blob: 6dcdfc78ade49ab9318c67de1b868e2f849635ee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Create a new variant of an existing reference board
This program will call all of the scripts that create the various pieces
of a new variant. For example to create a new variant of the hatch base
board, the following scripts are called:
* platform/dev/contrib/variant/
* platform/dev/contrib/variant/
* private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private/sys-boot/
* coreboot-private-files-hatch/files/
* coreboot-private-files-hatch/asset_generation/
* Outside the chroot, because it uses WINE to run the FIT tools
* platform/dev/contrib/variant/
* platform/dev/contrib/variant/
* private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private/chromeos-base/
* chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private/
Once the scripts are done, the following repos have changes
* third_party/coreboot
* third_party/chromiumos-overlay
* private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private
* platform/ec
* private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private
* overlays
The program has support for multiple reference boards, so the repos,
directories, and scripts above can change depending on what the reference
board is.
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import importlib
import json
import logging
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from chromite.lib import build_target_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import gerrit
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import workon_helper
import requests
import step_names
import variant_status
def main():
"""Create a new variant of an existing reference board
This program automates the creation of a new variant of an existing
reference board by calling various scripts that copy the reference board,
modify files for the new variant, stage commits, and upload to gerrit.
Note that one of the following is required:
* --continue
* --board=BOARD --variant=VARIANT [--bug=BUG]
board, variant, bug, branch, continue_flag, abort_flag = get_args()
if not check_flags(board, variant, bug, continue_flag, abort_flag):
return False
status = get_status(board, variant, bug, branch, continue_flag, abort_flag)
if status is None:
return False
# Where is located?
status.my_loc = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# If the user specified --abort, override the current step.
if abort_flag:
status.step = step_names.ABORT
while status.step is not None:
if not perform_step(status):
logging.debug('perform_step %s returned False; exiting ...',
return False
return True
def get_args():
"""Parse the command-line arguments
There doesn't appear to be a way to specify that --continue is
mutually exclusive with --board, --variant, and --bug. As a result,
all arguments are optional, and another function will apply the logic
to check if there is an illegal combination of arguments.
Returns a list of:
board Name of the reference board
variant Name of the variant being created
bug Text for bug number, if any ('None' otherwise)
continue_flag Flag if --continue was specified
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('--board', type=str, help='Name of the reference board')
'--variant', type=str, help='Name of the new variant to create')
'--bug', type=str, help='Bug number to reference in commits')
'--branch', type=str, help='Value for BRANCH= in commit messages')
# Use a group so that we can enforce mutually-exclusive arguments.
# argparse does not support nesting groups, so we can't put board,
# variant, and bug into a group and have that group as another mutually
# exclusive option.
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
'--continue', action='store_true',
dest='continue_flag', help='Continue the process from where it paused')
'--abort', action='store_true',
dest='abort_flag', help='Cancel the process and abandon all commits')
'--verbose', action='store_true',
dest='verbose_flag', help='Enable verbose output of progress')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.verbose_flag:
board = args.board
if board is not None:
board = board.lower()
variant = args.variant
if variant is not None:
variant = variant.lower()
bug = args.bug or 'None'
branch = args.branch or 'None'
return (board, variant, bug, branch, args.continue_flag, args.abort_flag)
def check_flags(board, variant, bug, continue_flag, abort_flag):
"""Check the flags to ensure no invalid combinations
We allow any of the following:
--board=board_name --variant=variant_name
--board=board_name --variant=variant_name --bug=bug_text
The argument parser does have the functionality to represent the
combination of --board and --variant as a single mutually-exclusive
argument, so we have to use this function to do the checking.
board: Name of the reference board
variant: Name of the variant being created
bug: Text for bug number, if any ('None' otherwise)
continue_flag: Flag if --continue was specified
abort_flag: Flag if --abort was specified
True if the arguments are acceptable, False otherwise
# If either --abort or --continue is set, then disallow any of the
# board name, variant name, or bug number to be set.
if continue_flag or abort_flag:
if board is not None or variant is not None or bug != 'None':
logging.error('Do not use --board, --variant, or --bug with '
'--continue or --abort')
return False
return True
# At this point, neither --continue nor --abort are set, so we must have
# both --board and --variant values.
if board is None or variant is None:
logging.error('Both --board and --variant must be specified')
return False
return True
def get_status(board, variant, bug, branch, continue_flag, abort_flag):
"""Create the status file or get the previous status
This program can stop at several places as we have to wait for CLs
to work through CQ or be upstreamed into the chromiumos tree, so just
like a git cherry-pick, there is a --continue option to pick up where
you left off by reading a specially-named status file.
If --continue is specified, the status file must exist.
If the status file exists, then --continue must be specified.
When --continue is specified, we read the status file and return
with the contents.
If the status file does not exist, we will create the state file with
the board, variant, and (optional) bug details.
To decouple the list of boards supported from this main program, we
try to import a module with the same name as the reference board,
so --board=hatch means that we import If we can't import
the file, then we don't support that reference board.
The board-specific module will set several variables, which we will
copy into the object that we return.
* base - the name of the base board, such as Hatch, Volteer, or Zork.
This can be different from the reference board, e.g. the Trembyle
reference board in the Zork project.
* coreboot_base - the name of the base board in coreboot. Usually the same
as base, but can differ, e.g. for Puff, the base is Puff, but the
coreboot_base is Hatch because Puff is based on Hatch.
* coreboot_dir - base directory for coreboot, usually third_party/coreboot
but could differ for processors that use a private repo
* coreboot_reference - the name of the reference board that we're using to
make the variant. This can be different from base (e.g. Ambassador is
its own board, but uses Puff as a coreboot reference).
* cb_config_dir - base directory for coreboot configs, usually
third_party/chromiumos-overlay/sys-boot/coreboot/files/configs but
could differ for processors that use a private repo
* step_list - list of steps (named in to run in sequence
to create the new variant of the reference board
* fsp - package name for FSP. This may be None, depending on the
processor on the reference board
* fitimage_pkg - package name for the fitimage
* fitimage_dir - directory for fitimage; prepend '/mnt/host/source/src/'
in chroot, prepend '~/chromiumos/src' outside the chroot
* fitimage_outputs_dir - directory under fitimage_dir where
leaves its outputs
* fitimage_cmd - explanation of gen_fit_image command, i.e. tell the user
how to run
* fitimage_script - script to add fitimage sources, defaults
to 'files/' if not present. Only volteer and volteer2
currently need to use this.
* workon_pkgs - list of packages to cros_workon
* emerge_cmd - the emerge command, e.g. 'emerge-hatch'
* emerge_pkgs - list of packages to emerge
* config_workon_pkgs - list of packages to cros_workon to build the
project config
* config_emerge_pkgs - list of packages to emerge to build the project
* private_yaml_dir - directory for the private yaml file
* commits - map of commits for the various steps. Indexed by step name,
and the step names used are the same ones in
* repo_upload_list - list of commits to upload using `repo upload`
* coreboot_push_list - list of commits to upload using `git push` to
* depends - maps a step to a list of steps on which it depends, e.g.
depends[step_names.ADD_PRIV_YAML] is a list of other steps that
the 'add_priv_yaml' step depends on. This map is used to amend
the commits with CL numbers for Cq-Depend.
Additionally, the following fields will be set:
* board - the name of the reference board, e.g. 'hatch'. The --board
command line flag specifies this value, and new_variant derives the
the name of the python module to load from this value. However, in
certain cases (volteer2), the python module may override this value
* variant - the name of the variant, e.g. 'sushi'
* bug - optional text for a bug ID, used in the git commit messages.
Could be 'None' (as text, not the python None), or something like
'b:12345' for buganizer, or 'chromium:12345'
* branch - optional text for a BRANCH= value in the commit message for
repos that use the BRANCH field (coreboot and EC). If not specified,
then None.
* step - internal state tracking, what step of the variant creation
we are at.
* yaml_file - internal, just the name of the file where all this data
gets saved.
* commit - a map of maps that tracks all of the git commit and gerrit CL
data for each of the steps in the process. For example,
status.commit['add_priv_yaml'] is a map that has all the information
about the 'add_priv_yaml' step. The keys in the maps allow us to
determine where the commit is, the change_id, if it has been uploaded
to gerrit and where.
branch_name - the name of the git branch
change_id - the change-id assigned by the commit hook. Gerrit
uses the change_id to track new patchsets in the CL
dir - the directory where the commit has been created
gerrit - the name of the gerrit instance to which the CL has
been uploaded, one of 'chromium', 'chrome-internal', or
cl_number - the CL number on the gerrit instance
When the commit is created, branch_name, change_id, and dir are all
set. The gerrit and cl_number keys are not set until the CL has been
uploaded to a gerrit instance.
These data might come from the status file (because we read it), or
they might be the initial values after we created the file (because
it did not already exist).
board: Name of the reference board
variant: Name of the variant being created
bug: Text for bug number, if any ('None' otherwise)
branch: Text for a BRANCH= value in the commit message (or 'None')
continue_flag: Flag if --continue was specified
abort_flag: Flag if --abort was specified
variant_status object with all the data mentioned above
status = variant_status.variant_status()
if continue_flag or abort_flag:
if status.yaml_file_exists():
return status
if continue_flag:
op = '--continue'
if abort_flag:
op = '--abort'
logging.error('%s does not exist; cannot %s', status.yaml_file, op)
return None
# If we get here, the user provided --board and --variant (because
# check_flags() returned Trued), but the yaml file already exists,
# so we print an error message and bail.
if status.yaml_file_exists():
'new_variant already in progress; did you forget --continue?')
return None
# At this point, it's not --continue, not --abort, the yaml file doesn't
# exist, and we have valid values for --board, --variant, and --bug (bug
# might be the default value of "None"). Create the yaml file with data
# from the reference board's loadable module.
status.board = board
status.variant = variant
status.bug = bug
status.branch = branch
# Load the appropriate module and copy all the data from it.
module = importlib.import_module(board)
except ImportError:
print('Unsupported board "' + board + '"')
# Special case: allow the module to override the name of the reference
# board. Almost always, you want the module name (e.g. and the
# name of the reference board (e.g. puff) to match. However, for some
# boards (volteer2), you want to have the reference board name still
# be 'volteer'.
status.board = getattr(module, 'board', status.board)
status.base = module.base
status.coreboot_base = getattr(module, 'coreboot_base', module.base)
status.coreboot_dir = module.coreboot_dir
status.coreboot_reference = getattr(module, 'coreboot_reference',
status.cb_config_dir = getattr(module, 'cb_config_dir', None)
status.emerge_cmd = module.emerge_cmd
status.emerge_pkgs = module.emerge_pkgs
status.fitimage_dir = getattr(module, 'fitimage_dir', None)
status.fitimage_outputs_dir = getattr(module, 'fitimage_outputs_dir', None)
status.fitimage_pkg = getattr(module, 'fitimage_pkg', None)
status.fitimage_cmd = getattr(module, 'fitimage_cmd', None)
status.fitimage_script = getattr(module, 'fitimage_script',
status.fsp = getattr(module, 'fsp', None)
status.private_yaml_dir = getattr(module, 'private_yaml_dir', None)
status.step_list = module.step_list
status.workon_pkgs = module.workon_pkgs
status.config_workon_pkgs = module.config_workon_pkgs
status.config_emerge_pkgs = module.config_emerge_pkgs
status.coreboot_push_list = module.coreboot_push_list
status.repo_upload_list = module.repo_upload_list
status.depends = module.depends
# Start at the first entry in the step list
status.step = status.step_list[0]
# Start an empty map for tracking CL data
status.commits = {}
return status
def perform_step(status):
"""Call the appropriate function for the current step
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the step succeeded, False if it failed
# Function to call based on the step
dispatch = {
step_names.PROJECT_CONFIG: project_config,
step_names.FW_BUILD_CONFIG: fw_build_config,
step_names.CB_VARIANT: create_coreboot_variant,
step_names.CB_CONFIG: create_coreboot_config,
step_names.CRAS_CONFIG: copy_cras_config,
step_names.ADD_FIT: add_fitimage,
step_names.GEN_FIT: gen_fit_image_outside_chroot,
step_names.COMMIT_FIT: commit_fitimage,
step_names.EC_IMAGE: create_initial_ec_image,
step_names.EC_BUILDALL: ec_buildall,
step_names.ADD_PUB_YAML: add_variant_to_public_yaml,
step_names.ADD_PRIV_YAML: add_variant_to_private_yaml,
step_names.BUILD_CONFIG: build_config,
step_names.EMERGE: emerge_all,
step_names.PUSH: push_coreboot,
step_names.UPLOAD: upload_CLs,
step_names.FIND: find_coreboot_upstream,
step_names.CALC_CQ_DEPEND: calc_cq_depend,
step_names.ADD_CQ_DEPEND: add_cq_depend,
step_names.RE_UPLOAD: re_upload,
step_names.CLEAN_UP: clean_up,
step_names.ABORT: abort,
if status.step not in dispatch:
logging.error('Unknown step "%s", aborting...', status.step)
return dispatch[status.step](status)
def move_to_next_step(status):
"""Move to the next step in the list
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
# Special case: the next step after 'abort' is 'clean_up'. Always.
if status.step == step_names.ABORT:
status.step = step_names.CLEAN_UP
if status.step not in status.step_list:
logging.error('Unknown step "%s", aborting...', status.step)
idx = status.step_list.index(status.step)
if idx == len(status.step_list)-1:
status.step = None
status.step = status.step_list[idx+1]
def run_process(args, cwd=None, env=None, capture_output=False):
"""Run a process, log debug messages, return text output of process
The capture_output parameter allows us to capture the output when we
care about it (and not sending it to the screen), or ignoring it when
we don't care, and letting the user see the output so they know that
the build is still running, etc.
args: List of the command and its params
cwd: If not None, cd to this directory before running
env: Environment to use for execution; if needed, get os.environ.copy()
and add variables. If None, just use the current environment
capture_output: True if we should capture the stdout, false if we
just care about success or not.
If capture_output == True, we return the text output from running
the subprocess as a list of lines, or None if the process failed.
If capture_output == False, we return a True if it successed, or
None if the process failed.
The caller can evaluate as a bool, because bool(None) == False, and
bool() of a non-empty list is True, or the caller can use the returned
text for further processing.
logging.debug('Run %s', str(args))
if cwd is not None:
logging.debug('cwd = %s', cwd)
if capture_output:
output =, cwd=cwd, env=env, check=True,
stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
else:, cwd=cwd, env=env, check=True)
# Just something to decode so we don't get an empty list
output = b'True'
logging.debug('process returns 0')
# Convert from byte string to ASCII
decoded = output.decode('utf-8')
# Split into array of individual lines
lines = decoded.split('\n')
return lines
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
logging.debug('process returns %s', str(err.returncode))
return None
def get_git_commit_data(cwd):
"""Get the branch name and change id of the current commit
cwd: The current working directory, where we want to get the branch
name and change id
Map with 'dir', 'branch_name' and 'change_id' keys. The 'dir'
key maps to the value of os.path.expanduser(cwd)
cwd = git.FindGitTopLevel(os.path.expanduser(cwd))
logging.debug('get_git_commit_data(%s)', cwd)
branch_name = git.GetCurrentBranch(cwd)
if branch_name is None:
logging.error('Cannot determine git branch name in %s; exiting', cwd)
logging.debug('git current branch is %s', branch_name)
change_id = git.GetChangeId(cwd)
if change_id is None:
logging.error('Cannot determine Change-Id in %s; exiting', cwd)
logging.debug('git Change-Id is %s', change_id)
return {
'dir': cwd,
'branch_name': branch_name,
'change_id': change_id
def change_id_to_sha(git_repo, change_id):
"""Find the SHA for a given Change-Id.
git_repo: Directory of git repository.
change_id: The Change-Id to search for.
The SHA hash for the Change-Id if only one commit is found.
None if the Change-Id was not found.
Raises a ValueError if more than one commit is found with the
same Change-Id.
output = git.Log(git_repo, max_count=1, format='format:%H',
grep=fr'^Change-Id: {change_id}$')
sha_hashes = output.splitlines()
if not sha_hashes:
return None
if len(sha_hashes) > 1:
raise ValueError('More than one SHA with that Change-Id found')
return sha_hashes[0]
def get_commit_msg(git_repo, rev):
"""Get the commit message for a given revision.
Because git.Log doesn't allow specifying check=False or getting the
returncode, we have to catch the CalledProcessError instead.
git_repo: Directory of git repository.
rev: The revision to search for, a SHA or a label.
The commit message as a list of strings, if the revision exists.
None if the revision was not found.
msg = git.Log(git_repo, max_count=1, format='format:%B', rev=rev)
return msg.splitlines()
except cros_build_lib.CalledProcessError as err:
raise ValueError('SHA was not found') from err
def emerge_with_workon(status, workon_pkgs, emerge_cmd, emerge_pkgs, env=None):
"""Emerge a list of packages after `cros_workon start`ing them
This function will `cros_workon start` a list of packages, then `emerge`
another list of packages, and finally, `cros_workon stop` only those
packages that were actually started by the `cros_workon start` command.
Any package already in a `cros_workon start` state prior to this function
will still be in that state when this function exits.
To determine which packages this program started and which ones were
already started, we query the list of packages being worked on, then
cros_workon start the entire list (which will produce a "package already
being worked on" type of message for anything already started), and then
query the list of packages being worked on again. The difference between
the before and after lists are the packages that this program started,
and so that's the list of packages to cros_workon stop after the emerge
is done.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
workon_pkgs: list of packages to `cros_workon start`
emerge_cmd: the emerge command to run, e.g. 'emerge-volteer'
emerge_pkgs: list of packages to `emerge`
env: environment to pass to run_process, or None to pass default
True if everything succeeded, False if something failed
# Get the list of packages that are already cros_workon started.
build_target = build_target_lib.BuildTarget(status.base)
workon = workon_helper.WorkonHelper(build_target.root,
before_workon = workon.ListAtoms()
# Only cros_workon start if the list is non-empty
if workon_pkgs:
# Determine which packages we need to cros_workon stop.
after_workon = workon.ListAtoms()
stop_packages = list(set(after_workon) - set(before_workon))
# Run the emerge command.
emerge_result = run_process([emerge_cmd] + emerge_pkgs, env=env)
# If the list is non-empty, cros_workon stop before returning the result.
if stop_packages:
return emerge_result
def project_config(status):
"""Check if the project config is correct and complete
For programs that use the new project/config structure with starlark
configuration files, this function will check that emerging the
project's configuration will result in a project-config.json that
includes the new name of the new hwdesign (a.k.a. "variant").
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if everything succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step project_config')
if not emerge_with_workon(status, status.config_workon_pkgs,
status.emerge_cmd, status.config_emerge_pkgs):
raise RuntimeError('Building the configuration failed.')
# Make sure project-config.json exists in the /build tree
emerged_json = os.path.join(
if not os.path.isfile(emerged_json):
raise RuntimeError(
f'project-config.json {emerged_json} does not exist.')
# Search the JSON for a config with the new variant's name
with open(emerged_json, 'r') as fp:
pc = json.load(fp)
names = {config['name'] for config in pc['chromeos']['configs']}
if status.variant not in names:
raise RuntimeError(
f'variant name {status.variant} not found in {emerged_json}')
except RuntimeError as e:
logging.error('Please file a bug in Infra > ChromeOS > Product > Device'
' to have the project configuration updated.')
return False
return True
def fw_build_config(status):
"""Add the _FW_BUILD_CONFIG setting to the project config
For programs that use the new project/config structure with starlark
configuration files, this function calls, which will
modify the file to have a default _FW_BUILD_CONFIG entry.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if everything succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step fw_build_config')
fw_build_config_sh = os.path.join(status.my_loc, '')
rc = run_process(
if rc:
status.commits[step_names.FW_BUILD_CONFIG] = get_git_commit_data(
status.base, status.variant))
return rc
def create_coreboot_variant(status):
"""Create source files for a new variant of the reference board in coreboot
This function calls to set up a new variant
of the reference board.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if everything succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step create_coreboot_variant')
cb_src_dir = os.path.join('/mnt/host/source/src/', status.coreboot_dir)
environ = {**os.environ, 'CB_SRC_DIR': cb_src_dir,
'NEW_VARIANT_BRANCH': status.branch}
create_coreboot_variant_sh = os.path.join(status.my_loc,
rc = run_process(
status.bug], env=environ)
if rc:
status.commits[step_names.CB_VARIANT] = get_git_commit_data(cb_src_dir)
return rc
def create_coreboot_config(status):
"""Create a coreboot configuration for a new variant
This function calls, which will make a copy
of coreboot.${BOARD} into coreboot.${VARIANT}.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the script and test build succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step create_coreboot_config')
# Only set CB_CONFIG_DIR if it's not None, so here we have to copy
# the environment first and then optionally add a key.
environ = os.environ.copy()
if status.cb_config_dir is not None:
environ['CB_CONFIG_DIR'] = status.cb_config_dir
create_coreboot_config_sh = os.path.join(status.my_loc,
rc = run_process(
status.bug], env=environ)
if rc:
# Use status.cb_config_dir if defined, or if not, use
# '/mnt/host/source/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay'
cb_config_dir = os.path.join(
status.cb_config_dir or 'third_party/chromiumos-overlay')
status.commits[step_names.CB_CONFIG] = get_git_commit_data(
return rc
def copy_cras_config(status):
"""Copy the cras config for a new variant
This is only necessary for the Zork baseboard right now.
This function calls, which will copy the
cras config in overlays/overlay-${BASE}/chromeos-base/\
chromeos-bsp-${BASE}/files/cras-config/${BASE} to .../${VARIANT}
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the script and test build succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step copy_cras_config')
copy_cras_config_sh = os.path.join(status.my_loc, '')
rc = run_process(
if rc:
status.commits[step_names.CRAS_CONFIG] = get_git_commit_data(
return rc
def add_fitimage(status):
"""Add the source files for a fitimage for the new variant
This function calls to create a new XSL file for the
variant's fitimage, which can override settings from the reference board's
XSL. When this is done, the user will have to build the fitimage by running outside of the chroot (and outside of this program's
control) because uses WINE, which is not installed in
the chroot. (There is a linux version of FIT, but it requires Open GL,
which is also not installed in the chroot.)
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the script succeeded, False otherwise
"""'Running step add_fitimage')
add_fitimage_sh = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(
'/mnt/host/source/src', status.fitimage_dir, status.fitimage_script))
rc = run_process(
if rc:
fitimage_dir = os.path.join('/mnt/host/source/src', status.fitimage_dir)
status.commits[step_names.COMMIT_FIT] = get_git_commit_data(
return rc
def gen_fit_image_outside_chroot(status):
"""Tell the user to run outside the chroot
As noted for add_Fitimage(), cannot run inside the
chroot. This function tells the user to run in
their normal environment, and then come back (--continue) when that
is done.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
"""'Running step gen_fit_image_outside_chroot')
fit_image_files = check_fit_image_files(status)
# If the list is empty, then `not` of the list is True, so the files
# we need are all present and we can continue.
if not fit_image_files:
return True
logging.error('The following files need to be generated:')
for filename in fit_image_files:
logging.error('* %s', filename)
'The fitimage sources are ready for to process.')
' cannot run inside the chroot. Open a new terminal,')
'change to the directory where is located, and run')
logging.error(status.fitimage_cmd, status.variant)
logging.error('Then re-start this program with --continue.')
'If your chroot is based in ~/chromiumos, then the folder you want is')
logging.error('~/chromiumos/src/%s/asset_generation', status.fitimage_dir)
return False
def check_fit_image_files(status):
"""Check if the fitimage has been generated
This function is not called directly as a step, and so it doesn't need
to produce any error messages to the user (except with --verbose).
gen_fit_image_outside_chroot will call this function to see if the
fitimage files exist, and if not, then that function will print the
message about how the user needs to run outside the
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
List of files that *DO NOT* exist and need to be created, [] if
all files are present.
outputs_dir = os.path.join('/mnt/host/source/src', status.fitimage_dir,
logging.debug('outputs_dir = "%s"', outputs_dir)
files_not_found = []
fitimage_bin = 'fitimage-' + status.variant + '.bin'
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outputs_dir, fitimage_bin)):
fitimage_versions = 'fitimage-' + status.variant + '-versions.txt'
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(outputs_dir, fitimage_versions)):
return files_not_found
def commit_fitimage(status):
"""Add the fitimage files to the git commit
This function calls to move the fitimage binary and
-versions files from asset_generation/outputs to files/ and then adds
those files and fit.log to the existing git commit.
Depending on the baseboard, there may be different file names (such
as fit-${VARIANT}.log for volteer) and/or additional files (such as
files/blobs/description-${VARIANT}.bin for volteer)
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the script succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step commit_fitimage')
commit_fitimage_sh = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(
'/mnt/host/source/src', status.fitimage_dir,
return run_process([commit_fitimage_sh, status.variant])
def create_initial_ec_image(status):
"""Create an EC image for the variant as a clone of the reference board
This function calls, which will clone the
reference board to create the variant. The shell script will build the
EC code for the variant.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the script and test build succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step create_initial_ec_image')
environ = {**os.environ, 'NEW_VARIANT_BRANCH': status.branch}
create_initial_ec_image_sh = os.path.join(status.my_loc,
if not run_process(
status.bug], env=environ):
return False
# No need to `if rc:` because we already tested the run_process result above
status.commits[step_names.EC_IMAGE] = get_git_commit_data(
# will build the ec.bin for this variant
# if successful.
ec_dir = '/mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec'
ec_bin = os.path.join(ec_dir, 'build', status.variant, 'ec.bin')
logging.debug('ec.bin = "%s"', ec_bin)
if not os.path.isfile(ec_bin):
logging.error('EC binary %s not found', ec_bin)
return False
return True
def ec_buildall(status):
"""Deprecated function that used to do a make buildall -j for the EC
The EC repo upload hook used to require a make buildall -j before
uploading. As of this requirement has been removed,
so this step is no longer necessary.
This function still exists so that if someone has a new variant already
in progress and they update, it won't break. Eventually,
this function will be removed completely.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
"""'Running deprecated step ec_buildall')
del status # unused parameter
return True
def add_variant_to_public_yaml(status):
"""Add the new variant to the public model.yaml file
This function calls to add the new variant to
the public model.yaml file.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the script succeeded, False is something failed
"""'Running step add_variant_to_public_yaml')
add_variant_to_yaml_sh = os.path.join(status.my_loc,
rc = run_process(
if rc:
status.commits[step_names.ADD_PUB_YAML] = get_git_commit_data(
return rc
def add_variant_to_private_yaml(status):
"""Add the new variant to the private model.yaml file
This function calls to add the new variant to
the private model.yaml file.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the script succeeded, False is something failed
"""'Running step add_variant_to_private_yaml')
add_variant_sh = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join(status.private_yaml_dir,
rc = run_process(
if rc:
status.commits[step_names.ADD_PRIV_YAML] = get_git_commit_data(
return rc
def build_config(status):
"""Build project config files, from yaml or starlark
This function builds the project config files that mosys and other tools
use, then verifies that the new variant's name shows up in all of the
output files. Depending on the baseboard, the input may be the model.yaml
files, or the starlark configuration files.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the scripts and build succeeded, False is something failed
"""'Running step build_config')
if not emerge_with_workon(status, status.config_workon_pkgs,
status.emerge_cmd, status.config_emerge_pkgs):
return False
# Check the generated config.yaml file for occurences of the variant
# name to determine if the emerge was successful.
config_yaml = os.path.join(
'/build', status.base, 'usr/share/chromeos-config/yaml/config.yaml')
logging.debug('config_yaml = "%s"', config_yaml)
if not os.path.isfile(config_yaml):
logging.error('%s does not exist', config_yaml)
return False
if not status.variant in osutils.ReadFile(config_yaml):
logging.error('variant name %s not found in yaml file %s',
status.variant, config_yaml)
return False
return True
def emerge_all(status):
"""Build the coreboot BIOS and EC code for the new variant
This build step will cros_workon start a list of packages provided by
the reference board data as status.workon_pkgs, then emerge a list of
packages (status.emerge_pkgs), and then cros_workon stop any packages
that it started. Any packages that were already being worked on will
not be stopped.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step emerge_all')
environ = {**os.environ, 'FW_NAME': status.variant}
if not emerge_with_workon(status, status.workon_pkgs,
status.emerge_cmd, status.emerge_pkgs,
return False
# Check if the expected build outputs exist.
build_path = '/build/' + status.base + '/firmware'
logging.debug('build_path = "%s"', build_path)
image_bin = 'image-' + status.variant + '.bin'
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(build_path, image_bin)):
logging.error('emerge failed because %s does not exist', image_bin)
return False
serial_bin = 'image-' + status.variant + '.serial.bin'
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(build_path, serial_bin)):
logging.error('emerge failed because %s does not exist', serial_bin)
return False
return True
def push_coreboot(status):
"""Push the coreboot CL to
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step push_coreboot')
# Set up a return code that may change to False if we find that a
# coreboot CL has not been uploaded.
rc = True
for commit_key in status.coreboot_push_list:
logging.debug('Processing key %s', commit_key)
commit = status.commits[commit_key]
if 'gerrit' not in commit or 'cl_number' not in commit:
change_id = commit['change_id']
cl = find_change_id(change_id)
if cl is not None:
save_cl_data(status, commit_key, cl)
logging.debug('Not found %s, need to upload', change_id)
'The following commit needs to be pushed to')
logging.error(' Branch "%s"', commit['branch_name'])
logging.error(' in directory "%s"', commit['dir'])
logging.error(' with change-id "%s"', commit['change_id'])
logging.error('Please push the branch to, '
'and then re-start this program with --continue')
# Since this commit needs to be uploaded, do not continue after
# this step returns.
rc = False
instance_name = commit['gerrit']
cl_number = commit['cl_number']
logging.debug('Already uploaded (%s, %s)', instance_name, cl_number)
return rc
def query_gerrit(instance, change_id):
"""Search a gerrit instance for a specific change_id
instance: gerrit instance to query. Suitable values come from
gerrit.GetCrosInternal() and gerrit.GetCrosExternal()
change_id: The change_id to search for
CL number if found, None if not
raw = instance.Query(change=change_id, raw=True)
if raw:
# If the CL was found by change_id, there will be only one,
# because the change_id is used to recognize a new patchset
# on an existing CL.
return raw[0]['number']
return None
def query_coreboot_gerrit(change_id):
"""Search the coreboot gerrit for a specific change_id
Use the REST API to look for the change_id. See
for details on the REST API to search for a change-id.
We can't use query_gerrit with a manually constructed GerritHelper
because we need the user's private SSH key to access,
but these are not available inside the chroot.
change_id: The change_id to search for
CL number if found, None if not
r = requests.get('' + change_id)
response = r.content.decode('utf-8')
# Check if the response starts with 'Not found', in which case return None
if response.startswith('Not found:'):
return None
# Strip off the initial )]}'\n that is used as XSS protections, see
# and decode as JSON.
data = json.loads(response[5:])
if '_number' in data:
return str(data['_number'])
return None
def find_change_id(change_id):
"""Search the public and private ChromeOS gerrit instances for a change-id
change_id: Change-Id to search for in both gerrit instances
Tuple of the gerrit instance ('chromium' or 'chrome-internal') and
the CL number if the Change-Id is found.
None if not found.
cl_number = query_gerrit(gerrit.GetCrosExternal(), change_id)
if cl_number:
return 'chromium', cl_number
cl_number = query_gerrit(gerrit.GetCrosInternal(), change_id)
if cl_number:
return 'chrome-internal', cl_number
cl_number = query_coreboot_gerrit(change_id)
if cl_number:
return 'coreboot', cl_number
return None
def save_cl_data(status, commit_key, cl):
"""Save the gerrit instance and CL number to the yaml file
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
commit_key: Which key in the commits map we're processing
cl: Value returned by find_change_id, should be a tuple
of instance_name, cl_number
instance_name, cl_number = cl
print(f'Found ({instance_name}, {cl_number}), saving to yaml')
status.commits[commit_key]['gerrit'] = instance_name
status.commits[commit_key]['cl_number'] = cl_number
def repo_upload(branch_name, cwd):
"""Upload a branch to gerrit
This function runs `repo upload` in the specified directory to upload
a branch to gerrit. Because it's operating in a directory and with a
branch name, it could upload more than one commit, which is OK because
we'll look for each commit by change-id before trying to upload in that
directory. For example, this happens in Zork, where the cb_config step
and the cras_config step both have a commit in src/overlays. When we're
processing the cb_config step and we `repo upload` in src/overlays, it
will also upload the commit for cras_config. Then we come around to the
cras_config step, and since we can find a CL with the change-id, we don't
try to upload again.
branch_name: the name of the branch to upload. Gets passed to
repo upload with the --br flag
cwd: directory where we want to upload. Gets set as the working
directory for executing repo upload.
True if repo upload exits with a successful error code, false otherwise
return run_process(
'--br=' + branch_name,
def upload_CLs(status):
"""Upload all CLs to chromiumos
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step upload_CLs')
for commit_key in status.repo_upload_list:
logging.debug('Processing key %s', commit_key)
commit = status.commits[commit_key]
if 'gerrit' not in commit or 'cl_number' not in commit:
change_id = commit['change_id']
cl = find_change_id(change_id)
if cl is not None:
save_cl_data(status, commit_key, cl)
logging.debug('Not found %s, need to upload', change_id)
if not repo_upload(commit['branch_name'], commit['dir']):
logging.error('Repo upload %s in %s failed!',
return False
cl = find_change_id(change_id)
if cl is None:
'repo upload %s succeeded, but change_id is not found!',
return False
save_cl_data(status, commit_key, cl)
instance_name = commit['gerrit']
cl_number = commit['cl_number']
logging.debug('Already uploaded (%s, %s)', instance_name, cl_number)
return True
def find_coreboot_upstream(status):
"""Find the upstream coreboot CL in chromiumos
When the coreboot variant CL is first uploaded to,
it is not visible in the chromiumos tree (and also cannot be used as
a target for cq-depend). There is a process for upstream CLs from
coreboot after they have been reviewed, approved, and merged. We can
track a specific coreboot CL if we know the change-id that it used on
the coreboot gerrit instance, by looking for that change-id as
'original-change-id' in the public chromium gerrit instance.
The change-id for the coreboot variant will be under the 'cb_variant' key,
but this is for the 'coreboot' gerrit instance.
When we find the upstreamed CL, we will record the gerrit instance and
CL number in the yaml file under the 'find' key ("find upstream coreboot")
so that we don't need to search coreboot again.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
"""'Running step find_coreboot_upstream')
# If we have already found the upstream coreboot CL, then exit with success
if step_names.FIND in status.commits:
commit = status.commits[step_names.FIND]
if 'gerrit' in commit and 'cl_number' in commit:
instance_name = commit['gerrit']
cl_number = commit['cl_number']
logging.debug('Already found (%s, %s)', instance_name, cl_number)
return True
# Make sure we have a CB_VARIANT commit and a change_id for it
if step_names.CB_VARIANT not in status.commits:
logging.error('Key %s not found in status.commits',
return False
if 'change_id' not in status.commits[step_names.CB_VARIANT]:
logging.error('Key change_id not found in status.commits[%s]',
return False
# Find the CL by the Original-Change-Id
original_change_id = status.commits[step_names.CB_VARIANT]['change_id']
gerrit_query_args = {
'Original-Change-Id': original_change_id
cros = gerrit.GetCrosExternal()
upstream = cros.Query(**gerrit_query_args)
# If nothing is found, the patch hasn't been upstreamed yet
if not upstream:
logging.error('Program cannot continue without upstream coreboot CL.')
logging.error('(coreboot:%s, change-id %s)',
logging.error('Please wait for the upstream CL, then run this program'
' again with --continue')
return False
# If more than one CL is found, something is very wrong
if len(upstream) != 1:
logging.error('More than one CL was found with Original-Change-Id %s',
return False
# At this point, we know there is only one CL and we can get the
# repo and CL number by splitting on the colon between them.
patchlink = upstream[0].PatchLink()
instance_name, cl_number = patchlink.split(':')
# Can't use get_git_commit_data because we're not pulling this
# information from a git commit, but rather from gerrit.
# We only need the gerrit instance and the CL number so we can have
# other CLs cq-depend on this CL. The other keys are not needed because:
# dir - not needed because we're not going to `cd` there to `repo upload`
# branch_name - not valid; the CL is already merged
# change_id - we use the change_id to find a CL number, and since we
# just found the CL number via original-change-id, this is moot.
status.commits[step_names.FIND] = {
'gerrit': instance_name,
'cl_number': str(cl_number)
return True
def calc_cq_depend(status):
"""Determine the list of CLs for each commit that has dependencies.
status.depends is a map of dependencies from step name to a list of
steps that the step depends on. For each step, find the SHA of the
commit, then find the gerrit instance and CL number of the commits
that it depends on. Construct the Cq-Depends list and save it under
the 'cq_depend' key, i.e. commit['add_priv_yaml']['cq_depend'] or
as it will be stored in the yaml:
cq_depend: 'chromium:1629121, chromium:1638243'
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if all dependencies have been calculated. False if something
failed, usually a commit not found by Change-Id.
"""'Running step calc_cq_depend')
# Iterate through the commits that have dependencies.
for key in status.depends:
logging.debug('Processing %s to add dependencies', key)
# For every commit that has dependencies, find the gerrit instance
# and CL number of the dependencies.
cq_depend_list = []
for depend_key in status.depends[key]:
depend_commit = status.commits[depend_key]
if not 'gerrit' in depend_commit:
logging.error('Commit %s does not have a gerrit instance',
return False
if not 'cl_number' in depend_commit:
logging.error('Commit %s does not have a CL number',
return False
instance_name = depend_commit['gerrit']
cl_number = depend_commit['cl_number']
# Add the 'cq_depend' key to the commit.
cq_depend_str = 'Cq-Depend: %s' % ', '.join(cq_depend_list)
logging.debug('Add to commit %s %s', key, cq_depend_str)
status.commits[key]['cq_depend'] = cq_depend_str
return True
def add_cq_depend_to_commit_msg(git_repo, change_id, cq_depend_str):
"""Update the commit message with a Cq-Depends line.
Find the SHA of the commit, then use git filter-branch --msg-filter
to add the Cq-Depend line just before the Change-Id line. See
for details about Cq-Depend format and location.
git_repo: Directory of git repository.
change_id: The Change-Id to search for.
cq_depend_str: The Cq-Depend string. It must be in the correct format
per chromeos documentation, ready to insert into the commit msg
on the line before Change-Id.
True if `git filter-branch` was successful. False if the command
logging.debug('find SHA of Change-Id %s in %s', change_id, git_repo)
sha = change_id_to_sha(git_repo, change_id)
if sha is None:
logging.error('Cannot find the SHA for Change-Id %s in %s',
change_id, git_repo)
return False
logging.debug('SHA = %s', sha)
# Check if the commit message already has a Cq-Depend line.
msg = get_commit_msg(git_repo, sha)
if any('Cq-Depend' in tmpstr for tmpstr in msg):
logging.debug('Already has Cq-Depend')
return True
# Use git filter-branch --msg-filter to add the Cq-Depend line just
# before the Change-Id line.
environ = {**os.environ, 'FILTER_BRANCH_SQUELCH_WARNING': '1'}
cmd = [
f'sed -E "s/^(Change-Id: {change_id})$/{cq_depend_str}\\n\\1/"',
return run_process(cmd, cwd=git_repo, env=environ)
def add_cq_depend(status):
"""Add Cq-Depend to commits and flag them for re-upload.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the commit messages have been successfully amended, False if
something failed.
"""'Running step add_cq_depend')
for key in status.commits:
commit = status.commits[key]
if 'cq_depend' in commit:
logging.debug('%s has %s', key, commit['cq_depend'])
# Make sure the commit has a working directory and a change_id
# before trying to amend its commit message.
if 'dir' not in commit or 'change_id' not in commit:
logging.error('Missing dir and/or change_id from %s', key)
return False
if not add_cq_depend_to_commit_msg(commit['dir'],
return False
commit['needs_re_upload'] = True
logging.debug('%s no dependencies', key)
return True
def re_upload(status):
"""Re-upload commits that have changed.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
True if the uploads succeeded. False if a repo upload failed.
"""'Running step re_upload')
for key in status.commits:
commit = status.commits[key]
if commit.get('needs_re_upload'):
logging.debug('Re-upload branch %s in %s', commit['branch_name'],
if not repo_upload(commit['branch_name'], commit['dir']):
logging.error('Repo upload %s in %s failed!',
return False
commit['needs_re_upload'] = False
return True
def clean_up(status):
"""Final clean-up, including delete the status file
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
"""'Running step clean_up')
return True
def abort(status):
"""Abort the creation of a new variant by abandoning commits
When the user specifies the --abort flag, we override status.step to
be 'abort' and there is no transition from 'abort' to anything else.
We look at status.commits and for each key, see if we have already
been in that directory and abandoned that specific branch. If not,
abandon the commit and then add the branch+dir to a list of abandoned
commits. We do this because some boards (such as Zork) can have multiple
commits in the same directory and with the same branch name, and we only
want to repo abandon that branch once.
status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
"""'Running step abort')
# Use the set 'abandoned' to keep track of each branch+dir abandoned.
abandoned = set()
for step in status.commits:
logging.debug('Processing step %s', step)
commit = status.commits[step]
branch = commit['branch_name']
cwd = commit['dir']
if (branch, cwd) in abandoned:
logging.debug('Branch %s in directory %s already abandoned',
branch, cwd)
else:'Abandoning branch %s in directory %s',
branch, cwd)
if run_process(['repo', 'abandon', branch, '.'], cwd=cwd):
abandoned.add((branch, cwd))
logging.error('Error while abandoning branch %s', branch)
return False
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit(not int(main()))