blob: a07311c122509d27eefa380cdd822369f2ea3c27 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Script to resign a firmware image using a different set of keys
# for use on signing servers.
# arguments: src_fd, dst_fd, firmware_datakey, and firmware_keyblock
# src_fd: Input firmware image (in .fd format)
# dst_fd: output firmware image name
# firmware_datakey: Key used to sign firmware data (in .vbprivk format)
# firmware_keyblock: Key block for firmware data key (in .keyblock format)
# Both the dump_fmap tool and vbutil_firmware should be in the system path.
# This script parses the output of dump_fmap tool
# to determine the regions in the image containing "Firmware [A|B] Data" and
# "Firmware [A|B] Key", which contain firmware data and firmware vblocks
# respectively. It will then generate new vblocks using the set of keys
# passed as arguments and output a new firmware image, with this new firmware
# vblocks the old ones.
# Here is an example output of "dump_fmap -p" (section name, offset, size):
# Boot Stub 3932160 262144
# GBB Area 3670016 262144
# Recovery Firmware 2490368 1048576
# RO VPD 2359296 131072
# Firmware A Key 196608 65536
# Firmware A Data 262144 851968
# Firmware B Key 1114112 65536
# Firmware B Data 1179648 851968
# RW VPD 152064 4096
# Log Volume 0 131072
# This shows that Firmware A Data is at offset 262144(0x40000) in the .fd image
# and is of size 851968(0xd0000) bytes. This can be extracted to generate new
# vblocks which can then replace old vblock for Firmware A ("Firmware A Key"
# region at offset 196608(0x30000) and size 65536(0x10000) ).
# Load common constants and variables.
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
# Abort on error
set -e
# Check arguments
if [ $# -lt 7 ] || [ $# -gt 9 ]; then
echo "Usage: $PROG src_fd dst_fd firmware_datakey firmware_keyblock"\
"dev_firmware_datakey dev_firmware_keyblock kernel_subkey [version [flag]]"
exit 1
# Make sure the tools we need are available.
for prog in dump_fmap vbutil_firmware; do
type "${prog}" &>/dev/null || \
{ echo "${prog} tool not found."; exit 1; }
# This is the --flag in vbutil_firmware. It currently has only two values:
# 0 for RW-NORMAL firmware, and 1 for RO-NORMAL firmware (search "two_stop
# firmware" for more information).
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
echo "Using firmware version: $VERSION"
# Parse offsets and size of firmware data and vblocks
for i in "A" "B"
line=$(dump_fmap -p $1 | grep "^Firmware $i Key") ||
line=$(dump_fmap -p $1 | grep "^VBLOCK_$i") ||
{ echo "Couldn't parse vblock section $i from dump_fmap output";
exit 1; }
offset="$(echo $line | sed -r -e 's/.* ([0-9]+) [0-9]+$/\1/')"
eval fw${i}_vblock_offset=$((offset))
size="$(echo $line | sed -r -e 's/.* [0-9]+ ([0-9]+)$/\1/')"
eval fw${i}_vblock_size=$((size))
line=$(dump_fmap -p $1 | grep "^Firmware $i Data") ||
line=$(dump_fmap -p $1 | grep "^FW_MAIN_$i") ||
{ echo "Couldn't parse Firmware $i section from dump_fmap output";
exit 1; }
offset="$(echo $line | sed -r -e 's/.* ([0-9]+) [0-9]+$/\1/')"
eval fw${i}_offset=$((offset))
size="$(echo $line | sed -r -e 's/.* [0-9]+ ([0-9]+)$/\1/')"
eval fw${i}_size=$((size))
# Extract out Firmware A data and generate signature using the right keys.
# Firmware A is the dev firmware.
dd if="${SRC_FD}" of="${temp_fwimage}" skip="${fwA_offset}" bs=1 \
# Extract existing preamble flag if not assigned yet.
if [ -n "$PREAMBLE_FLAG" ]; then
gbb_utility -g --rootkey="$temp_root_key" "${SRC_FD}"
dd if="${SRC_FD}" of="${temp_out_vb}" skip="${fwA_vblock_offset}" bs=1 \
flag="$(vbutil_firmware \
--verify "${temp_out_vb}" \
--signpubkey "${temp_root_key}" \
--fv "${temp_fwimage}" |
grep "Preamble flags:" |
sed 's/.*: *//')" || flag=""
[ -z "$flag" ] || PREAMBLE_FLAG="--flag $flag"
echo "Using firmware preamble flag: $PREAMBLE_FLAG"
echo "Re-calculating Firmware A vblock"
vbutil_firmware \
--vblock "${temp_out_vb}" \
--keyblock "${DEV_FIRMWARE_KEYBLOCK}" \
--signprivate "${DEV_FIRMWARE_DATAKEY}" \
--version "${VERSION}" \
--fv "${temp_fwimage}" \
--kernelkey "${KERNEL_SUBKEY}"
# Create a copy of the input image and put in the new vblock for firmware A
cp "${SRC_FD}" "${DST_FD}"
dd if="${temp_out_vb}" of="${DST_FD}" seek="${fwA_vblock_offset}" bs=1 \
count="${fwA_vblock_size}" conv=notrunc
# Firmware B is the normal firmware.
dd if="${SRC_FD}" of="${temp_fwimage}" skip="${fwB_offset}" bs=1 \
echo "Re-calculating Firmware B vblock"
vbutil_firmware \
--vblock "${temp_out_vb}" \
--keyblock "${FIRMWARE_KEYBLOCK}" \
--signprivate "${FIRMWARE_DATAKEY}" \
--version "${VERSION}" \
--fv "${temp_fwimage}" \
--kernelkey "${KERNEL_SUBKEY}"
# Destination image has already been created.
dd if="${temp_out_vb}" of="${DST_FD}" seek="${fwB_vblock_offset}" bs=1 \
count="${fwB_vblock_size}" conv=notrunc
echo "New signed image was output to ${DST_FD}"