blob: c2a659bbdb7654f910c7dd9b9a4d47e18e86f08c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Helper class for interacting with the Dev Server."""
import cherrypy
import distutils.version
import errno
import os
import random
import shutil
import time
import downloadable_artifact
import gsutil_util
AU_BASE = 'au'
class DevServerUtilError(Exception):
"""Exception classes used by this module."""
def ParsePayloadList(payload_list):
"""Parse and return the full/delta payload URLs.
payload_list: A list of Google Storage URLs.
Tuple of 3 payloads URLs: (full, nton, mton).
DevServerUtilError: If payloads missing or invalid.
full_payload_url = None
mton_payload_url = None
nton_payload_url = None
for payload in payload_list:
if '_full_' in payload:
full_payload_url = payload
elif '_delta_' in payload:
# e.g. chromeos_{from_version}_{to_version}_x86-generic_delta_dev.bin
from_version, to_version = payload.rsplit('/', 1)[1].split('_')[1:3]
if from_version == to_version:
nton_payload_url = payload
mton_payload_url = payload
if not full_payload_url or not nton_payload_url:
raise DevServerUtilError(
'Payloads are missing or have unexpected name formats.', payload_list)
return full_payload_url, nton_payload_url, mton_payload_url
def GatherArtifactDownloads(main_staging_dir, archive_url, build, build_dir):
"""Generates artifacts that we mean to download and install for autotest.
This method generates the list of artifacts we will need for autotest. These
artifacts are instances of downloadable_artifact.DownloadableArtifact.
Note, these artifacts can be downloaded asynchronously iff
cmd = 'gsutil ls %s/*.bin' % archive_url
msg = 'Failed to get a list of payloads.'
payload_list = gsutil_util.GSUtilRun(cmd, msg).splitlines()
# First we gather the urls/paths for the update payloads.
full_url, nton_url, mton_url = ParsePayloadList(payload_list)
full_payload = os.path.join(build_dir, downloadable_artifact.ROOT_UPDATE)
nton_payload = os.path.join(build_dir, AU_BASE, build + NTON_DIR_SUFFIX,
artifacts = []
main_staging_dir, full_payload, synchronous=True))
main_staging_dir, nton_payload))
if mton_url:
mton_payload = os.path.join(build_dir, AU_BASE, build + MTON_DIR_SUFFIX,
mton_url, main_staging_dir, mton_payload))
# Next we gather the miscellaneous payloads.
stateful_url = archive_url + '/' + downloadable_artifact.STATEFUL_UPDATE
autotest_url = archive_url + '/' + downloadable_artifact.AUTOTEST_PACKAGE
test_suites_url = (archive_url + '/' +
stateful_payload = os.path.join(build_dir,
stateful_url, main_staging_dir, stateful_payload, synchronous=True))
autotest_url, main_staging_dir, build_dir))
test_suites_url, main_staging_dir, build_dir, synchronous=True))
return artifacts
def GatherSymbolArtifactDownloads(temp_download_dir, archive_url, staging_dir,
timeout=600, delay=10):
"""Generates debug symbol artifacts that we mean to download and stage.
This method generates the list of artifacts we will need to
symbolicate crash dumps that occur during autotest runs. These
artifacts are instances of downloadable_artifact.DownloadableArtifact.
This will poll google storage until the debug symbol artifact becomes
available, or until the 10 minute timeout is up.
@param temp_download_dir: the tempdir into which we're downloading artifacts
prior to staging them.
@param archive_url: the google storage url of the bucket where the debug
symbols for the desired build are stored.
@param staging_dir: the dir into which to stage the symbols
@return an iterable of one DebugTarball pointing to the right debug symbols.
This is an iterable so that it's similar to GatherArtifactDownloads.
Also, it's possible that someday we might have more than one.
symbol_url = archive_url + '/' + downloadable_artifact.DEBUG_SYMBOLS
cmd = 'gsutil ls %s' % symbol_url
msg = 'Debug symbols for %s not archived.' % archive_url
deadline = time.time() + timeout
while time.time() < deadline:
to_delay = delay + random.choice([-1, 1]) * random.random() * .5 * delay
gsutil_util.GSUtilRun(cmd, msg)
except gsutil_util.GSUtilError as e:
cherrypy.log('%s, Retrying in %f seconds...' % (e, to_delay),
# On the last try, run and allow exceptions to escape.
gsutil_util.GSUtilRun(cmd, msg)
return [downloadable_artifact.DebugTarball(symbol_url, temp_download_dir,
def PrepareBuildDirectory(build_dir):
"""Preliminary staging of installation directory for build.
build_dir: Directory to install build components into.
if not os.path.isdir(build_dir):
# Create blank chromiumos_test_image.bin. Otherwise the Dev Server will
# try to rebuild it unnecessarily.
test_image = os.path.join(build_dir, downloadable_artifact.TEST_IMAGE)
open(test_image, 'a').close()
def SafeSandboxAccess(static_dir, path):
"""Verify that the path is in static_dir.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
path: Path to verify.
True if path is in static_dir, False otherwise
static_dir = os.path.realpath(static_dir)
path = os.path.realpath(path)
return (path.startswith(static_dir) and path != static_dir)
def AcquireLock(static_dir, tag):
"""Acquires a lock for a given tag.
Creates a directory for the specified tag, telling other
components the resource/task represented by the tag is unavailable.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
tag: Unique resource/task identifier. Use '/' for nested tags.
Path to the created directory or None if creation failed.
DevServerUtilError: If lock can't be acquired.
build_dir = os.path.join(static_dir, tag)
if not SafeSandboxAccess(static_dir, build_dir):
raise DevServerUtilError('Invalid tag "%s".' % tag)
except OSError, e:
if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
raise DevServerUtilError(str(e))
return build_dir
def ReleaseLock(static_dir, tag):
"""Releases the lock for a given tag. Removes lock directory content.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
tag: Unique resource/task identifier. Use '/' for nested tags.
DevServerUtilError: If lock can't be released.
build_dir = os.path.join(static_dir, tag)
if not SafeSandboxAccess(static_dir, build_dir):
raise DevServerUtilError('Invaid tag "%s".' % tag)
def FindMatchingBoards(static_dir, board):
"""Returns a list of boards given a partial board name.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
board: Partial board name for this build; e.g. x86-generic.
Returns a list of boards given a partial board.
return [brd for brd in os.listdir(static_dir) if board in brd]
def FindMatchingBuilds(static_dir, board, build):
"""Returns a list of matching builds given a board and partial build.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
board: Partial board name for this build; e.g. x86-generic-release.
build: Partial build string to look for; e.g. R17-1234.
Returns a list of (board, build) tuples given a partial board and build.
matches = []
for brd in FindMatchingBoards(static_dir, board):
a = [(brd, bld) for bld in
os.listdir(os.path.join(static_dir, brd)) if build in bld]
return matches
def GetLatestBuildVersion(static_dir, target, milestone=None):
"""Retrieves the latest build version for a given board.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
target: The build target, typically a combination of the board and the
type of build e.g. x86-mario-release.
milestone: For latest build set to None, for builds only in a specific
milestone set to a str of format Rxx (e.g. R16). Default: None.
If latest found, a full build string is returned e.g. R17-1234.0.0-a1-b983.
If no latest is found for some reason or another a '' string is returned.
DevServerUtilError: If for some reason the latest build cannot be
deteremined, this could be due to the dir not existing or no builds
being present after filtering on milestone.
target_path = os.path.join(static_dir, target)
if not os.path.isdir(target_path):
raise DevServerUtilError('Cannot find path %s' % target_path)
builds = [distutils.version.LooseVersion(build) for build in
if milestone and builds:
# Check if milestone Rxx is in the string representation of the build.
builds = filter(lambda x: milestone.upper() in str(x), builds)
if not builds:
raise DevServerUtilError('Could not determine build for %s' % target)
return str(max(builds))
def CloneBuild(static_dir, board, build, tag, force=False):
"""Clone an official build into the developer sandbox.
Developer sandbox directory must already exist.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
board: Fully qualified board name; e.g. x86-generic-release.
build: Fully qualified build string; e.g. R17-1234.0.0-a1-b983.
tag: Unique resource/task identifier. Use '/' for nested tags.
force: Force re-creation of build_dir even if it already exists.
The path to the new build.
# Create the developer build directory.
dev_static_dir = os.path.join(static_dir, DEV_BUILD_PREFIX)
dev_build_dir = os.path.join(dev_static_dir, tag)
official_build_dir = os.path.join(static_dir, board, build)
cherrypy.log('Cloning %s -> %s' % (official_build_dir, dev_build_dir),
dev_build_exists = False
AcquireLock(dev_static_dir, tag)
except DevServerUtilError:
dev_build_exists = True
if force:
dev_build_exists = False
ReleaseLock(dev_static_dir, tag)
AcquireLock(dev_static_dir, tag)
# Make a copy of the official build, only take necessary files.
if not dev_build_exists:
copy_list = [downloadable_artifact.TEST_IMAGE,
for f in copy_list:
shutil.copy(os.path.join(official_build_dir, f), dev_build_dir)
return dev_build_dir
def GetControlFile(static_dir, build, control_path):
"""Attempts to pull the requested control file from the Dev Server.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
build: Fully qualified build string; e.g. R17-1234.0.0-a1-b983.
control_path: Path to control file on Dev Server relative to Autotest root.
DevServerUtilError: If lock can't be acquired.
Content of the requested control file.
# Be forgiving if the user passes in the control_path with a leading /
control_path = control_path.lstrip('/')
control_path = os.path.join(static_dir, build, 'autotest',
if not SafeSandboxAccess(static_dir, control_path):
raise DevServerUtilError('Invaid control file "%s".' % control_path)
if not os.path.exists(control_path):
# TODO(scottz): Come up with some sort of error mechanism.
return 'Unknown control path %s' % control_path
with open(control_path, 'r') as control_file:
def GetControlFileList(static_dir, build):
"""List all control|control. files in the specified board/build path.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
build: Fully qualified build string; e.g. R17-1234.0.0-a1-b983.
DevServerUtilError: If path is outside of sandbox.
String of each file separated by a newline.
autotest_dir = os.path.join(static_dir, build, 'autotest/')
if not SafeSandboxAccess(static_dir, autotest_dir):
raise DevServerUtilError('Autotest dir not in sandbox "%s".' % autotest_dir)
control_files = set()
if not os.path.exists(autotest_dir):
# TODO(scottz): Come up with some sort of error mechanism.
return 'Unknown build path %s' % autotest_dir
for entry in os.walk(autotest_dir):
dir_path, _, files = entry
for file_entry in files:
if file_entry.startswith('control.') or file_entry == 'control':
file_entry).replace(autotest_dir, ''))
return '\n'.join(control_files)
def ListAutoupdateTargets(static_dir, board, build):
"""Returns a list of autoupdate test targets for the given board, build.
static_dir: Directory where builds are served from.
board: Fully qualified board name; e.g. x86-generic-release.
build: Fully qualified build string; e.g. R17-1234.0.0-a1-b983.
List of autoupdate test targets; e.g. ['0.14.747.0-r2bf8859c-b2927_nton']
return os.listdir(os.path.join(static_dir, board, build, AU_BASE))