blob: bbc4b6c9706bf93f9af58a5d93d65d6e1d9e6141 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Devserver module for handling update client requests."""
from __future__ import print_function
import json
import os
import threading
import time
from six.moves import urllib
import cherrypy # pylint: disable=import-error
import build_util
import common_util
import devserver_constants as constants
import log_util
# TODO( We try to import nebraska from different places
# because when we install the devserver, we copy the into the main
# directory. Once this bug is resolved, we can always import from nebraska
# directory.
from nebraska import nebraska
except ImportError:
import nebraska
# Module-local log function.
def _Log(message, *args):
return log_util.LogWithTag('UPDATE', message, *args)
class AutoupdateError(Exception):
"""Exception classes used by this module."""
def _ChangeUrlPort(url, new_port):
"""Return the URL passed in with a different port"""
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)
host_port = netloc.split(':')
if len(host_port) == 1:
host_port[1] = new_port
netloc = '%s:%s' % tuple(host_port)
# pylint: disable=too-many-function-args
return urllib.parse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
def _NonePathJoin(*args):
"""os.path.join that filters None's from the argument list."""
return os.path.join(*[x for x in args if x is not None])
class HostInfo(object):
"""Records information about an individual host.
attrs: Static attributes (legacy)
log: Complete log of recorded client entries
def __init__(self):
# A dictionary of current attributes pertaining to the host.
self.attrs = {}
# A list of pairs consisting of a timestamp and a dictionary of recorded
# attributes.
self.log = []
def __repr__(self):
return 'attrs=%s, log=%s' % (self.attrs, self.log)
def AddLogEntry(self, entry):
"""Append a new log entry."""
# Append a timestamp.
assert not 'timestamp' in entry, 'Oops, timestamp field already in use'
entry['timestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Add entry to hosts' message log.
class HostInfoTable(object):
"""Records information about a set of hosts who engage in update activity.
table: Table of information on hosts.
def __init__(self):
# A dictionary of host information. Keys are normally IP addresses.
self.table = {}
def __repr__(self):
return '%s' % self.table
def GetInitHostInfo(self, host_id):
"""Return a host's info object, or create a new one if none exists."""
return self.table.setdefault(host_id, HostInfo())
def GetHostInfo(self, host_id):
"""Return an info object for given host, if such exists."""
return self.table.get(host_id)
class Autoupdate(build_util.BuildObject):
"""Class that contains functionality that handles Chrome OS update pings."""
_PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX = '/static/'
def __init__(self, xbuddy, payload_path=None, proxy_port=None,
critical_update=False, max_updates=-1, host_log=False,
*args, **kwargs):
"""Initializes the class.
xbuddy: The xbuddy path.
payload_path: The path to pre-generated payload to serve.
proxy_port: The port of local proxy to tell client to connect to you
critical_update: Whether provisioned payload is critical.
max_updates: The maximum number of updates we'll try to provision.
host_log: Record full history of host update events.
super(Autoupdate, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.xbuddy = xbuddy
self.payload_path = payload_path
self.proxy_port = proxy_port
self.critical_update = critical_update
self.max_updates = max_updates
self.host_log = host_log
# Initialize empty host info cache. Used to keep track of various bits of
# information about a given host. A host is identified by its IP address.
# The info stored for each host includes a complete log of events for this
# host, as well as a dictionary of current attributes derived from events.
self.host_infos = HostInfoTable()
self._update_count_lock = threading.Lock()
def GetUpdateForLabel(self, label):
"""Given a label, get an update from the directory.
label: the relative directory inside the static dir
A relative path to the directory with the update payload.
This is the label if an update did not need to be generated, but can
be label/cache/hashed_dir_for_update.
AutoupdateError: If client version is higher than available update found
at the directory given by the label.
_Log('Update label: %s', label)
static_update_path = _NonePathJoin(self.static_dir, label,
if label and os.path.exists(static_update_path):
# An update payload was found for the given label, return it.
return label
# The label didn't resolve.
_Log('Did not found any update payload for label %s.', label)
return None
def _LogRequest(self, request):
"""Logs the incoming request in the hostlog.
request: A nebraska.Request object representing the update request.
A named tuple containing attributes of the update requests as the
following fields: 'board', 'event_result' and 'event_type'.
if not self.host_log:
# Add attributes to log message. Some of these values might be None.
log_message = {
'version': request.version,
'track': request.track,
'board': request.board or self.GetDefaultBoardID(),
'event_result': request.app_requests[0].event_result,
'event_type': request.app_requests[0].event_type,
'previous_version': request.app_requests[0].previous_version,
if log_message['previous_version'] is None:
del log_message['previous_version']
# Determine request IP, strip any IPv6 data for simplicity.
client_ip = cherrypy.request.remote.ip.split(':')[-1]
# Obtain (or init) info object for this client.
curr_host_info = self.host_infos.GetInitHostInfo(client_ip)
def GetDevserverUrl(self):
"""Returns the devserver url base."""
x_forwarded_host = cherrypy.request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Host')
if x_forwarded_host:
hostname = 'http://' + x_forwarded_host
hostname = cherrypy.request.base
return hostname
def GetStaticUrl(self):
"""Returns the static url base that should prefix all payload responses."""
hostname = self.GetDevserverUrl()
static_urlbase = '%s/static' % hostname
# If we have a proxy port, adjust the URL we instruct the client to
# use to go through the proxy.
if self.proxy_port:
static_urlbase = _ChangeUrlPort(static_urlbase, self.proxy_port)
_Log('Using static url base %s', static_urlbase)
_Log('Handling update ping as %s', hostname)
return static_urlbase
def GetPathToPayload(self, label, board):
"""Find a payload locally.
See devserver's update rpc for documentation.
label: from update request
board: from update request
The relative path to an update from the static_dir
AutoupdateError: If the update could not be found.
path_to_payload = None
# TODO( deprecate --payload flag
if self.payload_path:
# Copy the image from the path to '/forced_payload'
label = 'forced_payload'
dest_path = os.path.join(self.static_dir, label, constants.UPDATE_FILE)
dest_stateful = os.path.join(self.static_dir, label,
dest_meta = os.path.join(self.static_dir, label,
src_path = os.path.abspath(self.payload_path)
src_meta = os.path.abspath(self.payload_path + '.json')
src_stateful = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src_path),
common_util.MkDirP(os.path.join(self.static_dir, label))
common_util.SymlinkFile(src_path, dest_path)
common_util.SymlinkFile(src_meta, dest_meta)
if os.path.exists(src_stateful):
# The stateful payload is optional.
common_util.SymlinkFile(src_stateful, dest_stateful)
_Log('WARN: %s not found. Expected for dev and test builds',
if os.path.exists(dest_stateful):
path_to_payload = self.GetUpdateForLabel(label)
label = label or ''
label_list = label.split('/')
# Suppose that the path follows old protocol of indexing straight
# into static_dir with board/version label.
# Attempt to get the update in that directory, generating if necc.
path_to_payload = self.GetUpdateForLabel(label)
if path_to_payload is None:
# There was no update found in the directory. Let XBuddy find the
# payloads.
if label_list[0] == 'xbuddy':
# If path explicitly calls xbuddy, pop off the tag.
x_label, _ = self.xbuddy.Translate(label_list, board=board)
# Path has been resolved, try to get the payload.
path_to_payload = self.GetUpdateForLabel(x_label)
if path_to_payload is None:
# No update payload found after translation. Try to get an update to
# a test image from GS using the label.
path_to_payload, _image_name = self.xbuddy.Get(
['remote', label, 'full_payload'])
# One of the above options should have gotten us a relative path.
if path_to_payload is None:
raise AutoupdateError('Failed to get an update for: %s' % label)
return path_to_payload
def HandleUpdatePing(self, data, label=''):
"""Handles an update ping from an update client.
data: XML blob from client.
label: optional label for the update.
Update payload message for client.
# Get the static url base that will form that base of our update url e.g.
# http://hostname:8080/static/update.gz.
static_urlbase = self.GetStaticUrl()
# Process attributes of the update check.
request = nebraska.Request(data)
if request.request_type == nebraska.Request.RequestType.EVENT:
if (request.app_requests[0].event_type ==
request.app_requests[0].event_result ==
with self._update_count_lock:
if self.max_updates == 0:
_Log('Received too many download_started notifications. This '
'probably means a bug in the test environment, such as too '
'many clients running concurrently. Alternatively, it could '
'be a bug in the update client.')
elif self.max_updates > 0:
self.max_updates -= 1
_Log('A non-update event notification received. Returning an ack.')
nebraska_obj = nebraska.Nebraska()
return nebraska_obj.GetResponseToRequest(request)
# Make sure that we did not already exceed the max number of allowed update
# responses. Note that the counter is only decremented when the client
# reports an actual download, to avoid race conditions between concurrent
# update requests from the same client due to a timeout.
if self.max_updates == 0:
_Log('Request received but max number of updates already served.')
nebraska_obj = nebraska.Nebraska()
return nebraska_obj.GetResponseToRequest(request, no_update=True)
_Log('Update Check Received.')
path_to_payload = self.GetPathToPayload(label, request.board)
base_url = _NonePathJoin(static_urlbase, path_to_payload)
local_payload_dir = _NonePathJoin(self.static_dir, path_to_payload)
except AutoupdateError as e:
# Raised if we fail to generate an update payload.
_Log('Failed to process an update request, but we will defer to '
'nebraska to respond with no-update. The error was %s', e)
_Log('Responding to client to use url %s to get image', base_url)
nebraska_obj = nebraska.Nebraska(update_payloads_address=base_url,
return nebraska_obj.GetResponseToRequest(
request, critical_update=self.critical_update)
def HandleHostInfoPing(self, ip):
"""Returns host info dictionary for the given IP in JSON format."""
assert ip, 'No ip provided.'
if ip in self.host_infos.table:
return json.dumps(self.host_infos.GetHostInfo(ip).attrs)
def HandleHostLogPing(self, ip):
"""Returns a complete log of events for host in JSON format."""
# If all events requested, return a dictionary of logs keyed by IP address.
if ip == 'all':
return json.dumps(
dict([(key, self.host_infos.table[key].log)
for key in self.host_infos.table]))
# Otherwise we're looking for a specific IP address, so find its log.
if ip in self.host_infos.table:
return json.dumps(self.host_infos.GetHostInfo(ip).log)
# If no events were logged for this IP, return an empty log.
return json.dumps([])