blob: 58c83faeb8e97a2093a2e7ab0bba54e165c49ba4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Devserver module for handling update client requests."""
import base64
import json
import os
import random
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import threading
import time
import urllib2
import urlparse
import cherrypy
# Allow importing from dev/host/lib when running from source tree.
lib_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'host', 'lib')
if os.path.exists(lib_dir) and os.path.isdir(lib_dir):
sys.path.insert(1, lib_dir)
import build_util
import autoupdate_lib
import common_util
import devserver_constants as constants
import log_util
# pylint: disable=F0401
import update_payload
# If used by client in place of an pre-update version string, forces an update
# to the client regardless of the relative versions of the payload and client.
FORCED_UPDATE = 'ForcedUpdate'
# Files needed to serve an update.
# Module-local log function.
def _Log(message, *args):
return log_util.LogWithTag('UPDATE', message, *args)
class AutoupdateError(Exception):
"""Exception classes used by this module."""
def _ChangeUrlPort(url, new_port):
"""Return the URL passed in with a different port"""
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
host_port = netloc.split(':')
if len(host_port) == 1:
host_port[1] = new_port
print host_port
netloc = '%s:%s' % tuple(host_port)
return urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment))
def _NonePathJoin(*args):
"""os.path.join that filters None's from the argument list."""
return os.path.join(*filter(None, args))
class HostInfo(object):
"""Records information about an individual host.
attrs: Static attributes (legacy)
log: Complete log of recorded client entries
def __init__(self):
# A dictionary of current attributes pertaining to the host.
self.attrs = {}
# A list of pairs consisting of a timestamp and a dictionary of recorded
# attributes.
self.log = []
def __repr__(self):
return 'attrs=%s, log=%s' % (self.attrs, self.log)
def AddLogEntry(self, entry):
"""Append a new log entry."""
# Append a timestamp.
assert not 'timestamp' in entry, 'Oops, timestamp field already in use'
entry['timestamp'] = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
# Add entry to hosts' message log.
class HostInfoTable(object):
"""Records information about a set of hosts who engage in update activity.
table: Table of information on hosts.
def __init__(self):
# A dictionary of host information. Keys are normally IP addresses.
self.table = {}
def __repr__(self):
return '%s' % self.table
def GetInitHostInfo(self, host_id):
"""Return a host's info object, or create a new one if none exists."""
return self.table.setdefault(host_id, HostInfo())
def GetHostInfo(self, host_id):
"""Return an info object for given host, if such exists."""
return self.table.get(host_id)
class UpdateMetadata(object):
"""Object containing metadata about an update payload."""
def __init__(self, sha1, sha256, size, is_delta_format, metadata_size,
self.sha1 = sha1
self.sha256 = sha256
self.size = size
self.is_delta_format = is_delta_format
self.metadata_size = metadata_size
self.metadata_hash = metadata_hash
class Autoupdate(build_util.BuildObject):
"""Class that contains functionality that handles Chrome OS update pings.
urlbase: base URL, other than devserver, for update images.
forced_image: path to an image to use for all updates.
payload_path: path to pre-generated payload to serve.
src_image: if specified, creates a delta payload from this image.
proxy_port: port of local proxy to tell client to connect to you
patch_kernel: Patch the kernel when generating updates
board: board for the image. Needed for pre-generating of updates.
copy_to_static_root: copies images generated from the cache to ~/static.
private_key: path to private key in PEM format.
private_key_for_metadata_hash_signature: path to private key in PEM format.
public_key: path to public key in PEM format.
critical_update: whether provisioned payload is critical.
remote_payload: whether provisioned payload is remotely staged.
max_updates: maximum number of updates we'll try to provision.
host_log: record full history of host update events.
_OLD_PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX = '/static/archive'
_PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX = '/static/'
_FILEINFO_URL_PREFIX = '/api/fileinfo/'
SHA1_ATTR = 'sha1'
SHA256_ATTR = 'sha256'
SIZE_ATTR = 'size'
ISDELTA_ATTR = 'is_delta'
METADATA_SIZE_ATTR = 'metadata_size'
METADATA_HASH_ATTR = 'metadata_hash'
def __init__(self, xbuddy, urlbase=None, forced_image=None, payload_path=None,
proxy_port=None, src_image='', patch_kernel=True, board=None,
copy_to_static_root=True, private_key=None,
private_key_for_metadata_hash_signature=None, public_key=None,
critical_update=False, remote_payload=False, max_updates= -1,
host_log=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(Autoupdate, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.xbuddy = xbuddy
self.urlbase = urlbase or None
self.forced_image = forced_image
self.payload_path = payload_path
self.src_image = src_image
self.proxy_port = proxy_port
self.patch_kernel = patch_kernel
self.board = board or self.GetDefaultBoardID()
self.copy_to_static_root = copy_to_static_root
self.private_key = private_key
self.private_key_for_metadata_hash_signature = \
self.public_key = public_key
self.critical_update = critical_update
self.remote_payload = remote_payload
self.max_updates = max_updates
self.host_log = host_log
self.pregenerated_path = None
# Initialize empty host info cache. Used to keep track of various bits of
# information about a given host. A host is identified by its IP address.
# The info stored for each host includes a complete log of events for this
# host, as well as a dictionary of current attributes derived from events.
self.host_infos = HostInfoTable()
self.curr_request_id = -1
self._update_response_lock = threading.Lock()
def _ReadMetadataFromStream(cls, stream):
"""Returns metadata obj from input json stream that implements .read()."""
file_attr_dict = {}
file_attr_dict = json.loads(
except IOError:
return None
sha1 = file_attr_dict.get(cls.SHA1_ATTR)
sha256 = file_attr_dict.get(cls.SHA256_ATTR)
size = file_attr_dict.get(cls.SIZE_ATTR)
is_delta = file_attr_dict.get(cls.ISDELTA_ATTR)
metadata_size = file_attr_dict.get(cls.METADATA_SIZE_ATTR)
metadata_hash = file_attr_dict.get(cls.METADATA_HASH_ATTR)
return UpdateMetadata(sha1, sha256, size, is_delta, metadata_size,
def _ReadMetadataFromFile(payload_dir):
"""Returns metadata object from the metadata_file in the payload_dir"""
metadata_file = os.path.join(payload_dir, constants.METADATA_FILE)
if os.path.exists(metadata_file):
with open(metadata_file, 'r') as metadata_stream:
return Autoupdate._ReadMetadataFromStream(metadata_stream)
def _StoreMetadataToFile(cls, payload_dir, metadata_obj):
"""Stores metadata object into the metadata_file of the payload_dir"""
file_dict = {cls.SHA1_ATTR: metadata_obj.sha1,
cls.SHA256_ATTR: metadata_obj.sha256,
cls.SIZE_ATTR: metadata_obj.size,
cls.ISDELTA_ATTR: metadata_obj.is_delta_format,
cls.METADATA_SIZE_ATTR: metadata_obj.metadata_size,
cls.METADATA_HASH_ATTR: metadata_obj.metadata_hash}
metadata_file = os.path.join(payload_dir, constants.METADATA_FILE)
with open(metadata_file, 'w') as file_handle:
json.dump(file_dict, file_handle)
def _GetVersionFromDir(image_dir):
"""Returns the version of the image based on the name of the directory."""
latest_version = os.path.basename(image_dir)
parts = latest_version.split('-')
# If we can't get a version number from the directory, default to a high
# number to allow the update to happen
return parts[1] if len(parts) == 3 else "9999.0.0"
def _CanUpdate(client_version, latest_version):
"""Returns true if the latest_version is greater than the client_version.
_Log('client version %s latest version %s', client_version, latest_version)
client_tokens = client_version.replace('_', '').split('.')
latest_tokens = latest_version.replace('_', '').split('.')
if len(latest_tokens) == len(client_tokens) == 3:
return latest_tokens > client_tokens
# If the directory name isn't a version number, let it pass.
return True
def IsDeltaFormatFile(filename):
with open(filename) as payload_file:
payload = update_payload.Payload(payload_file)
return payload.IsDelta()
except (IOError, update_payload.PayloadError):
# For unit tests we may not have real files, so it's ok to ignore these
# errors.
return False
def GenerateUpdateFile(self, src_image, image_path, output_dir):
"""Generates an update gz given a full path to an image.
src_image: Path to a source image.
image_path: Full path to image.
output_dir: Path to the generated update file.
subprocess.CalledProcessError if the update generator fails to generate a
stateful payload.
update_path = os.path.join(output_dir, constants.UPDATE_FILE)
_Log('Generating update image %s', update_path)
update_command = [
'--image', image_path,
'--out_metadata_hash_file', os.path.join(output_dir,
'--output', update_path,
if src_image:
update_command.extend(['--src_image', src_image])
if self.patch_kernel:
if self.private_key:
update_command.extend(['--private_key', self.private_key])
_Log('Running %s', ' '.join(update_command))
def GenerateStatefulFile(image_path, output_dir):
"""Generates a stateful update payload given a full path to an image.
image_path: Full path to image.
output_dir: Directory for emitting the stateful update payload.
subprocess.CalledProcessError if the update generator fails to generate a
stateful payload.
update_command = [
'--image', image_path,
'--output_dir', output_dir,
_Log('Running %s', ' '.join(update_command))
def FindCachedUpdateImageSubDir(self, src_image, dest_image):
"""Find directory to store a cached update.
Given one, or two images for an update, this finds which cache directory
should hold the update files, even if they don't exist yet.
A directory path for storing a cached update, of the following form:
Non-delta updates:
Delta updates:
Signed updates (self.private_key):
update_dir = ''
if src_image:
update_dir += common_util.GetFileMd5(src_image) + '_'
update_dir += common_util.GetFileMd5(dest_image)
if self.private_key:
update_dir += '+' + common_util.GetFileMd5(self.private_key)
if self.patch_kernel:
update_dir += '+patched_kernel'
return os.path.join(constants.CACHE_DIR, update_dir)
def GenerateUpdateImage(self, image_path, output_dir):
"""Force generates an update payload based on the given image_path.
image_path: full path to the image.
output_dir: the directory to write the update payloads to
AutoupdateError if it failed to generate either update or stateful
_Log('Generating update for image %s', image_path)
# Delete any previous state in this directory.
os.system('rm -rf "%s"' % output_dir)
self.GenerateUpdateFile(self.src_image, image_path, output_dir)
self.GenerateStatefulFile(image_path, output_dir)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
os.system('rm -rf "%s"' % output_dir)
raise AutoupdateError('Failed to generate update in %s' % output_dir)
def GenerateUpdateImageWithCache(self, image_path):
"""Force generates an update payload based on the given image_path.
image_path: full path to the image.
update directory relative to static_image_dir.
AutoupdateError if it we need to generate a payload and fail to do so.
_Log('Generating update for src %s image %s', self.src_image, image_path)
# If it was pregenerated, don't regenerate.
if self.pregenerated_path:
return self.pregenerated_path
# Which sub_dir should hold our cached update image.
cache_sub_dir = self.FindCachedUpdateImageSubDir(self.src_image, image_path)
_Log('Caching in sub_dir "%s"', cache_sub_dir)
# The cached payloads exist in a cache dir.
cache_dir = os.path.join(self.static_dir, cache_sub_dir)
cache_update_payload = os.path.join(cache_dir,
cache_stateful_payload = os.path.join(cache_dir,
# Check to see if this cache directory is valid.
if not (os.path.exists(cache_update_payload) and
self.GenerateUpdateImage(image_path, cache_dir)
# Don't regenerate the image for this devserver instance.
self.pregenerated_path = cache_sub_dir
# Generate the cache file.
return cache_sub_dir
def _SymlinkUpdateFiles(self, target_dir, link_dir):
"""Symlinks the update-related files from target_dir to link_dir.
Every time an update is called, clear existing files/symlinks in the
link_dir, and replace them with symlinks to the target_dir.
target_dir: Location of the target files.
link_dir: Directory where the links should exist after.
_Log('Linking %s to %s', target_dir, link_dir)
if link_dir == target_dir:
_Log('Cannot symlink into the same directory.')
for f in UPDATE_FILES:
link = os.path.join(link_dir, f)
target = os.path.join(target_dir, f)
common_util.SymlinkFile(target, link)
def GetUpdateForLabel(self, client_version, label,
"""Given a label, get an update from the directory.
client_version: Current version of the client or FORCED_UPDATE
label: the relative directory inside the static dir
image_name: If the image type was specified by the update rpc, we try to
find an image with this file name first. This is by default
"chromiumos_test_image.bin" but can also take any of the values in
A relative path to the directory with the update payload.
This is the label if an update did not need to be generated, but can
be label/cache/hashed_dir_for_update.
AutoupdateError: If client version is higher than available update found
at the directory given by the label.
_Log('Update label/file: %s/%s', label, image_name)
static_image_dir = _NonePathJoin(self.static_dir, label)
static_update_path = _NonePathJoin(static_image_dir, constants.UPDATE_FILE)
static_image_path = _NonePathJoin(static_image_dir, image_name)
# Update the client only if client version is older than available update.
latest_version = self._GetVersionFromDir(static_image_dir)
if not (client_version == FORCED_UPDATE or
self._CanUpdate(client_version, latest_version)):
raise AutoupdateError(
'Update check received but no update available for client')
if label and os.path.exists(static_update_path):
# An update payload was found for the given label, return it.
return label
elif os.path.exists(static_image_path) and common_util.IsInsideChroot():
# Image was found for the given label. Generate update if we can.
rel_path = self.GenerateUpdateImageWithCache(static_image_path)
# Add links from the static directory to the update.
cache_path = _NonePathJoin(self.static_dir, rel_path)
self._SymlinkUpdateFiles(cache_path, static_image_dir)
return label
# The label didn't resolve.
return None
def PreGenerateUpdate(self):
"""Pre-generates an update and prints out the relative path it.
Returns relative path of the update.
AutoupdateError if it failed to generate the payload.
_Log('Pre-generating the update payload')
# Does not work with labels so just use static dir. (empty label)
pregenerated_update = self.GetPathToPayload('', FORCED_UPDATE, self.board)
print 'PREGENERATED_UPDATE=%s' % _NonePathJoin(pregenerated_update,
return pregenerated_update
def _GetRemotePayloadAttrs(self, url):
"""Returns hashes, size and delta flag of a remote update payload.
Obtain attributes of a payload file available on a remote devserver. This
is based on the assumption that the payload URL uses the /static prefix. We
need to make sure that both clients (requests) and remote devserver
(provisioning) preserve this invariant.
url: URL of statically staged remote file (http://host:port/static/...)
A UpdateMetadata object.
if self._PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX not in url:
raise AutoupdateError(
'Payload URL does not have the expected prefix (%s)' %
if self._OLD_PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX in url:
fileinfo_url = url.replace(self._OLD_PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX,
fileinfo_url = url.replace(self._PAYLOAD_URL_PREFIX,
_Log('Retrieving file info for remote payload via %s', fileinfo_url)
conn = urllib2.urlopen(fileinfo_url)
metadata_obj = Autoupdate._ReadMetadataFromStream(conn)
# These fields are required for remote calls.
if not metadata_obj:
raise AutoupdateError('Failed to obtain remote payload info')
return metadata_obj
except IOError as e:
raise AutoupdateError('Failed to obtain remote payload info: %s', e)
def _GetMetadataHash(payload_dir):
"""Gets the metadata hash, if it exists.
payload_dir: The payload directory.
The metadata hash, base-64 encoded or None if there is no metadata hash.
path = os.path.join(payload_dir, constants.METADATA_HASH_FILE)
if os.path.exists(path):
return base64.b64encode(open(path, 'rb').read())
return None
def _GetMetadataSize(payload_filename):
"""Gets the size of the metadata in a payload file.
payload_filename: Path to the payload file.
The size of the payload metadata, as reported in the payload header.
# Handle corner-case where unit tests pass in empty payload files.
if os.path.getsize(payload_filename) < 20:
return 0
stream = open(payload_filename, 'rb')
return struct.unpack('>I',[0] + 20
def GetLocalPayloadAttrs(self, payload_dir):
"""Returns hashes, size and delta flag of a local update payload.
payload_dir: Path to the directory the payload is in.
A UpdateMetadata object.
filename = os.path.join(payload_dir, constants.UPDATE_FILE)
if not os.path.exists(filename):
raise AutoupdateError('update.gz not present in payload dir %s' %
metadata_obj = Autoupdate._ReadMetadataFromFile(payload_dir)
if not metadata_obj or not (metadata_obj.sha1 and
metadata_obj.sha256 and
sha1 = common_util.GetFileSha1(filename)
sha256 = common_util.GetFileSha256(filename)
size = common_util.GetFileSize(filename)
is_delta_format = self.IsDeltaFormatFile(filename)
metadata_size = self._GetMetadataSize(filename)
metadata_hash = self._GetMetadataHash(payload_dir)
metadata_obj = UpdateMetadata(sha1, sha256, size, is_delta_format,
metadata_size, metadata_hash)
Autoupdate._StoreMetadataToFile(payload_dir, metadata_obj)
return metadata_obj
def _ProcessUpdateComponents(self, app, event):
"""Processes the app and event components of an update request.
Returns tuple containing forced_update_label, client_version, and board.
# Initialize an empty dictionary for event attributes to log.
log_message = {}
# Determine request IP, strip any IPv6 data for simplicity.
client_ip = cherrypy.request.remote.ip.split(':')[-1]
# Obtain (or init) info object for this client.
curr_host_info = self.host_infos.GetInitHostInfo(client_ip)
client_version = FORCED_UPDATE
board = None
if app:
client_version = app.getAttribute('version')
channel = app.getAttribute('track')
board = (app.hasAttribute('board') and app.getAttribute('board')
or self.GetDefaultBoardID())
# Add attributes to log message
log_message['version'] = client_version
log_message['track'] = channel
log_message['board'] = board
curr_host_info.attrs['last_known_version'] = client_version
if event:
event_result = int(event[0].getAttribute('eventresult'))
event_type = int(event[0].getAttribute('eventtype'))
client_previous_version = (event[0].getAttribute('previousversion')
if event[0].hasAttribute('previousversion')
else None)
# Store attributes to legacy host info structure
curr_host_info.attrs['last_event_status'] = event_result
curr_host_info.attrs['last_event_type'] = event_type
# Add attributes to log message
log_message['event_result'] = event_result
log_message['event_type'] = event_type
if client_previous_version is not None:
log_message['previous_version'] = client_previous_version
# Log host event, if so instructed.
if self.host_log:
return (curr_host_info.attrs.pop('forced_update_label', None),
client_version, board)
def _CheckOmahaRequest(cls, app):
"""Checks |app| component of Omaha Request for correctly formed data.
common_util.DevServerHTTPError: if any check fails. All 400 error codes to
indicate a bad HTTP request.
if not app:
raise common_util.DevServerHTTPError(
400, 'Missing app component in Omaha Request')
hardware_class = app.getAttribute('hardware_class')
if not hardware_class:
raise common_util.DevServerHTTPError(
400, 'hardware_class is required in Omaha Request')
track = app.getAttribute('track')
if not (track and track.endswith('-channel')):
raise common_util.DevServerHTTPError(
400, 'Omaha requests need a valid update channel')
def _GetStaticUrl(self):
"""Returns the static url base that should prefix all payload responses."""
x_forwarded_host = cherrypy.request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-Host')
if x_forwarded_host:
hostname = 'http://' + x_forwarded_host
hostname = cherrypy.request.base
if self.urlbase:
static_urlbase = self.urlbase
static_urlbase = '%s/static' % hostname
# If we have a proxy port, adjust the URL we instruct the client to
# use to go through the proxy.
if self.proxy_port:
static_urlbase = _ChangeUrlPort(static_urlbase, self.proxy_port)
_Log('Using static url base %s', static_urlbase)
_Log('Handling update ping as %s', hostname)
return static_urlbase
def GetPathToPayload(self, label, client_version, board):
"""Find a payload locally.
See devserver's update rpc for documentation.
label: from update request
client_version: from update request
board: from update request
The relative path to an update from the static_dir
AutoupdateError: If the update could not be found.
path_to_payload = None
#TODO(joychen): deprecate --payload flag
if self.payload_path:
# Copy the image from the path to '/forced_payload'
label = 'forced_payload'
dest_path = os.path.join(self.static_dir, label, constants.UPDATE_FILE)
dest_stateful = os.path.join(self.static_dir, label,
src_path = os.path.abspath(self.payload_path)
src_stateful = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(src_path),
common_util.MkDirP(os.path.join(self.static_dir, label))
common_util.SymlinkFile(src_path, dest_path)
if os.path.exists(src_stateful):
# The stateful payload is optional.
common_util.SymlinkFile(src_stateful, dest_stateful)
_Log('WARN: %s not found. Expected for dev and test builds',
if os.path.exists(dest_stateful):
path_to_payload = self.GetUpdateForLabel(client_version, label)
#TODO(joychen): deprecate --image flag
elif self.forced_image:
if self.forced_image.startswith('xbuddy:'):
# This is trying to use an xbuddy path in place of a path to an image.
xbuddy_label = self.forced_image.split(':')[1]
self.forced_image = None
# Make sure the xbuddy path target is in the directory.
path_to_payload, _image_name = self.xbuddy.Get(xbuddy_label.split('/'))
# Pretend to have called update with this update path to payload.
self.GetPathToPayload(xbuddy_label, client_version, board)
src_path = os.path.abspath(self.forced_image)
if os.path.exists(src_path) and common_util.IsInsideChroot():
# Image was found for the given label. Generate update if we can.
path_to_payload = self.GenerateUpdateImageWithCache(src_path)
# Add links from the static directory to the update.
cache_path = _NonePathJoin(self.static_dir, path_to_payload)
self._SymlinkUpdateFiles(cache_path, self.static_dir)
label = label or ''
label_list = label.split('/')
# Suppose that the path follows old protocol of indexing straight
# into static_dir with board/version label.
# Attempt to get the update in that directory, generating if necc.
path_to_payload = self.GetUpdateForLabel(client_version, label)
if path_to_payload is None:
# There was no update or image found in the directory.
# Let XBuddy find an image, and then generate an update to it.
if label_list[0] == 'xbuddy':
# If path explicitly calls xbuddy, pop off the tag.
x_label, image_name = self.xbuddy.Translate(label_list, board=board)
if image_name not in constants.ALL_IMAGES:
raise AutoupdateError(
"Use an image alias: dev, base, test, or recovery.")
# Path has been resolved, try to get the image.
path_to_payload = self.GetUpdateForLabel(client_version, x_label,
if path_to_payload is None:
# Neither image nor update payload found after translation.
# Try to get an update to a test image from GS using the label.
path_to_payload, _image_name = self.xbuddy.Get(
['remote', label, 'full_payload'])
# One of the above options should have gotten us a relative path.
if path_to_payload is None:
raise AutoupdateError('Failed to get an update for: %s' % label)
return path_to_payload
def _SignMetadataHash(private_key_path, metadata_hash):
"""Signs metadata hash.
Signs a metadata hash with a private key. This includes padding the
hash with PKCS#1 v1.5 padding as well as an ASN.1 header.
private_key_path: The path to a private key to use for signing.
metadata_hash: A raw SHA-256 hash (32 bytes).
The raw signature.
args = ['openssl', 'rsautl', '-pkcs', '-sign', '-inkey', private_key_path]
padded_metadata_hash = ('\x30\x31\x30\x0d\x06\x09\x60\x86'
'\x00\x04\x20') + metadata_hash
child = subprocess.Popen(args,
signature, _ = child.communicate(input=padded_metadata_hash)
return signature
def HandleUpdatePing(self, data, label=''):
"""Handles an update ping from an update client.
data: XML blob from client.
label: optional label for the update.
Update payload message for client.
# Get the static url base that will form that base of our update url e.g.
# http://hostname:8080/static/update.gz.
static_urlbase = self._GetStaticUrl()
# Parse the XML we got into the components we care about.
protocol, app, event, update_check = autoupdate_lib.ParseUpdateRequest(data)
# Process attributes of the update check.
forced_update_label, client_version, board = self._ProcessUpdateComponents(
app, event)
if not update_check:
# TODO(sosa): Generate correct non-updatecheck payload to better test
# update clients.
_Log('Non-update check received. Returning blank payload')
return autoupdate_lib.GetNoUpdateResponse(protocol)
if forced_update_label:
if label:
_Log('Label: %s set but being overwritten to %s by request', label,
label = forced_update_label
# Make sure that we did not already exceed the max number of allowed
# responses; note that this is merely an optimization, as the definitive
# check and updating of the counter is done later, right before returning a
# response.
if self.max_updates == 0:
_Log('Request received but max number of updates handled')
return autoupdate_lib.GetNoUpdateResponse(protocol)
request_id = random.randint(0, sys.maxint)
self.curr_request_id = request_id
_Log('Update Check Received (id=%d). Client is using protocol version: %s',
request_id, protocol)
# Finally its time to generate the omaha response to give to client that
# lets them know where to find the payload and its associated metadata.
metadata_obj = None
# Are we provisioning a remote or local payload?
if self.remote_payload:
# If no explicit label was provided, use the value of --payload.
if not label:
label = self.payload_path
# TODO(sosa): Remove backwards-compatible hack.
if not '.bin' in label:
url = _NonePathJoin(static_urlbase, label, 'update.gz')
url = _NonePathJoin(static_urlbase, label)
# Get remote payload attributes.
metadata_obj = self._GetRemotePayloadAttrs(url)
path_to_payload = self.GetPathToPayload(label, client_version, board)
url = _NonePathJoin(static_urlbase, path_to_payload,
local_payload_dir = _NonePathJoin(self.static_dir, path_to_payload)
metadata_obj = self.GetLocalPayloadAttrs(local_payload_dir)
except AutoupdateError as e:
# Raised if we fail to generate an update payload.
_Log('Failed to process an update: %r', e)
return autoupdate_lib.GetNoUpdateResponse(protocol)
# Sign the metadata hash, if requested.
signed_metadata_hash = None
if self.private_key_for_metadata_hash_signature:
signed_metadata_hash = base64.b64encode(Autoupdate._SignMetadataHash(
# Include public key, if requested.
public_key_data = None
if self.public_key:
public_key_data = base64.b64encode(open(self.public_key, 'r').read())
update_response = autoupdate_lib.GetUpdateResponse(
metadata_obj.sha1, metadata_obj.sha256, metadata_obj.size, url,
metadata_obj.is_delta_format, metadata_obj.metadata_size,
signed_metadata_hash, public_key_data, protocol, self.critical_update)
# Make sure we can proceed with the response (critical section).
with self._update_response_lock:
# If the number of responses sent already exceeds the max allowed, abort.
if self.max_updates == 0:
_Log('Max allowed number of update responses already sent, '
'aborting this one (id=%d)', request_id)
return autoupdate_lib.GetNoUpdateResponse(protocol)
# If there's been a more recent request, we assume the client timed out
# on this request and should not respond to it.
# IMPORTANT: we want to do this as close as posible to where we commit to
# making a response, i.e. right before we update the response tally. This
# is why this check happens in the critical section.
curr_request_id = self.curr_request_id
if curr_request_id != request_id:
_Log('A more recent request was received (id=%d), aborting this one '
'(id=%d)', curr_request_id, request_id)
return autoupdate_lib.GetNoUpdateResponse(protocol)
# Update the counter, committing to make the response.
self.max_updates -= 1
# At this point, we're good to go with the response.
_Log('Responding to client to use url %s to get image (id=%d)', url,
return update_response
def HandleHostInfoPing(self, ip):
"""Returns host info dictionary for the given IP in JSON format."""
assert ip, 'No ip provided.'
if ip in self.host_infos.table:
return json.dumps(self.host_infos.GetHostInfo(ip).attrs)
def HandleHostLogPing(self, ip):
"""Returns a complete log of events for host in JSON format."""
# If all events requested, return a dictionary of logs keyed by IP address.
if ip == 'all':
return json.dumps(
dict([(key, self.host_infos.table[key].log)
for key in self.host_infos.table]))
# Otherwise we're looking for a specific IP address, so find its log.
if ip in self.host_infos.table:
return json.dumps(self.host_infos.GetHostInfo(ip).log)
# If no events were logged for this IP, return an empty log.
return json.dumps([])
def HandleSetUpdatePing(self, ip, label):
"""Sets forced_update_label for a given host."""
assert ip, 'No ip provided.'
assert label, 'No label provided.'
self.host_infos.GetInitHostInfo(ip).attrs['forced_update_label'] = label