blob: e4f33bdbc711df8fa984c2d712ad1d83349eb4fd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
. "$(dirname "$0")/"
load_shflags || exit 1
DEFINE_boolean override_keyid "${FLAGS_TRUE}" \
"Override keyid from manifest." ""
FLAGS_HELP="Usage: ${PROG} [options] <input_dir> <key_dir> <output_image>
Signs <input_dir> with keys in <key_dir>.
# Parse command line.
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}"
# Abort on error and uninitialized variables.
set -e
set -u
# This function accepts two arguments, names of two binary files.
# It searches the first passed-in file for the first 8 bytes of the second
# passed in file. The od utility is used to generate full hex dump of the
# first file (16 bytes per line) and the first 8 bytes of the second file.
# grep is used to check if the pattern is present in the full dump.
find_blob_in_blob() {
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
die "Usage: find_blob_in_blob <haystack> <needle>"
local main_blob="$1"
local pattern_blob="$2"
local pattern
# Show without offsets, single byte hex, no compression of zero runs.
local od_options=("-An" "-tx1" "-v")
# Get the first 8 bytes of the pattern blob.
pattern="$(od "${od_options[@]}" -N8 "${pattern_blob}")"
# Eliminate all newlines to be able to search the entire body as one unit.
if od "${od_options[@]}" "${main_blob}" | \
tr -d '\n' |
grep -q -F "${pattern}"; then
return 0
return 1
# This function accepts two arguments, names of the two ELF files.
# The files are searched for test RMA public key patterns - x25519 or p256,
# both files are supposed to have pattern of one of these keys and not the
# other. If this holds true the function prints the public key base name. If
# not both files include the same key, or include more than one key, the
# function reports failure and exits the script.
determine_rma_key_base() {
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
die "Usage: determine_rma_key_base <rma_key_dir> <rw_a> <rw_b>"
local rma_key_dir="$1"
local elfs=( "$2" "$3" )
local base_name="${rma_key_dir}/rma_key_blob"
local curve
local curves=( "x25519" "p256" )
local elf
local key_file
local mask=1
local result=0
local rma_key_base
for curve in "${curves[@]}"; do
for elf in "${elfs[@]}"; do
if find_blob_in_blob "${elf}" "${key_file}"; then
: $(( result |= mask ))
: $(( mask <<= 1 ))
case "${result}" in
(3) curve="x25519";;
(12) curve="p256";;
(*) die "could not determine key type in the ELF files";;
echo "${base_name}.${curve}"
# Sign cr50 RW firmware ELF images into a combined cr50 firmware image
# using the provided production keys and manifests.
sign_rw() {
if [[ $# -ne 7 ]]; then
die "Usage: sign_rw <key_file> <manifest> <fuses>" \
"<rma_key_dir> <rw_a> <rw_b> <output>"
local key_file="$1"
local manifest_file="$2"
local fuses_file="$3"
local rma_key_dir="$4"
local elfs=( "$5" "$6" )
local result_file="$7"
local temp_dir="$(make_temp_dir)"
if [[ ! -f "${result_file}" ]]; then
die "${result_file} not found."
# If signing a chip factory image (version 0.0.22) do not try figuring out the
# RMA keys.
local cr50_verson="$(jq '.epoch * 10000 + .major * 100 + .minor' \
if [[ "${cr50_verson}" != "22" ]]; then
rma_key_base="$(determine_rma_key_base "${rma_key_dir}" "${elfs[@]}")"
echo "Ignoring RMA keys for factory branch ${cr50_verson}"
local signer_command_params=(--b -x "${fuses_file}" --key "${key_file}")
# Swap test public RMA server key with the prod version.
if [[ "${ignore_rma_keys}" != "yes" ]]; then
--swap "${rma_key_base}.test","${rma_key_base}.prod"
signer_command_params+=(--json "${manifest_file}")
if [[ "${FLAGS_override_keyid}" == "${FLAGS_TRUE}" ]]; then
local count=0
for elf in "${elfs[@]}"; do
if strings "${elf}" | grep -q "DBG/cr50"; then
die "Will not sign debug image with prod keys"
# Make sure output file is not owned by root.
touch "${signed_file}"
if ! cr50-codesigner "${signer_command_params[@]}" \
-i "${elf}" -o "${signed_file}"; then
die "cr50-codesigner ${signer_command_params[@]}" \
"-i ${elf} -o ${signed_file} failed"
if [[ "${ignore_rma_keys}" != "yes" ]]; then
if find_blob_in_blob "${signed_file}" "${rma_key_base}.test"; then
die "test RMA key in the signed image!"
if ! find_blob_in_blob "${signed_file}" "${rma_key_base}.prod"; then
die "prod RMA key not in the signed image!"
: $(( count++ ))
# Full binary image is required, paste the newly signed blobs into the
# output image.
dd if="${temp_dir}/0.${dst_suffix}" of="${result_file}" \
seek=16384 bs=1 conv=notrunc
dd if="${temp_dir}/1.${dst_suffix}" of="${result_file}" \
seek=278528 bs=1 conv=notrunc
# A very crude RO verification function. The key signature found at a fixed
# offset into the RO blob must match the RO type. Prod keys have bit D2 set to
# one, dev keys have this bit set to zero.
verify_ro() {
if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
die "Usage: verify_ro <ro_bin>"
local ro_bin="$1"
local key_byte
if [[ ! -f "${ro_bin}" ]]; then
die "${ro_bin} not a file!"
# Key signature's lowest byte is byte #5 in the line at offset 0001a0.
key_byte="$(od -Ax -t x1 -v "${ro_bin}" | awk '/0001a0/ {print $6}')"
case "${key_byte}" in
return 0
die "RO key (${key_byte}) in ${ro_bin} does not match type prod"
# This function prepares a full CR50 image, consisting of two ROs and two RWs
# placed at their respective offsets into the resulting blob. It invokes the
# bs (binary signer) script to actually convert ELF versions of RWs into
# binaries and sign them.
# The signed image is placed in the directory named as concatenation of RO and
# RW version numbers and board ID fields, if set to non-default. The ebuild
# downloading the tarball from the BCS expects the image to be in that
# directory.
sign_cr50_firmware() {
if [[ $# -ne 9 ]]; then
die "Usage: sign_cr50_firmware <key_file> <manifest> <fuses>" \
"<rma_key_dir> <ro_a> <ro_b> <rw_a> <rw_b> <output>"
local key_file="$1"
local manifest_file="$2"
local fuses_file="$3"
local rma_key_dir="$4"
local ro_a_hex="$5"
local ro_b_hex="$6"
local rw_a="$7"
local rw_b="$8"
local output_file="$9"
local temp_dir="$(make_temp_dir)"
# The H1 chip where Cr50 firmware runs has 512K of flash, the generated
# image must match the flash size.
IMAGE_SIZE="$(( 512 * 1024 ))"
dd if=/dev/zero bs="${IMAGE_SIZE}" count=1 status=none |
tr '\000' '\377' > "${output_file}"
if [[ "$(stat -c '%s' "${output_file}")" != "${IMAGE_SIZE}" ]]; then
die "Failed creating ${output_file}"
local f
local count=0
for f in "${ro_a_hex}" "${ro_b_hex}"; do
if ! objcopy -I ihex "${f}" -O binary "${temp_dir}/${count}.bin"; then
die "Failed to convert ${f} from hex to bin"
verify_ro "${temp_dir}/${count}.bin"
: $(( count++ ))
if ! sign_rw "${key_file}" "${manifest_file}" "${fuses_file}" \
"${rma_key_dir}" "${rw_a}" "${rw_b}" "${output_file}"; then
die "Failed invoking sign_rw for ELF files ${rw_a} ${rw_b}"
dd if="${temp_dir}/0.bin" of="${output_file}" conv=notrunc
dd if="${temp_dir}/1.bin" of="${output_file}" seek=262144 bs=1 conv=notrunc
echo "Image successfully signed to ${output_file}"
# Sign the directory holding cr50 firmware.
sign_cr50_firmware_dir() {
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
die "Usage: sign_cr50_firmware_dir <input> <key> <output>"
local input="${1%/}"
local key_file="$2"
local output="$3"
if [[ -d "${output}" ]]; then
sign_cr50_firmware \
"${key_file}" \
"${input}/ec_RW-manifest-prod.json" \
"${input}/fuses.xml" \
"${input}" \
"${input}/" \
"${input}/" \
"${input}/ec.RW.elf" \
"${input}/ec.RW_B.elf" \
main() {
if [[ $# -ne 3 ]]; then
exit 1
local input="${1%/}"
local key_dir="$2"
local output="$3"
local key_file="${key_dir}/cr50.pem"
if [[ ! -e "${key_file}" ]]; then
die "Missing key file: ${key_file}"
if [[ ! -d "${input}" ]]; then
die "Missing input directory: ${input}"
sign_cr50_firmware_dir "${input}" "${key_file}" "${output}"
main "$@"