blob: 60a1dcd1fbb82785028ad663e1a5b93bcb19d7ae [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Find missing stable and backported mainline fix patches in chromeos."""
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import time
import subprocess
import sys
import MySQLdb
import common
import gerrit_interface
import git_interface
# Constant representing number CL's we want created on single new missing patch run
def get_status_from_cherrypicking_sha(branch, fixer_upstream_sha):
"""Cherrypick fixer sha into it's linux_chrome branch and determine its Status.
Assumes branch and repository directory are set when function is called.
Return Status Enum:
MERGED if the patch has already been applied,
OPEN if the patch is missing and applies cleanly,
CONFLICT if the patch is missing and fails to apply.
# Save current working directory
cwd = os.getcwd()
# Switch to chrome directory to apply cherry-pick
chrome_absolute_path = common.get_kernel_absolute_path(common.CHROMEOS_PATH)
checkout_branch_cmd = ['git', 'checkout', common.chromeos_branch(branch)]
reset_head_cmd = ['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
ret = None
result =['git', 'cherry-pick', '-n', fixer_upstream_sha],
stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
if result:
ret = common.Status.CONFLICT
diff = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'diff', 'HEAD'])
fix_in_chrome = search_upstream_subject_in_linux_chrome(fixer_upstream_sha)
if diff and not fix_in_chrome:
ret = common.Status.OPEN
ret = common.Status.MERGED
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
ret = common.Status.CONFLICT, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# Set directory back to where we started before function called
return ret
def search_upstream_subject_in_linux_chrome(upstream_sha):
"""Check if upstream_sha subject line is in linux_chrome.
Assumes function is run from correct directory/branch.
subject = None
# Retrieve subject line of upstream_sha.
cmd = ['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:%s', '-n', '1', upstream_sha]
subject = subprocess.check_output(cmd, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('Error locating subject line of upstream sha %s' % upstream_sha)
cmd = ['git', 'log', '--no-merges', '--grep', subject]
result = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
return bool(result)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
print('Error while searching for subject line %s in linux_chrome' % subject)
def upstream_sha_to_kernel_sha(db, chosen_table, branch, upstream_sha):
"""Retrieves chromeos/stable sha by indexing db.
Returns sha or None if upstream sha doesn't exist downstream.
c = db.cursor()
q = """SELECT sha
FROM {chosen_table}
WHERE branch = %s
AND (upstream_sha = %s
OR patch_id IN (
SELECT patch_id
FROM linux_upstream
WHERE sha = %s
c.execute(q, [branch, upstream_sha, upstream_sha])
row = c.fetchone()
return row[0] if row else None
def get_current_time():
"""Returns DATETIME in specific time format required by SQL."""
return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
def insert_by_patch_id(db, branch, fixedby_upstream_sha):
"""Handles case where fixedby_upstream_sha may have changed in kernels.
Returns True if successful patch_id insertion and False if patch_id not found.
c = db.cursor()
# Commit sha may have been modified in cherry-pick, backport, etc.
# Retrieve SHA in linux_chrome by patch-id by checking for fixedby_upstream_sha
# removes entries that are already tracked in chrome_fixes
q = """SELECT lc.sha
FROM linux_chrome AS lc
JOIN linux_upstream AS lu
ON lc.patch_id = lu.patch_id
JOIN upstream_fixes as uf
ON lc.upstream_sha = uf.upstream_sha
WHERE uf.fixedby_upstream_sha = %s AND branch = %s
AND (lc.sha, uf.fixedby_upstream_sha)
SELECT kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha
FROM chrome_fixes
WHERE branch = %s
c.execute(q, [fixedby_upstream_sha, branch, branch])
chrome_shas = c.fetchall()
# fixedby_upstream_sha has already been merged into linux_chrome
# chrome shas represent kernel sha for the upstream_sha fixedby_upstream_sha
if chrome_shas:
for chrome_sha in chrome_shas:
entry_time = get_current_time()
cl_status =
reason = 'Already merged into linux_chrome [upstream sha %s]' % fixedby_upstream_sha
q = """INSERT INTO chrome_fixes
(kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha, branch, entry_time,
close_time, initial_status, status, reason)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)"""
c.execute(q, [chrome_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha, branch, entry_time,
entry_time, cl_status, cl_status, reason])
except MySQLdb.Error as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
print('Failed to insert an already merged entry into chrome_fixes.', e)
return True
return False
def insert_fix_gerrit(db, chosen_table, chosen_fixes, branch, kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha):
"""Inserts fix row by checking status of applying a fix change.
Return True if we create a new Gerrit CL, otherwise return False.
# Check if fix has been merged using it's patch-id since sha's might've changed
success = insert_by_patch_id(db, branch, fixedby_upstream_sha)
created_new_change = False
if success:
return created_new_change
c = db.cursor()
# Try applying patch and get status
status = get_status_from_cherrypicking_sha(branch, fixedby_upstream_sha)
cl_status =
entry_time = get_current_time()
close_time = fix_change_id = reason = None
q = """INSERT INTO {chosen_fixes}
(kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha, branch, entry_time, close_time,
fix_change_id, initial_status, status, reason)
VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""".format(chosen_fixes=chosen_fixes)
if status == common.Status.MERGED:
# Create a row for the merged CL (we don't need to track this), but can be stored
# to indicate that the changes of this patch are already merged
# entry_time and close_time are the same since we weren't tracking when it was merged
fixedby_kernel_sha = upstream_sha_to_kernel_sha(db, chosen_table,
branch, fixedby_upstream_sha)
print("""%s SHA [%s] already merged bugfix patch [kernel: %s] [upstream: %s]"""
% (chosen_fixes, kernel_sha, fixedby_kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha))
reason = 'Patch applied to linux_chrome before this robot was run'
close_time = entry_time
# linux_chrome will have change-id's but stable merged fixes will not
# Correctly located fixedby_kernel_sha in linux_chrome
if chosen_table == 'linux_chrome' and fixedby_kernel_sha:
fix_change_id = git_interface.get_commit_changeid_linux_chrome(fixedby_kernel_sha)
elif status == common.Status.OPEN:
fix_change_id = gerrit_interface.create_change(kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha, branch)
created_new_change = True
elif status == common.Status.CONFLICT:
# Register conflict entry_time, do not create gerrit CL
# Requires engineer to manually explore why CL doesn't apply cleanly
c.execute(q, [kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha, branch, entry_time,
close_time, fix_change_id, cl_status, cl_status, reason])
print('Inserted row into fixes table', [chosen_fixes, kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha,
branch, entry_time, entry_time, close_time,
fix_change_id, cl_status, reason])
except MySQLdb.Error as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
print('Error inserting fix CL into fixes table',
[chosen_fixes, kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha,
branch, entry_time, entry_time, close_time,
fix_change_id, cl_status, reason], e)
return created_new_change
def update_fixes_in_branch(db, branch, kernel_metadata):
"""Updates fix patch table row by determining if CL merged into linux_chrome."""
c = db.cursor()
chosen_fixes = kernel_metadata.kernel_fixes_table
# Old rows to Update
q = """UPDATE {chosen_fixes} AS fixes
JOIN linux_chrome AS lc
ON fixes.fixedby_upstream_sha = lc.upstream_sha
SET status = 'MERGED', close_time = %s, reason = %s
WHERE fixes.branch = %s
AND lc.branch = %s
AND (fixes.status = 'OPEN' OR fixes.status = 'CONFLICT')
close_time = get_current_time()
reason = 'Patch has been applied to linux_chome'
c.execute(q, [close_time, reason, branch, branch])
print('Updating rows that have been merged into linux_chrome on table/branch',
[chosen_fixes, branch])
except MySQLdb.Error as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
print('Error updating fixes table for merged commits',
[chosen_fixes, close_time, reason, branch, branch], e)
def create_new_fixes_in_branch(db, branch, kernel_metadata):
"""Look for missing Fixup commits in provided chromeos or stable release."""
c = db.cursor()
branch_name = kernel_metadata.get_kernel_branch(branch)
print('Checking branch %s' % branch_name)['git', 'checkout', branch_name],
stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL)
# chosen_table is either linux_stable or linux_chrome
chosen_table = kernel_metadata.path
chosen_fixes = kernel_metadata.kernel_fixes_table
# New rows to insert
# Note: MySQLdb doesn't support inserting table names as parameters
# due to sql injection
q = """SELECT chosen_table.sha, uf.fixedby_upstream_sha
FROM {chosen_table} AS chosen_table
JOIN upstream_fixes AS uf
ON chosen_table.upstream_sha = uf.upstream_sha
WHERE branch = %s
AND (chosen_table.sha, uf.fixedby_upstream_sha)
SELECT chosen_fixes.kernel_sha, chosen_fixes.fixedby_upstream_sha
FROM {chosen_fixes} AS chosen_fixes
WHERE branch = %s
)""".format(chosen_table=chosen_table, chosen_fixes=chosen_fixes)
c.execute(q, [branch, branch])
print('Finding new rows to insert into fixes table',
[chosen_table, chosen_fixes, branch])
except MySQLdb.Error as e: # pylint: disable=no-member
print('Error finding new rows to insert',
[chosen_table, chosen_fixes, branch], e)
count_new_changes = 0
# todo(hirthanan): Create an intermediate state in Status that allows us to
# create all the patches in chrome/stable fixes tables but does not add reviewers
# until quota is available. This should decouple the creation of gerrit CL's
# and adding reviewers to those CL's.
for (kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha) in c.fetchall():
new_change = insert_fix_gerrit(db, chosen_table, chosen_fixes,
branch, kernel_sha, fixedby_upstream_sha)
if new_change:
count_new_changes += 1
if count_new_changes >= NEW_CL_DAILY_LIMIT_PER_BRANCH:
return count_new_changes
def missing_patches_sync(db, kernel_metadata, sync_branch_method):
"""Helper to create or update fix patches in stable and chromeos releases."""
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
branches = sys.argv[1:]
branches = kernel_metadata.branches
for b in branches:
sync_branch_method(db, b, kernel_metadata)
def new_missing_patches():
"""Rate limit calling create_new_fixes_in_branch."""
cloudsql_db = MySQLdb.Connect(user='linux_patches_robot', host='', db='linuxdb')
kernel_metadata = common.get_kernel_metadata(common.Kernel.linux_stable)
missing_patches_sync(cloudsql_db, kernel_metadata, create_new_fixes_in_branch)
kernel_metadata = common.get_kernel_metadata(common.Kernel.linux_chrome)
missing_patches_sync(cloudsql_db, kernel_metadata, create_new_fixes_in_branch)
def update_missing_patches():
"""Updates fixes table entries on regular basis."""
cloudsql_db = MySQLdb.Connect(user='linux_patches_robot', host='', db='linuxdb')
kernel_metadata = common.get_kernel_metadata(common.Kernel.linux_stable)
missing_patches_sync(cloudsql_db, kernel_metadata, update_fixes_in_branch)
kernel_metadata = common.get_kernel_metadata(common.Kernel.linux_chrome)
missing_patches_sync(cloudsql_db, kernel_metadata, update_fixes_in_branch)