blob: 7ba2a98c8078a22d7c29ea12f3ffd9ef953f107b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This script downloads and installs the basic packages that the user needs
# in developer mode. It also takes care of some configuration details
# that arise from not havin write access to the root filesystem.
# Constant definitions.
# Global variables.
# Process flags.
. /usr/share/misc/shflags || exit 1
DEFINE_string binhost "" \
"URL of the binhost that emerge will use." b
DEFINE_boolean yes "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Do not prompt for input. Assumes yes's to all responses." y
DEFINE_boolean only_bootstrap "${FLAGS_FALSE}" \
"Only attempt to install the bootstrap packages."
FLAGS "$@" || exit 1
set -e
# Get the portage configuration variables.
. "${P_CONFIG_CROS}/make.profile/make.defaults"
# Echo's args to stderr and prefixes with ERROR(dev_install).
error() {
echo "ERROR(dev_install): $*" >&2
# Reads the user's reply and returns 0 if the user responds with y.
# Accepts input like echo for the user prompt i.e. $@.
yes_or_no() {
[ ${FLAGS_yes} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ] && return 0
local reply
read -p "$*? (y/N) " reply
[ "${reply}" = "y" ]
# Get the static Python binary and portage (emerge script and python modules).
download_bootstrap_packages() {
# Download packages that python/emerge require into /usr/local/bootsrap.
while read line; do
local package_url="${BINHOST}/${line}.tbz2"
local directory="$(echo "${line}" | cut -d "/" -f 1)"
local package_file="${PKGDIR}/${line}.tbz2"
mkdir -p -m 0755 "${PKGDIR}/${directory}"
echo "Downloading ${package_url}"
if ! curl --fail -o "${package_file}" "${package_url}"; then
error "Could not download package."
error "Command curl --fail -o ${package_file} ${package_url} failed."
return 1
echo "Extracting ${package_file}"
# TODO(sosa): pipeline our download/unpack cycles.
# Ignore std error output about trailing garbage after EOF.
if ! tar -C /usr/local/ -xjkf "${package_file}" 2>/dev/null; then
error "Could not extract package."
error "Command tar -C /usr/local -xjf ${package_file} failed."
return 1
# The python ebuilds set up symlinks in pkg_postinst, but we don't run those
# phases (we just run untar above). Plus that logic depends on eselect that
# we currently stub out. Hand create the symlinks
if [ ! -e "/usr/local/usr/bin/python" ]; then
ln -sfT "python-wrapper" "/usr/local/usr/bin/python"
if [ ! -e "/usr/local/usr/bin/python2" ]; then
ln -sfT "python2.7" "/usr/local/usr/bin/python2"
if [ ! -e "/usr/local/usr/bin/python3" ]; then
ln -sfT "$(cd /usr/local/usr/bin; echo python3.?)" \
# Configure emerge in /usr/local.
configure_emerge() {
# Copy emerge configuration to /usr/local.
mkdir -p -m 0755 "${P_CONFIG_DEVELOPER}/make.profile"
# Point our local profile to the rootfs one. This allows us to stack.
echo "${P_CONFIG_CROS}/make.profile" \
# Install the package.provided entries for the rootfs.
mkdir -p -m 0755 "${P_CONFIG_DEVELOPER}/make.profile/package.provided"
local f
for f in /usr/share/dev-install/rootfs.provided/*; do
ln -sf "${f}" "${P_CONFIG_DEVELOPER}/make.profile/package.provided/"
# Create the directories defined in the portage config files. Permissions are
# consistent with the other directories in /usr/local, which is a bind mount
# for /mnt/stateful_partition/dev_image.
mkdir -p -m 01777 /usr/local/tmp
# Add LD_LIBRARY_PATH within
# TODO(arkaitzr): find out a cleaner way to do this.
sed -i "3 a\export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}\"" \
install_optional_packages() {
if yes_or_no "Install virtual/target-os-dev package now"; then
emerge virtual/target-os-dev
echo "You can install virtual/target-os-dev later by typing the command:" \
"emerge virtual/target-os-dev"
main() {
# Sanity check. People often run `su` or `sudo su` and leave off that final
# - which means they don't get a proper environment. Catch them here rather
# than fail randomly midway through the process.
case :${PATH}: in
*:/usr/local/bin:*) ;;
error "Your environment appears to be incomplete. When changing to root,"
error "did you remember to run the full command (don't forget the dash):"
error " $ sudo su -"
return 1
echo "Starting installation of developer packages."
echo "First, we download the necessary files."
if [ ${FLAGS_only_bootstrap} -eq ${FLAGS_TRUE} ]; then
echo "dev_install done installing bootstrap packages. Enjoy!"
return 0
echo "Files downloaded, configuring emerge."
echo "Emerge installation complete. Installing additional optional packages."
echo "dev_install done. Enjoy!"