blob: 8d16fe4f002a2605bb7d9914e4e3d0a4b6463918 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Read two test logs and report differences in power consumption."""
# Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Parse logs of 2 runs of PowerQual.full and compare them printing problems.
# Based on a script by
from io import StringIO
import json
# Additions:
# - Collect energy ratings and compare
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
import time
# pylint: disable=import-error
from colorama import Fore
from colorama import Style
SUBSYSTEMS = ["PL1", "uncore", "dram", "core", "package-0", "psys"]
ENERGY_RATINGS = ["w_energy_rate", "wh_energy_used"]
def get_subsystem(val):
"""Return valid subsystem from given string or None."""
for s in SUBSYSTEMS:
if s in val:
return s
return None
def get_energy_metric(name):
"""Return valid energy metric or None."""
if name in ENERGY_RATINGS:
return name
return None
def color_number(value):
"""Return the number as a string with color formatting"""
if value == "NA" or value < 0:
color = Fore.RED
color = Fore.GREEN
return (color + "{}" + Style.RESET_ALL).format(value)
def get_test_name(fname):
"""Read the test name from the JSON file, if we can find it."""
json_file = Path(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fname), "results.json"))
if not json_file.exists():
return ""
results = json.loads(open(json_file).read())
return results["tests"][0]["testname"]
# pylint: disable=broad-except
except Exception:
return ""
def read_report(fname):
"""Read a test log and return a dictionary of metrics.
There are two kinds of allowed metrics:
- A set of subsystems
- A set of energy usage metrics
The returned dictionary will have keys for both, if they are present
in the log.
def is_float(val):
return True
except ValueError:
return False
def is_valid_name(subsystem, metric):
if subsystem is None:
return False
if get_energy_metric(metric):
return True
if "temp" in metric:
return False
if "avg" in metric:
return True
return False
metrics = {}
with open(fname, "r") as results:
for line in results.readlines():
if not line:
arr = line.split()
if not (len(arr) == 3 and is_float(arr[2])):
metric_name = arr[1]
if get_subsystem(metric_name):
subsys_name = get_subsystem(metric_name)
subsys_name = get_energy_metric(metric_name)
if not is_valid_name(subsys_name, metric_name):
# ignore max min std cnt and temperature measurements
metrics[metric_name] = float(arr[2])
return metrics
def main():
"""Read the files and create the report."""
usage = """./ /path/to/old-result/test_report.log
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
old_file = sys.argv[1]
new_file = sys.argv[2]
metric_diffs = {}
subsys_diffs = {s: [] for s in SUBSYSTEMS}
test_name = get_test_name(new_file)
metrics_old = read_report(old_file)
metric_diffs = dict(metrics_old)
metrics_new = read_report(new_file)
for metric_name, new_val in metrics_new.items():
if metric_name not in metric_diffs:
metric_diffs[metric_name] -= new_val
subsys_name = get_subsystem(metric_name)
if subsys_name is None:
if new_val != 0:
metric_diffs[metric_name] / new_val
elif metric_diffs[metric_name] != 0:
# there is a difference but cant divide by kn value since its 0
# use 100% change if one value is 0
# Compute differences in w_energy_rate and wh_energy_used
wer_diff = metrics_old["w_energy_rate"] - metrics_new["w_energy_rate"]
except KeyError:
# In case w_energy_rate is missing in either report
wer_diff = "NA"
whe_diff = metrics_old["wh_energy_used"] - metrics_new["wh_energy_used"]
except KeyError:
# In case w_energy_rate is missing in either report
whe_diff = "NA"
def summary_print(buf, format_fn):
# if the diff is negative, the kernel-next used more power
buf.write(f"******************* Test: {test_name} ")
buf.write("ENERGY RATINGS ********************\n")
buf.write("w_energy_rate difference: " + format_fn(wer_diff) + "\n")
buf.write("wh_energy_used difference: " + format_fn(whe_diff) + "\n")
buf.write(f"******************* Test: {test_name} ")
buf.write("SUB SYSTEMS************************\n")
buf.write("Average percent change in each subsystem ")
buf.write("(Positive values indicate better performance)\n")
for subsys in SUBSYSTEMS:
if len(subsys_diffs[subsys]) == 0:
buf.write(": ")
avg_percent_diff = (
sum(subsys_diffs[subsys]) / len(subsys_diffs[subsys]) * 100
summarybuf = StringIO()
# Print a summary of statistic to standard out
summary_print(summarybuf, color_number)
# Dump summary to file as well
suffix = test_name + "_" + str(int(time.time())) + ".txt"
with open("summary_" + suffix, "w") as summary:
summary_print(summary, str)
with open("diffs_" + suffix, "w") as diffs:
diffs.write("Diff of each individual metric:\n")
for metric in list(metric_diffs.keys()):
diffs.write(": ")
if __name__ == "__main__":