaries(source_config, to_merge_config)
matched = True
if not matched:
return libcros_schema.FormatJson(result_json)
def ReadSchema(schema=None):
"""Reads the schema file and evaluates all import statements.
schema: Schema file used to verify the config.
Schema contents with imports evaluated.
if not schema:
schema = os.path.join(this_dir, 'cros_config_schema.yaml')
return libcros_schema.ApplyImports(schema)
def Main(schema,
"""Transforms and validates a cros config file for use on the system
Applies consistent transforms to covert a source YAML configuration into
a JSON file that will be used on the system by cros_config.
Verifies that the file complies with the schema verification rules and
performs additional verification checks for config consistency.
schema: Schema file used to verify the config.
config: Source config file that will be transformed/verified.
output: Output file that will be generated by the transform.
filter_build_details: Whether build only details should be filtered or not.
gen_c_output_dir: Output directory for generated C config files.
configfs_output: Output path to generated SquashFS for ConfigFS.
configs: List of source config files that will be transformed/verified.
# TODO(shapiroc): Remove this once we no longer need backwards compatibility
# for single config parameters.
if config:
configs = [config]
full_json_transform = MergeConfigs(configs)
json_transform = full_json_transform
schema_contents = ReadSchema(schema)
libcros_schema.ValidateConfigSchema(schema_contents, json_transform)
schema_attrs = libcros_schema.GetSchemaPropertyAttrs(
yaml.load(schema_contents, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader))
if filter_build_details:
build_only_elements = []
for path in schema_attrs:
if schema_attrs[path].build_only_element:
json_transform = FilterBuildElements(json_transform, build_only_elements)
if output:
with open(output, 'w') as output_stream:
# Using print function adds proper trailing newline.
print(json_transform, file=output_stream)
if gen_c_output_dir:
with open(os.path.join(gen_c_output_dir, MOSYS_OUTPUT_NAME), 'w') \
as output_stream:
# Using print function adds proper trailing newline.
print(GenerateMosysCBindings(full_json_transform), file=output_stream)
if configfs_output:
configfs.GenerateConfigFSData(json.loads(json_transform), configfs_output)
# The distutils generated command line wrappers will not pass us argv.
def main(argv=None):
"""Main program which parses args and runs
argv: List of command line arguments, if None uses sys.argv.
if argv is None:
argv = sys.argv[1:]
opts = ParseArgs(argv)
Main(opts.schema, opts.config, opts.output, opts.filter,
opts.generated_c_output_directory, opts.configfs_output, opts.configs)
if __name__ == '__main__':