new_variant: find the upstreamed coreboot CL

After a coreboot patch is merged, it will get upstreamed to the
chromiumos tree as part of a batch. The change-id from the coreboot
gerrit instance will be preserved as original-change-id, so search
for that to find the upstreamed CL in chromiumos gerrit.

Change the messages about doing things outside of
(like generating the fitimage, pushing to coreboot, or waiting for
upstream) from info to error, because these are technically error
conditions that prevent the program from continuing.

TEST=Check operation when the coreboot CL hasn't been pushed yet,
when it hasn't been upstreamed yet, and when it has been upstreamed.
See testdata/ for detailed instructions.

Change-Id: I9f701664d849197cf183fc1fb46f7523095c359c
Tested-by: Paul Fagerburg <>
Tested-by: Martin Roth <>
Reviewed-by: Martin Roth <>
Reviewed-by: Jack Rosenthal <>
Commit-Queue: Paul Fagerburg <>
diff --git a/contrib/variant/ b/contrib/variant/
index d88f4b2..fb0be5b 100755
--- a/contrib/variant/
+++ b/contrib/variant/
@@ -253,6 +253,25 @@
         we are at.
     * yaml_file - internal, just the name of the file where all this data
         gets saved.
+    * commit - a map of maps that tracks all of the git commit and gerrit CL
+        data for each of the steps in the process. For example,
+        status.commit['add_priv_yaml'] is a map that has all the information
+        about the 'add_priv_yaml' step. The keys in the maps allow us to
+        determine where the commit is, the change_id, if it has been uploaded
+        to gerrit and where.
+            branch_name - the name of the git branch
+            change_id - the change-id assigned by the commit hook. Gerrit
+                uses the change_id to track new patchsets in the CL
+            dir - the directory where the commit has been created
+            gerrit - the name of the gerrit instance to which the CL has
+                been uploaded, one of 'chromium', 'chrome-internal', or
+                'coreboot'
+            cl_number - the CL number on the gerrit instance
+        When the commit is created, branch_name, change_id, and dir are all
+        set. The gerrit and cl_number keys are not set until the CL has been
+        uploaded to a gerrit instance.
     These data might come from the status file (because we read it), or
     they might be the initial values after we created the file (because
@@ -617,16 +636,16 @@
     if not fit_image_files:
         return True
-'The following files need to be generated:')
+    logging.error('The following files need to be generated:')
     for filename in fit_image_files:
-'* %s', filename)
-'The fitimage sources are ready for to process.')
-' cannot run inside the chroot. Please open a new terminal')
-'window, change to the directory where is located, and run')
-, status.variant)
-'Then re-start this program with --continue.')
-'If your chroot is based in ~/chromiumos, then the folder you want is')
-'~/chromiumos/src/%s/asset_generation', status.fitimage_dir)
+        logging.error('* %s', filename)
+    logging.error('The fitimage sources are ready for to process.')
+    logging.error(' cannot run inside the chroot. Please open a new terminal')
+    logging.error('window, change to the directory where is located, and run')
+    logging.error(status.fitimage_cmd, status.variant)
+    logging.error('Then re-start this program with --continue.')
+    logging.error('If your chroot is based in ~/chromiumos, then the folder you want is')
+    logging.error('~/chromiumos/src/%s/asset_generation', status.fitimage_dir)
     return False
@@ -960,12 +979,12 @@
                 save_cl_data(status, commit_key, cl)
                 logging.debug(f'Not found {change_id}, need to upload')
-      'The following commit needs to be pushed to')
-      '  Branch "%s"', commit['branch_name'])
-      '  in directory "%s"', commit['dir'])
-      '  with change-id "%s"', commit['change_id'])
-      'Please push the branch to, '\
-                    'and then re-start this program with --continue')
+                logging.error('The following commit needs to be pushed to')
+                logging.error('  Branch "%s"', commit['branch_name'])
+                logging.error('  in directory "%s"', commit['dir'])
+                logging.error('  with change-id "%s"', commit['change_id'])
+                logging.error('Please push the branch to, '
+                              'and then re-start this program with --continue')
                 # Since this commit needs to be uploaded, do not continue after
                 # this step returns.
                 rc = False
@@ -1025,7 +1044,7 @@
     # and decode as JSON.
     data = json.loads(response[5:])
     if '_number' in data:
-        return data['_number']
+        return str(data['_number'])
     return None
@@ -1145,6 +1164,21 @@
 def find_coreboot_upstream(status):
     """Find the coreboot CL after it has been upstreamed to chromiumos
+    When the coreboot variant CL is first uploaded to,
+    it is not visible in the chromiumos tree (and also cannot be used as
+    a target for cq-depend). There is a process for upstreaming CLs from
+    coreboot after they have been reviewed, approved, and merged. We can
+    track a specific coreboot CL if we know the change-id that it used on
+    the coreboot gerrit instance, by looking for that change-id as
+    'original-change-id' in the public chromium gerrit instance.
+    The change-id for the coreboot variant will be under the 'cb_variant' key,
+    but this is for the 'coreboot' gerrit instance.
+    When we find the upstreamed CL, we will record the gerrit instance and
+    CL number in the yaml file under the 'find' key ("find upstream coreboot")
+    so that we don't need to search coreboot again.
         status: variant_status object tracking our board, variant, etc.
@@ -1152,8 +1186,67 @@
         True if the build succeeded, False if something failed
     """'Running step find_coreboot_upstream')
-    del status  # unused parameter
-    logging.error('TODO (pfagerburg): implement find_coreboot_upstream')
+    # If we have already found the upstream coreboot CL, then exit with success
+    if step_names.FIND in status.commits:
+        commit = status.commits[step_names.FIND]
+        if 'gerrit' in commit and 'cl_number' in commit:
+            instance_name = commit['gerrit']
+            cl_number = commit['cl_number']
+            logging.debug(f'Already found ({instance_name}, {cl_number})')
+            return True
+    # Make sure we have a CB_VARIANT commit and a change_id for it
+    if step_names.CB_VARIANT not in status.commits:
+        logging.error('Key %s not found in status.commits',
+            step_names.CB_VARIANT)
+        return False
+    if 'change_id' not in status.commits[step_names.CB_VARIANT]:
+        logging.error('Key change_id not found in status.commits[%s]',
+            step_names.CB_VARIANT)
+        return False
+    # Find the CL by the Original-Change-Id
+    original_change_id = status.commits[step_names.CB_VARIANT]['change_id']
+    gerrit_query_args = {
+        'Original-Change-Id': original_change_id
+    }
+    cros = gerrit.GetCrosExternal()
+    upstream = cros.Query(**gerrit_query_args)
+    # If nothing is found, the patch hasn't been upstreamed yet
+    if not upstream:
+        logging.error('Program cannot continue until coreboot CL is upstreamed.')
+        logging.error('(coreboot:%s, change-id %s)',
+            status.commits[step_names.CB_VARIANT]['cl_number'],
+            status.commits[step_names.CB_VARIANT]['change_id'])
+        logging.error('Please wait for the CL to be upstreamed, then run this'
+                      ' program again with --continue')
+        return False
+    # If more than one CL is found, something is very wrong
+    if len(upstream) != 1:
+        logging.error('More than one CL was found with Original-Change-Id %s',
+                      original_change_id)
+        return False
+    # At this point, we know there is only one CL and we can get the
+    # repo and CL number by splitting on the colon between them.
+    patchlink = upstream[0].PatchLink()
+    instance_name, cl_number = patchlink.split(':')
+    # Can't use get_git_commit_data because we're not pulling this
+    # information from a git commit, but rather from gerrit.
+    # We only need the gerrit instance and the CL number so we can have
+    # other CLs cq-depend on this CL. The other keys are not needed because:
+    # dir - not needed because we're not going to `cd` there to `repo upload`
+    # branch_name - not valid; the CL is already merged
+    # change_id - we use the change_id to find a CL number, and since we
+    #   just found the CL number via original-change-id, this is moot.
+    status.commits[step_names.FIND] = {
+        'gerrit': instance_name,
+        'cl_number': str(cl_number)
+    }
     return True
diff --git a/contrib/variant/testdata/ b/contrib/variant/testdata/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3786060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/variant/testdata/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+These instructions show how to test the operation of finding the coreboot
+CL when:
+* the CL hasn't been pushed to yet
+* the CL has been pushed, but has not been upstreamed into the chromiumos tree yet
+* the CL has been upstreamed into chromiumos
+The test yaml files include the CLs for the creation of the Kindred variant.
+The coreboot CL for Kindred is coreboot:32936, and was upstreamed as
+chromium:1641906. These CLs have long since merged, and so nothing will be
+uploaded to any gerrit instances or merged into ToT.
+`need_to_push.yaml` has the change\_id for the coreboot CL modified so that
+the CL cannot be found, which makes it look like the CL has not been pushed.
+The program will ask the user to push it to coreboot.
+`need_to_upstream.yaml` also has the change\_id for the coreboot CL modified,
+but the gerrit instance (coreboot) and CL number (32936) are already there,
+so the CL has already been found. However, searching chromium for that
+change\_id as an original-change-id will fail, indicating that the CL has
+not been upstreamed from coreboot yet.
+`upstreamed.yaml` has the correct change\_id for the coreboot CL. The program
+will find the CL in coreboot, then find the upstreamed CL in chromium, and
+proceed to the cq\_depend step (which is not yet implemented).
+(cr) $ cp testdata/need_to_push.yaml ~/.new_variant.yaml
+(cr) $ ./ --continue
+INFO:root:Running step push_coreboot
+INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
+ERROR:root:The following commit needs to be pushed to
+ERROR:root:  Branch "kindred"
+ERROR:root:  in directory "/mnt/host/source/src/third_party/coreboot"
+ERROR:root:  with change-id "Ithischangeidwillnotbefoundbecauseitdoesntexist"
+ERROR:root:Please push the branch to, and then re-start this program with --continue
+(cr) $ cp testdata/need_to_upstream.yaml ~/.new_variant.yaml
+(cr) $ ./ --continue
+INFO:root:Running step push_coreboot
+INFO:root:Running step upload_CLs
+INFO:root:Running step find_coreboot_upstream
+ERROR:root:Program cannot continue until coreboot CL is upstreamed.
+ERROR:root:(coreboot:32936, change-id Ichangeiddoesntmatterbecausewealreadyknowtheclnumber)
+ERROR:root:Please wait for the CL to be upstreamed, then run this program again with --continue
+(cr) $ cp testdata/upstreamed.yaml ~/.new_variant.yaml
+(cr) $ ./ --continue
+INFO:root:Running step push_coreboot
+INFO:root:Running step upload_CLs
+INFO:root:Running step find_coreboot_upstream
+INFO:root:Running step clean_up
diff --git a/contrib/variant/testdata/need_to_push.yaml b/contrib/variant/testdata/need_to_push.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5bd10b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/variant/testdata/need_to_push.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+base: hatch
+board: hatch
+bug: None
+cb_config_dir: null
+  add_priv_yaml:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I76071e08e495b9c4bbc37e9f173c63e37b1ce7a4
+    cl_number: '1331261'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private
+    gerrit: chrome-internal
+  add_pub_yaml:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I721ad038ecc1f5accd84a971fb425a9db1cdd790
+    cl_number: '1629121'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/overlays
+    gerrit: chromium
+  cb_config:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I2d0d796c1f3883c5f29c22af1a8bd38ee2a1b139
+    cl_number: '1638243'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay
+    gerrit: chromium
+  cb_variant:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: Ithischangeidwillnotbefoundbecauseitdoesntexist
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/coreboot
+  commit_fit:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I2816a3bb60920c323e64a9e248930a255f9938ea
+    cl_number: '1364967'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private
+    gerrit: chrome-internal
+  ec_image:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: Ie5e976f426537fc0994c43d033a1b595d21095fc
+    cl_number: '1648602'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec
+    gerrit: chromium
+coreboot_dir: third_party/coreboot
+- cb_variant
+emerge_cmd: emerge-hatch
+- coreboot
+- libpayload
+- vboot_reference
+- depthcharge
+- intel-cmlfsp
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-ec
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- chromeos-config
+- chromeos-config-bsp
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch
+- coreboot-private-files
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-bootimage
+fitimage_cmd: ./ %s <path_to_fit_kit> [-b]
+fitimage_dir: private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private/sys-boot/coreboot-private-files-hatch
+fitimage_pkg: coreboot-private-files-hatch
+fsp: intel-cmlfsp
+my_loc: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/dev/contrib/variant
+private_yaml_dir: ~/trunk/src/private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private/chromeos-base/chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- add_priv_yaml
+- add_pub_yaml
+- cb_config
+- commit_fit
+- ec_image
+step: push
+- push
+- upload
+- find
+- clean_up
+variant: kindred
+- coreboot
+- libpayload
+- vboot_reference
+- depthcharge
+- intel-cmlfsp
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-ec
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- chromeos-config-bsp
+- chromeos-config
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
diff --git a/contrib/variant/testdata/need_to_upstream.yaml b/contrib/variant/testdata/need_to_upstream.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..92155a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/variant/testdata/need_to_upstream.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+base: hatch
+board: hatch
+bug: None
+cb_config_dir: null
+  add_priv_yaml:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I76071e08e495b9c4bbc37e9f173c63e37b1ce7a4
+    cl_number: '1331261'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private
+    gerrit: chrome-internal
+  add_pub_yaml:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I721ad038ecc1f5accd84a971fb425a9db1cdd790
+    cl_number: '1629121'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/overlays
+    gerrit: chromium
+  cb_config:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I2d0d796c1f3883c5f29c22af1a8bd38ee2a1b139
+    cl_number: '1638243'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay
+    gerrit: chromium
+  cb_variant:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: Ichangeiddoesntmatterbecausewealreadyknowtheclnumber
+    cl_number: '32936'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/coreboot
+    gerrit: coreboot
+  commit_fit:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I2816a3bb60920c323e64a9e248930a255f9938ea
+    cl_number: '1364967'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private
+    gerrit: chrome-internal
+  ec_image:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: Ie5e976f426537fc0994c43d033a1b595d21095fc
+    cl_number: '1648602'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec
+    gerrit: chromium
+coreboot_dir: third_party/coreboot
+- cb_variant
+emerge_cmd: emerge-hatch
+- coreboot
+- libpayload
+- vboot_reference
+- depthcharge
+- intel-cmlfsp
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-ec
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- chromeos-config
+- chromeos-config-bsp
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch
+- coreboot-private-files
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-bootimage
+fitimage_cmd: ./ %s <path_to_fit_kit> [-b]
+fitimage_dir: private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private/sys-boot/coreboot-private-files-hatch
+fitimage_pkg: coreboot-private-files-hatch
+fsp: intel-cmlfsp
+my_loc: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/dev/contrib/variant
+private_yaml_dir: ~/trunk/src/private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private/chromeos-base/chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- add_priv_yaml
+- add_pub_yaml
+- cb_config
+- commit_fit
+- ec_image
+step: push
+- push
+- upload
+- find
+- clean_up
+variant: kindred
+- coreboot
+- libpayload
+- vboot_reference
+- depthcharge
+- intel-cmlfsp
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-ec
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- chromeos-config-bsp
+- chromeos-config
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
diff --git a/contrib/variant/testdata/upstreamed.yaml b/contrib/variant/testdata/upstreamed.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3e499c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/variant/testdata/upstreamed.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+base: hatch
+board: hatch
+bug: None
+cb_config_dir: null
+  add_priv_yaml:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I76071e08e495b9c4bbc37e9f173c63e37b1ce7a4
+    cl_number: '1331261'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private
+    gerrit: chrome-internal
+  add_pub_yaml:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I721ad038ecc1f5accd84a971fb425a9db1cdd790
+    cl_number: '1629121'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/overlays
+    gerrit: chromium
+  cb_config:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I2d0d796c1f3883c5f29c22af1a8bd38ee2a1b139
+    cl_number: '1638243'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/chromiumos-overlay
+    gerrit: chromium
+  cb_variant:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I09ad3da0505d599fc3797d7fa24b4dc170dcd18b
+    cl_number: '32936'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/third_party/coreboot
+    gerrit: coreboot
+  commit_fit:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: I2816a3bb60920c323e64a9e248930a255f9938ea
+    cl_number: '1364967'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private
+    gerrit: chrome-internal
+  ec_image:
+    branch_name: kindred
+    change_id: Ie5e976f426537fc0994c43d033a1b595d21095fc
+    cl_number: '1648602'
+    dir: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/ec
+    gerrit: chromium
+coreboot_dir: third_party/coreboot
+- cb_variant
+emerge_cmd: emerge-hatch
+- coreboot
+- libpayload
+- vboot_reference
+- depthcharge
+- intel-cmlfsp
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-ec
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- chromeos-config
+- chromeos-config-bsp
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch
+- coreboot-private-files
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-bootimage
+fitimage_cmd: ./ %s <path_to_fit_kit> [-b]
+fitimage_dir: private-overlays/baseboard-hatch-private/sys-boot/coreboot-private-files-hatch
+fitimage_pkg: coreboot-private-files-hatch
+fsp: intel-cmlfsp
+my_loc: /mnt/host/source/src/platform/dev/contrib/variant
+private_yaml_dir: ~/trunk/src/private-overlays/overlay-hatch-private/chromeos-base/chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- add_priv_yaml
+- add_pub_yaml
+- cb_config
+- commit_fit
+- ec_image
+step: push
+- push
+- upload
+- find
+- cq_depend
+- clean_up
+variant: kindred
+- coreboot
+- libpayload
+- vboot_reference
+- depthcharge
+- intel-cmlfsp
+- coreboot-private-files-hatch
+- chromeos-ec
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private
+- chromeos-config-bsp
+- chromeos-config
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch
+- chromeos-config-bsp-hatch-private