blob: 07a291d8da490e11ad9d468480ac351ba2b46773 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The ChromiumOS Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package builder
import (
test_platform_common ""
buildbucketpb ""
// CTP builder contains fields needed to send a build to CTP
type CTPBuilder struct {
// AuthOptions represent configuration for LUCI Auth used when sending
// builds to buildbucket such as the location of the client tokens or scope
// These should match the options used to log into LUCI
// For more context, see
AuthOptions *auth.Options
// BBClient is the client used to create buildbucket requests
// If nil, a client will be created as part of scheduling the request
BBClient buildbucket.BBClient
// BBService is the URL of the buildbucket service to run against
// Defaults to
BBService string // TODO
// Board is the board to run against
// Board is REQUIRED
Board string
// BuilderID is the builder we want to submit the CTP requests to.
// If not provided, will submit to chromeos/testplatform/cros_test_platform builder
BuilderID *buildbucketpb.BuilderID // TODO
// CFT determines whether we will use CFT to run tests.
CFT bool
// TRV2 determines whether we will use Test Runner V2
TRV2 bool
// DynamicTRV2 determines whether we will use Dynamic Test Runner V2.
DynamicTRV2 bool
// CpconPublish determines whether we will upload to cpcon
CpconPublish bool
// CTPBuildTags are any tags that should be associated solely with the CTP
// build and not passed down to the test_runner builds.
CTPBuildTags map[string]string
// Dimensions contains required dimensions for swarming bots
Dimensions map[string]string
// Image is the image to be provisioned on the DUT when running the test
// Image is REQUIRED
Image string
// ImageBucket is the GS bucket name where we will pull the image
// If not provided, ImageBucket will be `chromeos-image-archive`
ImageBucket string
// Keyvals will be passed into autotest
Keyvals map[string]string
// LacrosPath is the GS path to a Lacros object
LacrosPath string
// MaxRetries controls the amount of times CTP will attempt to retry a test
MaxRetries int
// Model specifies what model a test should run on
Model string
// Pool specifies what `label-pool` dimension we should run a test on
// Pool is REQUIRED
Pool string
// Priority is the swarming priority to run tests under
// Priority and QSAccount cannot both be set
Priority int64
// Properties are any input properties to the CTP build that aren't a part
// of the CTP request built. Should not include a key with `requests`
Properties map[string]interface{}
// ProvisionLabels are any labels impacting how we provision a test
ProvisionLabels map[string]string
// QSAccount is what QuotaScheduler account the tests should run under
// Priority and QSAccount cannot both be set
QSAccount string
// ResultsUploadConfig contains the desired ResultsUploadConfig.
ResultsUploadConfig *test_platform.Request_Params_ResultsUploadConfig
// SecondaryBoards is a list containing the boards of any secondary devices
SecondaryBoards []string
// SecondaryModels is a list containing the models of any secondary devices
// Should either be equal to the length of SecondaryBoards or zero
SecondaryModels []string
// SecondaryImages is a list containing the images of any secondary devices
// Should be of equal length to SecondaryBoards or zero
SecondaryImages []string
// SecondaryBoards is a list containing the LacrosPath of any secondary devices
// Should either be equal to the length of SecondaryBoards or zero
SecondaryLacrosPaths []string
// TestPlan is the test plan we want to execute
// These should not be built by hand, instead using a method in the CTP client lib
TestPlan *test_platform.Request_TestPlan
// TestRunnerBuildTags are any tags that should be applied to the
// downstream Test Runner builds.
TestRunnerBuildTags map[string]string
// TimeoutMins is the timeout of the CTP run in minutes
// If not set, will default to 360
TimeoutMins int
// UseScheduke determines if we use Scheduke to schedule the CTP build
UseScheduke bool
// ScheduleCTPBuild sends a buildbucket request based on CTPBuilder
func (c *CTPBuilder) ScheduleCTPBuild(ctx context.Context) (*buildbucketpb.Build, error) {
err := c.validateAndAddDefaults()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// `testRunnerTags` are only applied to the downstream test runner builds
testRunnerTags := c.TestRunnerTags()
ctpRequest, err := c.TestPlatformRequest(testRunnerTags)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// ctpBuildTags are only applied to the parent CTP build
ctpBuildTags := c.CtpTags()
// Parent cros_test_platform builds run on generic GCE bots at the default
// priority, so we pass zero values for the dimensions and priority of the
// parent build.
// buildProps contains separate dimensions and priority values to apply to
// the child test_runner builds that will be launched by the parent build.
return buildbucket.ScheduleBuild(ctx, c.Properties, nil, ctpBuildTags, 0, c.BBClient, c.BuilderID)
const (
defaultImageBucket = "chromeos-image-archive"
defaultSwarmingPriority = 140
defaultSwarmingTimeout = 360
defaultBBService = ""
minSwarmingPriority = 50
maxSwarmingPriority = 255
func getDefaultBuilder() *buildbucketpb.BuilderID {
return &buildbucketpb.BuilderID{
Project: "chromeos",
Bucket: "testplatform",
Builder: "cros_test_platform",
// clientGenerator allows injection fake client generation in tests of
// AddDefaultBBClient.
var clientGenerator = buildbucket.NewClient
// AddDefaultBBClient adds a client respecting the CTPBuilder's configuration
// and should suffice for most use cases
func (c *CTPBuilder) AddDefaultBBClient(ctx context.Context) error {
bbService := c.BBService
if bbService == "" {
bbService = defaultBBService
authOptions := c.AuthOptions
if authOptions == nil {
authOptions = &site.DefaultAuthOptions
client, err := clientGenerator(ctx, bbService, authOptions, buildbucket.NewHTTPClient)
if err != nil {
return err
c.BBClient = client
return nil
// validateAndAddDefaults checks for any required fields and adds appropriate
// defaults to necessary fields
func (c *CTPBuilder) validateAndAddDefaults() error {
if c.ImageBucket == "" {
c.ImageBucket = defaultImageBucket
if c.Priority == 0 {
c.Priority = defaultSwarmingPriority
if c.TimeoutMins == 0 {
c.TimeoutMins = defaultSwarmingTimeout
if c.BuilderID == nil {
c.BuilderID = getDefaultBuilder()
var errors []string
if c.Board == "" {
errors = append(errors, "missing board flag")
if c.Pool == "" {
errors = append(errors, "missing pool flag")
if c.Priority < minSwarmingPriority || c.Priority > maxSwarmingPriority {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("priority flag should be in [%d, %d]", minSwarmingPriority, maxSwarmingPriority))
// For multi-DUTs result reporting purpose we need board info, so even if
// explicit secondary models request, we need to ensure board info is also
// provided and the count matches.
if len(c.SecondaryModels) > 0 && len(c.SecondaryBoards) != len(c.SecondaryModels) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("number of requested secondary-boards: %d does not match with number of requested secondary-models: %d", len(c.SecondaryBoards), len(c.SecondaryModels)))
// If OS provision is required for secondary DUTs, then we require an image name for
// each secondary DUT.
if len(c.SecondaryImages) > 0 && len(c.SecondaryBoards) != len(c.SecondaryImages) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("number of requested secondary-boards: %d does not match with number of requested secondary-images: %d", len(c.SecondaryBoards), len(c.SecondaryImages)))
// If lacros provision is required for secondary DUTs, then we require a path for
// each secondary DUT.
if len(c.SecondaryLacrosPaths) > 0 && len(c.SecondaryLacrosPaths) != len(c.SecondaryBoards) {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("number of requested secondary-boards: %d does not match with number of requested secondary-lacros-paths: %d", len(c.SecondaryBoards), len(c.SecondaryLacrosPaths)))
if c.BBClient == nil {
errors = append(errors, fmt.Sprintf("BBClient is required to be non-nil. You likely just need to call CTPBuilder.AddDefaultBBClient() to accomplish this"))
if len(errors) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf(strings.Join(errors, "\n"))
return nil
const (
// containerMetadataURLSuffix is the URL suffix for the container metadata
// URL in the ChromeOS image archive.
containerMetadataURLSuffix = "metadata/containers.jsonpb"
// CtpTags returns the tags we should attach to the parent CTP build.
func (c *CTPBuilder) CtpTags() map[string]string {
tags := map[string]string{}
for k, v := range c.CTPBuildTags {
tags[k] = v
for k, v := range c.genericTags() {
tags[k] = v
return tags
// TestRunnerTags returns the tags we should attach to each test runner build
// by combining user supplied tags with generic metadata tags.
func (c *CTPBuilder) TestRunnerTags() map[string]string {
tags := map[string]string{}
for k, v := range c.TestRunnerBuildTags {
tags[k] = v
for k, v := range c.genericTags() {
tags[k] = v
return tags
// genericTags generates a set of metadata tags that should be applied to both
// CTP builds as well as the downstream test runner builds.
func (c *CTPBuilder) genericTags() map[string]string {
tags := map[string]string{}
// Add metadata tags.
if c.Board != "" {
tags["label-board"] = c.Board
if c.Model != "" {
tags["label-model"] = c.Model
if c.Pool != "" {
tags["label-pool"] = c.Pool
if c.Image != "" {
tags["label-image"] = c.Image
// Only surface the priority if Quota Account was unset.
if c.QSAccount != "" {
tags["label-quota-account"] = c.QSAccount
} else if c.Priority != 0 {
tags["label-priority"] = fmt.Sprint(c.Priority)
return tags
// TestPlatformRequest constructs a cros_test_platform.Request from the given CTPBuilder
func (c *CTPBuilder) TestPlatformRequest(buildTags map[string]string) (*test_platform.Request, error) {
softwareDependencies, err := c.softwareDependencies()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
gsPath := fmt.Sprintf("gs://%s/%s", c.ImageBucket, c.Image)
cftSteps := &test_platform_common.CftStepsConfig{
ConfigType: &test_platform_common.CftStepsConfig_HwTestConfig{
HwTestConfig: &test_platform_common.HwTestConfig{
RunCpconPublish: c.CpconPublish,
request := &test_platform.Request{
TestPlan: c.TestPlan,
Params: &test_platform.Request_Params{
FreeformAttributes: &test_platform.Request_Params_FreeformAttributes{
SwarmingDimensions: common.ToKeyvalSlice(c.Dimensions),
HardwareAttributes: &test_platform.Request_Params_HardwareAttributes{
Model: c.Model,
SoftwareAttributes: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareAttributes{
BuildTarget: &chromiumos.BuildTarget{Name: c.Board},
SoftwareDependencies: softwareDependencies,
Scheduling: c.schedulingParams(),
Decorations: &test_platform.Request_Params_Decorations{
AutotestKeyvals: c.Keyvals,
Tags: common.ToKeyvalSlice(buildTags),
Retry: c.retryParams(),
Metadata: &test_platform.Request_Params_Metadata{
TestMetadataUrl: gsPath,
DebugSymbolsArchiveUrl: gsPath,
ContainerMetadataUrl: gsPath + "/" + containerMetadataURLSuffix,
Time: &test_platform.Request_Params_Time{
MaximumDuration: durationpb.New(
time.Duration(c.TimeoutMins) * time.Minute),
RunViaCft: c.CFT,
RunViaTrv2: c.TRV2,
TranslateTrv2Request: c.DynamicTRV2,
Trv2StepsConfig: cftSteps,
ScheduleViaScheduke: c.UseScheduke,
Results: c.ResultsUploadConfig,
// Handling multi-DUTs use case if secondaryBoards provided.
if len(c.SecondaryBoards) > 0 {
request.Params.SecondaryDevices = c.secondaryDevices()
return request, nil
// softwareDependencies constructs test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency
// from fields in softwareDependencies
func (c *CTPBuilder) softwareDependencies() ([]*test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency, error) {
deps, err := softwareDepsFromProvisionLabels(c.ProvisionLabels)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if c.ImageBucket != "" {
deps = append(deps, &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{
Dep: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_ChromeosBuildGcsBucket{
ChromeosBuildGcsBucket: c.ImageBucket,
if c.Image != "" {
deps = append(deps, &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{
Dep: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_ChromeosBuild{ChromeosBuild: c.Image},
if c.LacrosPath != "" {
deps = append(deps, &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{
Dep: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_LacrosGcsPath{LacrosGcsPath: c.LacrosPath},
return deps, nil
// softwareDepsFromProvisionLabels parses the given provision labels into a
// []*test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency.
func softwareDepsFromProvisionLabels(labels map[string]string) ([]*test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency, error) {
var deps []*test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency
for label, value := range labels {
dep := &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{}
switch label {
// These prefixes are interpreted by autotest's provisioning behavior;
// they are defined in the autotest repo, at utils/
case "cros-version":
dep.Dep = &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_ChromeosBuild{
ChromeosBuild: value,
case "fwro-version":
dep.Dep = &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_RoFirmwareBuild{
RoFirmwareBuild: value,
case "fwrw-version":
dep.Dep = &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_RwFirmwareBuild{
RwFirmwareBuild: value,
return nil, errors.Reason("invalid provisionable label %s", label).Err()
deps = append(deps, dep)
return deps, nil
// schedulingParams constructs Swarming scheduling params from test run flags.
func (c *CTPBuilder) schedulingParams() *test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling {
s := &test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling{}
if managedPool, isManaged := managedPool(c.Pool); isManaged {
s.Pool = &test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool_{ManagedPool: managedPool}
} else {
s.Pool = &test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_UnmanagedPool{UnmanagedPool: c.Pool}
// Priority and Quota Scheduler account cannot coexist in a CTP request.
// Only attach priority if no quota account is specified.
if c.QSAccount != "" {
s.QsAccount = c.QSAccount
} else {
s.Priority = c.Priority
return s
// secondaryDevices constructs secondary devices data for a test platform request
func (c *CTPBuilder) secondaryDevices() []*test_platform.Request_Params_SecondaryDevice {
var secondary_devices []*test_platform.Request_Params_SecondaryDevice
for i, b := range c.SecondaryBoards {
sd := &test_platform.Request_Params_SecondaryDevice{
SoftwareAttributes: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareAttributes{
BuildTarget: &chromiumos.BuildTarget{Name: b},
if len(c.SecondaryImages) > 0 && c.SecondaryImages[i] != "" {
sd.SoftwareDependencies = append(sd.SoftwareDependencies, &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{
Dep: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_ChromeosBuild{ChromeosBuild: c.SecondaryImages[i]},
if len(c.SecondaryModels) > 0 {
sd.HardwareAttributes = &test_platform.Request_Params_HardwareAttributes{
Model: c.SecondaryModels[i],
if len(c.SecondaryLacrosPaths) > 0 && c.SecondaryLacrosPaths[i] != "" {
sd.SoftwareDependencies = append(sd.SoftwareDependencies, &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency{
Dep: &test_platform.Request_Params_SoftwareDependency_LacrosGcsPath{LacrosGcsPath: c.SecondaryLacrosPaths[i]},
secondary_devices = append(secondary_devices, sd)
return secondary_devices
// retryParams constructs test_platform.Request_Params_Retry from CTPBuilder
func (c *CTPBuilder) retryParams() *test_platform.Request_Params_Retry {
return &test_platform.Request_Params_Retry{
Max: int32(c.MaxRetries),
Allow: c.MaxRetries != 0,
// managedPool returns the test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool
// matching the given pool string, and returns false if no match was found.
func managedPool(pool string) (test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool, bool) {
// Attempt to handle common pool name format discrepancies.
pool = strings.ToUpper(pool)
pool = strings.Replace(pool, "-", "_", -1)
pool = strings.Replace(pool, "DUT_POOL_", "MANAGED_POOL_", 1)
enum, ok := test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool_value[pool]
if !ok {
return 0, false
return test_platform.Request_Params_Scheduling_ManagedPool(enum), true
// addRequestToProperties adds the test platform request to the user-supplied
// properties in preparation to send to CTP builders
func (c *CTPBuilder) addRequestToProperties(r *test_platform.Request) {
if c.Properties == nil {
c.Properties = map[string]interface{}{}
c.Properties["requests"] = map[string]interface{}{
// Convert to protoreflect.ProtoMessage for easier type comparison.
"default": r.ProtoReflect().Interface(),