blob: 00bf43190051c235a2d985759e313d1a6c14a443 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Module for collecting CVE data."""
import logging
import os
import string
from urllib.parse import parse_qs
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from cvelib import logutils
import requests
LOGGER = logutils.setuplogging(loglvl=logging.DEBUG, name="WebScraper")
CVE_URL = ""
GITHUB_PATH = "/torvalds/linux/"
class WebScraperException(Exception):
"""Exception class for web scraper."""
def make_cve_request(cve_number):
"""Generates CVE url."""
cve = {"name": cve_number}
r = requests.get(CVE_URL, params=cve)
if r.status_code != 200:
raise WebScraperException("Status code is not 200 OK.")
# Checks page for an invalid CVE number. This is only done because the page
# is still existent even if the CVE number is not, therefore it returns a
# 200 status code and passes the first check.
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser")
tag = soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "CenterPane"})
for d in tag.descendants:
if == "h2" and d.string.startswith("ERROR:"):
raise WebScraperException("CVE number is invalid.")
return r
def is_kernel_org(netloc, path):
"""Check if is useful link."""
if netloc != KERNEL_ORG:
return False
for link_path in KERNEL_PATH:
if path.startswith(link_path):
return True
return False
def is_github_com(netloc, path):
"""Check if is useful link."""
return netloc == GITHUB_COM and path.startswith(GITHUB_PATH)
def find_cve_description(cve_html):
"""Returns given CVE's description."""
soup = BeautifulSoup(cve_html, "html.parser")
tag = soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "GeneratedTable"})
for t in tag.descendants:
if == "th" and t.text == "Description":
description = t.parent.find_next_sibling().get_text()
return description.replace("\n", "")
def find_commit_links(cve_html):
"""Returns commit links from given CVE's webpage."""
# TODO: Additional pattern to look for might be:
commits = []
soup = BeautifulSoup(cve_html, "html.parser")
# Searches through link tags.
tag = soup.find("div", attrs={"id": "GeneratedTable"})
for l in tag.descendants:
if == "a":
link = l.get("href")
parsed_link = urlparse(link)
netloc, path = parsed_link.netloc, parsed_link.path
if is_kernel_org(netloc, path):
elif is_github_com(netloc, path):
return commits
def is_valid(sha):
"""Returns True if sha is a hexidecimal string."""
if not sha:
return False
return set(sha).issubset(string.hexdigits)
def find_sha_from_link(link):
"""Returns sha, if it exists, based on link given."""
parsed_link = urlparse(link)
netloc, path = parsed_link.netloc, parsed_link.path
sha = None
if is_kernel_org(netloc, path):
sha = parse_qs(parsed_link.query)["id"][0]
except KeyError:
LOGGER.error(f"Sha not found in {link}")
elif is_github_com(netloc, path):
sha = os.path.basename(path)
return sha if is_valid(sha) else None
def find_relevant_commits(cve_number):
"""Looks for the fix commit(s) given the CVE."""
commits = set()
req = make_cve_request(cve_number)
cve_description = find_cve_description(req.text)"CVE Description: {cve_description}")
commit_links = find_commit_links(req.text)
# Collects fix commit sha(s) from links.
for link in commit_links:
LOGGER.debug(f"Looking for sha in {link}")
sha = find_sha_from_link(link)
if sha:
return commits