cros_bundle_firmware: Move adding the payload earlier

That way it's also in cb_with_fmap.


Change-Id: Ic4aeef1a8085dc0461884d4f66cd9bf67629f143
Signed-off-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Commit-Ready: Patrick Georgi <>
Tested-by: Patrick Georgi <>
Reviewed-by: Stefan Reinauer <>
diff --git a/host/lib/ b/host/lib/
index acf599d..650f910 100644
--- a/host/lib/
+++ b/host/lib/
@@ -630,6 +630,38 @@
     if self.rocbfs_files:
       self._AddCbfsFiles(bootstub, self.rocbfs_files)
+    # Make a copy of the fdt for the bootstub
+    fdt_data = self._tools.ReadFile(self.fdt.fname)
+    # Fix up the coreboot image here, since we can't do this until we have
+    # a final device tree binary.
+    fdt = self.fdt.Copy(os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'bootstub.dtb'))
+    if self.coreboot_elf:
+      self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [bootstub, 'add-payload', '-f',
+          self.coreboot_elf, '-n', 'fallback/payload', '-c', 'lzma'])
+    elif self.uboot_fname:
+      uboot_data = self._tools.ReadFile(self.uboot_fname)
+      uboot_copy = os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'u-boot.bin')
+      self._tools.WriteFile(uboot_copy, uboot_data)
+      uboot_dtb = os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'u-boot-dtb.bin')
+      self._tools.WriteFile(uboot_dtb, uboot_data + fdt_data)
+      text_base = 0x1110000
+      # This is the the 'movw $GD_FLG_COLD_BOOT, %bx' instruction
+      # 1110015:       66 bb 00 01             mov    $0x100,%bx
+      marker = struct.pack('<L', 0x0100bb66)
+      pos = uboot_data.find(marker)
+      if pos == -1 or pos > 0x100:
+        raise ValueError('Cannot find U-Boot cold boot entry point')
+      entry = text_base + pos
+      self._out.Notice('U-Boot entry point %#08x' % entry)
+      self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [bootstub, 'add-flat-binary', '-f',
+          uboot_dtb, '-n', 'fallback/payload', '-c', 'lzma',
+          '-l', '%#x' % text_base, '-e', '%#x' % entry])
+    self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [bootstub, 'add', '-f', fdt.fname,
+        '-n', 'u-boot.dtb', '-t', '0xac'])
     # Create a coreboot copy to use as a scratch pad.
     cb_copy = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'cb_with_fmap'))
     self._tools.WriteFile(cb_copy, self._tools.ReadFile(bootstub))
@@ -953,38 +985,7 @@
-    # Make a copy of the fdt for the bootstub
-    fdt_data = self._tools.ReadFile(fdt.fname)
-    # Fix up the coreboot image here, since we can't do this until we have
-    # a final device tree binary.
     bootstub = pack.GetProperty('coreboot')
-    fdt = fdt.Copy(os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'bootstub.dtb'))
-    if self.coreboot_elf:
-      self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [bootstub, 'add-payload', '-f',
-          self.coreboot_elf, '-n', 'fallback/payload', '-c', 'lzma'])
-    elif self.uboot_fname:
-      uboot_data = self._tools.ReadFile(self.uboot_fname)
-      uboot_copy = os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'u-boot.bin')
-      self._tools.WriteFile(uboot_copy, uboot_data)
-      uboot_dtb = os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'u-boot-dtb.bin')
-      self._tools.WriteFile(uboot_dtb, uboot_data + fdt_data)
-      text_base = 0x1110000
-      # This is the the 'movw $GD_FLG_COLD_BOOT, %bx' instruction
-      # 1110015:       66 bb 00 01             mov    $0x100,%bx
-      marker = struct.pack('<L', 0x0100bb66)
-      pos = uboot_data.find(marker)
-      if pos == -1 or pos > 0x100:
-        raise ValueError('Cannot find U-Boot cold boot entry point')
-      entry = text_base + pos
-      self._out.Notice('U-Boot entry point %#08x' % entry)
-      self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [bootstub, 'add-flat-binary', '-f',
-          uboot_dtb, '-n', 'fallback/payload', '-c', 'lzma',
-          '-l', '%#x' % text_base, '-e', '%#x' % entry])
-    self._tools.Run('cbfstool', [bootstub, 'add', '-f', fdt.fname,
-        '-n', 'u-boot.dtb', '-t', '0xac'])
     data = self._tools.ReadFile(bootstub)
     bootstub_copy = os.path.join(self._tools.outdir, 'coreboot-8mb.rom')
     self._tools.WriteFile(bootstub_copy, data)