blob: 20f6b09f9843d641f0890fc6e200700d456c19ae [file] [log] [blame]
def _transition_impl(settings, attr):
_ignore = [settings, attr]
return {
"linux_x86_64": {
"//command_line_option:platforms": "//cros/platforms:linux_x86_64"
"cros_x86_64": {
"//command_line_option:platforms": "//cros/platforms:cros_x86_64"
full_toolchain_fanout = transition(
implementation = _transition_impl,
inputs = [],
outputs = ["//command_line_option:platforms"],
def _qemu_test_impl(ctx):
emu_toolchain = ctx.toolchains["//cros/toolchain/emulation:toolchain_type"]
emulator_path = emu_toolchain.emuinfo.emulator_path
template = ctx.file._template,
output = ctx.outputs.executable,
substitutions = {
"%EMULATOR%": emulator_path,
"%PATH%": ctx.files.dep[0].short_path,
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(ctx.files.dep)
return [DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles)]
qemu_test = rule(
implementation = _qemu_test_impl,
attrs = {
"dep": attr.label(mandatory = True, executable = True, cfg = "target"),
"_template": attr.label(
default = Label(_QEMU_TEST_TEMPLATE),
allow_single_file = True,
toolchains = ["//cros/toolchain/emulation:toolchain_type"],
test = True,
def _run_tests(test, args):
return """
{test} {args}
""".format(test = test, args = " ".join(args))
def _toolchain_test_impl(ctx):
script = ""
symlinks = {}
for platform in ctx.split_attr.deps:
for d in ctx.split_attr.deps[platform]:
executable = d.files_to_run.executable
# Need to specify symlinks with platform appended for the runfiles,
# otherwise they will overwrite eachother for each platform.
test_path = "{}.{}".format(executable.short_path, platform)
symlinks[test_path] = executable
args = []
for f in d.default_runfiles.files.to_list():
if f != executable:
rf_path = "{}.{}".format(f.short_path, platform)
symlinks[rf_path] = f
script = "\n".join(
[script] +
[_run_tests(test_path, args)]
script = "\n".join(
["#!/bin/bash"] +
["err=0"] +
[script] +
["exit $err"],
output = ctx.outputs.executable,
content = script,
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(symlinks = symlinks)
return [DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles)]
toolchain_test = rule(
implementation = _toolchain_test_impl,
attrs = {
"deps": attr.label_list(cfg = full_toolchain_fanout),
"_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist",
test = True,