blob: 8c059e2f555318558c61b0fbc75dc03a3eebcd7f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the GPL v2 license that can
// be found in the LICENSE file.
// Driver program for creating verity hash images.
#include <stdio.h>
#include "verity/file_hasher.h"
#include "verity/logging.h"
#include "verity/simple_file/env.h"
#include "verity/simple_file/file.h"
#include "verity/utils.h"
namespace {
void print_usage(const char *name) {
" %s mode depth alg image image_blocks hash_image [root_hexdigest]\n\n"
"- mode: May be create or verify\n"
" If create, the `hash_image' will be created.\n"
" If verify, the `hash_image` will be used to verify `image'.\n"
"- depth: Deprecated. Must be `0'.\n"
"- alg: Cryptographic hash algorithm to use\n"
" Valid values: sha512 sha384 sha256 sha224 sha1 sha\n"
" mdc2 ripemd160 md5 md4 md2\n"
" (Algorithm choice depends on your target kernel)\n"
"- image: Path to the image to be hashed or verified\n"
"- image_blocks: number of 4096 byte blocks to hash/verify\n"
" If 0, the file size will be used.\n"
"- hash_image: Path where a hash image file may be created or read\n"
"- root_hexdigest: Digest of the root node (in hex) for verifying\n"
"\n", name);
typedef enum { VERITY_NONE = 0, VERITY_CREATE, VERITY_VERIFY } verity_mode_t;
static verity_mode_t parse_mode(const char *mode_s) {
if (!strcmp(mode_s, "create")) return VERITY_CREATE;
if (!strcmp(mode_s, "verify")) return VERITY_VERIFY;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown mode specified: %s\n", mode_s);
static unsigned int parse_depth(const char *depth_s) {
return (unsigned int)strtoul(depth_s, NULL, 0);
static unsigned int parse_blocks(const char *block_s) {
return (unsigned int)strtoul(block_s, NULL, 0);
} // namespace
static int verity_create(const char *alg,
const char *image_path,
unsigned int image_blocks,
const char *hash_path);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
if (argc < 7) {
return 1;
if (parse_depth(argv[2]) != 0) {
LOG(FATAL) << "depth must be 0";
return -1;
if (parse_mode(argv[1]) == VERITY_CREATE) {
return verity_create(argv[3], // alg
argv[4], // image_path
argv[6]); // hash path
} else {
LOG(FATAL) << "Verification not done yet";
return -1;
static int verity_create(const char *alg,
const char *image_path,
unsigned int image_blocks,
const char *hash_path) {
// Configure files
simple_file::Env env;
simple_file::File source;
LOG_IF(FATAL, !source.Initialize(image_path, O_RDONLY, &env))
<< "Failed to open the source file: " << image_path;
simple_file::File destination;
LOG_IF(FATAL, !destination.Initialize(hash_path,
<< "Failed to open destination file: " << hash_path;
// Create the actual worker and create the hash image.
verity::FileHasher hasher;
LOG_IF(FATAL, !hasher.Initialize(&source,
<< "Failed to initialize hasher";
LOG_IF(FATAL, !hasher.Hash());
LOG_IF(FATAL, !hasher.Store());
return 0;