blob: 45003c5664130bc8b0a0e357878528824a1e9168 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// package servo_lib provides servo-related variables, such as dut-controls
// to be run before and after flashing, and a programmer argument.
package servo_lib
import "fmt"
type ServoConfig struct {
dut_on [][]string
dut_off [][]string
programmer string
type UnsupportedServoError struct {
servoType ServoType
board string
func (m *UnsupportedServoError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("board %v does not support servo %v", m.board, m.servoType.string)
func GetServoConfig(board, servoSerial string, servoType ServoType) (*ServoConfig, error) {
dut_on := [][]string{{"cpu_fw_spi:on"}}
dut_off := [][]string{{"cpu_fw_spi:off"}}
programmer := ""
if servoType.IsV2() {
programmer = fmt.Sprintf("ft2232_spi:type=google-servo-v2,serial=%v", servoSerial)
} else if servoType.IsMicro() || servoType.IsC2D2() {
programmer = fmt.Sprintf("raiden_debug_spi:serial=%v", servoSerial)
} else if servoType.IsCCD() {
dut_on = nil
dut_off = nil
programmer = fmt.Sprintf("raiden_debug_spi:target=AP,serial=%v", servoSerial)
} else {
return nil, &UnsupportedServoError{servoType, board}
return &ServoConfig{dut_on, dut_off, programmer}, nil