blob: 739a9f8f769f1b9cebf6305bcfde9677df55d325 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package analyze
import (
// Statistics stores sum, simple average, min, max and standard-deviation info
// and provides convenience methods to gather and calculate these values.
type Statistics struct {
sum float64
min float64
max float64
averageAtN float64
averageAtNminus1 float64
varianceAtN float64
varianceAtNminus1 float64
numSamples int
// DualStatistics is a generic interface that embeds the dual notion of
// GPU and CPU statistics and method to access them.
type DualStatistics interface {
gpuStats() *Statistics
cpuStats() *Statistics
// CallNameStatistics has GPU and CPU statistics associated with a specific call
// name. E.g. GPU and CPU timing statistics for function glDrawRangeElements.
type CallNameStatistics struct {
callName string
gpuStat Statistics
cpuStat Statistics
// CompareStats encapsulates the ratio and difference of GPU and CPU averages.
type CompareStats struct {
gpuAvgRatio float64
cpuAvgRatio float64
gpuAvgDiff float64
cpuAvgDiff float64
// FrameTiming encapsulates a frame number with the number of api calls that
// take place within that frame and the total GPU and CPU time spent in those
// calls.
type FrameTiming struct {
frameNum int
callCount int
gpuTimeNs int
cpuTimeNs int
// AddSample adds a sample value to the Statistics object.
func (stat *Statistics) AddSample(s float64) {
// Numerically stable running mean and variance, per Donald Knuth’s Art of
// Computer Programming, Vol 2.
if stat.numSamples == 1 {
stat.sum = s
stat.max = s
stat.min = s
stat.averageAtN = s
stat.varianceAtN = 0
} else {
stat.max = math.Max(stat.max, s)
stat.min = math.Min(stat.min, s)
stat.sum += s
stat.averageAtN = stat.averageAtNminus1 + (s-stat.averageAtNminus1)/float64(stat.numSamples)
stat.varianceAtN = stat.varianceAtNminus1 + (s-stat.averageAtNminus1)*(s-stat.averageAtN)
stat.averageAtNminus1 = stat.averageAtN
stat.varianceAtNminus1 = stat.varianceAtN
// GetNumSamples returns the number of samples accumulated so far.
func (stat *Statistics) GetNumSamples() int {
return stat.numSamples
// GetSum returns the sum of all samples added so far.
func (stat *Statistics) GetSum() float64 {
return stat.sum
// GetMax returns the maximum of all samples added so far.
func (stat *Statistics) GetMax() float64 {
return stat.max
// GetMin returns the minimum of all samples added so far.
func (stat *Statistics) GetMin() float64 {
return stat.min
// GetAverage returns the average of all samples added so far.
func (stat *Statistics) GetAverage() float64 {
return stat.averageAtN
// GetStdDeviation returns the standard deviation of all samples added so far.
func (stat *Statistics) GetStdDeviation() float64 {
if stat.numSamples <= 1 {
return 0
return math.Sqrt(stat.varianceAtN / float64(stat.numSamples-1))
// Implement interface DualStatistics on CallNameStatistics.
func (ds CallNameStatistics) gpuStats() *Statistics {
return &ds.gpuStat
// Implement interface DualStatistics on CallNameStatistics.
func (ds CallNameStatistics) cpuStats() *Statistics {
return &ds.cpuStat
// A sort-compare function for sorting DualStatistics samples by decreasing
// average GPU time.
func sortByDecGPUAvg(dsi DualStatistics, dsj DualStatistics) bool {
return dsi.gpuStats().averageAtN > dsj.gpuStats().averageAtN
// A sort-compare function for sorting DualStatistics samples by decreasing
// average CPU time.
func sortByDecCPUAvg(dsi DualStatistics, dsj DualStatistics) bool {
return dsi.cpuStats().averageAtN > dsj.cpuStats().averageAtN