blob: fef0eeb5ef3ba4bec847c994c9addc726f536e9c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package analyze
import (
// CheckProfileEquivalence returns whether two profiles are equivalent. Two
// profiles are equivalent if whatever each call numbers they have in common
// calls into the same api name (call name). E.g. if call num 101 in prof1
// calls glClear then call 101 in prof2 must also call glClear.
func CheckProfileEquivalence(prof1 *ProfileData, prof2 *ProfileData) bool {
// Iterate over the call in the smaller profile.
if prof1.GetCallCount() > prof2.GetCallCount() {
prof1, prof2 = prof2, prof1
// Verifying all calls would take too much time. Instead we use a random # to
// verify about 1/10 call.
s1 := rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())
r1 := rand.New(s1)
// Feed randomly selected call-info from profile1 into channel callsFromProf1.
type callInfo struct {
callNum int
callName string
var callsFromProf1 = make(chan callInfo, 32)
go func() {
for _, callRecord := range prof1.allCalls {
if r1.Intn(100) >= 90 {
var callNum = callRecord.callNum
var callNumData = prof1.callsByCallNum[callNum]
callsFromProf1 <- callInfo{callNum, callNumData.callName}
// Compare calls selected above with the corresponding calls in profile2.
var numCallsMatch int32 = 0
var numCallsMismatch int32 = 0
for c := range callsFromProf1 {
go func(c callInfo) {
if prof2.VerifyCallNum(c.callNum, c.callName) {
atomic.AddInt32(&numCallsMatch, 1)
} else {
atomic.AddInt32(&numCallsMismatch, 1)
// Show progress.
n := atomic.LoadInt32(&numCallsMatch)
if (n & 0xffff) == 0 {
// The two profiles need not share all the same call nums. But we do expect
// to verify at least some call nums to be equivalent and no call should
// mismatch.
fmt.Printf("\n%d api calls match and %d calls do not match.\n",
numCallsMatch, numCallsMismatch)
return numCallsMatch > 0 && numCallsMismatch == 0
// GatherStatisticsForCallNameRegex gathers statistics information for all the
// call names in the profile that match the given regex.
func GatherStatisticsForCallNameRegex(prof *ProfileData, callNameRegEx string) (
gpuStat Statistics, cpuStat Statistics, err error) {
// Traverse all calls in profile with a filter based on regex.
var re *regexp.Regexp
if re, err = regexp.Compile(callNameRegEx); err != nil {
c := make(chan int, 64)
filter := func(c CallInfo) bool {
return re.MatchString(c.callName)
go func() {
prof.TraverseAllCalls(filter, c)
// Gather statistic for the calls that match regex.
for callIndex := range c {
call := prof.GetCallRecordByIndex(callIndex)
if gpuStat.GetNumSamples() == 0 {
err = fmt.Errorf("ERROR: no call matched call-name regex %s", callNameRegEx)
// GatherStatisticsForAllCallNames gathers statistics info for all the available
// call names in the given profile.
func GatherStatisticsForAllCallNames(prof *ProfileData) (stats []CallNameStatistics) {
var wait sync.WaitGroup
// Gather per-call-name call data through an async goroutine that feeds into
// callDataChan.
callDataChan := make(chan CallNameData, 64)
go func() { prof.TraverseByCallName(callDataChan) }()
// Gather the per-call-name statistics through another async goroutine, which
// get stats data from outResultChan and store into out-array stats.
outResultChan := make(chan CallNameStatistics, 64)
go func() {
for r := range outResultChan {
stats = append(stats, r)
// The limiter is used to limit the number of goroutines below.
numCoroutines := runtime.NumCPU()
limiter := make(chan int, numCoroutines)
// Launch a series of async goroutines to calculate the timing statistics for
// each call name. Each goroutine feeds the stats data to channel
// outResultChan.
for callData := range callDataChan {
limiter <- 1 // Blocks if there are already too many goroutines in flight.
go func(name string, callIndices []int) {
gpuStat := Statistics{}
cpuStat := Statistics{}
for _, i := range callIndices {
data := prof.GetCallRecordByIndex(i)
outResultChan <- CallNameStatistics{name, gpuStat, cpuStat}
}(callData.callName, callData.callIndices)
wait.Wait() // Wait until all goroutines are done.
// GatherComparativeStats gathers comparative statistics for two profiles.
// Comparative statistics consists of the ratio and difference between the
// average GPU and CPU time by call name for up to <count> calls in the profiles.
func GatherComparativeStats(
statsProf1 []CallNameStatistics, prof2 *ProfileData, count int) (
statsProf2 []CallNameStatistics, compareStats []CompareStats) {
for i, callStats := range statsProf1 {
var callName = callStats.callName
var gpuStat2 = Statistics{}
var cpuStat2 = Statistics{}
var comparison = CompareStats{}
if callIndices := prof2.GetCallIndicesForName(callName); callIndices != nil {
for _, callIndex := range callIndices {
data := prof2.GetCallRecordByIndex(callIndex)
comparison.gpuAvgDiff = callStats.gpuStat.GetAverage() - gpuStat2.GetAverage()
comparison.cpuAvgDiff = callStats.cpuStat.GetAverage() - cpuStat2.GetAverage()
// Avoid divide by zero, when there's no GPU stats.
if math.Abs(gpuStat2.GetAverage()) >= 1e-6 {
comparison.gpuAvgRatio = callStats.gpuStat.GetAverage() / gpuStat2.GetAverage()
} else {
// A very large number that the console knows to ignore.
comparison.gpuAvgRatio = 1e200
// Avoid divide by zero, when there's no CPU stats.
if math.Abs(cpuStat2.GetAverage()) >= 1e-6 {
comparison.cpuAvgRatio = callStats.cpuStat.GetAverage() / cpuStat2.GetAverage()
} else {
// A very large number that the console knows to ignore.
comparison.cpuAvgRatio = 1e200
statsProf2 = append(statsProf2, CallNameStatistics{callName, gpuStat2, cpuStat2})
compareStats = append(compareStats, comparison)
if count > 0 && i == count-1 {
// GatherNumCallsPerFrame calculates the number of times api function(s) that
// match the given regex are called in each frame and returns the result as
// an array indexed by frame num.
func GatherNumCallsPerFrame(prof *ProfileData, callNameRegEx string) ([]int, error) {
// Traverse all calls in profile with a filter based on regex.
var re *regexp.Regexp
var err error
if re, err = regexp.Compile(callNameRegEx); err != nil {
return nil, err
c := make(chan int, 20)
filter := func(c CallInfo) bool {
return re.MatchString(c.callName)
go func() {
prof.TraverseAllCalls(filter, c)
callCount := make([]int, prof.GetFrameCount())
for callIndex := range c {
callRecord := prof.GetCallRecordByIndex(callIndex)
return callCount, nil
// GatherCallDataForFrame gather the call information for all the calls in a
// frame identified by its frame number and returns it as an array of CallInfo.
func GatherCallDataForFrame(prof *ProfileData, frameNum int) []CallInfo {
r := prof.GetCallRangeForFrame(frameNum)
var start = r.firstIndex
var end = r.lastIndex
var numCalls = end - start + 1
callData := make([]CallInfo, numCalls)
for i := 0; i < numCalls; i++ {
callData[i] = prof.GetCallDataByIndex(i + start)
return callData
// GatherFrameTiming returns the total GPU and CPU time spent in the given frame.
func GatherFrameTiming(
prof *ProfileData, frameNum int, callNameRegEx string) (totalGPUTimeNs int, totalCPUTimeNs int) {
r := prof.GetCallRangeForFrame(frameNum)
if callNameRegEx == "" || callNameRegEx == "*" {
for i := r.firstIndex; i <= r.lastIndex; i++ {
call := prof.GetCallRecordByIndex(i)
totalGPUTimeNs += call.gpuDurationNs
totalCPUTimeNs += call.cpuDurationNs
} else {
var re *regexp.Regexp
var err error
if re, err = regexp.Compile(callNameRegEx); err != nil {
for i := r.firstIndex; i <= r.lastIndex; i++ {
call := prof.GetCallRecordByIndex(i)
callName := prof.GetCallDataByIndex(i).callName
if re.MatchString(callName) {
totalGPUTimeNs += call.gpuDurationNs
totalCPUTimeNs += call.cpuDurationNs
// GatherTimingForAllFrames returns the timing information for all the frames
// in the profile. Timing info includes the total GPU and CPU time in each
// frame.
func GatherTimingForAllFrames(prof *ProfileData, callNameRegEx string) (timing []FrameTiming) {
numCoroutines := runtime.NumCPU()
timing = make([]FrameTiming, prof.GetFrameCount())
limiter := make(chan int, numCoroutines)
for f := 0; f < prof.GetFrameCount(); f++ {
limiter <- 1
go func(f int) {
r := prof.GetCallRangeForFrame(f)
gpuNs, cpuNs := GatherFrameTiming(prof, f, callNameRegEx)
timing[f].frameNum = f
timing[f].gpuTimeNs += gpuNs
timing[f].cpuTimeNs += cpuNs
timing[f].callCount = r.lastIndex - r.firstIndex + 1