| #!/usr/bin/python |
| |
| # Copyright (c) 2009-2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| """Chromium OS development server that can be used for all forms of update. |
| |
| This devserver can be used to perform system-wide autoupdate and update |
| of specific portage packages on devices running Chromium OS derived operating |
| systems. It mainly operates in two modes: |
| |
| 1) archive mode: In this mode, the devserver is configured to stage and |
| serve artifacts from Google Storage using the credentials provided to it before |
| it is run. The easiest way to understand this is that the devserver is |
| functioning as a local cache for artifacts produced and uploaded by build |
| servers. Users of this form of devserver can either download the artifacts |
| from the devservers static directory OR use the update RPC to perform a |
| system-wide autoupdate. Archive mode is always active. |
| |
| 2) artifact-generation mode: in this mode, the devserver will attempt to |
| generate update payloads and build artifacts when requested. This mode only |
| works in the Chromium OS chroot as it uses build tools only present in the |
| chroot (emerge, cros_generate_update_payload, etc.). By default, when a device |
| requests an update from this form of devserver, the devserver will attempt to |
| discover if a more recent build of the board has been built by the developer |
| and generate a payload that the requested system can autoupdate to. In addition, |
| it accepts gmerge requests from devices that will stage the newest version of |
| a particular package from a developer's chroot onto a requesting device. |
| |
| For example: |
| gmerge gmerge -d <devserver_url> |
| |
| devserver will see if a newer package of gmerge is available. If gmerge is |
| cros_work'd on, it will re-build gmerge. After this, gmerge will install that |
| version of gmerge that the devserver just created/found. |
| |
| For autoupdates, there are many more advanced options that can help specify |
| how to update and which payload to give to a requester. |
| """ |
| |
| |
| import json |
| import optparse |
| import os |
| import re |
| import shutil |
| import socket |
| import subprocess |
| import sys |
| import tempfile |
| import threading |
| import types |
| from logging import handlers |
| |
| import cherrypy |
| from cherrypy import _cplogging as cplogging |
| from cherrypy.process import plugins |
| |
| import autoupdate |
| import build_artifact |
| import cherrypy_ext |
| import common_util |
| import devserver_constants |
| import downloader |
| import gsutil_util |
| import log_util |
| import xbuddy |
| |
| # Module-local log function. |
| def _Log(message, *args): |
| return log_util.LogWithTag('DEVSERVER', message, *args) |
| |
| |
| |
| TELEMETRY_FOLDER = 'telemetry_src' |
| TELEMETRY_DEPS = ['dep-telemetry_dep.tar.bz2', |
| 'dep-page_cycler_dep.tar.bz2', |
| 'dep-chrome_test.tar.bz2', |
| 'dep-perf_data_dep.tar.bz2'] |
| |
| # Sets up global to share between classes. |
| updater = None |
| |
| # Log rotation parameters. These settings correspond to once a week |
| # at midnight between Friday and Saturday, with about three months |
| # of old logs kept for backup. |
| # |
| # For more, see the documentation for |
| # logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler |
| |
| |
| class DevServerError(Exception): |
| """Exception class used by this module.""" |
| |
| |
| def _LeadingWhiteSpaceCount(string): |
| """Count the amount of leading whitespace in a string. |
| |
| Args: |
| string: The string to count leading whitespace in. |
| |
| Returns: |
| number of white space chars before characters start. |
| """ |
| matched = re.match('^\s+', string) |
| if matched: |
| return len(matched.group()) |
| |
| return 0 |
| |
| |
| def _PrintDocStringAsHTML(func): |
| """Make a functions docstring somewhat HTML style. |
| |
| Args: |
| func: The function to return the docstring from. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A string that is somewhat formated for a web browser. |
| """ |
| # TODO(scottz): Make this parse Args/Returns in a prettier way. |
| # Arguments could be bolded and indented etc. |
| html_doc = [] |
| for line in func.__doc__.splitlines(): |
| leading_space = _LeadingWhiteSpaceCount(line) |
| if leading_space > 0: |
| line = ' ' * leading_space + line |
| |
| html_doc.append('<BR>%s' % line) |
| |
| return '\n'.join(html_doc) |
| |
| |
| def _GetUpdateTimestampHandler(static_dir): |
| """Returns a handler to update directory staged.timestamp. |
| |
| This handler resets the stage.timestamp whenever static content is accessed. |
| |
| Args: |
| static_dir: Directory from which static content is being staged. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A cherrypy handler to update the timestamp of accessed content. |
| """ |
| def UpdateTimestampHandler(): |
| if not '404' in cherrypy.response.status: |
| build_match = re.match(devserver_constants.STAGED_BUILD_REGEX, |
| cherrypy.request.path_info) |
| if build_match: |
| build_dir = os.path.join(static_dir, build_match.group('build')) |
| downloader.Downloader.TouchTimestampForStaged(build_dir) |
| return UpdateTimestampHandler |
| |
| |
| def _GetConfig(options): |
| """Returns the configuration for the devserver.""" |
| |
| socket_host = '::' |
| # Fall back to IPv4 when python is not configured with IPv6. |
| if not socket.has_ipv6: |
| socket_host = '' |
| |
| # Adds the UpdateTimestampHandler to cherrypy's tools. This tools executes |
| # on the on_end_resource hook. This hook is called once processing is |
| # complete and the response is ready to be returned. |
| cherrypy.tools.update_timestamp = cherrypy.Tool( |
| 'on_end_resource', _GetUpdateTimestampHandler(options.static_dir)) |
| |
| base_config = { 'global': |
| { 'server.log_request_headers': True, |
| 'server.protocol_version': 'HTTP/1.1', |
| 'server.socket_host': socket_host, |
| 'server.socket_port': int(options.port), |
| 'response.timeout': 6000, |
| 'request.show_tracebacks': True, |
| 'server.socket_timeout': 60, |
| 'server.thread_pool': 2, |
| 'engine.autoreload.on': False, |
| }, |
| '/api': |
| { |
| # Gets rid of cherrypy parsing post file for args. |
| 'request.process_request_body': False, |
| }, |
| '/build': |
| { |
| 'response.timeout': 100000, |
| }, |
| '/update': |
| { |
| # Gets rid of cherrypy parsing post file for args. |
| 'request.process_request_body': False, |
| 'response.timeout': 10000, |
| }, |
| # Sets up the static dir for file hosting. |
| '/static': |
| { 'tools.staticdir.dir': options.static_dir, |
| 'tools.staticdir.on': True, |
| 'response.timeout': 10000, |
| 'tools.update_timestamp.on': True, |
| }, |
| } |
| if options.production: |
| base_config['global'].update({'server.thread_pool': 150}) |
| # TODO(sosa): Do this more cleanly. |
| gsutil_util.GSUTIL_ATTEMPTS = 5 |
| |
| return base_config |
| |
| |
| def _GetRecursiveMemberObject(root, member_list): |
| """Returns an object corresponding to a nested member list. |
| |
| Args: |
| root: the root object to search |
| member_list: list of nested members to search |
| |
| Returns: |
| An object corresponding to the member name list; None otherwise. |
| """ |
| for member in member_list: |
| next_root = root.__class__.__dict__.get(member) |
| if not next_root: |
| return None |
| root = next_root |
| return root |
| |
| |
| def _IsExposed(name): |
| """Returns True iff |name| has an `exposed' attribute and it is set.""" |
| return hasattr(name, 'exposed') and name.exposed |
| |
| |
| def _GetExposedMethod(root, nested_member, ignored=None): |
| """Returns a CherryPy-exposed method, if such exists. |
| |
| Args: |
| root: the root object for searching |
| nested_member: a slash-joined path to the nested member |
| ignored: method paths to be ignored |
| |
| Returns: |
| A function object corresponding to the path defined by |member_list| from |
| the |root| object, if the function is exposed and not ignored; None |
| otherwise. |
| """ |
| method = (not (ignored and nested_member in ignored) and |
| _GetRecursiveMemberObject(root, nested_member.split('/'))) |
| if (method and type(method) == types.FunctionType and _IsExposed(method)): |
| return method |
| |
| |
| def _FindExposedMethods(root, prefix, unlisted=None): |
| """Finds exposed CherryPy methods. |
| |
| Args: |
| root: the root object for searching |
| prefix: slash-joined chain of members leading to current object |
| unlisted: URLs to be excluded regardless of their exposed status |
| |
| Returns: |
| List of exposed URLs that are not unlisted. |
| """ |
| method_list = [] |
| for member in sorted(root.__class__.__dict__.keys()): |
| prefixed_member = prefix + '/' + member if prefix else member |
| if unlisted and prefixed_member in unlisted: |
| continue |
| member_obj = root.__class__.__dict__[member] |
| if _IsExposed(member_obj): |
| if type(member_obj) == types.FunctionType: |
| method_list.append(prefixed_member) |
| else: |
| method_list += _FindExposedMethods( |
| member_obj, prefixed_member, unlisted) |
| return method_list |
| |
| |
| class ApiRoot(object): |
| """RESTful API for Dev Server information.""" |
| exposed = True |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def hostinfo(self, ip): |
| """Returns a JSON dictionary containing information about the given ip. |
| |
| Args: |
| ip: address of host whose info is requested |
| |
| Returns: |
| A JSON dictionary containing all or some of the following fields: |
| last_event_type (int): last update event type received |
| last_event_status (int): last update event status received |
| last_known_version (string): last known version reported in update ping |
| forced_update_label (string): update label to force next update ping to |
| use, set by setnextupdate |
| See the OmahaEvent class in update_engine/omaha_request_action.h for |
| event type and status code definitions. If the ip does not exist an empty |
| string is returned. |
| |
| Example URL: |
| http://myhost/api/hostinfo?ip= |
| """ |
| return updater.HandleHostInfoPing(ip) |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def hostlog(self, ip): |
| """Returns a JSON object containing a log of host event. |
| |
| Args: |
| ip: address of host whose event log is requested, or `all' |
| |
| Returns: |
| A JSON encoded list (log) of dictionaries (events), each of which |
| containing a `timestamp' and other event fields, as described under |
| /api/hostinfo. |
| |
| Example URL: |
| http://myhost/api/hostlog?ip= |
| """ |
| return updater.HandleHostLogPing(ip) |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def setnextupdate(self, ip): |
| """Allows the response to the next update ping from a host to be set. |
| |
| Takes the IP of the host and an update label as normally provided to the |
| /update command. |
| """ |
| body_length = int(cherrypy.request.headers['Content-Length']) |
| label = cherrypy.request.rfile.read(body_length) |
| |
| if label: |
| label = label.strip() |
| if label: |
| return updater.HandleSetUpdatePing(ip, label) |
| raise common_util.DevServerHTTPError(400, 'No label provided.') |
| |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def fileinfo(self, *args): |
| """Returns information about a given staged file. |
| |
| Args: |
| args: path to the file inside the server's static staging directory |
| |
| Returns: |
| A JSON encoded dictionary with information about the said file, which may |
| contain the following keys/values: |
| size (int): the file size in bytes |
| sha1 (string): a base64 encoded SHA1 hash |
| sha256 (string): a base64 encoded SHA256 hash |
| |
| Example URL: |
| http://myhost/api/fileinfo/some/path/to/file |
| """ |
| file_path = os.path.join(updater.static_dir, *args) |
| if not os.path.exists(file_path): |
| raise DevServerError('file not found: %s' % file_path) |
| try: |
| file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) |
| file_sha1 = common_util.GetFileSha1(file_path) |
| file_sha256 = common_util.GetFileSha256(file_path) |
| except os.error, e: |
| raise DevServerError('failed to get info for file %s: %s' % |
| (file_path, e)) |
| |
| is_delta = autoupdate.Autoupdate.IsDeltaFormatFile(file_path) |
| |
| return json.dumps({ |
| autoupdate.Autoupdate.SIZE_ATTR: file_size, |
| autoupdate.Autoupdate.SHA1_ATTR: file_sha1, |
| autoupdate.Autoupdate.SHA256_ATTR: file_sha256, |
| autoupdate.Autoupdate.ISDELTA_ATTR: is_delta |
| }) |
| |
| |
| class DevServerRoot(object): |
| """The Root Class for the Dev Server. |
| |
| CherryPy works as follows: |
| For each method in this class, cherrpy interprets root/path |
| as a call to an instance of DevServerRoot->method_name. For example, |
| a call to http://myhost/build will call build. CherryPy automatically |
| parses http args and places them as keyword arguments in each method. |
| For paths http://myhost/update/dir1/dir2, you can use *args so that |
| cherrypy uses the update method and puts the extra paths in args. |
| """ |
| # Method names that should not be listed on the index page. |
| _UNLISTED_METHODS = ['index', 'doc'] |
| |
| api = ApiRoot() |
| |
| # Number of threads that devserver is staging images. |
| _staging_thread_count = 0 |
| # Lock used to lock increasing/decreasing count. |
| _staging_thread_count_lock = threading.Lock() |
| |
| def __init__(self, _xbuddy): |
| self._builder = None |
| self._telemetry_lock_dict = common_util.LockDict() |
| self._xbuddy = _xbuddy |
| |
| @staticmethod |
| def _get_artifacts(kwargs): |
| """Returns a tuple of named and file artifacts given the stage rpc kwargs. |
| |
| Raises: |
| DevserverError if no artifacts would be returned. |
| """ |
| artifacts = kwargs.get('artifacts') |
| files = kwargs.get('files') |
| if not artifacts and not files: |
| raise DevServerError('No artifacts specified.') |
| |
| # Note we NEED to coerce files to a string as we get raw unicode from |
| # cherrypy and we treat files as strings elsewhere in the code. |
| return (str(artifacts).split(',') if artifacts else [], |
| str(files).split(',') if files else []) |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def build(self, board, pkg, **kwargs): |
| """Builds the package specified.""" |
| import builder |
| if self._builder is None: |
| self._builder = builder.Builder() |
| return self._builder.Build(board, pkg, kwargs) |
| |
| @staticmethod |
| def _canonicalize_archive_url(archive_url): |
| """Canonicalizes archive_url strings. |
| |
| Raises: |
| DevserverError: if archive_url is not set. |
| """ |
| if archive_url: |
| if not archive_url.startswith('gs://'): |
| raise DevServerError("Archive URL isn't from Google Storage (%s) ." % |
| archive_url) |
| |
| return archive_url.rstrip('/') |
| else: |
| raise DevServerError("Must specify an archive_url in the request") |
| |
| @staticmethod |
| def _canonicalize_local_path(local_path): |
| """Canonicalizes |local_path| strings. |
| |
| Raises: |
| DevserverError: if |local_path| is not set. |
| """ |
| # Restrict staging of local content to only files within the static |
| # directory. |
| local_path = os.path.abspath(local_path) |
| if not local_path.startswith(updater.static_dir): |
| raise DevServerError('Local path %s must be a subdirectory of the static' |
| ' directory: %s' % (local_path, updater.static_dir)) |
| |
| return local_path.rstrip('/') |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def is_staged(self, **kwargs): |
| """Check if artifacts have been downloaded. |
| |
| async: True to return without waiting for download to complete. |
| artifacts: Comma separated list of named artifacts to download. |
| These are defined in artifact_info and have their implementation |
| in build_artifact.py. |
| files: Comma separated list of file artifacts to stage. These |
| will be available as is in the corresponding static directory with no |
| custom post-processing. |
| |
| returns: True of all artifacts are staged. |
| |
| Example: |
| To check if autotest and test_suites are staged: |
| http://devserver_url:<port>/is_staged?archive_url=gs://your_url/path& |
| artifacts=autotest,test_suites |
| """ |
| archive_url = self._canonicalize_archive_url(kwargs.get('archive_url')) |
| artifacts, files = self._get_artifacts(kwargs) |
| return str(downloader.Downloader(updater.static_dir, archive_url).IsStaged( |
| artifacts, files)) |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def list_image_dir(self, **kwargs): |
| """Take an archive url and list the contents in its staged directory. |
| |
| Args: |
| kwargs: |
| archive_url: Google Storage URL for the build. |
| |
| Example: |
| To list the contents of where this devserver should have staged |
| gs://image-archive/<board>-release/<build> call: |
| http://devserver_url:<port>/list_image_dir?archive_url=<gs://..> |
| |
| Returns: |
| A string with information about the contents of the image directory. |
| """ |
| archive_url = self._canonicalize_archive_url(kwargs.get('archive_url')) |
| download_helper = downloader.Downloader(updater.static_dir, archive_url) |
| try: |
| image_dir_contents = download_helper.ListBuildDir() |
| except build_artifact.ArtifactDownloadError as e: |
| return 'Cannot list the contents of staged artifacts. %s' % e |
| if not image_dir_contents: |
| return '%s has not been staged on this devserver.' % archive_url |
| return image_dir_contents |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def stage(self, **kwargs): |
| """Downloads and caches the artifacts from Google Storage URL. |
| |
| Downloads and caches the artifacts Google Storage URL. Returns once these |
| have been downloaded on the devserver. A call to this will attempt to cache |
| non-specified artifacts in the background for the given from the given URL |
| following the principle of spatial locality. Spatial locality of different |
| artifacts is explicitly defined in the build_artifact module. |
| |
| These artifacts will then be available from the static/ sub-directory of |
| the devserver. |
| |
| Args: |
| archive_url: Google Storage URL for the build. |
| local_path: Local path for the build. |
| async: True to return without waiting for download to complete. |
| artifacts: Comma separated list of named artifacts to download. |
| These are defined in artifact_info and have their implementation |
| in build_artifact.py. |
| files: Comma separated list of files to stage. These |
| will be available as is in the corresponding static directory with no |
| custom post-processing. |
| |
| Example: |
| To download the autotest and test suites tarballs: |
| http://devserver_url:<port>/stage?archive_url=gs://your_url/path& |
| artifacts=autotest,test_suites |
| To download the full update payload: |
| http://devserver_url:<port>/stage?archive_url=gs://your_url/path& |
| artifacts=full_payload |
| To download just a file called blah.bin: |
| http://devserver_url:<port>/stage?archive_url=gs://your_url/path& |
| files=blah.bin |
| |
| For both these examples, one could find these artifacts at: |
| http://devserver_url:<port>/static/<relative_path>* |
| |
| Note for this example, relative path is the archive_url stripped of its |
| basename i.e. path/ in the examples above. Specific example: |
| |
| gs://chromeos-image-archive/x86-mario-release/R26-3920.0.0 |
| |
| Will get staged to: |
| |
| http://devserver_url:<port>/static/x86-mario-release/R26-3920.0.0 |
| """ |
| archive_url = kwargs.get('archive_url') |
| local_path = kwargs.get('local_path') |
| if not archive_url and not local_path: |
| raise DevServerError('Requires archive_url or local_path to be ' |
| 'specified.') |
| if archive_url and local_path: |
| raise DevServerError('archive_url and local_path can not both be ' |
| 'specified.') |
| if archive_url: |
| archive_url = self._canonicalize_archive_url(archive_url) |
| if local_path: |
| local_path = self._canonicalize_local_path(local_path) |
| async = kwargs.get('async', False) |
| artifacts, files = self._get_artifacts(kwargs) |
| with DevServerRoot._staging_thread_count_lock: |
| DevServerRoot._staging_thread_count += 1 |
| try: |
| downloader.Downloader( |
| updater.static_dir, (archive_url or local_path)).Download( |
| artifacts, files, async=async) |
| finally: |
| with DevServerRoot._staging_thread_count_lock: |
| DevServerRoot._staging_thread_count -= 1 |
| return 'Success' |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def setup_telemetry(self, **kwargs): |
| """Extracts and sets up telemetry |
| |
| This method goes through the telemetry deps packages, and stages them on |
| the devserver to be used by the drones and the telemetry tests. |
| |
| Args: |
| archive_url: Google Storage URL for the build. |
| |
| Returns: |
| Path to the source folder for the telemetry codebase once it is staged. |
| """ |
| archive_url = kwargs.get('archive_url') |
| |
| build = '/'.join(downloader.Downloader.ParseUrl(archive_url)) |
| build_path = os.path.join(updater.static_dir, build) |
| deps_path = os.path.join(build_path, 'autotest/packages') |
| telemetry_path = os.path.join(build_path, TELEMETRY_FOLDER) |
| src_folder = os.path.join(telemetry_path, 'src') |
| |
| with self._telemetry_lock_dict.lock(telemetry_path): |
| if os.path.exists(src_folder): |
| # Telemetry is already fully stage return |
| return src_folder |
| |
| common_util.MkDirP(telemetry_path) |
| |
| # Copy over the required deps tar balls to the telemetry directory. |
| for dep in TELEMETRY_DEPS: |
| dep_path = os.path.join(deps_path, dep) |
| if not os.path.exists(dep_path): |
| # This dep does not exist (could be new), do not extract it. |
| continue |
| try: |
| common_util.ExtractTarball(dep_path, telemetry_path) |
| except common_util.CommonUtilError as e: |
| shutil.rmtree(telemetry_path) |
| raise DevServerError(str(e)) |
| |
| # By default all the tarballs extract to test_src but some parts of |
| # the telemetry code specifically hardcoded to exist inside of 'src'. |
| test_src = os.path.join(telemetry_path, 'test_src') |
| try: |
| shutil.move(test_src, src_folder) |
| except shutil.Error: |
| # This can occur if src_folder already exists. Remove and retry move. |
| shutil.rmtree(src_folder) |
| raise DevServerError('Failure in telemetry setup for build %s. Appears' |
| ' that the test_src to src move failed.' % build) |
| |
| return src_folder |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def symbolicate_dump(self, minidump, **kwargs): |
| """Symbolicates a minidump using pre-downloaded symbols, returns it. |
| |
| Callers will need to POST to this URL with a body of MIME-type |
| "multipart/form-data". |
| The body should include a single argument, 'minidump', containing the |
| binary-formatted minidump to symbolicate. |
| |
| Args: |
| archive_url: Google Storage URL for the build. |
| minidump: The binary minidump file to symbolicate. |
| """ |
| # Ensure the symbols have been staged. |
| archive_url = self._canonicalize_archive_url(kwargs.get('archive_url')) |
| if self.stage(archive_url=archive_url, artifacts='symbols') != 'Success': |
| raise DevServerError('Failed to stage symbols for %s' % archive_url) |
| |
| to_return = '' |
| with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as local: |
| while True: |
| data = minidump.file.read(8192) |
| if not data: |
| break |
| local.write(data) |
| |
| local.flush() |
| |
| symbols_directory = os.path.join(downloader.Downloader.GetBuildDir( |
| updater.static_dir, archive_url), 'debug', 'breakpad') |
| |
| stackwalk = subprocess.Popen( |
| ['minidump_stackwalk', local.name, symbols_directory], |
| stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) |
| |
| to_return, error_text = stackwalk.communicate() |
| if stackwalk.returncode != 0: |
| raise DevServerError("Can't generate stack trace: %s (rc=%d)" % ( |
| error_text, stackwalk.returncode)) |
| |
| return to_return |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def latestbuild(self, **kwargs): |
| """Return a string representing the latest build for a given target. |
| |
| Args: |
| target: The build target, typically a combination of the board and the |
| type of build e.g. x86-mario-release. |
| milestone: The milestone to filter builds on. E.g. R16. Optional, if not |
| provided the latest RXX build will be returned. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A string representation of the latest build if one exists, i.e. |
| R19-1993.0.0-a1-b1480. |
| An empty string if no latest could be found. |
| """ |
| if not kwargs: |
| return _PrintDocStringAsHTML(self.latestbuild) |
| |
| if 'target' not in kwargs: |
| raise common_util.DevServerHTTPError(500, 'Error: target= is required!') |
| try: |
| return common_util.GetLatestBuildVersion( |
| updater.static_dir, kwargs['target'], |
| milestone=kwargs.get('milestone')) |
| except common_util.CommonUtilError as errmsg: |
| raise common_util.DevServerHTTPError(500, str(errmsg)) |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def controlfiles(self, **kwargs): |
| """Return a control file or a list of all known control files. |
| |
| Example URL: |
| To List all control files: |
| http://dev-server/controlfiles?suite_name=&build=daisy_spring-release/R29-4279.0.0 |
| To List all control files for, say, the bvt suite: |
| http://dev-server/controlfiles?suite_name=bvt&build=daisy_spring-release/R29-4279.0.0 |
| To return the contents of a path: |
| http://dev-server/controlfiles?board=x86-alex-release&build=R18-1514.0.0&control_path=client/sleeptest/control |
| |
| Args: |
| build: The build i.e. x86-alex-release/R18-1514.0.0-a1-b1450. |
| control_path: If you want the contents of a control file set this |
| to the path. E.g. client/site_tests/sleeptest/control |
| Optional, if not provided return a list of control files is returned. |
| suite_name: If control_path is not specified but a suite_name is |
| specified, list the control files belonging to that suite instead of |
| all control files. The empty string for suite_name will list all control |
| files for the build. |
| |
| Returns: |
| Contents of a control file if control_path is provided. |
| A list of control files if no control_path is provided. |
| """ |
| if not kwargs: |
| return _PrintDocStringAsHTML(self.controlfiles) |
| |
| if 'build' not in kwargs: |
| raise common_util.DevServerHTTPError(500, 'Error: build= is required!') |
| |
| if 'control_path' not in kwargs: |
| if 'suite_name' in kwargs and kwargs['suite_name']: |
| return common_util.GetControlFileListForSuite( |
| updater.static_dir, kwargs['build'], kwargs['suite_name']) |
| else: |
| return common_util.GetControlFileList( |
| updater.static_dir, kwargs['build']) |
| else: |
| return common_util.GetControlFile( |
| updater.static_dir, kwargs['build'], kwargs['control_path']) |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def xbuddy_translate(self, *args, **kwargs): |
| """Translates an xBuddy path to a real path to artifact if it exists. |
| |
| Args: |
| args: An xbuddy path in the form of {local|remote}/build_id/artifact. |
| Local searches the devserver's static directory. Remote searches a |
| Google Storage image archive. |
| |
| Kwargs: |
| image_dir: Google Storage image archive to search in if requesting a |
| remote artifact. If none uses the default bucket. |
| |
| Returns: |
| String in the format of build_id/artifact as stored on the local server |
| or in Google Storage. |
| """ |
| build_id, filename = self._xbuddy.Translate( |
| args, image_dir=kwargs.get('image_dir')) |
| response = os.path.join(build_id, filename) |
| _Log('Path translation requested, returning: %s', response) |
| return response |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def xbuddy(self, *args, **kwargs): |
| """The full xBuddy call, returns resource specified by path_parts. |
| |
| Args: |
| path_parts: the path following xbuddy/ in the call url is split into the |
| components of the path. The path can be understood as |
| "{local|remote}/build_id/artifact" where build_id is composed of |
| "board/version." |
| |
| The first path element is optional, and can be "remote" or "local" |
| If local (the default), devserver will not attempt to access Google |
| Storage, and will only search the static directory for the files. |
| If remote, devserver will try to obtain the artifact off GS if it's |
| not found locally. |
| The board is the familiar board name, optionally suffixed. |
| The version can be the google storage version number, and may also be |
| any of a number of xBuddy defined version aliases that will be |
| translated into the latest built image that fits the description. |
| Defaults to latest. |
| The artifact is one of a number of image or artifact aliases used by |
| xbuddy, defined in xbuddy:ALIASES. Defaults to test. |
| |
| Kwargs: |
| for_update: {true|false} |
| if true, pregenerates the update payloads for the image, |
| and returns the update uri to pass to the |
| update_engine_client. |
| return_dir: {true|false} |
| if set to true, returns the url to the update.gz |
| relative_path: {true|false} |
| if set to true, returns the relative path to the payload |
| directory from static_dir. |
| Example URL: |
| http://host:port/xbuddy/x86-generic/R26-4000.0.0/test |
| or |
| http://host:port/xbuddy/x86-generic/R26-4000.0.0/test?return_dir=true |
| |
| Returns: |
| If |for_update|, returns a redirect to the image or update file |
| on the devserver. E.g., |
| http://host:port/static/archive/x86-generic-release/R26-4000.0.0/ |
| chromium-test-image.bin |
| If |return_dir|, return a uri to the folder where the artifact is. E.g., |
| http://host:port/static/x86-generic-release/R26-4000.0.0/ |
| If |relative_path| is true, return a relative path the folder where the |
| payloads are. E.g., |
| archive/x86-generic-release/R26-4000.0.0 |
| """ |
| boolean_string = kwargs.get('for_update') |
| for_update = xbuddy.XBuddy.ParseBoolean(boolean_string) |
| boolean_string = kwargs.get('return_dir') |
| return_dir = xbuddy.XBuddy.ParseBoolean(boolean_string) |
| boolean_string = kwargs.get('relative_path') |
| relative_path = xbuddy.XBuddy.ParseBoolean(boolean_string) |
| |
| if return_dir and relative_path: |
| raise common_util.DevServerHTTPError( |
| 500, 'Cannot specify both return_dir and relative_path') |
| |
| # For updates, we optimize downloading of test images. |
| file_name = None |
| build_id = None |
| if for_update: |
| try: |
| build_id = self._xbuddy.StageTestArtifactsForUpdate(args) |
| except build_artifact.ArtifactDownloadError: |
| build_id = None |
| |
| if not build_id: |
| build_id, file_name = self._xbuddy.Get(args) |
| |
| if for_update: |
| _Log('Payload generation triggered by request') |
| # Forces payload to be in cache and symlinked into build_id dir. |
| updater.GetUpdateForLabel(autoupdate.FORCED_UPDATE, build_id, |
| image_name=file_name) |
| |
| response = None |
| if return_dir: |
| response = os.path.join(cherrypy.request.base, 'static', build_id) |
| _Log('Directory requested, returning: %s', response) |
| elif relative_path: |
| response = build_id |
| _Log('Relative path requested, returning: %s', response) |
| elif for_update: |
| response = os.path.join(cherrypy.request.base, 'update', build_id) |
| _Log('Update URI requested, returning: %s', response) |
| else: |
| # Redirect to download the payload if no kwargs are set. |
| build_id = '/' + os.path.join('static', build_id, file_name) |
| _Log('Payload requested, returning: %s', build_id) |
| raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(build_id, 302) |
| |
| return response |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def xbuddy_list(self): |
| """Lists the currently available images & time since last access. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A string representation of a list of tuples [(build_id, time since last |
| access),...] |
| """ |
| return self._xbuddy.List() |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def xbuddy_capacity(self): |
| """Returns the number of images cached by xBuddy.""" |
| return self._xbuddy.Capacity() |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def index(self): |
| """Presents a welcome message and documentation links.""" |
| return ('Welcome to the Dev Server!<br>\n' |
| '<br>\n' |
| 'Here are the available methods, click for documentation:<br>\n' |
| '<br>\n' |
| '%s' % |
| '<br>\n'.join( |
| [('<a href=doc/%s>%s</a>' % (name, name)) |
| for name in _FindExposedMethods( |
| self, '', unlisted=self._UNLISTED_METHODS)])) |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def doc(self, *args): |
| """Shows the documentation for available methods / URLs. |
| |
| Example: |
| http://myhost/doc/update |
| """ |
| name = '/'.join(args) |
| method = _GetExposedMethod(self, name) |
| if not method: |
| raise DevServerError("No exposed method named `%s'" % name) |
| if not method.__doc__: |
| raise DevServerError("No documentation for exposed method `%s'" % name) |
| return '<pre>\n%s</pre>' % method.__doc__ |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def update(self, *args): |
| """Handles an update check from a Chrome OS client. |
| |
| The HTTP request should contain the standard Omaha-style XML blob. The URL |
| line may contain an additional intermediate path to the update payload. |
| |
| This request can be handled in one of 4 ways, depending on the devsever |
| settings and intermediate path. |
| |
| 1. No intermediate path |
| If no intermediate path is given, the default behavior is to generate an |
| update payload from the latest test image locally built for the board |
| specified in the xml. Devserver serves the generated payload. |
| |
| 2. Path explicitly invokes XBuddy |
| If there is a path given, it can explicitly invoke xbuddy by prefixing it |
| with 'xbuddy'. This path is then used to acquire an image binary for the |
| devserver to generate an update payload from. Devserver then serves this |
| payload. |
| |
| 3. Path is left for the devserver to interpret. |
| If the path given doesn't explicitly invoke xbuddy, devserver will attempt |
| to generate a payload from the test image in that directory and serve it. |
| |
| 4. The devserver is in a 'forced' mode. TO BE DEPRECATED |
| This comes from the usage of --forced_payload or --image when starting the |
| devserver. No matter what path (or no path) gets passed in, devserver will |
| serve the update payload (--forced_payload) or generate an update payload |
| from the image (--image). |
| |
| Examples: |
| 1. No intermediate path |
| update_engine_client --omaha_url=http://myhost/update |
| This generates an update payload from the latest test image locally built |
| for the board specified in the xml. |
| |
| 2. Explicitly invoke xbuddy |
| update_engine_client --omaha_url= |
| http://myhost/update/xbuddy/remote/board/version/dev |
| This would go to GS to download the dev image for the board, from which |
| the devserver would generate a payload to serve. |
| |
| 3. Give a path for devserver to interpret |
| update_engine_client --omaha_url=http://myhost/update/some/random/path |
| This would attempt, in order to: |
| a) Generate an update from a test image binary if found in |
| static_dir/some/random/path. |
| b) Serve an update payload found in static_dir/some/random/path. |
| c) Hope that some/random/path takes the form "board/version" and |
| and attempt to download an update payload for that board/version |
| from GS. |
| """ |
| label = '/'.join(args) |
| body_length = int(cherrypy.request.headers.get('Content-Length', 0)) |
| data = cherrypy.request.rfile.read(body_length) |
| |
| return updater.HandleUpdatePing(data, label) |
| |
| @cherrypy.expose |
| def check_health(self): |
| """Collect the health status of devserver to see if it's ready for staging. |
| |
| Returns: |
| A JSON dictionary containing all or some of the following fields: |
| free_disk (int): free disk space in GB |
| staging_thread_count (int): number of devserver threads currently staging |
| an image |
| """ |
| # Get free disk space. |
| stat = os.statvfs(updater.static_dir) |
| free_disk = stat.f_bsize * stat.f_bavail / 1000000000 |
| |
| return json.dumps({ |
| 'free_disk': free_disk, |
| 'staging_thread_count': DevServerRoot._staging_thread_count, |
| }) |
| |
| |
| def _CleanCache(cache_dir, wipe): |
| """Wipes any excess cached items in the cache_dir. |
| |
| Args: |
| cache_dir: the directory we are wiping from. |
| wipe: If True, wipe all the contents -- not just the excess. |
| """ |
| if wipe: |
| # Clear the cache and exit on error. |
| cmd = 'rm -rf %s/*' % cache_dir |
| if os.system(cmd) != 0: |
| _Log('Failed to clear the cache with %s' % cmd) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| else: |
| # Clear all but the last N cached updates |
| cmd = ('cd %s; ls -tr | head --lines=-%d | xargs rm -rf' % |
| (cache_dir, CACHED_ENTRIES)) |
| if os.system(cmd) != 0: |
| _Log('Failed to clean up old delta cache files with %s' % cmd) |
| sys.exit(1) |
| |
| |
| def _AddTestingOptions(parser): |
| group = optparse.OptionGroup( |
| parser, 'Advanced Testing Options', 'These are used by test scripts and ' |
| 'developers writing integration tests utilizing the devserver. They are ' |
| 'not intended to be really used outside the scope of someone ' |
| 'knowledgable about the test.') |
| group.add_option('--exit', |
| action='store_true', |
| help='do not start the server (yet pregenerate/clear cache)') |
| group.add_option('--host_log', |
| action='store_true', default=False, |
| help='record history of host update events (/api/hostlog)') |
| group.add_option('--max_updates', |
| metavar='NUM', default= -1, type='int', |
| help='maximum number of update checks handled positively ' |
| '(default: unlimited)') |
| group.add_option('--private_key', |
| metavar='PATH', default=None, |
| help='path to the private key in pem format. If this is set ' |
| 'the devserver will generate update payloads that are ' |
| 'signed with this key.') |
| group.add_option('--private_key_for_metadata_hash_signature', |
| metavar='PATH', default=None, |
| help='path to the private key in pem format. If this is set ' |
| 'the devserver will sign the metadata hash with the given ' |
| 'key and transmit in the Omaha-style XML response.') |
| group.add_option('--public_key', |
| metavar='PATH', default=None, |
| help='path to the public key in pem format. If this is set ' |
| 'the devserver will transmit a base64 encoded version of ' |
| 'the content in the Omaha-style XML response.') |
| group.add_option('--proxy_port', |
| metavar='PORT', default=None, type='int', |
| help='port to have the client connect to -- basically the ' |
| 'devserver lies to the update to tell it to get the payload ' |
| 'from a different port that will proxy the request back to ' |
| 'the devserver. The proxy must be managed outside the ' |
| 'devserver.') |
| group.add_option('--remote_payload', |
| action='store_true', default=False, |
| help='Payload is being served from a remote machine. With ' |
| 'this setting enabled, this devserver instance serves as ' |
| 'just an Omaha server instance. In this mode, the ' |
| 'devserver enforces a few extra components of the Omaha ' |
| 'protocol, such as hardware class, being sent.') |
| group.add_option('-u', '--urlbase', |
| metavar='URL', |
| help='base URL for update images, other than the ' |
| 'devserver. Use in conjunction with remote_payload.') |
| parser.add_option_group(group) |
| |
| |
| def _AddUpdateOptions(parser): |
| group = optparse.OptionGroup( |
| parser, 'Autoupdate Options', 'These options can be used to change ' |
| 'how the devserver either generates or serve update payloads. Please ' |
| 'note that all of these option affect how a payload is generated and so ' |
| 'do not work in archive-only mode.') |
| group.add_option('--board', |
| help='By default the devserver will create an update ' |
| 'payload from the latest image built for the board ' |
| 'a device that is requesting an update has. When we ' |
| 'pre-generate an update (see below) and we do not specify ' |
| 'another update_type option like image or payload, the ' |
| 'devserver needs to know the board to generate the latest ' |
| 'image for. This is that board.') |
| group.add_option('--critical_update', |
| action='store_true', default=False, |
| help='Present update payload as critical') |
| group.add_option('--image', |
| metavar='FILE', |
| help='Generate and serve an update using this image to any ' |
| 'device that requests an update.') |
| group.add_option('--payload', |
| metavar='PATH', |
| help='use the update payload from specified directory ' |
| '(update.gz).') |
| group.add_option('-p', '--pregenerate_update', |
| action='store_true', default=False, |
| help='pre-generate the update payload before accepting ' |
| 'update requests. Useful to help debug payload generation ' |
| 'issues quickly. Also if an update payload will take a ' |
| 'long time to generate, a client may timeout if you do not' |
| 'pregenerate the update.') |
| group.add_option('--src_image', |
| metavar='PATH', default='', |
| help='If specified, delta updates will be generated using ' |
| 'this image as the source image. Delta updates are when ' |
| 'you are updating from a "source image" to a another ' |
| 'image.') |
| parser.add_option_group(group) |
| |
| |
| def _AddProductionOptions(parser): |
| group = optparse.OptionGroup( |
| parser, 'Advanced Server Options', 'These options can be used to changed ' |
| 'for advanced server behavior.') |
| group.add_option('--clear_cache', |
| action='store_true', default=False, |
| help='At startup, removes all cached entries from the' |
| 'devserver\'s cache.') |
| group.add_option('--logfile', |
| metavar='PATH', |
| help='log output to this file instead of stdout') |
| group.add_option('--pidfile', |
| metavar='PATH', |
| help='path to output a pid file for the server.') |
| group.add_option('--portfile', |
| metavar='PATH', |
| help='path to output the port number being served on.') |
| group.add_option('--production', |
| action='store_true', default=False, |
| help='have the devserver use production values when ' |
| 'starting up. This includes using more threads and ' |
| 'performing less logging.') |
| parser.add_option_group(group) |
| |
| |
| def _MakeLogHandler(logfile): |
| """Create a LogHandler instance used to log all messages.""" |
| hdlr_cls = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler |
| hdlr = hdlr_cls(logfile, when=_LOG_ROTATION_TIME, |
| backupCount=_LOG_ROTATION_BACKUP) |
| hdlr.setFormatter(cplogging.logfmt) |
| return hdlr |
| |
| |
| def main(): |
| usage = '\n\n'.join(['usage: %prog [options]', __doc__]) |
| parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) |
| |
| # get directory that the devserver is run from |
| devserver_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) |
| default_static_dir = '%s/static' % devserver_dir |
| parser.add_option('--static_dir', |
| metavar='PATH', |
| default=default_static_dir, |
| help='writable static directory') |
| parser.add_option('--port', |
| default=8080, type='int', |
| help=('port for the dev server to use; if zero, binds to ' |
| 'an arbitrary available port (default: 8080)')) |
| parser.add_option('-t', '--test_image', |
| action='store_true', |
| help='Deprecated.') |
| parser.add_option('-x', '--xbuddy_manage_builds', |
| action='store_true', |
| default=False, |
| help='If set, allow xbuddy to manage images in' |
| 'build/images.') |
| _AddProductionOptions(parser) |
| _AddUpdateOptions(parser) |
| _AddTestingOptions(parser) |
| (options, _) = parser.parse_args() |
| |
| # Handle options that must be set globally in cherrypy. Do this |
| # work up front, because calls to _Log() below depend on this |
| # initialization. |
| if options.production: |
| cherrypy.config.update({'environment': 'production'}) |
| if not options.logfile: |
| cherrypy.config.update({'log.screen': True}) |
| else: |
| cherrypy.config.update({'log.error_file': '', |
| 'log.access_file': ''}) |
| hdlr = _MakeLogHandler(options.logfile) |
| # Pylint can't seem to process these two calls properly |
| # pylint: disable=E1101 |
| cherrypy.log.access_log.addHandler(hdlr) |
| cherrypy.log.error_log.addHandler(hdlr) |
| # pylint: enable=E1101 |
| |
| # set static_dir, from which everything will be served |
| options.static_dir = os.path.realpath(options.static_dir) |
| |
| cache_dir = os.path.join(options.static_dir, 'cache') |
| # If our devserver is only supposed to serve payloads, we shouldn't be |
| # mucking with the cache at all. If the devserver hadn't previously |
| # generated a cache and is expected, the caller is using it wrong. |
| if os.path.exists(cache_dir): |
| _CleanCache(cache_dir, options.clear_cache) |
| else: |
| os.makedirs(cache_dir) |
| |
| _Log('Using cache directory %s' % cache_dir) |
| _Log('Serving from %s' % options.static_dir) |
| |
| _xbuddy = xbuddy.XBuddy(options.xbuddy_manage_builds, |
| options.board, |
| static_dir=options.static_dir) |
| if options.clear_cache and options.xbuddy_manage_builds: |
| _xbuddy.CleanCache() |
| |
| # We allow global use here to share with cherrypy classes. |
| # pylint: disable=W0603 |
| global updater |
| updater = autoupdate.Autoupdate( |
| _xbuddy, |
| static_dir=options.static_dir, |
| urlbase=options.urlbase, |
| forced_image=options.image, |
| payload_path=options.payload, |
| proxy_port=options.proxy_port, |
| src_image=options.src_image, |
| board=options.board, |
| copy_to_static_root=not options.exit, |
| private_key=options.private_key, |
| private_key_for_metadata_hash_signature= |
| options.private_key_for_metadata_hash_signature, |
| public_key=options.public_key, |
| critical_update=options.critical_update, |
| remote_payload=options.remote_payload, |
| max_updates=options.max_updates, |
| host_log=options.host_log, |
| ) |
| |
| if options.pregenerate_update: |
| updater.PreGenerateUpdate() |
| |
| if options.exit: |
| return |
| |
| dev_server = DevServerRoot(_xbuddy) |
| |
| # Patch CherryPy to support binding to any available port (--port=0). |
| cherrypy_ext.ZeroPortPatcher.DoPatch(cherrypy) |
| |
| if options.pidfile: |
| plugins.PIDFile(cherrypy.engine, options.pidfile).subscribe() |
| |
| if options.portfile: |
| cherrypy_ext.PortFile(cherrypy.engine, options.portfile).subscribe() |
| |
| cherrypy.quickstart(dev_server, config=_GetConfig(options)) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == '__main__': |
| main() |