blob: 7ad2f380aa35d383cd04cdbda43035b310d90803 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package analyze
import (
// CallRecord encapsulates the data associated with each api call.
// Note: apitrace numbers each GL-api call sequentially. That number is called
// the call num.
type CallRecord struct {
callNum int // The call number for this data.
frameNum int // The number of the frame that invokes this call.
gpuDurationNs int // Gpu duration of this call in nanoseconds.
cpuDurationNs int // Cpu duration of this call in nanoseconds.
// CallRange tracks a range of calls by first and last indices.
type CallRange struct {
firstIndex int
lastIndex int // Inclusive
// CallNumData contains basic call info associated with each call num.
type CallNumData struct {
programID int // ID of program that uses this call.
callName string // The api call name, e.g. glBegin.
// CallInfo all the info associated with a given call.
type CallInfo struct {
// ProfileData implements interface ProfileDataConsumer. It is used to collect
// the profile data gathered while reading a file and store that data in a
// format that makes analyzing it easier.
type ProfileData struct {
// A label for this profile data.
label string
// Current frame number while accumulating profile data.
frameNum int
// Array of all GL-api calls stored in this profile.
allCalls []CallRecord
// Keep track of basic call info for each call num.
callsByCallNum map[int](CallNumData)
// Maps call name, such as glDrawRangeElements, to a list of all the
// call-record indices that invoke that function.
callsByCallName map[string]([]int)
// Maps a frame number to a range of call indices that belong to that frame.
callsByFrameNum []CallRange
// Current accumulated CPU and GPU time in nanoseconds
sumGPUTimeNs float64
sumCPUTimeNs float64
// Filter function: takes calldata and return true if accepted by the filter.
// These filter functions are used by some of the traverse methods provided by
// ProfileData.
type Filter func(callData CallInfo) bool
// CallNameData encapsulates a call name and the list of all call indices
// that invoke that call-name function.
type CallNameData struct {
callName string
callIndices []int
// StartNewProfile starts gathering a new profile. Any existing data in prof
// is cleared.
func (prof *ProfileData) StartNewProfile(label string) {
prof.label = label
prof.allCalls = make([]CallRecord, 0, 10000)
prof.callsByCallNum = map[int](CallNumData){}
prof.callsByCallName = map[string]([]int){}
prof.callsByFrameNum = make([]CallRange, 0, 2000)
// EndFrame ends the current frame. Any data added after this call will be
// associated with the next sequential frame.
func (prof *ProfileData) EndFrame() {
// AddCallData adds profile info for the given call number to the profile data.
func (prof *ProfileData) AddCallData(callNum int, gpuDurationNs int,
cpuDurationNs int, programID int, callName string) error {
// Usually, call numbers are unique and monotonically increasing. However,
// when a profile is generated with the last frame repeated several time
// (--loop option in glretrace), duplicate call numbers are present. The
// duplicate call numbers must always have the same call name and program ID.
if existingData, isDuplicate := prof.callsByCallNum[callNum]; isDuplicate {
if existingData.callName != callName {
return fmt.Errorf(
"ERROR: Duplicate call ID <%d> with mismatched call name %s v.s. %s",
callNum, callName, existingData.callName)
if existingData.programID != programID {
return fmt.Errorf(
"ERROR: Duplicate call ID <%d> with mismatched program ID %d v.s. %d",
callNum, programID, existingData.programID)
} else {
prof.callsByCallNum[callNum] = CallNumData{programID, callName}
// Add the call info to the list of all calls.
var callIndex = len(prof.allCalls)
prof.allCalls = append(prof.allCalls,
CallRecord{callNum, prof.frameNum, gpuDurationNs, cpuDurationNs})
// Add the index for this call record to this call name.
var callList = prof.callsByCallName[callName]
prof.callsByCallName[callName] = append(callList, callIndex)
if len(prof.callsByFrameNum) == prof.frameNum {
// This is a new frame; create a new call range for it.
prof.callsByFrameNum = append(prof.callsByFrameNum, CallRange{callIndex, callIndex})
} else {
// Expend the call range for the current frame to include this new call index.
prof.callsByFrameNum[prof.frameNum].lastIndex = callIndex
// Accumulate total CPU and GPU time in nanoseconds.
prof.sumCPUTimeNs += float64(cpuDurationNs)
prof.sumGPUTimeNs += float64(gpuDurationNs)
return nil
// GetFrameCount returns the number of frames in this profile.
func (prof *ProfileData) GetFrameCount() int {
return prof.frameNum
// GetCallCount returns the total number of calls in this profile.
func (prof *ProfileData) GetCallCount() int {
return len(prof.allCalls)
// GetTotalGPUTimeNs returns the accumulated time spent in the GPU in
// nanoseconds.
func (prof *ProfileData) GetTotalGPUTimeNs() float64 {
return prof.sumGPUTimeNs
// GetTotalCPUTimeNs returns the accumulated time spent in the CPU in
// nanoseconds.
func (prof *ProfileData) GetTotalCPUTimeNs() float64 {
return prof.sumCPUTimeNs
// GetCallDataByIndex returns the profile data for the call with the given
// call index.
func (prof *ProfileData) GetCallDataByIndex(index int) CallInfo {
var callNum = prof.allCalls[index].callNum
return CallInfo{prof.callsByCallNum[callNum], prof.allCalls[index]}
// GetCallRecordByIndex returns the call record for the given call index.
func (prof *ProfileData) GetCallRecordByIndex(index int) CallRecord {
return prof.allCalls[index]
// GetCallIndicesForName returns a list of all the call indices that use the
// given call name.
func (prof *ProfileData) GetCallIndicesForName(name string) []int {
return prof.callsByCallName[name]
// GetCallRangeForFrame returns the range of call indices called in the
// given frame.
func (prof *ProfileData) GetCallRangeForFrame(frameNum int) CallRange {
if frameNum >= 0 && frameNum < len(prof.callsByFrameNum) {
return prof.callsByFrameNum[frameNum]
return CallRange{0, 0}
// VerifyCallNum returns whether call callNum invokes api with callName.
// If callNum is not in this profile, then this function also returns true.
func (prof *ProfileData) VerifyCallNum(callNum int, callName string) bool {
if call, ok := prof.callsByCallNum[callNum]; ok {
return callName == call.callName
return true
// TraverseAllCalls traverses all the available profile data sequentially and
// feeds the call indices for the calls that are accepted by <filter> to channel c.
func (prof *ProfileData) TraverseAllCalls(filter Filter, c chan int) {
for callIndex, callRecord := range prof.allCalls {
if filter(CallInfo{prof.callsByCallNum[callRecord.callNum], callRecord}) {
c <- callIndex
// TraverseByCallName traverses all the available profile data and feeds each
// call indices and associated call name to channel c.
func (prof *ProfileData) TraverseByCallName(c chan CallNameData) {
for name, callIndices := range prof.callsByCallName {
c <- CallNameData{name, callIndices}
// TraverseCallsForFrame feeds the call info to the given channel for all the
// calls in frame <frameNum>.
func (prof *ProfileData) TraverseCallsForFrame(c chan CallInfo, frameNum int) {
r := prof.GetCallRangeForFrame(frameNum)
for i := r.firstIndex; i <= r.lastIndex; i++ {
c <- prof.GetCallDataByIndex(i)