blob: a8f2f8b251fec6300a968b9d1a230a6c68022e89 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This makefile lets you MANUALLY create a set of images and the corresponding
# DEFAUL.yaml file for a particular platform. It should NOT be run
# automatically, but only when the master images have changed following review
# by the localization team. Additionally, it needs to be run outside of the
# chroot, since it uses ImageMagick to transform the master images, and
# ImageMagick is much to complex to bother installing into the chroot just for
# this occasional need.
TARGETS=x86 arm
# These are all the known locales, sorted more-or-less geograpically. We
# generally don't have room in the BIOS for all of them at once.
DEFAULT_LOCALES=en es_419 pt_BR en_GB fr es pt_PT ca it de \
el nl da no sv fi et lv lt ru pl cs sk hu sl sr hr bg ro \
uk tr iw ar fa hi th vi id fil zh_CN zh_TW ko ja
BASE_IMAGES=Devmode.bmp Insert.bmp Remove.bmp Yuck.bmp
OTHER_IMAGES=Url.bmp hwid_unknown.bmp
default: outside_chroot
@echo "Specify a target to build for:"
@echo " ${TARGETS}"
@if [ -e /etc/debian_chroot ]; then \
echo "ImageMagick is too complex to build inside the chroot."; \
echo "You must be outside the chroot to do this"; \
echo "(and you probably shouldn't be doing it anyway)."; \
exit 1; \
${TARGETS}:: outside_chroot
# The image size with UEFI BIOS is always 800x600, which is stretched to fill
# the entire screen. With previous devices the physical screen size was either
# 1280x800 (16:10) or 1366x768 (16:9). There's not a lot of difference between
# those, so let's just assume 16:9 for future platforms to make things simpler.
_x86_opts=-colors 256 -compress none -alpha off
# create output directories
mkdir -p "out_$@"
# copy stuff we need
cp "${FONTS}" "out_$@"
# scale the background pictures exactly...
@for i in ${BASE_IMAGES}; do \
echo " out_$@/$$i" && \
convert $$i -scale '${_x86_max}' ${_x86_opts} \
"BMP3:out_$@/$$i" || \
exit 1; \
@for i in ${OTHER_IMAGES}; do \
echo " out_$@/$$i" && \
convert $$i -scale '${_x86_scale}' ${_x86_opts} \
"BMP3:out_$@/$$i" || \
exit 1; \
# produce the new yaml
cd "out_$@" && ../make_default_yaml ${DEFAULT_LOCALES}
cd "out_$@" && bmpblk_utility -c DEFAULT.yaml bmpblock.bin
ls -l "out_$@"/bmpblock.bin
# create output directories
mkdir -p "out_$@"
for i in localized_images/*; do \
mkdir -p "out_$@/$$i"; \
# copy stuff we need
cp "${FONTS}" "out_$@"
convert ${BASE_IMAGES} -append \
-colors 256 -unique-colors "out_$@/base_cmap.png"
convert localized_images/*/*.bmp -append \
-colors 256 -unique-colors "out_$@/loc_cmap.png"
# scale the background pictures exactly...
@for i in ${BASE_IMAGES}; do \
echo " out_$@/$$i"; \
convert $$i -scale "${_arm_max}" \
-remap "out_$@/base_cmap.png" "out_$@/$$i"; \
# scale the localized string images using percentages...
@for i in ${OTHER_IMAGES} localized_images/*/*.bmp; do \
echo " out_$@/$$i"; \
convert $$i -scale "${_arm_scale}" \
-remap "out_$@/loc_cmap.png" "out_$@/$$i"; \
# produce the new yaml
cd "out_$@" && ../make_default_yaml ${DEFAULT_LOCALES}
perl -i -p -e 's/^compression:.*/compression: 2/;' "out_$@/DEFAULT.yaml"
# Note: manually use bmpblk_utility to create the binary from out_$@
rm -rf out_*