| #!/bin/bash |
| |
| # Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| . /usr/share/misc/chromeos-common.sh || exit 1 |
| . /usr/share/misc/shflags || exit 1 |
| |
| . /usr/sbin/write_gpt.sh || exit 1 |
| |
| # Helpful constants. |
| LOGFILE_PATH="/var/log/quick-provision.log" |
| KERN_IMAGE="full_dev_part_KERN.bin.gz" |
| ROOT_IMAGE="full_dev_part_ROOT.bin.gz" |
| STATEFUL_TGZ="stateful.tgz" |
| STATEFUL_DIR="/mnt/stateful_partition" |
| UPDATE_STATE_FILE=".update_available" |
| |
| # Persistent file to log the hashes of contents of files downloaded from |
| # the devserver to help debug crbug.com/788473. |
| HASHES_LOG="/tmp/hashes" |
| |
| # Lock file to ensure quick provisioning script isn't run concurrently |
| # by SSH retries. |
| LOCKFILE="/var/lock/quick-provision.lock" |
| |
| # File to indicate that quick provision has already successfully completed. |
| COMPLETED_FILE="/tmp/quick-provision-complete" |
| |
| PROGRAM="$(basename $0)" |
| FLAGS_HELP="Usage: |
| ${PROGRAM} [flags] <build> <url> |
| " |
| |
| DEFINE_string logfile "${LOGFILE_PATH}" "Path to record logs to." |
| DEFINE_string status_url "" "URL of devserver to post status to." |
| |
| # Parse command line. |
| FLAGS "$@" || exit 1 |
| eval set -- "${FLAGS_ARGV}" |
| |
| usage() { |
| echo "$@" |
| echo |
| flags_help |
| exit 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Log an info line. |
| info() { |
| local line="$*" |
| |
| echo "$(date --rfc-3339=seconds) INFO: ${line}" |
| } |
| |
| # Log an error line. |
| error() { |
| local line="$*" |
| |
| echo "$(date --rfc-3339=seconds) ERROR: ${line}" >&2 |
| } |
| |
| # Log a keyval. |
| keyval() { |
| local line="$*" |
| |
| echo "KEYVAL: ${line}" |
| } |
| |
| # Fatal with a message, updating status prior to exiting. |
| die() { |
| local line="$*" |
| |
| error "FATAL: ${line}" |
| post_status "FATAL: ${line}" |
| exit 1 |
| } |
| |
| # Get the current time as a timestamp. |
| get_timestamp() { |
| date +%s |
| } |
| |
| # Generate keyvals based on the timing of an event. |
| end_timing() { |
| local start_time="$1" |
| local event_name="$2" |
| |
| local end_time="$(get_timestamp)" |
| local elapsed_time="$((end_time - start_time))" |
| |
| keyval "${event_name}_start=${start_time}" |
| keyval "${event_name}_end=${end_time}" |
| keyval "${event_name}_elapsed=${elapsed_time}" |
| } |
| |
| time_cmd() { |
| local event_name="$1" |
| shift |
| local start_time="$(get_timestamp)" |
| "$@" |
| end_timing "${start_time}" "${event_name}" |
| } |
| |
| # Attempt to post a status update for the provision process. |
| # Requires status_url FLAGS to be set. |
| post_status() { |
| local status="$*" |
| |
| logger -t quick-provision "Updated status: ${status}" |
| info "Updated status: ${status}" |
| |
| if [[ -n "${FLAGS_status_url}" ]]; then |
| # Send status in the background -- don't let an RPC call blockage hold up |
| # provisioning. Ignore output unless there is an error. |
| curl -sS -o /dev/null -F "status=<-" "${FLAGS_status_url}" <<< "${status}" & |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Retrieves a URL to stdout. |
| get_url_to_stdout() { |
| local url="$1" |
| |
| # TODO(davidriley): Switch to curl once curl has better retry/resume |
| # semantics. See crbug.com/782416 for details. |
| # TODO(davidriley): Configure timeouts and retries. |
| # TODO(davidriley): curl options: --speed-time, --speed-limit, |
| # --connect-timeout, --max-time, --retry, --retry-delay, --retry-max-time |
| if type wget >/dev/null 2>&1; then |
| wget --progress=dot:giga -S --retry-connrefused -O - "${url}" | \ |
| tee >(md5sum >>"${HASHES_LOG}") |
| else |
| curl "${url}" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Writes to a partition from stdin. |
| write_partition() { |
| local part="$1" |
| |
| # TODO(davidriley): Use tool that only verifies zero blocks before writing. |
| # conv=sparse assumes that zero blocks were previous zero so is not safe |
| # to use. |
| dd of="${part}" obs=2M |
| } |
| |
| # Updates a partition on disk with a given gzip compressed partition URL. |
| # Function will exit script on failure. |
| update_partition() { |
| local url="$1" |
| local part="$2" |
| |
| # TODO(davidriley): Enable blkdiscard when moving to verifying zero blocks |
| # before writing them. |
| # info blkdiscard "${part}" |
| # blkdiscard "${part}" |
| |
| info Updating "${part}" with "${url}" |
| get_url_to_stdout "${url}" | gzip -d | write_partition "${part}" |
| local pipestatus=("${PIPESTATUS[@]}") |
| if [[ "${pipestatus[0]}" -ne "0" ]]; then |
| die "Retrieving ${url} failed. (statuses ${pipestatus[*]})" |
| elif [[ "${pipestatus[1]}" -ne "0" ]]; then |
| die "Decompressing ${url} failed. (statuses ${pipestatus[*]})" |
| elif [[ "${pipestatus[2]}" -ne "0" ]]; then |
| die "Writing to ${part} failed. (statuses ${pipestatus[*]})" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| # Performs a stateful update using a specified stateful.tgz URL. |
| # Function will exit script on failure. |
| stateful_update() { |
| local url="$1" |
| |
| # Stateful reset. |
| info "Stateful reset" |
| post_status "DUT: Stateful reset" |
| "${STATEFUL_DIR}/var_new" \ |
| "${STATEFUL_DIR}/dev_image_new" || die "Unable to reset stateful." |
| |
| # Stateful update. |
| info "Stateful update" |
| post_status "DUT: Stateful update" |
| get_url_to_stdout "${url}" | |
| tar --ignore-command-error --overwrite --directory="${STATEFUL_DIR}" -xzf - |
| local pipestatus=("${PIPESTATUS[@]}") |
| if [[ "${pipestatus[0]}" -ne "0" ]]; then |
| die "Retrieving ${url} failed. (statuses ${pipestatus[*]})" |
| elif [[ "${pipestatus[1]}" -ne "0" ]]; then |
| die "Untarring to ${STATEFUL_DIR} failed. (statuses ${pipestatus[*]})" |
| fi |
| |
| # Stateful clean. |
| info "Stateful clean" |
| post_status "DUT: Stateful clean" |
| printf "clobber" > "${STATEFUL_DIR}/${UPDATE_STATE_FILE}" || \ |
| die "Unable to clean stateful." |
| } |
| |
| # Performs postinst and sets the next kernel. |
| # Function will exit script on failure. |
| set_next_kernel() { |
| local part="$1" |
| |
| # TODO(davidriley): Fix postinst to avoid unnecessary operations like |
| # rewriting hashes and unnecessary delays. |
| info "Update next kernel to try (via postinst)" |
| local tmpmnt="$(mktemp -d)" |
| mount -o ro "${NEXT_ROOT}" "${tmpmnt}" || die "Unable to mount ${NEXT_ROOT}." |
| "${tmpmnt}/postinst" "${NEXT_ROOT}" |
| local retval="$?" |
| umount "${tmpmnt}" |
| rmdir "${tmpmnt}" |
| if [[ "${retval}" -ne "0" ]]; then |
| echo "Downloaded hashes prior to postinst failure:" |
| cat "${HASHES_LOG}" |
| die "postinst failed." |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| provision_device() { |
| local build="$1" |
| local static_url="$2" |
| local script_start_time="$3" |
| |
| if [[ -f "${COMPLETED_FILE}" ]]; then |
| if cmp -s <(echo "${build}") "${COMPLETED_FILE}"; then |
| info "Quick provision already complete to desired version: ${build}" |
| exit 0 |
| else |
| local other_version="$(<"${COMPLETED_FILE}")" |
| die "Previous quick provision attempt to unexpected version has" \ |
| "completed and waiting for reboot: ${other_version}" |
| fi |
| fi |
| |
| load_base_vars |
| |
| local current_root="$(rootdev -s)" |
| local root_disk="$(rootdev -s -d)" |
| info "Current root ${current_root}, disk ${root_disk}" |
| keyval "CURRENT_ROOT=${current_root}" |
| |
| # Handle both /dev/mmcblk0pX and /dev/sdaX style partitions. |
| if [[ "${current_root#${root_disk}}" == "p${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_A}" ]]; then |
| NEXT_KERN="${root_disk}p${NEXT_KERN_PART}" |
| NEXT_ROOT="${root_disk}p${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_B}" |
| elif [[ "${current_root#${root_disk}}" == "p${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_B}" ]]; then |
| NEXT_KERN="${root_disk}p${NEXT_KERN_PART}" |
| NEXT_ROOT="${root_disk}p${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_A}" |
| elif [[ "${current_root#${root_disk}}" == "${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_A}" ]]; then |
| NEXT_KERN="${root_disk}${NEXT_KERN_PART}" |
| NEXT_ROOT="${root_disk}${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_B}" |
| elif [[ "${current_root#${root_disk}}" == "${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_B}" ]]; then |
| NEXT_KERN="${root_disk}${NEXT_KERN_PART}" |
| NEXT_ROOT="${root_disk}${PARTITION_NUM_ROOT_A}" |
| else |
| die "Unexpected root partition ${current_root}" |
| fi |
| |
| info "Will update kern ${NEXT_KERN}, root ${NEXT_ROOT}" |
| |
| # Shutdown ui, update-engine |
| info "Shutting down ui, update-engine" |
| stop ui |
| stop update-engine |
| |
| # Kernel. |
| info "Update kernel ${NEXT_KERN}" |
| post_status "DUT: Updating kernel ${NEXT_KERN}" |
| time_cmd UPDATE_KERNEL \ |
| update_partition "${static_url}/${build}/${KERN_IMAGE}" ${NEXT_KERN} |
| |
| # Rootfs. |
| info "Update rootfs ${NEXT_ROOT}" |
| post_status "DUT: Updating rootfs ${NEXT_ROOT}" |
| time_cmd UPDATE_ROOTFS \ |
| update_partition "${static_url}/${build}/${ROOT_IMAGE}" ${NEXT_ROOT} |
| |
| # Stateful. |
| time_cmd UPDATE_STATEFUL \ |
| stateful_update "${static_url}/${build}/${STATEFUL_TGZ}" |
| |
| # Boot the next kernel. |
| time_cmd SET_NEXT_KERNEL \ |
| set_next_kernel "${NEXT_KERN_PART}" |
| |
| # Record that quick provision is complete to avoid another attempt. |
| echo "${build}" >"${COMPLETED_FILE}" |
| keyval "COMPLETED=${build}" |
| |
| # Reboot in the background, giving time for the ssh invocation to |
| # cleanly terminate. |
| info "Reboot (into ${build})" |
| post_status "DUT: Reboot" |
| (sleep 2; reboot) & |
| |
| end_timing "${script_start_time}" QUICK_PROVISION |
| } |
| |
| main() { |
| if [[ "$#" -ne 2 ]]; then |
| usage "ERROR: Incorrect number of arguments." |
| fi |
| local build="$1" |
| local static_url="$2" |
| |
| local script_start_time="$(get_timestamp)" |
| |
| info "Provisioning ${build} from ${static_url}" |
| keyval "BOOT_ID=$(</proc/sys/kernel/random/boot_id)" |
| keyval "$(grep CHROMEOS_RELEASE_BUILDER_PATH /etc/lsb-release | \ |
| |
| ( |
| # Ensure no concurrent quick provision attempts. |
| time_cmd LOCK_LOCKFILE flock 9 |
| |
| provision_device "${build}" "${static_url}" "${script_start_time}" |
| ) 9>"${LOCKFILE}" |
| } |
| |
| main "$@" |& tee -a "${FLAGS_logfile}" |
| |
| # Return the exit status of the main function. |
| exit "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" |