blob: 4877afa99315d94b0c9846cd3eca49d2c4edd229 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package analyze
import (
// Profiles bundles two profile-data items together.
type Profiles struct {
p1 *ProfileData
p2 *ProfileData
// Bundle the name and functions related to a command together.
type cmdFunction func(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error
type helpFunction func(args []string)
type cmdDispatch struct {
helpInfo string // A short help string for the command.
dispatchFunc cmdFunction // The function to call to execute the command.
moreHelp helpFunction // Optional function to show more help.
// All commands tend to take similar options, encapsulated in this struct.
type cmdOptions struct {
prof *ProfileData
filterRegex string
numItemsToShow int
lessThanFunc func(dsi DualStatistics, dsj DualStatistics) bool
sortByChoice string
gpuThresholdNs int
cpuThresholdNs int
// QUIT_REQUESTED isn't really an error but instead a request to exit the application.
var QUIT_REQUESTED error = errors.New("quit-requested")
// Dispatch table for all the available command except help. (Help is handled
// separately because go doesn't like to create a loop this table and the
// doPrintHelp that iterates over this table.)
var cmdDispatchTable = map[string]cmdDispatch{
"quit": cmdDispatch{
"Exit the console and go back to your regular life.",
func(args []string, _ *Profiles) error { return QUIT_REQUESTED },
"call-stats": cmdDispatch{
"(call-stats [p1|p2] f=regex) Print call stats for the calls identified by a regex.",
"swap-prof": cmdDispatch{
"Swap profile1 and profile2, a no-op if there's only one profile.",
"show-prof": cmdDispatch{
"(show-prof) Show basic information for the available profile(s).",
"show-calls": cmdDispatch{
"(show-calls [p1|p2] [n=xx] [s=byGpuAvg|byCpuAvg]) Show information for xx\n" +
" most expensive calls for the selected profile",
"show-frames": cmdDispatch{
"(show-frames [p1|p2] [n=xx] [s=byGpuAvg|byCpuAvg] [f=regex]) Show information for xx\n" +
" most expensive frames for the selected profile",
"show-frame-details": cmdDispatch{
"(show-frame-details N1[-N2] [gt=xxx] [ct=xxx]) Show detailed call\n" +
" information for frame N1 to N2.",
"compare-profiles": cmdDispatch{
"(compare-profiles [n=xx] [s=byGpuAvg|byCpuAvg]) Show timing comparison information for xx\n" +
" most expensive calls for prof1 / prof2",
"plot-calls": cmdDispatch{
"(plot-calls [p1|p2] f=regex) Plot call-name usage per frames.",
// ExecCommand is the entry point to dispatch a command.
// args: the command and options as an array of string tokens.
// profiles: the profile(s) the command acts on.
// Returns nil if the command executes successfully or an error otherwise.
// Error QUIT_REQUESTED indicates the user want sto exit the app.
func ExecCommand(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
if args[0] == "help" {
return doPrintHelp(args[1:])
for cmdName, dispatch := range cmdDispatchTable {
if cmdName == args[0] {
return dispatch.dispatchFunc(args[1:], profiles)
if len(args) > 0 && len(strings.Trim(args[0], "\n\r ")) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("%s is not a recognized command", args[0])
return nil
// Look for either "p1" or "p2" in the command options and pick the appropriate
// profile from profiles. The default is p1.
func pickTargetProfile(args []string, profiles *Profiles) (prof *ProfileData, err error) {
prof = profiles.p1
for _, arg := range args {
switch {
case arg == "p1", arg == "P1":
prof = profiles.p1
case arg == "p2", arg == "P2":
if prof = profiles.p2; prof == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("profile 2 is not available: %s", arg)
err = nil
// Parse the commands options from args and return options populated accordingly.
func parseCommandOptions(args []string, profiles *Profiles) (options cmdOptions, err error) {
options = cmdOptions{
prof: profiles.p1,
numItemsToShow: 0,
lessThanFunc: sortByDecCPUAvg,
filterRegex: "",
sortByChoice: "BYCPUAVG",
gpuThresholdNs: 10000,
cpuThresholdNs: 10000,
if, err = pickTargetProfile(args, profiles); err != nil {
// If the target profile has no GPU timing data, set the default GPU threshold
// to 0. Likewise for CPU timing data.
if == 0 {
options.gpuThresholdNs = 0
if == 0 {
options.cpuThresholdNs = 0
for _, arg := range args {
switch {
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "n="), strings.HasPrefix(arg, "N="):
if options.numItemsToShow, err = strconv.Atoi(arg[2:]); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid item-count option: %s", arg)
case strings.ToUpper(arg) == "S=BYGPUAVG":
options.lessThanFunc = sortByDecGPUAvg
options.sortByChoice = "BYGPUAVG"
case strings.ToUpper(arg) == "S=BYCPUAVG":
options.lessThanFunc = sortByDecCPUAvg
options.sortByChoice = "BYCPUAVG"
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "f="), strings.HasPrefix(arg, "F="):
options.filterRegex = arg[2:]
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "gt="), strings.HasPrefix(arg, "GT="):
if options.gpuThresholdNs, err = strconv.Atoi(arg[3:]); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid GPU threshold value: %s", arg)
case strings.HasPrefix(arg, "ct="), strings.HasPrefix(arg, "CT="):
if options.cpuThresholdNs, err = strconv.Atoi(arg[3:]); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid CPU threshold value: %s", arg)
case arg == "p1", arg == "P1", arg == "p2", arg == "P2":
continue // Parsed above.
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid option: %s", arg)
// Parse a frame range from args, either as a single number N or a range N1-N2.
func parseFrameRange(args []string) (frame1 int, frame2 int, err error) {
if args == nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("No frame number specified")
var arg = args[0]
var parts = strings.Split(arg, "-")
if frame1, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[0]); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid frame range: %s", arg)
frame2 = frame1
if len(parts) > 1 {
if frame2, err = strconv.Atoi(parts[1]); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("invalid frame range: %s", arg)
if frame1 > frame2 {
frame2, frame1 = frame1, frame2
err = nil
// The do<CmdName> functions below implements each command CmdName.
func doPrintHelp(args []string) error {
// If args is not empty, look for a command name for which to print more
// help info.
if len(args) > 0 {
for cmdName, dispatch := range cmdDispatchTable {
if cmdName == args[0] {
if dispatch.moreHelp != nil {
} else {
fmt.Printf("No additional available for %s\n", cmdName)
return nil
// Print general help.
"\nType commands of the form: '-> command [options]'\n" +
"Example: '-> show-calls p2 n=30 s=bycpuavg' shows the 30 most expensive calls in profile p2\n" +
" sorted by decreasing cpu average time.\n" +
"Type '-> help command' for more help on a specific command.\n" +
"\nAvailable commands:")
for cmdName, info := range cmdDispatchTable {
fmt.Println(beginBold + cmdName + endBold + ": " + info.helpInfo)
return nil
func doCallStats(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
var err error
var options cmdOptions
if options, err = parseCommandOptions(args, profiles); err != nil {
return err
if options.filterRegex == "" {
options.filterRegex = ".*" // I.e. show stats for everything.
var gpuStats, cpuStats Statistics
if gpuStats, cpuStats, err = GatherStatisticsForCallNameRegex(, options.filterRegex); err != nil {
return err
if > 0 {
fmt.Printf("GPU timing statistics for %s:\n",
printStats(" ", &gpuStats,
} else {
fmt.Printf("GPU timing not available for %s:\n",
if > 0 {
fmt.Printf("CPU timing statistics for %s:\n",
printStats(" ", &cpuStats,
} else {
fmt.Printf("CPU timing not available for %s:\n",
return nil
func doSwapProfiles(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
if profiles.p2 != nil {
profiles.p1, profiles.p2 = profiles.p2, profiles.p1
fmt.Printf("Done: profile1 = %s, profile2 = %s", profiles.p1.label, profiles.p2.label)
return nil
func doShowProfileInfo(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
fmt.Printf("Profile info for p1=%s:\n", profiles.p1.label)
fmt.Printf(" Number of frames: %d\n", profiles.p1.GetFrameCount())
fmt.Printf(" Total number of calls: %d\n", profiles.p1.GetCallCount())
if profiles.p2 != nil {
fmt.Printf("Profile info for p2=%s:\n", profiles.p2.label)
fmt.Printf(" Number of frames: %d\n", profiles.p2.GetFrameCount())
fmt.Printf(" Total number of calls: %d\n", profiles.p2.GetCallCount())
return nil
func doShowCalls(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
var err error
var options cmdOptions
if options, err = parseCommandOptions(args, profiles); err != nil {
return err
stats := GatherStatisticsForAllCallNames(
sort.Slice(stats, func(i, j int) bool {
return options.lessThanFunc(stats[i], stats[j])
var gpuPerCallWeight = 100.0 / math.Max(, 1e-6)
var cpuPerCallWeight = 100.0 / math.Max(, 1e-6)
fmt.Printf("Profile: %s\n",
fmt.Printf("%30s %7s %20s %20s %20s %20s\n", "call", "count", " GPU|CPU avg ",
" GPU|CPU max ", " GPU|CPU min ", "GPU|CPU % total")
fmt.Printf("--------------------------------------------------------------" +
for n, s := range stats {
fmt.Printf("%30s %7d %9s |%9s %9s |%9s %9s |%9s %8.1f%% |%7.1f%%\n", s.callName,
timingToString(s.gpuStat.GetAverage()), timingToString(s.cpuStat.GetAverage()),
timingToString(s.gpuStat.GetMax()), timingToString(s.cpuStat.GetMax()),
timingToString(s.gpuStat.GetMin()), timingToString(s.cpuStat.GetMin()),
s.gpuStat.GetSum()*gpuPerCallWeight, s.cpuStat.GetSum()*cpuPerCallWeight)
if options.numItemsToShow > 0 && n == options.numItemsToShow-1 {
return nil
func doShowFrames(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
var err error
var options cmdOptions
if options, err = parseCommandOptions(args, profiles); err != nil {
return err
timing := GatherTimingForAllFrames(, options.filterRegex)
sortFunc := func(i int, j int) bool {
return timing[i].cpuTimeNs > timing[j].cpuTimeNs
if options.sortByChoice == "BYGPUAVG" {
sortFunc = func(i int, j int) bool {
return timing[i].gpuTimeNs > timing[j].gpuTimeNs
sort.Slice(timing, sortFunc)
fmt.Printf("Profile: %s\n",
fmt.Printf("%11s %7s %20s %20s\n", "frame num", "calls", " GPU total ", " CPU total ")
for n, t := range timing {
gpuTime := float64(t.gpuTimeNs)
cpuTime := float64(t.cpuTimeNs)
fmt.Printf("%11d %7d %20s %20s\n", t.frameNum, t.callCount,
timingToString(gpuTime), timingToString(cpuTime))
if options.numItemsToShow > 0 && n == options.numItemsToShow-1 {
return nil
func doShowFrameDetail(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
if len(args) < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("no frame number specified")
var firstFrame, lastFrame int
var err error
if firstFrame, lastFrame, err = parseFrameRange(args); err != nil {
return err
var options cmdOptions
if options, err = parseCommandOptions(args[1:], profiles); err != nil {
return err
fmt.Printf("Frame details for frames #%d to %d\n", firstFrame, lastFrame)
fmt.Printf("%6s %30s %9s %9s %9s %6s %6s %9s %9s %7s %7s\n",
"", "", "",
"GPU ", "CPU ", "GPU 1", "CPU 1",
"GPU ", "CPU ", "GPU 2", "CPU 2")
fmt.Printf("%6s %30s %9s %9s %9s %6s %6s %9s %9s %7s %7s\n",
"frame", "call name", "call #",
"Prof 1", "Prof 1", "% ", "% ",
"Prof 2", "Prof 2", "% ", "% ")
fmt.Printf("----------------------------------------------------------------" +
var frameCount = 0
for frameNum := firstFrame; frameNum <= lastFrame; frameNum++ {
var addToFrameCount = 1
var frameData1 []CallInfo = GatherCallDataForFrame(profiles.p1, frameNum)
var totGPUTime1, totCPUTime1 int = GatherFrameTiming(profiles.p1, frameNum, "")
var frameData2 []CallInfo
var totGPUTime2, totCPUTime2 int
if profiles.p2 != nil {
frameData2 = GatherCallDataForFrame(profiles.p2, frameNum)
totGPUTime2, totCPUTime2 = GatherFrameTiming(profiles.p2, frameNum, "")
var callCount = len(frameData1)
var gpuWeight1 = 1.0
if totGPUTime1 > 0 {
gpuWeight1 = 100.0 / float64(totGPUTime1)
var cpuWeight1 = 1.0
if totCPUTime1 > 0 {
cpuWeight1 = 100.0 / float64(totCPUTime1)
var gpuWeight2 = 1.0
if totGPUTime2 > 0 {
gpuWeight2 = 100.0 / float64(totGPUTime2)
var cpuWeight2 = 1.0
if totCPUTime2 > 0 {
cpuWeight2 = 100.0 / float64(totCPUTime2)
for i := 0; i < callCount; i++ {
c1 := frameData1[i]
if c1.gpuDurationNs >= options.gpuThresholdNs && c1.cpuDurationNs >= options.cpuThresholdNs {
frameCount += addToFrameCount
addToFrameCount = 0
gpu1Ns := float64(c1.gpuDurationNs)
cpu1Ns := float64(c1.cpuDurationNs)
fmt.Printf("%6d %30s %9d %9s %9s %5.1f%% %5.1f%%", frameNum, c1.callName,
c1.callNum, timingToString(gpu1Ns), timingToString(cpu1Ns),
gpuWeight1*gpu1Ns, cpuWeight1*cpu1Ns)
if frameData2 == nil {
if i >= len(frameData2) {
fmt.Println(" Frame not available in prof 2")
c2 := frameData2[i]
if c2.callName != c1.callName {
fmt.Printf(" Call name mismatch: %s\n", c2.callName)
gpu2Ns := float64(c2.gpuDurationNs)
cpu2Ns := float64(c2.cpuDurationNs)
fmt.Printf(" %9s %9s %5.1f%% %5.1f%%",
timingToString(gpu2Ns), timingToString(cpu2Ns),
gpuWeight2*gpu2Ns, cpuWeight2*cpu2Ns)
var totFrames = lastFrame - firstFrame + 1
fmt.Printf("%d frames out of %d shown, or %.1f%%\n",
frameCount, totFrames, 100.0*float32(frameCount)/float32(totFrames))
return nil
func doCompareProfiles(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
if profiles.p2 == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("this command requires two profiles")
var err error
var options cmdOptions
if options, err = parseCommandOptions(args, profiles); err != nil {
return err
var stats1 = GatherStatisticsForAllCallNames(profiles.p1)
sort.Slice(stats1, func(i, j int) bool {
return options.lessThanFunc(stats1[i], stats1[j])
var outStats, compareStats = GatherComparativeStats(
stats1, profiles.p2, options.numItemsToShow)
fmt.Printf("Compare statistics: %s / %s\n", profiles.p1.label, profiles.p2.label)
fmt.Printf("%30s %7s %20s %20s %20s %20s\n", "", "", "Prof 1 ", "Prof 2 ",
"Ratio p1/p2 ", "Diff p1-p2 ")
fmt.Printf("%30s %7s %20s %20s %20s %20s\n", "call", "count", "GPU|CPU ",
fmt.Printf("---------------------------------------------------------------" +
for n, stat2 := range outStats {
stat1 := stats1[n]
comp := compareStats[n]
fmt.Printf("%30s %7d %9s |%9s %9s |%9s %9s |%9s %9s |%9s\n",
stat2.callName, stat2.gpuStat.numSamples,
timingToString(stat1.gpuStat.GetAverage()), timingToString(stat1.cpuStat.GetAverage()),
timingToString(stat2.gpuStat.GetAverage()), timingToString(stat2.cpuStat.GetAverage()),
ratioToString(comp.gpuAvgRatio), ratioToString(comp.cpuAvgRatio),
timingToString(comp.gpuAvgDiff), timingToString(comp.cpuAvgDiff))
if options.numItemsToShow > 0 && n == options.numItemsToShow-1 {
return nil
func doGraphCallUsage(args []string, profiles *Profiles) error {
var err error
var options cmdOptions
if options, err = parseCommandOptions(args, profiles); err != nil {
return err
if options.filterRegex == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("no call name specified")
return PlotCallNameUsagePerFrame(, options.filterRegex)
func printStats(prefix string, stats *Statistics, totalTimeNs float64) {
fmt.Printf("%sSample count: %d\n", prefix, stats.numSamples)
fmt.Printf("%sAverage call time: %s\n", prefix, timingToString(stats.GetAverage()))
fmt.Printf("%sMax call time: %s\n", prefix, timingToString(stats.GetMax()))
fmt.Printf("%sMin call time: %s\n", prefix, timingToString(stats.GetMin()))
fmt.Printf("%sStandard dev: %s\n", prefix, timingToString(stats.GetStdDeviation()))
fmt.Printf("%sTotal time in call: %s\n", prefix, timingToString(stats.GetSum()))
percentInCall := 100.0 * stats.GetSum() / totalTimeNs
fmt.Printf("%s%% of time in call: %.1f\n", prefix, percentInCall)
// Convert an incoming timing value in nanoseconds to a display string of the
// form x.y<unit>, where the unit is one of "nS", "uS", "mS" or "S" depending
// on the range of the input value.
func timingToString(timing float64) string {
var unit = "nS"
var t = timing
switch {
case math.Abs(timing) >= 1e9:
t = timing * 1e-9
unit = "S"
case math.Abs(timing) >= 1e6:
t = timing * 1e-6
unit = "mS"
case math.Abs(timing) >= 1000.0:
t = timing * 0.001
unit = "uS"
return fmt.Sprintf("%.1f %s", t, unit)
func ratioToString(ratio float64) string {
fmtStr := "%5.2f"
switch {
case ratio >= 1e50:
return "INF!"
case ratio >= 1000.0:
fmtStr = "%9.0f"
case ratio <= 1.0:
fmtStr = "%7.5f"
return fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, ratio)
// The moreHelpFor<CmdName> functions below print extra help info for
// command CmdName.
const beginBold = "\033[1m"
const endBold = "\033[0m"
const helpForProfileOption = " [p1 | p2] is useful when more than one profile was given when launching\n" +
" the analyzer tool. Use 'p1' to select the first profile or 'p2'\n" +
" to select the second profile. Default is p1.\n"
const helpForCallNameRegex = " call-name-regex is a regular expression that specifies the call names to\n" +
" gather statistics for.\n"
const helpForSortOption = " s=byGpuAvg|byCpuAvg sorts the ouput in either decreasing average GPU-time\n" +
" or decreasing average CPU-time. The default is byCpuAvg. This option is not case sensitive.\n" +
" I.e. s=bycpuavg is the same as s=byCpuAvg.\n"
func moreHelpForCallStats(args []string) {
fmt.Println("\nHelp for call-stats command:\n" +
"Show basic information for all calls that match the given regular expression.\n" +
"Syntax: call-stats [p1 | p2] f=call-name-regex\n" +
helpForProfileOption +
helpForCallNameRegex +
"\nExamples: call-stats p1 f=glDraw or call-stats f=glDraw")
func moreHelpForShowCalls(args []string) {
fmt.Println("\nHelp for show-calls command:\n" +
"Print the xx most expensive calls in profile p1 or p2, sorted in decreasing order.\n" +
"Syntax: show-calls [p1 | p2] n=xx [s=byGpuAvg|byCpuAvg]\n" +
helpForProfileOption +
helpForSortOption +
"\nExamples: show-calls p2 n=30 s=byCpuAvg, show-calls n=40\n")
func moreHelpForShowFrame(args []string) {
fmt.Println("\nHelp for show-frames command:\n" +
"Print the xx most expensive frames in profile p1 or p2, sorted in decreasing order.\n" +
"Optionally gather the timing in for only the calls filtered by regex." +
"Syntax: show-frames [p1 | p2] n=xx [s=byGpuAvg|byCpuAvg] [f=regex]\n" +
helpForProfileOption +
helpForSortOption +
"\nExamples: show-frames p2 n=30 s=byCpuAvg f=glDraw, show-frames n=20\n")
func moreHelpForShowFrameDetails(args []string) {
fmt.Println("\nHelp for show-frame-details command:\n" +
"Print individual call information for a sequence of frames. The information printed\n" +
"includes the call name, average GPU and CPU time spent in the call and the percentage\n" +
"of the frame time spent in that call for the GPU and CPU. If a second profile is\n" +
"available, the corresponding information for that profile is printed side-by-side.\n" +
"The calls are printed in the order in which they occur in the frame.\n" +
"Syntax: show-frame-details N1[-N2] gt=nnn ct=mmm\n" +
helpForProfileOption +
helpForSortOption +
" gt=nnn only show calls that spend nnn nanoseconds or more in the GPU.\n" +
" Default is 100000 or 0 if no GPU timing data is available.\n" +
" ct=mmm only show calls that spend mmm nanoseconds or more in the CPU.\n" +
" Default is 100000 or 0 if no CPU timing data is available.\n" +
"\nExample: show-frame-details 100-120 gt=100000 ct=500000\n")
func showMoreHelpForCompareProfile(args []string) {
fmt.Println("\nHelp for compare-profiles command:\n" +
"Show side-by-side timing comparison for the xx most expensive calls taken from profile p1.\n" +
"The comparison shows the average CPU and GPU time for each call in both profiles as well\n" +
"as the ratio (time-for-p1)/(time-for-p2) and difference (time-for-p1) - (time-for-p2) for both\n" +
"profiles for each of the calls.\n" +
"Syntax: compare-profiles n=xx [s=byGpuAvg|byCpuAvg]\n" +
helpForProfileOption +
helpForSortOption +
"\nExample: compare-profiles n=30 s=byCpuAvg\n")