Remove code for displaying screen from GBB

This patch removes the code displaying vboot screens using bitmap
and layout data stored in GBB. bmpblk_utility, and futility
support for BmpBlock is also removed.

TEST=Verified screens on eve && emerge-eve chromeos-bootimage &&
make runtests

Change-Id: I1a8dd8ff0162965e81df121d5a87ea64310a0854
Signed-off-by: Daisuke Nojiri <>
Commit-Ready: ChromeOS CL Exonerator Bot <>
Tested-by: Joel Kitching <>
Reviewed-by: Joel Kitching <>
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index a3b4a80..1b8e6ca 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -623,8 +623,6 @@
 ifeq (${MINIMAL},)
 	utility/bdb_extend \
-	utility/bmpblk_font \
-	utility/bmpblk_utility \
 	utility/eficompress \
 	utility/efidecompress \
 	utility/load_kernel_test \
@@ -1262,23 +1260,6 @@
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: LD = ${CXX}
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: LDLIBS = ${LZMA_LIBS} ${YAML_LIBS}
-	${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_util.o \
-	${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o \
-	${BUILD}/utility/eficompress_for_lib.o \
-	${BUILD}/utility/efidecompress_for_lib.o
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: OBJS = ${BMPBLK_UTILITY_DEPS}
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_utility: ${BMPBLK_UTILITY_DEPS}
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_font: OBJS += ${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o
-${BUILD}/utility/bmpblk_font: ${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o
-ALL_OBJS += ${BUILD}/utility/image_types.o
 # Allow multiple definitions, so tests can mock functions from other libraries
 ${BUILD}/tests/%: CFLAGS += -Xlinker --allow-multiple-definition
 ${BUILD}/tests/%: LDLIBS += -lrt -luuid
@@ -1335,7 +1316,7 @@
 ifeq (${MINIMAL},)
 # Bitmap utility isn't compiled for minimal variant
-test_targets:: runbmptests runfutiltests
+test_targets:: runfutiltests
 # Scripts don't work under qemu testing
 # TODO: convert scripts to makefile so they can be called directly
 test_targets:: runtestscripts
@@ -1378,11 +1359,6 @@
 genfuzztestcases: utils test_setup
-.PHONY: runbmptests
-runbmptests: test_setup
-	cd tests/bitmaps && BMPBLK=${BUILD_RUN}/utility/bmpblk_utility \
-		./ -v
 .PHONY: runcgpttests
 runcgpttests: test_setup
 	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/cgptlib_test
@@ -1417,7 +1393,6 @@
 	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_api_kernel6_tests
 	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_detach_menu_tests
 	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_common_tests
-	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_display_tests
 	${RUNTEST} ${BUILD_RUN}/tests/vboot_kernel_tests
 .PHONY: run2tests
diff --git a/firmware/include/bmpblk_header.h b/firmware/include/bmpblk_header.h
deleted file mode 100644
index fec309d..0000000
--- a/firmware/include/bmpblk_header.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- *
- * Data structure definitions for firmware screen block (BMPBLOCK).
- *
- * The BmpBlock structure looks like:
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |             BmpBlock Header             |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |             ScreenLayout[0]             | \
- *  +-----------------------------------------+  |
- *  |             ScreenLayout[1]             |  |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+  Localization[0]
- *  |                  ...                    |  |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+  |
- *  | ScreenLayout[number_of_screenlayouts-1] | /
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |             ScreenLayout[0]             | \
- *  +-----------------------------------------+  Localization[1]
- *  |                  ...                    | /
- *  +-----------------------------------------+        ...
- *  |             ScreenLayout[0]             | \
- *  +-----------------------------------------+  Localization[
- *  |                  ...                    | /   number_of_localizations-1]
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |              ImageInfo[0]               |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |              Image Content              |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |              ImageInfo[2]               |  ImageInfo is 4-byte aligned.
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |              Image Content              |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |                  ...                    |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |      ImageInfo[number_fo_images-1]      |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |              Image Content              |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- *  |        List of locale names             |
- *  +-----------------------------------------+
- */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif  /* __cplusplus */
-#define BMPBLOCK_MAJOR_VERSION  (0x0002)
-#define BMPBLOCK_MINOR_VERSION  (0x0000)
-#define MAX_IMAGE_IN_LAYOUT     (16)
-/* BMPBLOCK header, describing how many screen layouts and image infos */
-typedef struct BmpBlockHeader {
-	uint8_t  signature[BMPBLOCK_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
-	uint16_t major_version;            /* see BMPBLOCK_MAJOR_VER */
-	uint16_t minor_version;            /* see BMPBLOCK_MINOR_VER */
-	uint32_t number_of_localizations;  /* Number of localizations */
-	/* Number of screen layouts in each localization */
-	uint32_t number_of_screenlayouts;
-	uint32_t number_of_imageinfos;     /* Number of image infos */
-	/* Offset of locale-translation string */
-	uint32_t locale_string_offset;
-	uint32_t reserved[2];
-} __attribute__((packed)) BmpBlockHeader;
-/* Screen layout, describing how to stack multiple images on screen */
-typedef struct ScreenLayout {
-	/*
-	 * Images contained in the screen. Will be rendered from 0 to
-	 * (number_of_images-1).
-	 */
-	struct {
-		/* (X,Y) offset of image to be rendered */
-		uint32_t x;
-		uint32_t y;
-		/* Offset of image info from start of BMPBLOCK; 0=end it. */
-		uint32_t image_info_offset;
-	} images[MAX_IMAGE_IN_LAYOUT];
-} __attribute__((packed)) ScreenLayout;
-/* Constants for screen index */
-typedef enum ScreenIndex {
-} ScreenIndex;
-/* Image info, describing the information of the image block */
-typedef struct ImageInfo {
-	uint32_t tag;              /* Tag it as a special image, like HWID */
-	uint32_t width;            /* Width of the image */
-	uint32_t height;           /* Height of the image */
-	uint32_t format;           /* File format of the image */
-	uint32_t compression;      /* Compression method for the image file */
-	uint32_t original_size;    /* Size of the original uncompressed image */
-	/*
-	 * Size of the compressed image; if image is not compressed, this will
-	 * be the same as the original size.
-	 */
-	uint32_t compressed_size;
-	uint32_t reserved;
-	/* NOTE: The actual image content (if any) follows immediately. */
-} __attribute__((packed)) ImageInfo;
-/* Constants for ImageInfo.tag */
-typedef enum ImageTag {
-	TAG_NONE = 0,
-	TAG_HWID_RTOL,  /* "right-to-left", ie, right-justified HWID */
-} ImageTag;
-/* Constants for ImageInfo.format */
-typedef enum ImageFormat {
-} ImageFormat;
- * These magic image names can be used in the .yaml file to indicate that the
- * ASCII HWID should be displayed. For RENDER_HWID, the image coordinates
- * specify upper-left corner of the HWID string. For RENDER_HWID_RTOL, they
- * indicate the upper-right corner (handy for right-to-left languages).
- */
-#define RENDER_HWID       "$HWID"
-#define RENDER_HWID_RTOL  "$HWID.rtol"
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif  /* __cplusplus */
diff --git a/firmware/lib/include/bmpblk_font.h b/firmware/lib/include/bmpblk_font.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 24f908e..0000000
--- a/firmware/lib/include/bmpblk_font.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- *
- * This describes the internal format used to pack a set of character glpyhs so
- * we can render strings by drawing one character at a time.
- *
- * The format is this:
- *
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | FontArrayHeader         |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | FontArrayEntryHeader[0] |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | raw image data[0]       |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | FontArrayEntryHeader[1] |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | raw image data[1]       |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | FontArrayEntryHeader[2] |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | raw image data[2]       |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *      ...
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | FontArrayEntryHeader[n] |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *   | raw image data[n]       |
- *   +-------------------------+
- *
- * The FontArrayHeader describes how many characters will be encoded.
- * Each character encoding consists of a FontArrayEntryHeader followed
- * immediately by the raw image data for that character.
- */
-#include "bmpblk_header.h"
-#define FONT_SIGNATURE      "FONT"
-typedef struct FontArrayHeader {
-	uint8_t  signature[FONT_SIGNATURE_SIZE];
-	uint32_t num_entries;  /* Number of chars encoded here. */
-} __attribute__((packed)) FontArrayHeader;
-typedef struct FontArrayEntryHeader {
-	uint32_t ascii;  /* What to show. Could even be UTF? */
-	ImageInfo info;  /* Describes the bitmap. */
-	/*
-	 * The image to use follows immediately, NOT compressed. It's
-	 * uncompressed because each glyph is only a few hundred bytes, but
-	 * they have much in common (colormaps, for example). When we add the
-	 * whole font blob to the bmpblk, it will be compressed as a single
-	 * item there.
-	 */
-} __attribute__((packed)) FontArrayEntryHeader;
diff --git a/firmware/lib/include/vboot_display.h b/firmware/lib/include/vboot_display.h
index 99e49f1..ed259a0 100644
--- a/firmware/lib/include/vboot_display.h
+++ b/firmware/lib/include/vboot_display.h
@@ -8,8 +8,6 @@
-struct vb2_context;
 VbError_t VbDisplayScreen(struct vb2_context *ctx, uint32_t screen, int force,
 			  const VbScreenData *data);
 VbError_t VbDisplayMenu(struct vb2_context *ctx,
diff --git a/firmware/lib/vboot_display.c b/firmware/lib/vboot_display.c
index c4b4f87..c43bece 100644
--- a/firmware/lib/vboot_display.c
+++ b/firmware/lib/vboot_display.c
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 #include "2misc.h"
 #include "2nvstorage.h"
 #include "2sha.h"
-#include "bmpblk_font.h"
 #include "gbb_access.h"
 #include "gbb_header.h"
 #include "utility.h"
diff --git a/futility/file_type_bios.c b/futility/file_type_bios.c
index d9d132a..d79e76f 100644
--- a/futility/file_type_bios.c
+++ b/futility/file_type_bios.c
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <string.h>
-#include "bmpblk_header.h"
 #include "fmap.h"
 #include "file_type.h"
 #include "file_type_bios.h"
@@ -55,7 +54,6 @@
 	GoogleBinaryBlockHeader *gbb = (GoogleBinaryBlockHeader *)buf;
 	struct bios_state_s *state = (struct bios_state_s *)data;
-	BmpBlockHeader *bmp;
 	int retval = 0;
 	uint32_t maxlen = 0;
@@ -130,23 +128,6 @@
 		printf("  Recovery Key:          <invalid>\n");
-	bmp = (BmpBlockHeader *)(buf + gbb->bmpfv_offset);
-		printf("  BmpBlock:              <invalid>\n");
-		/* We don't support older BmpBlock formats, so we can't
-		 * be strict about this. */
-	} else {
-		printf("  BmpBlock:\n");
-		printf("    Version:             %d.%d\n",
-		       bmp->major_version, bmp->minor_version);
-		printf("    Localizations:       %d\n",
-		       bmp->number_of_localizations);
-		printf("    Screen layouts:      %d\n",
-		       bmp->number_of_screenlayouts);
-		printf("    Image infos:         %d\n",
-		       bmp->number_of_imageinfos);
-	}
 	if (!retval && state)
 		state->area[BIOS_FMAP_GBB].is_valid = 1;
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/Background.bmp b/tests/bitmaps/Background.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index a83c995..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/Background.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/FontFile.bin b/tests/bitmaps/FontFile.bin
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ca0ea8..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/FontFile.bin
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/NotReallyA.bmp b/tests/bitmaps/NotReallyA.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index a51e27e..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/NotReallyA.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/ b/tests/bitmaps/
deleted file mode 100755
index 01f8554..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python2 -tt
-# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-# found in the LICENSE file.
-"""Unit tests for bmpblk_utility.
-import os
-import sys
-import subprocess
-import tempfile
-import unittest
-def runprog(*args):
-  """Runs specified program and args, returns (exitcode, stdout, stderr)."""
-  p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
-  out, err = p.communicate()
-  return (p.returncode, out, err)
-class TempDirTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
-  """A TestCase that sets up self.tempdir with a temporary directory."""
-  def setUp(self):
-    self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='tmp_test_bmp_block')
-    self.tempfile = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'FOO')
-    self._cwd = os.getcwd()
-  def tearDown(self):
-    os.chdir(self._cwd)
-    runprog('rm', '-rf', self.tempdir)
-class TestFailures(TempDirTestCase):
-  def testNoArgs(self):
-    """Running with no args should print usage and fail."""
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog)
-    self.assertNotEqual(0, rc)
-    self.assertTrue(err.count("missing BMPBLOCK name"))
-    self.assertTrue(out.count("bmpblk_utility"))
-  def testMissingBmp(self):
-    """Missing a bmp specified in the yaml is an error."""
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'case_nobmp.yaml', self.tempfile)
-    self.assertNotEqual(0, rc)
-    self.assertTrue(err.count("No such file or directory"))
-  def testInvalidBmp(self):
-    """A .bmp file that isn't really a BMP should fail."""
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'case_badbmp.yaml', self.tempfile)
-    self.assertNotEqual(0, rc)
-    self.assertTrue(err.count("Unsupported image format"))
-  def testBadCompression(self):
-    """Wrong compression types should fail."""
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-z', '99', '-c', 'case_simple.yaml', self.tempfile)
-    self.assertNotEqual(0, rc)
-    self.assertTrue(err.count("compression type"))
-class TestOverWrite(TempDirTestCase):
-  def testOverwrite(self):
-    """Create, unpack, unpack again, with and without -f"""
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'case_simple.yaml', self.tempfile)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-x', '-d', self.tempdir, self.tempfile)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-x', '-d', self.tempdir, self.tempfile)
-    self.assertNotEqual(0, rc)
-    self.assertTrue(err.count("File exists"))
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-x', '-d', self.tempdir, '-f', self.tempfile)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-class TestPackUnpack(TempDirTestCase):
-  def testPackUnpack(self):
-    """Create, unpack, recreate without compression"""
-    foo = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'FOO')
-    bar = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'BAR')
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'case_simple.yaml', foo)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-x', '-d', self.tempdir, foo)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    os.chdir(self.tempdir)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'config.yaml', bar)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog('/usr/bin/cmp', foo, bar)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-  def doPackUnpackZ(self, comp):
-    """Create, unpack, recreate with a given compression"""
-    foo = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'FOO')
-    bar = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'BAR')
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-z', comp, '-c', 'case_simple.yaml', foo)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-x', '-d', self.tempdir, foo)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    os.chdir(self.tempdir)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-z', comp, '-c', 'config.yaml', bar)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog('/usr/bin/cmp', foo, bar)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-  def testPackUnpackZ1(self):
-    """Create, unpack, recreate with EFIv1 compression"""
-    self.doPackUnpackZ('1')
-  def testPackUnpackZ2(self):
-    """Create, unpack, recreate with LZMA compression"""
-    self.doPackUnpackZ('2')
-  def doPackUnpackImplicitZ(self, comp, noncomp):
-    """Create with given compression, unpack, repack without specifying"""
-    foo = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'FOO')
-    bar = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'BAR')
-    # create with the specified compression scheme
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-z', comp, '-c', 'case_simple.yaml', foo)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    # unpack. yaml file should have compression scheme in it
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-f', '-x', '-d', self.tempdir, foo)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    os.chdir(self.tempdir)
-    # create with no compression specified, should use default from yaml
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'config.yaml', bar)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    # so new output should match original
-    rc, out, err = runprog('/usr/bin/cmp', foo, bar)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    # Now make sure that specifying a compression arg will override the default
-    for mycomp in noncomp:
-      # create with compression scheme different from default
-      rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-z', str(mycomp), '-c', 'config.yaml', bar)
-      self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-      # should be different binary
-      rc, out, err = runprog('/usr/bin/cmp', foo, bar)
-      self.assertNotEqual(0, rc)
-  def testPackUnpackImplicitZ(self):
-    """Create, unpack, recreate with implicit compression"""
-    self._allowed = range(3)
-    for c in self._allowed:
-      os.chdir(self._cwd)
-      self.doPackUnpackImplicitZ(str(c), [x for x in self._allowed if x != c])
-class TestReproducable(TempDirTestCase):
-  def disabledTestReproduce(self):
-    """Equivalent yaml files should produce identical bmpblocks"""
-    # TODO: This test is currently broken because bmpblock_utility
-    # uses a map to hold the images, and the map doesn't preserve image
-    # order.  So a simple compare is insufficient to determine that
-    # the bmpblocks are equivalent.  See
-    order1 = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'ORDER1')
-    order2 = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'ORDER2')
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'case_order1.yaml', order1)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'case_order2.yaml', order2)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog('/usr/bin/cmp', order1, order2)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-class TestReuse(TempDirTestCase):
-  def testReuse(self):
-    """Reusing screens in the yaml file should be okay"""
-    foo = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'FOO')
-    bar = os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'BAR')
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'case_reuse.yaml', foo)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-x', '-d', self.tempdir, foo)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    os.chdir(self.tempdir)
-    rc, out, err = runprog(prog, '-c', 'config.yaml', bar)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-    rc, out, err = runprog('/usr/bin/cmp', foo, bar)
-    self.assertEqual(0, rc)
-# Run these tests
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-  varname = 'BMPBLK'
-  if varname not in os.environ:
-    print('You must specify the path to bmpblk_utility in the $%s '
-          'environment variable.' % varname)
-    sys.exit(1)
-  prog = os.environ[varname]
-  print "Testing prog...", prog
-  unittest.main()
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/Word.bmp b/tests/bitmaps/Word.bmp
deleted file mode 100644
index ba4a0e0..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/Word.bmp
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/case_badbmp.yaml b/tests/bitmaps/case_badbmp.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 8772e2e..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/case_badbmp.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Invalid specification: requests missing image file.
-bmpblock: 2.0
-# These are the individual images which are layered to produce a screen layout.
-    devmode:      NotReallyA.bmp
-    $HWID:        FontFile.bin
-# These are all of the distinct layouts that we know how to display.
-  dev_en:
-      - [0, 0, devmode]
-      - [100, 100, $HWID]
-# To customize the images for a particular locale, just reorder this list so
-# that the default language appears first.
-  - [ dev_en, dev_en, dev_en, dev_en ]
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/case_nobmp.yaml b/tests/bitmaps/case_nobmp.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 02b44a3..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/case_nobmp.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-# Invalid specification: requests missing image file.
-bmpblock: 2.0
-# These are the individual images which are layered to produce a screen layout.
-    devmode:      NoSuchFile.bmp
-# These are all of the distinct layouts that we know how to display.
-  dev_en:
-      - [0, 0, devmode]
-# To customize the images for a particular locale, just reorder this list so
-# that the default language appears first.
-  - [ dev_en, dev_en, dev_en, dev_en ]
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/case_order1.yaml b/tests/bitmaps/case_order1.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c116ee4..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/case_order1.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-bmpblock: 2.0
-  image0:     Background.bmp
-  image1:     Word.bmp
-  scr_a0:
-    - [0, 0, image0]
-  scr_b0:
-    - [0, 0, image0]
-  scr_c0:
-    - [0, 0, image0]
-  scr_d0:
-    - [0, 0, image0]
-  scr_a1:
-    - [45, 45, image1 ]
-  scr_b1:
-    - [45, 400, image1 ]
-  scr_c1:
-    - [400, 400, image1 ]
-  scr_d1:
-    - [400, 45, image1 ]
-  - [ scr_a0, scr_b0, scr_c0, scr_d0 ]
-  - [ scr_a1, scr_b1, scr_c1, scr_d1 ]
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/case_order2.yaml b/tests/bitmaps/case_order2.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index cd9018f..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/case_order2.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-bmpblock: 2.0
-  zmage0:     Background.bmp
-  image1:     Word.bmp
-  scr_a4:
-    - [0, 0, zmage0]
-  scr_b4:
-    - [0, 0, zmage0]
-  scr_c4:
-    - [0, 0, zmage0]
-  scr_d4:
-    - [0, 0, zmage0]
-  scr_a1:
-    - [45, 45, image1 ]
-  scr_b1:
-    - [45, 400, image1 ]
-  scr_c1:
-    - [400, 400, image1 ]
-  scr_d1:
-    - [400, 45, image1 ]
-  - [ scr_a4, scr_b4, scr_c4, scr_d4 ]
-  - [ scr_a1, scr_b1, scr_c1, scr_d1 ]
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/case_reuse.yaml b/tests/bitmaps/case_reuse.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 1265d3c..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/case_reuse.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-bmpblock: 2.0
-  image0:     Background.bmp
-  image1:     Word.bmp
-  scr_a0:
-    - [0, 0, image0]
-  scr_b0:
-    - [0, 0, image0]
-  scr_c0:
-    - [0, 0, image0]
-  scr_d0:
-    - [0, 0, image0]
-  scr_z:
-    - [45, 45, image1 ]
-  - [ scr_a0, scr_b0, scr_c0, scr_d0 ]
-  - [ scr_a0, scr_b0, scr_c0, scr_z ]
diff --git a/tests/bitmaps/case_simple.yaml b/tests/bitmaps/case_simple.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index c30a064..0000000
--- a/tests/bitmaps/case_simple.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-bmpblock: 2.0
-  background:     Background.bmp
-  text:           Word.bmp
-  scr_1:
-    - [0, 0, background]
-    - [45, 45, text ]
-  scr_2:
-    - [0, 0, background]
-    - [45, 400, text ]
-  scr_3:
-    - [0, 0, background]
-    - [400, 400, text ]
-  scr_4:
-    - [0, 0, background]
-    - [400, 45, text ]
-  - [ scr_1, scr_2, scr_3, scr_4 ]
diff --git a/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_bios_mario_mp.bin b/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_bios_mario_mp.bin
index 882b978..36c9ab8 100644
--- a/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_bios_mario_mp.bin
+++ b/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_bios_mario_mp.bin
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
     Algorithm:           11 RSA8192 SHA512
     Key Version:         1
     Key sha1sum:         5d0d163b824cab5ae4f23fb2cc012e2a4124f4fe
-  BmpBlock:              <invalid>
 Firmware body:           Firmware A Data
   Offset:                0x00040000
   Size:                  0x000d0000
diff --git a/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_bios_zgb_mp.bin b/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_bios_zgb_mp.bin
index 6a29c90..5dfa587 100644
--- a/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_bios_zgb_mp.bin
+++ b/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_bios_zgb_mp.bin
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
     Algorithm:           11 RSA8192 SHA512
     Key Version:         1
     Key sha1sum:         9bd99a594c45b6739899a17ec29ac2289ee75463
-  BmpBlock:              <invalid>
 Firmware body:           FW_MAIN_A
   Offset:                0x00030000
   Size:                  0x000dffc0
diff --git a/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_fw_gbb.bin b/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_fw_gbb.bin
index ea202bf..3f81d86 100644
--- a/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_fw_gbb.bin
+++ b/tests/futility/expect_output/show.tests_futility_data_fw_gbb.bin
@@ -20,8 +20,3 @@
     Algorithm:           11 RSA8192 SHA512
     Key Version:         1
     Key sha1sum:         bf39d0d3e30cbf6a121416d04df4603ad5310779
-  BmpBlock:
-    Version:             2.0
-    Localizations:       18
-    Screen layouts:      10
-    Image infos:         269
diff --git a/tests/futility/ b/tests/futility/
index 5885571..bdfa262 100755
--- a/tests/futility/
+++ b/tests/futility/
@@ -35,28 +35,22 @@
 # too long
 dd if=/dev/urandom bs=17 count=1 of=${TMP}.data1.toolong
 dd if=/dev/urandom bs=17 count=1 of=${TMP}.data2.toolong
-dd if=/dev/urandom bs=17 count=1 of=${TMP}.data3.toolong
 if ${FUTILITY} gbb -s --rootkey     ${TMP}.data1.toolong ${TMP}.blob; then false; fi
 if ${FUTILITY} gbb -s --recoverykey ${TMP}.data2.toolong ${TMP}.blob; then false; fi
-if ${FUTILITY} gbb -s --bmpfv       ${TMP}.data3.toolong ${TMP}.blob; then false; fi
 # shorter than max should be okay, though
 dd if=/dev/urandom bs=10 count=1 of=${TMP}.data1.short
 dd if=/dev/urandom bs=10 count=1 of=${TMP}.data2.short
-dd if=/dev/urandom bs=10 count=1 of=${TMP}.data3.short
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -s \
   --rootkey     ${TMP}.data1.short \
-  --recoverykey ${TMP}.data2.short \
-  --bmpfv       ${TMP}.data3.short ${TMP}.blob
+  --recoverykey ${TMP}.data2.short ${TMP}.blob
 # read 'em back
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -g \
   --rootkey     ${TMP}.read1 \
-  --recoverykey ${TMP}.read2 \
-  --bmpfv       ${TMP}.read3 ${TMP}.blob
+  --recoverykey ${TMP}.read2 ${TMP}.blob
 # Verify (but remember, it's short)
 cmp -n 10 ${TMP}.data1.short ${TMP}.read1
 cmp -n 10 ${TMP}.data2.short ${TMP}.read2
-cmp -n 10 ${TMP}.data3.short ${TMP}.read3
 # Okay
 dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 of=${TMP}.data1
@@ -64,16 +58,13 @@
 dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 of=${TMP}.data3
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -s --rootkey     ${TMP}.data1 ${TMP}.blob
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -s --recoverykey ${TMP}.data2 ${TMP}.blob
-${FUTILITY} gbb -s --bmpfv       ${TMP}.data3 ${TMP}.blob
 # Read 'em back.
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -g --rootkey     ${TMP}.read1 ${TMP}.blob
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -g --recoverykey ${TMP}.read2 ${TMP}.blob
-${FUTILITY} gbb -g --bmpfv       ${TMP}.read3 ${TMP}.blob
 # Verify
 cmp ${TMP}.data1 ${TMP}.read1
 cmp ${TMP}.data2 ${TMP}.read2
-cmp ${TMP}.data3 ${TMP}.read3
 # Okay, creating GBB blobs seems to work. Now let's make sure that corrupted
@@ -147,12 +138,6 @@
 cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x18 0x00 > ${TMP}.blob.bad
 if ${FUTILITY} gbb ${TMP}.blob.bad; then false; fi
-#  bmpfv_offset < GBB_HEADER_SIZE is invalid
-cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x20 0x7f > ${TMP}.blob.bad
-if ${FUTILITY} gbb ${TMP}.blob.bad; then false; fi
-cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x20 0x00 > ${TMP}.blob.bad
-if ${FUTILITY} gbb ${TMP}.blob.bad; then false; fi
 #  recovery_key_offset < GBB_HEADER_SIZE is invalid
 cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x28 0x7f > ${TMP}.blob.bad
 if ${FUTILITY} gbb ${TMP}.blob.bad; then false; fi
@@ -171,12 +156,6 @@
 cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x1c 0x31 > ${TMP}.blob.bad
 if ${FUTILITY} gbb -g ${TMP}.blob.bad; then false; fi
-#  bmpfv: offset + size  == end of file is okay; beyond is invalid
-cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x24 0x20 > ${TMP}.blob.bad
-${FUTILITY} gbb -g ${TMP}.blob.bad
-cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x24 0x21 > ${TMP}.blob.bad
-if ${FUTILITY} gbb -g ${TMP}.blob.bad; then false; fi
 #  recovery_key: offset + size  == end of file is okay; beyond is invalid
 cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x2c 0x10 > ${TMP}.blob.bad
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -g ${TMP}.blob.bad
@@ -193,11 +172,6 @@
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -g --rootkey     ${TMP}.read1 ${TMP}.blob.bad
 if ${FUTILITY} gbb -s --rootkey  ${TMP}.data1 ${TMP}.blob.bad; then false; fi
-# bmpfv_size == 0 gives warning, gets nothing, can't be set
-cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x24 0x00 > ${TMP}.blob.bad
-${FUTILITY} gbb -g --bmpfv       ${TMP}.read3 ${TMP}.blob.bad
-if ${FUTILITY} gbb -s --bmpfv    ${TMP}.data3 ${TMP}.blob.bad; then false; fi
 # recovery_key_size == 0 gives warning, gets nothing, can't be set
 cat ${TMP}.blob | ${REPLACE} 0x2c 0x00 > ${TMP}.blob.bad
 ${FUTILITY} gbb -g --recoverykey ${TMP}.read2 ${TMP}.blob.bad
diff --git a/tests/vboot_display_tests.c b/tests/vboot_display_tests.c
index f010ddd..986bb27 100644
--- a/tests/vboot_display_tests.c
+++ b/tests/vboot_display_tests.c
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
 #include "2common.h"
 #include "2misc.h"
 #include "2nvstorage.h"
-#include "bmpblk_font.h"
 #include "gbb_access.h"
 #include "gbb_header.h"
 #include "host_common.h"
diff --git a/utility/bmpblk_font.c b/utility/bmpblk_font.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 75c3385..0000000
--- a/utility/bmpblk_font.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,229 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "bmpblk_font.h"
-#include "image_types.h"
-#include "vboot_api.h"
-static char *progname;
-static void error(const char *fmt, ...)
-    va_list args;
-    va_start( args, fmt );
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", progname);
-    vfprintf( stderr, fmt, args );
-    va_end( args );
-#define fatal(args...) do { error(args); exit(1); } while(0)
-/* Command line options */
-enum {
-  OPT_OUTFILE = 1000,
-#define DEFAULT_OUTFILE "font.bin"
-static struct option long_opts[] = {
-  {"outfile", 1, 0,                   OPT_OUTFILE             },
-  {NULL, 0, 0, 0}
-/* Print help and return error */
-static void HelpAndDie(void) {
-  fprintf(stderr,
-          "\n"
-          "%s - Create a vboot fontfile from a set of BMP files.\n"
-          "\n"
-          "Usage:  %s [OPTIONS] BMPFILE [BMPFILE...]\n"
-          "\n"
-          "Each BMP file must match *_HEX.bmp, where HEX is the hexadecimal\n"
-          "representation of the character that the file displays. The images\n"
-          "will be encoded in the given order. Typically the first image is\n"
-          "reused to represent any missing characters.\n"
-          "\n"
-          "OPTIONS are:\n"
-          "  --outfile <filename>      Output file (default is %s)\n"
-          "\n", progname, progname, DEFAULT_OUTFILE);
-  exit(1);
-// Returns pointer to buffer containing entire file, sets length.
-static void *read_entire_file(const char *filename, size_t *length) {
-  int fd;
-  struct stat sbuf;
-  void *ptr;
-  *length = 0;                          // just in case
-  if (0 != stat(filename, &sbuf)) {
-    error("Unable to stat %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (!sbuf.st_size) {
-    error("File %s is empty\n", filename);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
-  if (fd < 0) {
-    error("Unable to open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ptr = mmap(0, sbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
-  if (MAP_FAILED == ptr) {
-    error("Unable to mmap %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
-    close(fd);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  *length = sbuf.st_size;
-  close(fd);
-  return ptr;
-// Reclaims buffer from read_entire_file().
-static void discard_file(void *ptr, size_t length) {
-  munmap(ptr, length);
-int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
-  char* outfile = DEFAULT_OUTFILE;
-  int numimages = 0;
-  int parse_error = 0;
-  int i;
-  FILE *ofp;
-  FontArrayHeader header;
-  FontArrayEntryHeader entry;
-  progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
-  if (progname)
-    progname++;
-  else
-    progname = argv[0];
-  while ((i = getopt_long(argc, argv, "", long_opts, NULL)) != -1) {
-    switch (i) {
-      case OPT_OUTFILE:
-        outfile = optarg;
-        break;
-    default:
-        /* Unhandled option */
-        printf("Unknown option\n");
-        parse_error = 1;
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  numimages = argc - optind;
-  if (parse_error || numimages < 1)
-    HelpAndDie();
-  printf("outfile is %s\n", outfile);
-  printf("numimages is %d\n", numimages);
-  ofp = fopen(outfile, "wb");
-  if (!ofp)
-    fatal("Unable to open %s: %s\n", outfile, strerror(errno));
-  memcpy(&header.signature, FONT_SIGNATURE, FONT_SIGNATURE_SIZE);
-  header.num_entries = numimages;
-  if (1 != fwrite(&header, sizeof(header), 1, ofp)) {
-    error("Can't write header to %s: %s\n", outfile, strerror(errno));
-    goto bad1;
-  }
-  for(i=0; i<numimages; i++) {
-    char *imgfile = argv[optind+i];
-    char *s;
-    uint32_t ascii;
-    void *imgdata = 0;
-    size_t imgsize, filesize, diff;
-    s = strrchr(imgfile, '_');
-    if (!s || 1 != sscanf(s, "_%x.bmp", &ascii)) { // This is not foolproof.
-      error("Unable to parse the character from filename %s\n", imgfile);
-      goto bad1;
-    }
-    imgdata = read_entire_file(imgfile, &imgsize);
-    if (!imgdata)
-      goto bad1;
-    if (FORMAT_BMP != identify_image_type(imgdata, imgsize, & {
-      error("%s does not contain a valid BMP image\n", imgfile);
-      goto bad1;
-    }
-    // Pad the image to align it on a 4-byte boundary.
-    filesize = imgsize;
-    if (imgsize % 4)
-      filesize = ((imgsize + 4) / 4) * 4;
-    diff = filesize - imgsize;
-    entry.ascii = ascii;
- = COMPRESS_NONE; // we'll compress it all later
- = filesize;
- = filesize;
-    printf("%s => 0x%x %dx%d\n", imgfile, entry.ascii,
- ,;
-    if (1 != fwrite(&entry, sizeof(entry), 1, ofp)) {
-      error("Can't write entry to %s: %s\n", outfile, strerror(errno));
-      goto bad1;
-    }
-    if (1 != fwrite(imgdata, imgsize, 1, ofp)) {
-      error("Can't write image to %s: %s\n", outfile, strerror(errno));
-      goto bad1;
-    }
-    if (diff && 1 != fwrite("\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", diff, 1, ofp)) {
-      error("Can't write padding to %s: %s\n", outfile, strerror(errno));
-      goto bad1;
-    }
-    discard_file(imgdata, imgsize);
-  }
-  fclose(ofp);
-  return 0;
-  fclose(ofp);
-  error("Aborting\n");
-  (void) unlink(outfile);
-  exit(1);
diff --git a/utility/bmpblk_util.c b/utility/bmpblk_util.c
deleted file mode 100644
index abcac0d..0000000
--- a/utility/bmpblk_util.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <lzma.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "bmpblk_util.h"
-#include "eficompress.h"
-#include "vboot_api.h"
-// Returns pointer to buffer containing entire file, sets length.
-static void *read_entire_file(const char *filename, size_t *length) {
-  int fd;
-  struct stat sbuf;
-  void *ptr;
-  *length = 0;                          // just in case
-  if (0 != stat(filename, &sbuf)) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to stat %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
-    return 0;
-  }
-  if (!sbuf.st_size) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "File %s is empty\n", filename);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  fd = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
-  if (fd < 0) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
-    return 0;
-  }
-  ptr = mmap(0, sbuf.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0);
-  if (MAP_FAILED == ptr) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to mmap %s: %s\n", filename, strerror(errno));
-    close(fd);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  *length = sbuf.st_size;
-  close(fd);
-  return ptr;
-// Reclaims buffer from read_entire_file().
-static void discard_file(void *ptr, size_t length) {
-  munmap(ptr, length);
-static int require_dir(const char *dirname) {
-  struct stat sbuf;
-  if (0 == stat(dirname, &sbuf)) {
-    // Something's there. Is it a directory?
-    if (S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    fprintf(stderr, "%s already exists and is not a directory\n", dirname);
-    return 1;
-  }
-  // dirname doesn't exist. Try to create it.
-  if (ENOENT == errno) {
-    if (0 != mkdir(dirname, 0777)) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to create directory %s: %s\n",
-              dirname, strerror(errno));
-      return 1;
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-  fprintf(stderr, "Unable to stat %s: %s\n", dirname, strerror(errno));
-  return 1;
-static void *do_efi_decompress(ImageInfo *img) {
-  void *ibuf;
-  void *sbuf;
-  void *obuf;
-  uint32_t isize;
-  uint32_t ssize;
-  uint32_t osize;
-  ibuf = (void*)(img + 1);
-  isize = img->compressed_size;
-  r = EfiGetInfo(ibuf, isize, &osize, &ssize);
-  if (EFI_SUCCESS != r) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "EfiGetInfo() failed with code %d\n",
-            r);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  sbuf = malloc(ssize);
-  if (!sbuf) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate %d bytes: %s\n",
-            ssize,
-            strerror(errno));
-    return 0;
-  }
-  obuf = malloc(osize);
-  if (!obuf) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate %d bytes: %s\n",
-            osize,
-            strerror(errno));
-    free(sbuf);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  r = EfiDecompress(ibuf, isize, obuf, osize, sbuf, ssize);
-  if (r != EFI_SUCCESS) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "EfiDecompress failed with code %d\n", r);
-    free(obuf);
-    free(sbuf);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  free(sbuf);
-  return obuf;
-static void *do_lzma_decompress(ImageInfo *img) {
-  void *ibuf;
-  void *obuf;
-  uint32_t isize;
-  uint32_t osize;
-  lzma_stream stream = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;
-  lzma_ret result;
-  ibuf = (void*)(img + 1);
-  isize = img->compressed_size;
-  osize = img->original_size;
-  obuf = malloc(osize);
-  if (!obuf) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Can't allocate %d bytes: %s\n",
-            osize,
-            strerror(errno));
-    return 0;
-  }
-  result = lzma_auto_decoder(&stream, -1, 0);
-  if (result != LZMA_OK) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize auto decoder (error: %d)!\n",
-            result);
-    free(obuf);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  stream.next_in = ibuf;
-  stream.avail_in = isize;
-  stream.next_out = obuf;
-  stream.avail_out = osize;
-  result = lzma_code(&stream, LZMA_FINISH);
-  if (result != LZMA_STREAM_END) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "Unalbe to decode data (error: %d)!\n", result);
-    free(obuf);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  lzma_end(&stream);
-  return obuf;
-// Show what's inside. If todir is NULL, just print. Otherwise unpack.
-int dump_bmpblock(const char *infile, int show_as_yaml,
-                  const char *todir, int overwrite) {
-  void *ptr, *data_ptr;
-  size_t length = 0;
-  BmpBlockHeader *hdr;
-  ImageInfo *img;
-  ScreenLayout *scr;
-  int loc_num;
-  int screen_num;
-  int i;
-  int offset;
-  int free_data;
-  char image_name[80];
-  char full_path_name[PATH_MAX];
-  int yfd, bfd;
-  FILE *yfp = stdout;
-  FILE *bfp = stdout;
-  ptr = (void *)read_entire_file(infile, &length);
-  if (!ptr)
-    return 1;
-  if (length < sizeof(BmpBlockHeader)) {
-    fprintf(stderr, "File %s is too small to be a BMPBLOCK\n", infile);
-    discard_file(ptr, length);
-    return 1;
-  }
-    fprintf(stderr, "File %s is not a BMPBLOCK\n", infile);
-    discard_file(ptr, length);
-    return 1;
-  }
-  if (todir) {
-    // Unpacking everything. Create the output directory if needed.
-    if (0 != require_dir(todir)) {
-      discard_file(ptr, length);
-      return 1;
-    }
-    // Open yaml output.
-    show_as_yaml = 1;
-    sprintf(full_path_name, "%s/%s", todir, "config.yaml");
-    yfd = open(full_path_name,
-               O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | (overwrite ? 0 : O_EXCL),
-               0666);
-    if (yfd < 0) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s: %s\n", full_path_name,
-              strerror(errno));
-      discard_file(ptr, length);
-      return 1;
-    }
-    yfp = fdopen(yfd, "wb");
-    if (!yfp) {
-      fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fdopen %s: %s\n", full_path_name,
-              strerror(errno));
-      close(yfd);
-      discard_file(ptr, length);
-      return 1;
-    }
-  }
-  hdr = (BmpBlockHeader *)ptr;
-  if (!show_as_yaml) {
-    printf("%s:\n", infile);
-    printf("  version %d.%d\n", hdr->major_version, hdr->minor_version);
-    printf("  %d screens\n", hdr->number_of_screenlayouts);
-    printf("  %d localizations\n", hdr->number_of_localizations);
-    printf("  %d discrete images\n", hdr->number_of_imageinfos);
-    discard_file(ptr, length);
-    return 0;
-  }
-  // Write out yaml
-  fprintf(yfp, "bmpblock: %d.%d\n", hdr->major_version, hdr->minor_version);
-  offset = sizeof(BmpBlockHeader) +
-    (sizeof(ScreenLayout) *
-     hdr->number_of_localizations *
-     hdr->number_of_screenlayouts);
-  // FIXME(chromium-os:12134): The bmbblock structure allows each image to be
-  // compressed differently, but we haven't provided a way for the yaml file to
-  // specify that. Additionally, we allow the yaml file to specify a default
-  // compression scheme for all images, but only if that line appears in the
-  // yaml file before any images. Accordingly, we'll just check the first image
-  // to see if it has any compression, and if it does, we'll write that out as
-  // the default. When this bug is fixed, we should just write each image's
-  // compression setting separately.
-  img = (ImageInfo *)(ptr + offset);
-  if (img->compression)
-    fprintf(yfp, "compression: %d\n", img->compression);
-  fprintf(yfp, "images:\n");
-  for(i=0; i<hdr->number_of_imageinfos; i++) {
-    img = (ImageInfo *)(ptr + offset);
-    if (img->compressed_size) {
-      sprintf(image_name, "img_%08x.bmp", offset);
-      if (img->tag == TAG_HWID) {
-        fprintf(yfp, "  %s: %s  # %dx%d  %d/%d  tag=%d fmt=%d\n",
-                RENDER_HWID, image_name,
-                img->width, img->height,
-                img->compressed_size, img->original_size,
-                img->tag, img->format);
-      } else if (img->tag == TAG_HWID_RTOL) {
-        fprintf(yfp, "  %s: %s  # %dx%d  %d/%d  tag=%d fmt=%d\n",
-                RENDER_HWID_RTOL, image_name,
-                img->width, img->height,
-                img->compressed_size, img->original_size,
-                img->tag, img->format);
-      } else {
-        fprintf(yfp, "  img_%08x: %s  # %dx%d  %d/%d  tag=%d fmt=%d\n",
-                offset, image_name,
-                img->width, img->height,
-                img->compressed_size, img->original_size,
-                img->tag, img->format);
-      }
-      if (todir) {
-        sprintf(full_path_name, "%s/%s", todir, image_name);
-        bfd = open(full_path_name,
-                   O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | (overwrite ? 0 : O_EXCL),
-                   0666);
-        if (bfd < 0) {
-          fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s: %s\n", full_path_name,
-                  strerror(errno));
-          fclose(yfp);
-          discard_file(ptr, length);
-          return 1;
-        }
-        bfp = fdopen(bfd, "wb");
-        if (!bfp) {
-          fprintf(stderr, "Unable to fdopen %s: %s\n", full_path_name,
-                  strerror(errno));
-          close(bfd);
-          fclose(yfp);
-          discard_file(ptr, length);
-          return 1;
-        }
-        switch(img->compression) {
-        case COMPRESS_NONE:
-          data_ptr = ptr + offset + sizeof(ImageInfo);
-          free_data = 0;
-          break;
-        case COMPRESS_EFIv1:
-          data_ptr = do_efi_decompress(img);
-          if (!data_ptr) {
-            fclose(bfp);
-            fclose(yfp);
-            discard_file(ptr, length);
-            return 1;
-          }
-          free_data = 1;
-          break;
-        case COMPRESS_LZMA1:
-          data_ptr = do_lzma_decompress(img);
-          if (!data_ptr) {
-            fclose(bfp);
-            fclose(yfp);
-            discard_file(ptr, length);
-            return 1;
-          }
-          free_data = 1;
-          break;
-        default:
-          fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported compression method encountered.\n");
-          fclose(bfp);
-          fclose(yfp);
-          discard_file(ptr, length);
-          return 1;
-        }
-        if (1 != fwrite(data_ptr, img->original_size, 1, bfp)) {
-          fprintf(stderr, "Unable to write %s: %s\n", full_path_name,
-                  strerror(errno));
-          fclose(bfp);
-          fclose(yfp);
-          discard_file(ptr, length);
-          return 1;
-        }
-        fclose(bfp);
-        if (free_data)
-          free(data_ptr);
-      }
-    }
-    offset += sizeof(ImageInfo);
-    offset += img->compressed_size;
-    // 4-byte aligned
-    if ((offset & 3) > 0)
-      offset = (offset & ~3) + 4;
-  }
-  fprintf(yfp, "screens:\n");
-  for(loc_num = 0;
-      loc_num < hdr->number_of_localizations;
-      loc_num++) {
-    for(screen_num = 0;
-        screen_num < hdr->number_of_screenlayouts;
-        screen_num++) {
-      fprintf(yfp, "  scr_%d_%d:\n", loc_num, screen_num);
-      i = loc_num * hdr->number_of_screenlayouts + screen_num;
-      offset = sizeof(BmpBlockHeader) + i * sizeof(ScreenLayout);
-      scr = (ScreenLayout *)(ptr + offset);
-      for(i=0; i<MAX_IMAGE_IN_LAYOUT; i++) {
-        if (scr->images[i].image_info_offset) {
-          ImageInfo *iptr =
-            (ImageInfo *)(ptr + scr->images[i].image_info_offset);
-          if (iptr->tag == TAG_HWID) {
-            fprintf(yfp, "    - [%d, %d, %s] # tag=%d fmt=%d c=%d %d/%d\n",
-                    scr->images[i].x, scr->images[i].y,
-                    RENDER_HWID, iptr->tag, iptr->format, iptr->compression,
-                    iptr->compressed_size, iptr->original_size);
-          } else if (iptr->tag == TAG_HWID_RTOL) {
-            fprintf(yfp, "    - [%d, %d, %s] # tag=%d fmt=%d c=%d %d/%d\n",
-                    scr->images[i].x, scr->images[i].y,
-                    RENDER_HWID_RTOL, iptr->tag,
-                    iptr->format, iptr->compression,
-                    iptr->compressed_size, iptr->original_size);
-          } else {
-            fprintf(yfp, "    - [%d, %d, img_%08x]"
-                    " # tag=%d fmt=%d c=%d %d/%d\n",
-                    scr->images[i].x, scr->images[i].y,
-                    scr->images[i].image_info_offset,
-                    iptr->tag, iptr->format, iptr->compression,
-                    iptr->compressed_size, iptr->original_size);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  fprintf(yfp, "localizations:\n");
-  for(loc_num = 0;
-      loc_num < hdr->number_of_localizations;
-      loc_num++) {
-    fprintf(yfp, "  - [");
-    for(screen_num = 0;
-        screen_num < hdr->number_of_screenlayouts;
-        screen_num++) {
-      fprintf(yfp, " scr_%d_%d", loc_num, screen_num);
-      if (screen_num != hdr->number_of_screenlayouts - 1)
-        fprintf(yfp, ",");
-    }
-    fprintf(yfp, " ]\n");
-  }
-  if (hdr->locale_string_offset) {
-    char *loc_ptr = (char *)ptr + hdr->locale_string_offset;
-    char c;
-    fprintf(yfp, "locale_index:\n");
-    while ((c = *loc_ptr) != '\0') {
-      fprintf(yfp, "  - ");
-      do {
-        fputc(c, yfp);
-        loc_ptr++;
-      } while((c = *loc_ptr) != '\0');
-      loc_ptr++;
-      fputc('\n', yfp);
-    }
-  }
-  if (todir)
-    fclose(yfp);
-  discard_file(ptr, length);
-  return 0;
diff --git a/utility/ b/utility/
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a35ee..0000000
--- a/utility/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,777 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-// Utility for manipulating firmware screen block (BMPBLOCK) in GBB.
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <getopt.h>
-#include <lzma.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <yaml.h>
-#include "bmpblk_utility.h"
-#include "image_types.h"
-#include "vboot_api.h"
-extern "C" {
-#include "eficompress.h"
-static void error(const char *format, ...) {
-  va_list ap;
-  va_start(ap, format);
-  fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: ");
-  vfprintf(stderr, format, ap);
-  va_end(ap);
-  exit(1);
-// BmpBlock Utility implementation
-namespace vboot_reference {
-  BmpBlockUtil::BmpBlockUtil(bool debug) {
-    major_version_ = BMPBLOCK_MAJOR_VERSION;
-    minor_version_ = BMPBLOCK_MINOR_VERSION;
-    config_.config_filename.clear();
-    memset(&config_.header, '\0', BMPBLOCK_SIGNATURE_SIZE);
-    config_.images_map.clear();
-    config_.screens_map.clear();
-    config_.localizations.clear();
-    bmpblock_.clear();
-    set_compression_ = false;
-    compression_ = COMPRESS_NONE;
-    debug_ = debug;
-    render_hwid_ = true;
-    support_font_ = true;
-    got_font_ = false;
-    got_rtol_font_ = false;
-  }
-  BmpBlockUtil::~BmpBlockUtil() {
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::force_compression(uint32_t compression) {
-    compression_ = compression;
-    set_compression_ = true;
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::load_from_config(const char *filename) {
-    load_yaml_config(filename);
-    fill_bmpblock_header();
-    load_all_image_files();
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::load_yaml_config(const char *filename) {
-    yaml_parser_t parser;
-    config_.config_filename = filename;
-    config_.images_map.clear();
-    config_.screens_map.clear();
-    config_.localizations.clear();
-    config_.locale_names.clear();
-    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
-    if (!fp) {
-      perror(filename);
-      exit(errno);
-    }
-    yaml_parser_initialize(&parser);
-    yaml_parser_set_input_file(&parser, fp);
-    parse_config(&parser);
-    yaml_parser_delete(&parser);
-    fclose(fp);
-    // TODO: Check the yaml file for self-consistency. Warn on any problems.
-    // All images should be used somewhere in the screens.
-    // All images referenced in the screens should be defined.
-    // All screens should be used somewhere in the localizations.
-    // All screens referenced in the localizations should be defined.
-    // The number of localizations should match the number of locale_index
-    if (debug_) {
-      printf("%zd image_names\n", config_.image_names.size());
-      for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config_.image_names.size(); ++i) {
-        printf(" %d: \"%s\"\n", i, config_.image_names[i].c_str());
-      }
-      printf("%zd images_map\n", config_.images_map.size());
-      for (StrImageConfigMap::iterator it = config_.images_map.begin();
-           it != config_.images_map.end();
-           ++it) {
-        printf("  \"%s\": filename=\"%s\" offset=0x%x tag=%d fmt=%d\n",
-               it->first.c_str(),
-               it->second.filename.c_str(),
-               it->second.offset,
-               it->,
-               it->;
-      }
-      printf("%zd screens_map\n", config_.screens_map.size());
-      for (StrScreenConfigMap::iterator it = config_.screens_map.begin();
-           it != config_.screens_map.end();
-           ++it) {
-        printf("  \"%s\":\n", it->first.c_str());
-        for (int k=0; k<MAX_IMAGE_IN_LAYOUT; k++) {
-          printf("    %d: \"%s\" (%d,%d) ofs=0x%x\n",
-                 k,
-                 it->second.image_names[k].c_str(),
-                 it->[k].x,
-                 it->[k].y,
-                 it->[k].image_info_offset);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::expect_event(yaml_parser_t *parser,
-                                  const yaml_event_type_e type) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-    if (event.type != type) {
-      error("Syntax error.\n");
-    }
-    yaml_event_delete(&event);
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_config(yaml_parser_t *parser) {
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_STREAM_START_EVENT);
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_DOCUMENT_START_EVENT);
-    parse_first_layer(parser);
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_DOCUMENT_END_EVENT);
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_STREAM_END_EVENT);
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_first_layer(yaml_parser_t *parser) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    string keyword;
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT);
-    for (;;) {
-      yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-      switch (event.type) {
-      case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT:
-        keyword = (char*);
-        if (keyword == "bmpblock") {
-          parse_bmpblock(parser);
-        } else if (keyword == "compression") {
-          parse_compression(parser);
-        } else if (keyword == "images") {
-          parse_images(parser);
-        } else if (keyword == "screens") {
-          parse_screens(parser);
-        } else if (keyword == "localizations") {
-          parse_localizations(parser);
-        } else if (keyword == "locale_index") {
-          parse_locale_index(parser);
-        }
-        break;
-        yaml_event_delete(&event);
-        return;
-      default:
-        error("Syntax error in parsing config file.\n");
-      }
-      yaml_event_delete(&event);
-    }
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_bmpblock(yaml_parser_t *parser) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-    if (event.type != YAML_SCALAR_EVENT) {
-      error("Syntax error in parsing bmpblock.\n");
-    }
-    string gotversion = (char*);
-    if (gotversion != "2.0") {
-      error("Unsupported version specified in config file (%s)\n",
-            gotversion.c_str());
-    }
-    yaml_event_delete(&event);
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_compression(yaml_parser_t *parser) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-    if (event.type != YAML_SCALAR_EVENT) {
-      error("Syntax error in parsing bmpblock.\n");
-    }
-    char *comp_str = (char *);
-    char *e = 0;
-    uint32_t comp = (uint32_t)strtoul(comp_str, &e, 0);
-    if (!*comp_str || (e && *e) || comp >= MAX_COMPRESS) {
-      error("Invalid compression specified in config file (%d)\n", comp);
-    }
-    if (!set_compression_) {
-      compression_ = comp;
-    }
-    yaml_event_delete(&event);
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_images(yaml_parser_t *parser) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    string image_name, image_filename;
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT);
-    for (;;) {
-      yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-      switch (event.type) {
-      case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT:
-        image_name = (char*);
-        yaml_event_delete(&event);
-        yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-        if (event.type != YAML_SCALAR_EVENT) {
-          error("Syntax error in parsing images.\n");
-        }
-        image_filename = (char*);
-        config_.image_names.push_back(image_name);
-        config_.images_map[image_name] = ImageConfig();
-        config_.images_map[image_name].filename = image_filename;
-        if (image_name == RENDER_HWID) {
-          got_font_ = true;
-        }
-        if (image_name == RENDER_HWID_RTOL) {
-          got_rtol_font_ = true;
-        }
-        break;
-        yaml_event_delete(&event);
-        return;
-      default:
-        error("Syntax error in parsing images.\n");
-      }
-      yaml_event_delete(&event);
-    }
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_layout(yaml_parser_t *parser, ScreenConfig &screen) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    int depth = 0, index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT);
-    for (;;) {
-      yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-      switch (event.type) {
-        depth++;
-        break;
-      case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT:
-        switch (index2) {
-        case 0:
-[index1].x = atoi((char*);
-          break;
-        case 1:
-[index1].y = atoi((char*);
-          break;
-        case 2:
-          screen.image_names[index1] = (char*);
-          // Detect the special case where we're rendering the HWID string
-          // instead of displaying a bitmap.  The image name may not
-          // exist in the list of images (v1.1), but we will still need an
-          // ImageInfo struct to remember where to draw the text.
-          // Note that v1.2 requires that the image name DOES exist, because
-          // the corresponding file is used to hold the font glpyhs.
-          if (render_hwid_) {
-            if (screen.image_names[index1] == RENDER_HWID) {
-              config_.images_map[RENDER_HWID].data.tag = TAG_HWID;
-              if (support_font_ && !got_font_)
-                error("Font required in 'image:' section for %s\n",
-                      RENDER_HWID);
-            } else if (screen.image_names[index1] == RENDER_HWID_RTOL) {
-              config_.images_map[RENDER_HWID_RTOL].data.tag = TAG_HWID_RTOL;
-              if (support_font_ && !got_rtol_font_)
-                error("Font required in 'image:' section for %s\n",
-                      RENDER_HWID_RTOL);
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-        default:
-          error("Syntax error in parsing layout\n");
-        }
-        index2++;
-        break;
-        if (depth == 1) {
-          index1++;
-          index2 = 0;
-        } else if (depth == 0) {
-          yaml_event_delete(&event);
-          return;
-        }
-        depth--;
-        break;
-      default:
-        error("Syntax error in paring layout.\n");
-      }
-      yaml_event_delete(&event);
-    }
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_screens(yaml_parser_t *parser) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    string screen_name;
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_MAPPING_START_EVENT);
-    for (;;) {
-      yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-      switch (event.type) {
-      case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT:
-        screen_name = (char*);
-        config_.screens_map[screen_name] = ScreenConfig();
-        parse_layout(parser, config_.screens_map[screen_name]);
-        break;
-        yaml_event_delete(&event);
-        return;
-      default:
-        error("Syntax error in parsing screens.\n");
-      }
-      yaml_event_delete(&event);
-    }
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_localizations(yaml_parser_t *parser) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    int depth = 0, index = 0;
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT);
-    for (;;) {
-      yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-      switch (event.type) {
-        config_.localizations.push_back(vector<string>());
-        depth++;
-        break;
-      case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT:
-        config_.localizations[index].push_back((char*);
-        break;
-        if (depth == 1) {
-          index++;
-        } else if (depth == 0) {
-          yaml_event_delete(&event);
-          return;
-        }
-        depth--;
-        break;
-      default:
-        error("Syntax error in parsing localizations.\n");
-      }
-      yaml_event_delete(&event);
-    }
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::parse_locale_index(yaml_parser_t *parser) {
-    yaml_event_t event;
-    expect_event(parser, YAML_SEQUENCE_START_EVENT);
-    for (;;) {
-      yaml_parser_parse(parser, &event);
-      switch (event.type) {
-      case YAML_SCALAR_EVENT:
-        config_.locale_names.append((char*);
-        config_.locale_names.append(1, (char)'\0'); // '\0' to delimit
-        break;
-        yaml_event_delete(&event);
-        config_.locale_names.append(1, (char)'\0'); // double '\0' to terminate
-        return;
-      default:
-        error("Syntax error in parsing localizations.\n");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::load_all_image_files() {
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config_.image_names.size(); i++) {
-      StrImageConfigMap::iterator it =
-        config_.images_map.find(config_.image_names[i]);
-      if (debug_) {
-        printf("loading image \"%s\" from \"%s\"\n",
-               config_.image_names[i].c_str(),
-               it->second.filename.c_str());
-      }
-      const string &content = read_image_file(it->second.filename.c_str());
-      it->second.raw_content = content;
-      it-> = content.size();
-      it-> =
-        identify_image_type(content.c_str(),
-                            (uint32_t)content.size(), &it->;
-      if (FORMAT_INVALID == it-> {
-        error("Unsupported image format in %s\n", it->second.filename.c_str());
-      }
-      switch(compression_) {
-      case COMPRESS_NONE:
-        it-> = compression_;
-        it->second.compressed_content = content;
-        it-> = content.size();
-        break;
-      case COMPRESS_EFIv1:
-      {
-        // The content will always compress smaller (so sez the docs).
-        uint32_t tmpsize = content.size();
-        uint8_t *tmpbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(tmpsize);
-        // The size of the compressed content is also returned.
-        if (EFI_SUCCESS != EfiCompress((uint8_t *)content.c_str(), tmpsize,
-                                       tmpbuf, &tmpsize)) {
-          error("Unable to compress!\n");
-        }
-        it-> = compression_;
-        it->second.compressed_content.assign((const char *)tmpbuf, tmpsize);
-        it-> = tmpsize;
-        free(tmpbuf);
-      }
-      break;
-      case COMPRESS_LZMA1:
-      {
-        // Calculate the worst case of buffer size.
-        uint32_t tmpsize = lzma_stream_buffer_bound(content.size());
-        uint8_t *tmpbuf = (uint8_t *)malloc(tmpsize);
-        lzma_stream stream = LZMA_STREAM_INIT;
-        lzma_options_lzma options;
-        lzma_ret result;
-        lzma_lzma_preset(&options, 9);
-        result = lzma_alone_encoder(&stream, &options);
-        if (result != LZMA_OK) {
-          error("Unable to initialize easy encoder (error: %d)!\n", result);
-        }
-        stream.next_in = (uint8_t *);
-        stream.avail_in = content.size();
-        stream.next_out = tmpbuf;
-        stream.avail_out = tmpsize;
-        result = lzma_code(&stream, LZMA_FINISH);
-        if (result != LZMA_STREAM_END) {
-          error("Unable to encode data (error: %d)!\n", result);
-        }
-        it-> = compression_;
-        it->second.compressed_content.assign((const char *)tmpbuf,
-                                             tmpsize - stream.avail_out);
-        it-> = tmpsize - stream.avail_out;
-        lzma_end(&stream);
-        free(tmpbuf);
-      }
-      break;
-      default:
-        error("Unsupported compression method attempted.\n");
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  const string BmpBlockUtil::read_image_file(const char *filename) {
-    string content;
-    vector<char> buffer;
-    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
-    if (!fp) {
-      perror(filename);
-      exit(errno);
-    }
-    if (fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END) == 0) {
-      buffer.resize(ftell(fp));
-      rewind(fp);
-    }
-    if (!buffer.empty()) {
-      if(fread(&buffer[0], buffer.size(), 1, fp) != 1) {
-        perror(filename);
-        buffer.clear();
-      } else {
-        content.assign(buffer.begin(), buffer.end());
-      }
-    }
-    fclose(fp);
-    return content;
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::fill_bmpblock_header() {
-    memset(&config_.header, '\0', sizeof(config_.header));
-    memcpy(&config_.header.signature, BMPBLOCK_SIGNATURE,
-    config_.header.major_version = major_version_;
-    config_.header.minor_version = minor_version_;
-    config_.header.number_of_localizations = config_.localizations.size();
-    config_.header.number_of_screenlayouts = config_.localizations[0].size();
-    // NOTE: this is part of the yaml consistency check
-    for (unsigned int i = 1; i < config_.localizations.size(); ++i) {
-      assert(config_.header.number_of_screenlayouts ==
-             config_.localizations[i].size());
-    }
-    config_.header.number_of_imageinfos = config_.images_map.size();
-    config_.header.locale_string_offset = 0; // Filled by pack_bmpblock()
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::pack_bmpblock() {
-    bmpblock_.clear();
-    /* Compute the ImageInfo offsets from start of BMPBLOCK. */
-    uint32_t current_offset = sizeof(BmpBlockHeader) +
-      sizeof(ScreenLayout) * (config_.header.number_of_localizations *
-                              config_.header.number_of_screenlayouts);
-    for (StrImageConfigMap::iterator it = config_.images_map.begin();
-         it != config_.images_map.end();
-         ++it) {
-      it->second.offset = current_offset;
-      if (debug_)
-        printf("  \"%s\": filename=\"%s\" offset=0x%x tag=%d fmt=%d\n",
-               it->first.c_str(),
-               it->second.filename.c_str(),
-               it->second.offset,
-               it->,
-               it->;
-      current_offset += sizeof(ImageInfo) +
-        it->;
-      /* Make it 4-byte aligned. */
-      if ((current_offset & 3) > 0) {
-        current_offset = (current_offset & ~3) + 4;
-      }
-    }
-    /* And leave room for the locale_index string */
-    if (config_.locale_names.size()) {
-      config_.header.locale_string_offset = current_offset;
-      current_offset += config_.locale_names.size();
-    }
-    bmpblock_.resize(current_offset);
-    /* Fill BmpBlockHeader struct. */
-    string::iterator current_filled = bmpblock_.begin();
-    std::copy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&config_.header),
-              reinterpret_cast<char*>(&config_.header + 1),
-              current_filled);
-    current_filled += sizeof(config_.header);
-    current_offset = sizeof(config_.header);
-    /* Fill all ScreenLayout structs. */
-    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < config_.localizations.size(); ++i) {
-      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < config_.localizations[i].size(); ++j) {
-        ScreenConfig &screen = config_.screens_map[config_.localizations[i][j]];
-        for (unsigned int k = 0;
-             k < MAX_IMAGE_IN_LAYOUT && !screen.image_names[k].empty();
-             ++k) {
-          if (config_.images_map.find(screen.image_names[k]) ==
-              config_.images_map.end()) {
-            error("Invalid image name \"%s\"\n", screen.image_names[k].c_str());
-          }
-          if (debug_)
-            printf("i=%d j=%d k=%d=\"%s\" (%d,%d) ofs=%x\n", i,j,k,
-                   screen.image_names[k].c_str(),
-         [k].x,[k].y,
-                   config_.images_map[screen.image_names[k]].offset
-              );
-[k].image_info_offset =
-            config_.images_map[screen.image_names[k]].offset;
-        }
-        std::copy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&,
-                  reinterpret_cast<char*>(& + 1),
-                  current_filled);
-        current_filled += sizeof(;
-        if (debug_)
-          printf("S: current offset is 0x%08x\n", current_offset);
-        current_offset += sizeof(;
-      }
-    }
-    /* Fill all ImageInfo structs and image contents. */
-    for (StrImageConfigMap::iterator it = config_.images_map.begin();
-         it != config_.images_map.end();
-         ++it) {
-      current_filled = bmpblock_.begin() + it->second.offset;
-      current_offset = it->second.offset;
-      if (debug_)
-        printf("I0: current offset is 0x%08x\n", current_offset);
-      std::copy(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&it->,
-                reinterpret_cast<char*>(&it-> + 1),
-                current_filled);
-      current_filled += sizeof(it->;
-      current_offset += sizeof(it->;
-      if (debug_)
-        printf("I1: current offset is 0x%08x (len %zd)\n",
-               current_offset, it->second.compressed_content.length());
-      std::copy(it->second.compressed_content.begin(),
-                it->second.compressed_content.end(),
-                current_filled);
-    }
-    /* Fill in locale_names. */
-    if (config_.header.locale_string_offset) {
-      current_offset = config_.header.locale_string_offset;
-      current_filled = bmpblock_.begin() + current_offset;
-      if (debug_)
-        printf("locale_names: offset 0x%08x (len %zd)\n",
-               current_offset, config_.locale_names.size());
-      std::copy(config_.locale_names.begin(),
-                config_.locale_names.end(),
-                current_filled);
-    }
-  }
-  void BmpBlockUtil::write_to_bmpblock(const char *filename) {
-    assert(!bmpblock_.empty());
-    FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
-    if (!fp) {
-      perror(filename);
-      exit(errno);
-    }
-    int r = fwrite(bmpblock_.c_str(), bmpblock_.size(), 1, fp);
-    fclose(fp);
-    if (r != 1) {
-      perror(filename);
-      exit(errno);
-    }
-  }
-}  // namespace vboot_reference
-#ifndef FOR_LIBRARY
-  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // Command line utilities.
-  extern "C" {
-#include "bmpblk_util.h"
-  }
-  using vboot_reference::BmpBlockUtil;
-  // utility function: provide usage of this utility and exit.
-  static void usagehelp_exit(const char *prog_name) {
-    printf(
-      "\n"
-      "To create a new BMPBLOCK file using config from YAML file:\n"
-      "\n"
-      "  %s [-z NUM] -c YAML BMPBLOCK\n"
-      "\n"
-      "    -z NUM  = compression algorithm to use\n"
-      "              0 = none\n"
-      "              1 = EFIv1\n"
-      "              2 = LZMA1\n"
-      "\n", prog_name);
-    printf(
-      "To display the contents of a BMPBLOCK:\n"
-      "\n"
-      "  %s [-y] BMPBLOCK\n"
-      "\n"
-      "    -y  = display as yaml\n"
-      "\n", prog_name);
-    printf(
-      "To unpack a BMPBLOCK file:\n"
-      "\n"
-      "  %s -x [-d DIR] [-f] BMPBLOCK\n"
-      "\n"
-      "    -d DIR  = directory to use (default '.')\n"
-      "    -f      = force overwriting existing files\n"
-      "\n", prog_name);
-    exit(1);
-  }
-  ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-  // main
-  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-    const char *prog_name = strrchr(argv[0], '/');
-    if (prog_name)
-      prog_name++;
-    else
-      prog_name = argv[0];
-    int overwrite = 0, extract_mode = 0;
-    int compression = 0;
-    int set_compression = 0;
-    const char *config_fn = 0, *bmpblock_fn = 0, *extract_dir = ".";
-    int show_as_yaml = 0;
-    bool debug = false;
-    int opt;
-    opterr = 0;                           // quiet
-    int errorcnt = 0;
-    char *e = 0;
-    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, ":c:xz:fd:yD")) != -1) {
-      switch (opt) {
-      case 'c':
-        config_fn = optarg;
-        break;
-      case 'x':
-        extract_mode = 1;
-        break;
-      case 'y':
-        show_as_yaml = 1;
-        break;
-      case 'z':
-        compression = (int)strtoul(optarg, &e, 0);
-        if (!*optarg || (e && *e)) {
-          fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid argument to -%c: \"%s\"\n",
-                  prog_name, opt, optarg);
-          errorcnt++;
-        }
-        if (compression >= MAX_COMPRESS) {
-          fprintf(stderr, "%s: compression type must be less than %d\n",
-                  prog_name, MAX_COMPRESS);
-          errorcnt++;
-        }
-        set_compression = 1;
-        break;
-      case 'f':
-        overwrite = 1;
-        break;
-      case 'd':
-        extract_dir= optarg;
-        break;
-      case 'D':
-        debug = true;
-        break;
-      case ':':
-        fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing argument to -%c\n",
-                prog_name, optopt);
-        errorcnt++;
-        break;
-      default:
-        fprintf(stderr, "%s: unrecognized switch: -%c\n",
-                prog_name, optopt);
-        errorcnt++;
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    argc -= optind;
-    argv += optind;
-    if (argc >= 1) {
-      bmpblock_fn = argv[0];
-    } else {
-      fprintf(stderr, "%s: missing BMPBLOCK name\n", prog_name);
-      errorcnt++;
-    }
-    if (errorcnt)
-      usagehelp_exit(prog_name);
-    BmpBlockUtil util(debug);
-    if (config_fn) {
-      if (set_compression)
-        util.force_compression(compression);
-      util.load_from_config(config_fn);
-      util.pack_bmpblock();
-      util.write_to_bmpblock(bmpblock_fn);
-    }
-    else if (extract_mode) {
-      return dump_bmpblock(bmpblock_fn, 1, extract_dir, overwrite);
-    } else {
-      return dump_bmpblock(bmpblock_fn, show_as_yaml, 0, 0);
-    }
-    return 0;
-  }
-#endif // FOR_LIBRARY
diff --git a/utility/image_types.c b/utility/image_types.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fcd94e..0000000
--- a/utility/image_types.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "bmpblk_header.h"
-#include "bmpblk_font.h"
-#include "image_types.h"
-/* BMP header, used to validate image requirements
- * See
- */
-typedef struct {
-  uint8_t         CharB;                // must be 'B'
-  uint8_t         CharM;                // must be 'M'
-  uint32_t        Size;
-  uint16_t        Reserved[2];
-  uint32_t        ImageOffset;
-  uint32_t        HeaderSize;
-  uint32_t        PixelWidth;
-  uint32_t        PixelHeight;
-  uint16_t        Planes;               // Must be 1 for x86
-  uint16_t        BitPerPixel;          // 1, 4, 8, or 24 for x86
-  uint32_t        CompressionType;      // 0 (none) for x86, 1 (RLE) for arm
-  uint32_t        ImageSize;
-  uint32_t        XPixelsPerMeter;
-  uint32_t        YPixelsPerMeter;
-  uint32_t        NumberOfColors;
-  uint32_t        ImportantColors;
-} __attribute__((packed)) BMP_IMAGE_HEADER;
-ImageFormat identify_image_type(const void *buf, uint32_t bufsize,
-                                ImageInfo *info) {
-  if (info)
-    info->format = FORMAT_INVALID;
-  if (bufsize < sizeof(BMP_IMAGE_HEADER) &&
-      bufsize < sizeof(FontArrayHeader)) {
-    return FORMAT_INVALID;
-  }
-  const BMP_IMAGE_HEADER *bhdr = buf;
-  if (bhdr->CharB == 'B' && bhdr->CharM == 'M' &&
-      bhdr->Planes == 1 &&
-      (bhdr->CompressionType == 0 || bhdr->CompressionType == 1) &&
-      (bhdr->BitPerPixel == 1 || bhdr->BitPerPixel == 4 ||
-       bhdr->BitPerPixel == 8 || bhdr->BitPerPixel == 24)) {
-    if (info) {
-      info->format = FORMAT_BMP;
-      info->width = bhdr->PixelWidth;
-      info->height = bhdr->PixelHeight;
-    }
-    return FORMAT_BMP;
-  }
-  const FontArrayHeader *fhdr = buf;
-  if (0 == memcmp(&fhdr->signature, FONT_SIGNATURE, FONT_SIGNATURE_SIZE) &&
-      fhdr->num_entries > 0) {
-    if (info)
-      info->format = FORMAT_FONT;
-    return FORMAT_FONT;
-  }
diff --git a/utility/include/bmpblk_util.h b/utility/include/bmpblk_util.h
deleted file mode 100644
index c8caf1f..0000000
--- a/utility/include/bmpblk_util.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "bmpblk_header.h"
-int dump_bmpblock(const char *infile, int show_as_yaml,
-                  const char *todir, int overwrite);
diff --git a/utility/include/bmpblk_utility.h b/utility/include/bmpblk_utility.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d2fb94..0000000
--- a/utility/include/bmpblk_utility.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "bmpblk_header.h"
-#include "bmpblk_font.h"
-#include "image_types.h"
-#include <yaml.h>
-#include <map>
-#include <string>
-#include <vector>
-using std::map;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace vboot_reference {
-/* Internal struct for contructing ImageInfo. */
-typedef struct ImageConfig {
-  ImageInfo data;
-  string filename;
-  string raw_content;
-  string compressed_content;
-  uint32_t offset;
-} ImageConfig;
-/* Internal struct for contructing ScreenLayout. */
-typedef struct ScreenConfig {
-  ScreenLayout data;
-  string image_names[MAX_IMAGE_IN_LAYOUT];
-} ScreenConfig;
-typedef map<string, ImageConfig> StrImageConfigMap;
-typedef map<string, ScreenConfig> StrScreenConfigMap;
-/* Internal struct for contructing the whole BmpBlock. */
-typedef struct BmpBlockConfig {
-  string config_filename;
-  BmpBlockHeader header;
-  vector<string> image_names;
-  StrImageConfigMap images_map;
-  StrScreenConfigMap screens_map;
-  vector<vector<string> > localizations;
-  string locale_names;
-} BmpBlockConfig;
-class BmpBlockUtil {
- public:
-  BmpBlockUtil(bool debug);
-  ~BmpBlockUtil();
-  /* Load all the images and related information according to a config file. */
-  void load_from_config(const char *filename);
-  /* Contruct the bmpblock. */
-  void pack_bmpblock();
-  /* Write the bmpblock to a file */
-  void write_to_bmpblock(const char *filename);
-  /* What compression to use for the images */
-  void force_compression(uint32_t compression);
- private:
-  /* Elemental function called from load_from_config.
-   * Load the config file (yaml format) and parse it. */
-  void load_yaml_config(const char *filename);
-  /* Elemental function called from load_from_config.
-   * Load all image files into the internal variables. */
-  void load_all_image_files();
-  /* Elemental function called from load_from_config.
-   * Contruct the BmpBlockHeader struct. */
-  void fill_bmpblock_header();
-  /* Helper functions for parsing a YAML config file. */
-  void expect_event(yaml_parser_t *parser, const yaml_event_type_e type);
-  void parse_config(yaml_parser_t *parser);
-  void parse_first_layer(yaml_parser_t *parser);
-  void parse_bmpblock(yaml_parser_t *parser);
-  void parse_compression(yaml_parser_t *parser);
-  void parse_images(yaml_parser_t *parser);
-  void parse_layout(yaml_parser_t *parser, ScreenConfig &screen);
-  void parse_screens(yaml_parser_t *parser);
-  void parse_localizations(yaml_parser_t *parser);
-  void parse_locale_index(yaml_parser_t *parser);
-  /* Useful functions */
-  const string read_image_file(const char *filename);
-  /* Verbosity flags */
-  bool debug_;
-  /* Internal variable for string the BmpBlock version. */
-  uint16_t major_version_;
-  uint16_t minor_version_;
-  /* Flags for version-specific features */
-  bool render_hwid_;
-  bool support_font_;
-  bool got_font_;
-  bool got_rtol_font_;
-  /* Internal variable for storing the config of BmpBlock. */
-  BmpBlockConfig config_;
-  /* Internal variable for storing the content of BmpBlock. */
-  string bmpblock_;
-  /* Internal variables to determine whether or not to specify compression */
-  bool set_compression_;                // true if we force it
-  uint32_t compression_;                // what we force it to
-}  // namespace vboot_reference
diff --git a/utility/include/image_types.h b/utility/include/image_types.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f85a9a9..0000000
--- a/utility/include/image_types.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
- * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
- * found in the LICENSE file.
- */
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-#endif  /* __cplusplus */
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include "bmpblk_header.h"
-/* Identify the data. Fill in known values if info is not NULL */
-ImageFormat identify_image_type(const void *buf, uint32_t bufsize,
-                                ImageInfo *info);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif  /* __cplusplus */