blob: 6f9997937ced444fa540e3371f43a91b0b7a7c56 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
set -e
# Print usage string
usage() {
cat <<EOF
Usage: $PROG /path/to/cros_root_fs/dir /path/to/keys/dir
Re-sign framework apks in an Android system image. The image itself does not
need to be signed since it is shipped with Chrome OS image, which is already
Android has many "framework apks" that are signed with 4 different framework
keys, depends on the purpose of the apk. During development, apks are signed
with the debug one. This script is to re-sign those apks with corresponding
release key. It also handles some of the consequences of the key changes, such
as sepolicy update.
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
error "$*"
exit 1
exit 0
# Return name according to the current signing debug key. The name is used to
# select key files.
choose_key() {
local apk="$1"
local sha1=$(unzip -p "${apk}" META-INF/CERT.RSA | \
"${keytool_bin}" -printcert | awk '/^\s*SHA1:/ {print $2}')
# Fingerprints below are generated by:
# $ keytool -file vendor/google/certs/cheetskeys/$NAME.x509.pem -printcert \
# | grep SHA1:
case "${sha1}" in
echo "platform"
echo "media"
echo "shared"
# The above fingerprint is from devkey. Translate to releasekey.
echo "releasekey"
# Not a framework apk. Do not re-sign.
echo ""
# Re-sign framework apks with the corresponding release keys. Only apk with
# known key fingerprint are re-signed. We should not re-sign non-framework
# apks.
sign_framework_apks() {
local system_mnt="$1"
local key_dir="$2"
info "Start signing framework apks"
# Counters for sanity check.
local counter_platform=0
local counter_media=0
local counter_shared=0
local counter_releasekey=0
local counter_total=0
local apk
while read -d $'\0' -r apk; do
local keyname=$(choose_key "${apk}")
if [[ -z "${keyname}" ]]; then
info "Re-signing (${keyname}) ${apk}"
local temp_dir="$(make_temp_dir)"
local temp_apk="${temp_dir}/temp.apk"
local signed_apk="${temp_dir}/signed.apk"
local aligned_apk="${temp_dir}/aligned.apk"
# Follow the standard manual signing process. See
cp "${apk}" "${temp_apk}"
# Explicitly remove existing signature.
zip -q "${temp_apk}" -d "META-INF/*"
signapk "${key_dir}/$keyname.x509.pem" "${key_dir}/$keyname.pk8" \
"${temp_apk}" "${signed_apk}" > /dev/null
zipalign 4 "${signed_apk}" "${aligned_apk}"
sudo mv -f "${aligned_apk}" "${apk}"
: $(( counter_${keyname} += 1 ))
: $(( counter_total += 1 ))
done < <(find "${system_mnt}/system" -type f -name '*.apk' -print0)
# Sanity check.
if [[ ${counter_platform} -lt 2 || ${counter_media} -lt 2 ||
${counter_shared} -lt 2 || ${counter_releasekey} -lt 2 ||
${counter_total} -lt 25 ]]; then
die "Number of re-signed package seems to be wrong"
# Platform key is part of the SELinux policy. Since we are re-signing framework
# apks, we need to replace the key in the policy as well.
update_sepolicy() {
local system_mnt=$1
local key_dir=$2
# Only platform is used at this time.
local public_platform_key="${key_dir}/platform.x509.pem"
info "Start updating sepolicy"
local new_cert=$(sed -E '/(BEGIN|END) CERTIFICATE/d' \
"${public_platform_key}" | tr -d '\n' \
| base64 --decode | hexdump -v -e '/1 "%02x"')
if [[ -z "${new_cert}" ]]; then
die "Unable to get the public platform key"
local output=$(make_temp_file)
local xml="${system_mnt}/system/etc/security/mac_permissions.xml"
local pattern='(<signer signature=")\w+("><seinfo value="platform)'
sed -E "s/${pattern}/\1${new_cert}"'\2/g' "${xml}" > "${output}"
# Sanity check.
if cmp "${xml}" "${output}"; then
die "Failed to replace SELinux policy cert"
sudo mv -f "${output}" "${xml}"
# Replace the debug key in OTA cert with release key.
replace_ota_cert() {
local system_mnt=$1
local release_cert=$2
local ota_zip="${system_mnt}/system/etc/security/"
info "Replacing OTA cert"
local temp_dir=$(make_temp_dir)
pushd "${temp_dir}" > /dev/null
cp "${release_cert}" .
sudo rm "${ota_zip}"
sudo zip -q -r "${ota_zip}" .
popd > /dev/null
# Restore SELinux context. This has to run after all file changes, before
# creating the new squashfs image.
reapply_file_security_context() {
local system_mnt=$1
local root_fs_dir=$2
info "Reapplying file security context"
sudo /sbin/setfiles -v -r "${system_mnt}" \
"${root_fs_dir}/etc/selinux/arc/contexts/files/android_file_contexts" \
main() {
local root_fs_dir=$1
local key_dir=$2
local android_dir="${root_fs_dir}/opt/google/containers/android"
local system_img="${android_dir}/system.raw.img"
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
usage "command takes exactly 2 args"
if [[ ! -f "${system_img}" ]]; then
die "System image does not exist: ${system_img}"
local working_dir=$(make_temp_dir)
local system_mnt="${working_dir}/mnt"
info "Unpacking sqaushfs image to ${system_img}"
sudo unsquashfs -f -d "${system_mnt}" "${system_img}"
sign_framework_apks "${system_mnt}" "${key_dir}"
update_sepolicy "${system_mnt}" "${key_dir}"
replace_ota_cert "${system_mnt}" "${key_dir}/releasekey.x509.pem"
reapply_file_security_context "${system_mnt}" "${root_fs_dir}"
info "Repacking sqaushfs image"
local new_system_img="${working_dir}/system.raw.img"
sudo mksquashfs "${system_mnt}" "${new_system_img}" -comp lzo
local old_size=$(stat -c '%s' "${system_img}")
local new_size=$(stat -c '%s' "${new_system_img}")
info "Android system image size change: ${old_size} -> ${new_size}"
sudo mv -f "${new_system_img}" "${system_img}"
main "$@"